378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 18, Fir t Lieut. Mareus Aurelius Smith Ming, Field Artillery. Pno::\roTio_- L~ THE PHILIPP~E ScouTs. {Nominated :March 11, 1921, and co~med March 14, 1921, To be majors 'lt..'ifh <rank tro.m, 1, 1920. under the name of Marcus Aurelius ·sin1th King.) J1~;ly Fir t Lieut. William Agnew Howland, Infantry. (Nominated Capt. Esteban Boadilla Dalao, Philippine Scouts. March ll, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the name Capt. Thomas Kenneth C.ollins, Philippine eouts. of 'Villiam Agnew NOWland.) Capt. Conrad Skladal, Philippine Scouts. Fir t Lieut. Petel' Hanses, Quartermaster Corps. (Nominated Capt. WellOOrn Dent, Philippine- SeouL. March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921 under the name Capt. Vicente Lim. Philippin Scout . of Peter Hansen.) To be captains. First Lieut. George Edward Huthsteiner, Cavalry. (Nomi­ Fi:rst Lieut. David Bernard Doty, jr., Philippine Scout ~. from nated 1\Iarch 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the July 1, 1920. name of George Edward Huthsteimer.) First Lieut. James DonLon Carter, Philippine Scouts, from First Lieut. John Adams Hettinger, Cavalry. (Nominated July 21, 1920. March 11, 1921, and confirmed :r.Ia.rch 14, 1921, under the name First Lieut: Fidel Segundo y Venturo, Philippine Scouts, fTom of John Adams Nettinger.) September 22, 1920. Fir t Lieut. Oscar Nelson Schjerven, Field Artillery. (Nomi­ First Lieut. SalTadol: Formo o Reye ·, Philippine SeouL, trOP.l nated l\farch 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the October 15, 1920. nl.lllle of Oscar Nelson Sehierven.) 'l'o be first lieutenant 'lcith mnlv from J ·uly 1"1, 1920. Fir_, t Lieut. Paul Josep:O. Matte, Cavalry. ' (Nominated March 11, 1921, ana confirmed March 1..4, 1921, under the name of Paul Second Li-eut.. Mariano S. Sullt, Philippine Srouts. Joseph Matts.) CORRECTI:SG ERRORS IN NAMES OF NOMINEE~. Fil·st Lieut. John Adruns Ballard, Infantry. (Nominated This message is submitted for the purpo. e of correcting errors 1\Iarch 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the name in the names of nominee . of John Adams Bullard.) To be catJfain 'lt:ith 'ranlc from J1tl·y 1, 1920. Fir t Lieut. Chester David Hilton, Quartermaster Corps. (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, First Lieut. Louis Rada. SalY"o a, Philippine Scouts. (Nomi· under the name of Chester David Milton.) nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the Second Lieut. BenJamin Mills Crenshaw, Infantry. (Nomi­ name of Louis Rada Bnh·osa.) nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the To be first lieutenant 'I.Cith 1-an"f<, trmn J ·uly 1, 19JO. name of Benjamin Mills Cronshaw.) Second Lieut. Fei'Ilron Artbur- Shults,. Philippine- Srolrt8. First Lieut. Robert Wilbar Wilson, Field Artillery. (Nomi­ (Nominated March 11, 1921, ::md confirmed l\fn.rcb 14, 1921, nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the under the name of Fnrmon Artbur Shults~) name of Robert Whipple Wilson.) I desire the consent of tl~e Senate to the appoirr.tmeJJ.t, nuder his true name, of Antonio Vazquez-Bl"uno, captain, Infantry, To be first lieutenants witl£ mnk· fTO»'II July 1, 1920. with rank from July !, 1920. Second Lieut. Lewis Dabney Hix on, Infantry. (Nominated I desire the consent of the Senate to the appointment, under March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under- the name his true name, of Augustu.,. Vigilant Nobte, mnjo:r; Quarter­ of Lewis Dabney Bixson.) , master Cerps, with rank from July 1, 1920. Second Lieut. Tonnes Dennison, Field Artillery. (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921.. under the name of Townes Dennison.) CO .:.. .FiruJATIO.t: . Second Lieut. Louie Cliff-ord Maliory, Ail· Service. (Nomi­ Execut·i ·L·e nomlna.tions con{i·rmefl by the Senate Apri! 16 ( l€gis­ nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the latit;e- day of .Ap1·U 13), 1921. name of Louis Clifford Mallory. .) Second Lieut. Hans Christian Jespersen, Infantry. (Nomr­ SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE. OF GoYERNMENT AT IN'l'Efl~_\.TIO c u~ nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed Marelt 14, 1921, under the Co:MMUNICA.nO!!fS CONFERENCE. nam ~ of Hans Christian Jesperson.) Henry P. Fletcher to be special representative of the. G&vern­ Second Lieut. Engrnann August Andersen, Quartermaster ment at International Comml.lili:cation Conf"erence. Corps. (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, AMRAS ..uK>RS. 1921, under the name of Engman August Anderson.) · Myron T. Herrick to be nmba ador extraordinary am\ pleni­ Second Lieut. Benjamin Harrison Graban, Cavah·y. (Nomi­ potentiary to France. nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the George Harvey to be nmbas allor e:rtrnordinary :rnd plenipo­ nrune of Benjamin Harrison Graham.. ) tentiar~ to Great Britain. Second Lieut. Ernest Emery Harmon~ Ail' Service. (Nomi­ nated Uarcb 11, 