Cambridge University Press 0521828732 - The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge: Transformation and Change Edited by Mary D. Archer and Christopher D. Haley Index More information Index 1702 Chair resignation of George Downing Liveing, appointment of Alan Battersby, 270 184 appointment of Alexander Robertus Todd, resignation of Isaac Pennington, 103 200, 213 resignation of Richard Watson, 66 appointment of George Downing Liveing, resignation of William Farish, 105, 142 168 retirement of Alan Battersby, 280 appointment of Isaac Pennington, 85–86 retirement of Ralph Alexander Raphael, appointment of James Cumming, 142 253 appointment of John Francis Vigani, 31 appointment of John Hadley, 45 aaptamine, 249, 250 appointment of John Mickleburgh, 45 actomyosin, 224 appointment of John Waller, 45 Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, 85, 87, appointment of Ralph Alexander Raphael, 253 247, 269 adenosine triphosphate, 222, 223 appointment of Richard Watson, 60 Agricola, Georg, 44 appointment of Smithson Tennant, 107 Alchemists’ Club, Glasgow, 245 appointment of Steven Victor Ley, 280, Alexander, Albert Ernest, 204 283 alkaloids, 259, 263, 265, 266, 269, 273, appointment of William Farish, 103 274 appointment of William Jackson Pope, 190 and chemotherapy, 264 death in office of James Cumming, 156 biosynthesis of, 261, 263, 264 death in office of John Francis Vigani, 37 indole family, 264 death in office of John Hadley, 60 Allan Glen’s School, Glasgow, 210 death in office of John Mickleburgh, 45 Amati, Nicola, 253 death in office of John Waller, 10 amatol, 204 death in office of Smithson Tennant, 134 Amp`ere,Andr´e-Marie,157, 159 death in office of William Jackson Pope, 199 Anderson’s College, Glasgow, 179 election procedure in 1771–73, 85 Andrew, Raymond, 204 election procedure in 1813–15, 1, 142, 205 Anglicanism, 2, 3, 15 endowed by BP, 270 anthocyanins, 210, 217, 232 endowment, 61 anti-gas respirators, 181 possible appointment of Alan Battersby, 269 anti-leukaemic compounds, 248 renamed BP 1702 Chair, 280 anti-malarials, 204 renamed Chair of Organic Chemistry, 216 Antiphlogistians, 85, 93 resignation of Alexander Robertus Todd, anti-tumour agents, 295 233, 247, 269 aphids, 232 304 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828732 - The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge: Transformation and Change Edited by Mary D. Archer and Christopher D. Haley Index More information Index 305 apothecaries, 32, 37, 38, 39, 45, 53 University of Manchester, 259 Apothecaries Act, 148 University of St Andrews, 260 arachidonic acid, 241 Baum´e,Antoine, 61 Arigoni, Duilio, 277 Bayle, Pierre, 32 Armstrong, Henry Edward, 184, 190 Beale, John, 5 Ashby, Eric, 244 Becher, Johann Joachim, 17, 84 Askesian Society, 131 Beddoes, Thomas, 20, 21, 22, 49, 50 AstraZeneca, 244 Bedford College, London, 202 Astronomer Royal, 153 Belasyse, Thomas. See Fauconberg asymmetric quaternary ammonium salts, 183, Bell, Henry, 154 184 Bene’t Hall. See Corpus Christi College, Atherton, Alice, 138 Cambridge atomic theory, 141, 143, 144 Bentham, Jeremy, 23 ATP. See adenosine triphosphate Bentley, Richard, 3, 8, 9, 10, 13, 24, 37, 38, 41 Avery, Oswald T., 219 Benwell, John, 45 Avogadro, Amadeo, 152 benzylisoquinoline, 262, 263 Axford, Douglas, 204 Bergman, Torbern Olof, 48 Berington, Joseph, 21 B12. See vitamin B12 Bernal, John Desmond, 198, 206 Babbage, Charles, 24, 134, 142, 146 Berthollet, Claude Louis, 84, 119 Bacchus, Henry, 155 Berzelius, J¨onsJacob, 130, 132, 144, 146 Bacon, Francis, 65, 67 Bible Society, 90 Baddiley, James, 221, 223, 224 formation at University, 90 research student of Todd, 234 Birkbeck Laboratory, University College, synthesis of ATP, 222–223 London, 148 Bader, Alfred, 189 Bishop of Lincoln. See Tomline, George Bailey, Kenneth, 224 bismuth compounds, 179 Baker, Wilson, 261 Black, Joseph, 20, 23, 45, 48, 65, 92 Bamford, Harold Firth, 204 Blackburn, G. Michael, 231 Banks, Joseph, 113, 114, 127 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, 198 Banks, Robert, 45 Blagden, Charles, 63 Barger, George, 210 Blanche, Francis, 279 Barlow, William, 190 Blanes, Lord, 15 Barrow, Isaac, 5 Bletchley Park, 204 Bartoli, Daniello, 35 Board of Longitude, 24 Barton, Derek, 244 Boerhaave, Hermann, 8, 17, 31, 45, 92 Battersby, Alan Rushton, 217, 257–282 Bond, Henry, 148 and Alexander Todd, 259, 267, 268 Borsche, Walther, 210 and Ralph Raphael, 270 Botanic Garden, Cambridge, 149, 168 appointed to second chair of organic 1784 building, 90 chemistry at Cambridge, 267 establishment, 90 appointed to 1702 Chair, 60 head gardener, 91 biosynthesis of morphine, 261–263 lecture room, 168 biosynthesis of plant alkaloids, 264–266 Botany, professor of, 91, 168 biosynthesis of the Pigments of Life, 266, Boyle, Robert, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 