Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 101 / Tuesday, May 26, 2020 / Notices 31497 response to its request, in connection or entity in (a) responding to a ADMINSITRATIVE, TECHNICAL, AND PHYSICAL with hiring or retaining an employee, suspected or confirmed breach or (b) SAFEGUARDS: issuing a security clearance, reporting preventing, minimizing, or remedying FCA implements multiple layers of on an investigation of an employee, the risk of harm to individuals, the security to ensure access to records is letting a contract, or issuing a license, recipient agency or entity (including its limited to those with need-to-know in grant, or other benefit to the subject of information systems, programs, and support of their official duties. Records the record. operations), the federal government, or are physically safeguarded in a secured (4) We may disclose a record or national security, resulting from a environment using locked file rooms, information in the record system to a suspected or confirmed breach. file cabinets, or locked offices and other Federal congressional office to respond (10) We may disclose a record or physical safeguards. Computerized to an inquiry from that office made at information in the record system to records are safeguarded through use of the request of the person who is the appropriate agencies, entities, and user roles, passwords, firewalls, subject of the record. persons when (a) the FCA suspects or encryption, and other information (5) We may disclose a record or has confirmed that there has been a technology security measures. information in the record system to the breach of the system of records; (b) the RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: U.S. Department of Justice (‘‘DOJ’’) for FCA has determined that as a result of its use in providing legal advice to the To obtain a record, contact: Privacy the suspected or confirmed breach there Act Officer, Farm Credit FCA or in representing the FCA in a is a risk of harm to individuals, the FCA proceeding before a court, adjudicative Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, (including its information systems, McLean, VA 22102–5090, as provided body, or other administrative body, programs, and operations), the federal in 12 CFR part 603. where the use of such information by government, or national security; and (c) the DOJ is deemed by the FCA to be the disclosure made to such agencies, CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: relevant and necessary to the advice or entities, and persons is reasonably Direct requests for amendments to a proceeding, and in the case of a necessary to assist in connection with record to: Privacy Act Officer, Farm proceeding, such proceeding names as a FCA’s efforts to respond to the Credit Administration, 1501 Farm party in interest: suspected or confirmed breach or to Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102–5090, (a) The FCA; prevent, minimize, or remedy such as provided in 12 CFR part 603. (b) Any employee of the FCA in his harm. NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: or her official capacity; (11) We may disclose a record or (c) Any employee of the FCA in his information in the record system to Direct all inquiries about this system or her individual capacity where DOJ entities and persons performing work on of records to: Privacy Act Officer, Farm has agreed to represent the employee; or a contract, service, cooperative Credit Administration, McLean, VA (d) The United States, where the FCA agreement, or other activity on behalf of 22102–5090. determines that litigation is likely to the FCA or federal government and who EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED FOR THE SYSTEM: affect the FCA; have a need to access the record or (6) We may disclose a record or Any exemptions claimed for each information in the performance of their information in the record system to a specific system is described in the duties or activities. court, magistrate, or administrative system’s corresponding SORN located (12) We may disclose a record or tribunal in presenting evidence, here: https://www.fca.gov/required- information in the record system to including disclosures to counsel or notices/privacy-program/. another federal or state agency to (a) witnesses during civil discovery, make a decision on the access, HISTORY: litigation, administrative proceedings, amendment or correction of records to The history of the FCA’s various settlement negotiations, or in be made in consultation with or by that systems can be located at: https:// connection with criminal proceedings, agency, or (b) verify an individual’s www.fca.gov/required-notices/privacy- when FCA is a party to the litigation or identity or the accuracy of information program/. In order that the Agency’s proceeding. submitted by an individual who has general routine uses will be contained (7) We may disclose a record or in a single notice readily accessible by information in the record system to a requested access to or amendment or correction of records. the public, the FCA is taking the court or other adjudicative body before opportunity to republish the Statement which FCA is authorized to appear POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR STORAGE OF of General Routine Uses previously when, RECORDS: published in Federal Register Vol. 64, (i) FCA, or The storage practices for each system No. 100/Tuesday, May 25, 1999, page (ii) Any FCA employee in his or her are set out in the corresponding SORN 21875. individual capacity, is a party or has an located here: https://www.fca.gov/ Dated: May 19, 2020. interest in the litigation or proceeding required-notices/privacy-program/. and FCA deems the use of such records Dale Aultman, to be relevant and necessary. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR RETRIEVAL OF Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board. (8) We may disclose a record or RECORDS: [FR Doc. 2020–11199 Filed 5–22–20; 8:45 am] information in the record system to the Depending on the particular system, BILLING CODE 6705–01–P National Archives and Records paper and electronic records may be Administration for records management retrieved by name or other identifying inspections conducted under 44 U.S.C. aspects. FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION 2904 and 2906. (9) We may disclose a record or POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR RETENTION AND Privacy Act of 1974; System of information in the record system to DISPOSAL OF RECORDS: Records another federal agency or entity, when The retention period for each system AGENCY: Farm Credit Administration. FCA determines that information from is set out in the corresponding SORN ACTION: Notice of a modified system of the record system is reasonably located here: https://www.fca.gov/ records. necessary to assist the recipient agency required-notices/privacy-program/. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:08 May 22, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26MYN1.SGM 26MYN1 31498 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 101 / Tuesday, May 26, 2020 / Notices SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of Once you are in the website, click Representatives, and the Committee on the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, inside the ‘‘I want to . .’’ field, near Homeland Security and Governmental notice is hereby given that the Farm the top of the page; select ‘‘find Affairs of the Senate. The notice is Credit Administration (FCA or Agency) comments on a pending regulation’’ published in its entirety below. is amending an existing system of from the dropdown menu; and click records, FCA–10—Farm Credit System ‘‘Go.’’ This will take you to the SYSTEM NAME AND NUMBER: Institution Criminal Referrals—FCA. Comment Letters page, where you can FCA–10—Farm Credit System The Farm Credit System Institution select the SORN for which you would Institution Criminal Referrals—FCA. Criminal Referrals—FCA system is used like to read public comments. The SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: to track the progress of criminal referrals comments will be posted as submitted through the justice system, to notify but, for technical reasons, items such as Unclassified. FCA examiners and Farm Credit System logos and special characters may be SYSTEM LOCATION: institutions of criminal referrals, and to omitted. Identifying information that Office of Examination, Farm Credit issue notices/orders of prohibition. The you provide, such as phone numbers Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, Agency is updating the notice to clarify and addresses, will be publicly McLean, VA 22102–5090. and include more details about the available. However, we will attempt to categories of records maintained in the remove email addresses to help reduce SYSTEM MANAGER: system, how they are maintained, to internet spam. Director, Office of Examination, Farm update the routine uses, to make FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Credit Administration, 1501 Farm administrative updates, and to make Autumn R. Agans, Privacy Act Officer, Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102–5090. non-substantive changes to conform to Farm Credit Administration, McLean, AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: the system of records notice (SORN) Virginia 22102–5090, (703) 883–4019, template requirements prescribed in the TTY (703) 883–4020. 12 U.S.C. 2243, 2252 and 12 CFR part 612. Office of Management and Budget SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This (OMB) Circular No. A–108. publication satisfies the requirement of PURPOSES OF THE SYSTEM: DATES: You may send written comments the Privacy Act of 1974 that agencies Information in this system of records on or before June 25, 2020. FCA filed an publish a system of records notice in the is used to track the progress of criminal amended System Report with Congress Federal Register when there is a referrals through the justice system, to and the Office of Management and revision, change, or addition to the notify FCA examiners, the FCA Office of Budget on April 20, 2020. This notice system of records. The substantive General Counsel, and Farm Credit will become effective without further changes and modifications to the System (FCS) institutions of criminal publication on July 6, 2020 unless currently published version of FCA– referrals, and to issue notices/orders of modified by a subsequent notice to 10—Farm Credit System Institution prohibition or take other enforcement incorporate comments received from the Criminal Referrals—FCA include: actions.
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