1921,. and confirmed l\1arch 14, 1921. under the CoM.MI.SSIOXER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. name o.f Ernest Henry Harmon.) Charles H. Burke to be Commi sion.ex of Imlian .A1Iah· . Second Lieut. Dean Bryan Belt, Air Service. (Nominated FIRST ASSIST..L"l"T POSTMASTER GENERAL. March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921., under the name Hubert Work to be First Assi tant Pu&i:master Gen ral. of Dean Bryan Bolt-) Second Lieut. Christian Stephen Andersen, Coast Artillery S:Eco~n .AssisTA~""T PosTMASTER GE~ER.AL . Corp . (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14. Edward H. Shaughnessy to be Second Assi tant Po tmaster 1921, under the name of Christian Stephen Anderson.) General. Second Lieut. Gerald Bradford Devore, Infantry. (Nomi­ nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the name of Gerald Bradford Devere.) SEN TE. Second Lieut. Albert · Francis Hegenberger, Air Service. (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed Marclf 14, 1921, ~IoxD..:\Y April18, 1fmL under the name of Albert Francis Regenberger.) Second Lieut. Harold· Farnsworth Hubbell, Signal Corps. The Clluplain, He1. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered th following (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, prayer: under the name of Harold Farnsworth Rubbell.) Our Father, we recognize the hanll that is lJlessing us. 'Ve Second Lieut. Laurens Claude, Air Service~ (Nominated recognize that goodness and mercy have been ministering un.to March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the name us through the days. We humbly ask that this morning we of Laurence Claude.) may realize increa ed obligation to do our best in Thy service To be- first lieMtenant with ranT.; tr01n Jttly 2, 1920. and for the welfare of our Nation. We pray in Chri t's nnme. Second Lieut . .John Robert Culleton, Field Artillery. (Nomi­ Amen. nated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the The As istant Secretary proceeuoo to read the Journal of name of .J obn Robert Cullston.) the proceedings of the legislatrre day of ·wednesda-y, April 13, Second Lieut. Morrison Page Chitterling, Coast Artillery 1921, when, on request of Mr. CURTI and by unanimous con. ·ent, Corps. (Nominated March 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, the ftu-ther reading wa.· dispensed with and the Journal was 1921, under the name of Morrison Page Chittering.) appro1ed. Second Lieut. George Honnen, Infantry. (Nominated March 1\Ir. CURTIS. :.\lr. Pre~ident , I uggest th ab nee of a 11, 1921, and confirmed March 14, 1921, under the name of quorum. George Hennen~) The TICE PRE IDE)\T. The e retary w11J call the roU. 1921. CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-SEN.ATE. 379 The A sistant Secretary called the roll, and the following Mr. JONES of New Mexico. Mr. President, some time ago I Senator an. '"erecl to their names: received a telegram i1:1 opposHion to the so-called Smith-Towner Ashurst France Lodge Sheppard bill, requesting that it, }W r€ad to_the Senate. It is short, and Ball Frelinghuysen McCumber Simmons I ask that it ·may be reaci. Borah Gerry McKellar Smith There being no objection, the telegram was read and referred Brandegee Hale McKinley Smoot Broussard Harreld McLean Spe.!lcer to the Committee on Education and Labor, as follows : Bursum Harris McNary Stanfield ALBUQUERQUE, N. 'MEX., February 6, 1921. Cameron Hat·rison Moses Stanley Capper Heflin Nelson Sterling Hon. ANDRIE1JS A. JONES, Ca1·away Hitchcock New Trammell United Bt.ates Senate, Was114ngton, D. 0.: Colt Jones, N. Mex. Nicholson Underwood . For many years I have been engaged in educational work, and Culberson Jones, Wash. Norbeck Wadsworth therefore feel qualified to speak on the subject. I protest against the Cummins Kellogg Norris Walsh, Mass. Rmith-Towner bill as a gross violation o! the letter and spirit of the Curtis Kendl'ick Overman Walsh, Mont. Declaration of Independence. I request you to read this protest before Dial Kenyon Phipps Warren United States Senate. Dillingham Keyes Pittman Watson, Ga. P. J. WECKA, Edge Ladd Poindexter Willis Pastor San Felipe Church, Old Albuquerqt,e, N. Mex. Ernst La Follette Pomerene Wolcott Fletcher Lenroot Ransdell 1\lr. JONES of New Mexico. Mr. President, I present certain l\fr. CURTIS. I wish to announce that the Senator from resolutions from the Wool Growers' Association and the Cattle Nevada [l\1r. Onnm] is detained on· account of illness. and Horse Growers' Association of New Mexico, which I ask The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-one Senators having an­ may be inserted in the RECORD without reading. swered to their name , a quorum is present. There being no objection, the resolutions were referred as HowARD SUTHERLAND, a Senator from the State of West Vir­ indicated below and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as ginia, appeared in his seat to-day.
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