35, 36, 37, 41, 270–275 43, 44 biosynthesis of vitamin B12, 276–280 BP 1702 Chair, 280 early life, 259 endowment, 270 portrait, 258 Bradley, Richard, 90 possible move to 1702 Chair, 269 Brady, Robert, 35 University of Bristol, 261 Bragg, (William) Lawrence, 228 University of Liverpool, 266 brewing, 176 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828732 - The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge: Transformation and Change Edited by Mary D. Archer and Christopher D. Haley Index More information 306 Index Brewster, David, 3 Catharine Hall, Cambridge. See St Catharine’s Brigham, Samuel, 45 College, Cambridge Bristol, University of Cavendish family, 138 and Alan Battersby, 261 Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 215, 228 British Association for the Advancement of Cavendish, Henry, 95 Science, 159, 160, 174 determination of density of the Earth, 97 British Dyestuffs Corporation, 201 Central Institution, London, 184 British Mineralogical Society, 131 Chambers, Ephraim, 58 British Museum, 182 Chaptal, Jean Antoine, 85 Brodie, Benjamin Collins Sr, 144 Elements of Chemistry,99 Brougham, Lord, 130 Chapter Coffee House Society, 49 Brown, Daniel M., 215, 226 charcoal cylinders, 75 reaction to double helix, 228 Charles II, 31 research with Todd, 234 Charterhouse School, 17, 46, 95 Brown, Roger F. Challis, 214 chemical elements Brownrigg, William, 96 year of discovery, 114 Buchanan, George, 245 chemical engineering, 205 Buchanan, J. Grant, 232 Chemical Society, 153, 183 Bun Shop (public house), 226 James Cumming as a founder member, Burke, Edmund, 21 159 Bykhovsky, Vladimir, 277 Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of, Byron, Lord, 144 33 chlorophyll, 257, 261, 270, 271, 275 Cain, Tubal, 31 Christ’s College, Cambridge, 35, 178, 232, Calgarth Park, Westmorland, 71, 73, 76, 77 245, 250, 251 calico-printing, 176 and Alexander Todd, 232 California Institute of Technology, 231 chromatography, 214, 232 Calzolari, Francesco, 32 chrysanthemic acid, 246 Cambridge Chemical Society, 203 Church Missionary Society, 90 Cambridge Mathematics Laboratory, 203 Churchill College, Cambridge Cambridge Philosophical Society, 96, 105, and Alexander Todd, 233 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 183 Churchill, Winston Spencer, 205 and Farish, 156 as Minister of Munitions, 202 Cambridge School of Agriculture, 174 City and Guilds College, London, 190 Cambridge Training College for Women, 181 Clapham Sect, 89 Cambridge University Act, 150 Clare College, Cambridge, 182 Cambridge University Rifle Volunteers, 174 Clark, William, 146 Cameron, Alastair, 204 Clarke, Edward Daniel, 21, 22, 142, 143, 147, Campbell, Hugh, 204 156 camphor, 265 Clarke, Samuel, 69 camphor derivatives, 184 Classical Tripos, 147, 153 camphorsulphonic acids, 184 Clausius, Rudolf, 177 cannabis, 219 Clothworkers’ Company, 178 Cannizzaro, Stanislao, 152 coal gas, 176 Cannon, Jack, 232, 276 cobalt complexes, 297 carbon-13, 272, 273, 276, 279 codeine, 263 carbon-14, 261, 262, 263, 273 codeinone, 263 Carlisle Grammar School, 96 Cohn, Waldo E., 225 Carlisle, Anthony, 113 Colchester, Henry, 41 carpanone, 296 colchicine, 264 Carter, Herbert, 261 college laboratories, 168, 169, 174, 195 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828732 - The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge: Transformation and Change Edited by Mary D. Archer and Christopher D. Haley Index More information Index 307 combinatorial chemistry, 286 cyanine dyes, 202 Committee on Scientific and Industrial cytochromes, 270 Research, 201, 202 Commonwealth Fund Fellowship, 260 D’Oyly, George, 145 Congreve, William, 75 Dainton, Frederick Sydney, 203, 204 contraceptive pill, 214 Dale, Henry Hallett, 199, 212 convergent synthesis, 292, 297 Dalton, John, 74, 113, 141, 215 Cook, James W., 243 Darwin, Charles, 141, 146, 168 copperas, 65 Darwin, Erasmus, 49, 145, 146, 160 cordite, 204 Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle, 151, 152, 153 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 14, 45, David, George E., 205 180 Davy, Humphry, 19, 22, 24, 62, 66, 102, 114, and Hales, 37, 41 141, 146, 152 and Mickleburgh, 14 isolation of Na, K, Ba, Sr, Ca and Mg, 114 and Stukeley, 37, 40 Dawson, John, 74 and Waller, 45 Day, Thomas, 38 corynantheal, 264, 265 DDT, 205 Cotes, Roger, 9, 37 de Kok, Johan Egbert Frederik (‘Frits’), 201 Cottenham, Charles Christopher Pepys, 1st De La Pryme. See Pryme Earl of, 99 de Morveau, Louis Bernard Guyton, Baron, Coulson, Charles, 160 84 Covel, John, 35 de Quincey, Thomas, 73 Craig, Lyman, 260 Dealtry, William, 145 Crane, John, 38 deaminase, 274 Cremonese violins, 252 Debussche, Laurent, 279 Crick, Francis, 215, 228 Dee, John, 4 Croucher Foundation, 233 Dekker, Charles (Chuck) A., 226, 228 Crouzet, Joel, 279 Delameth´erie,Jean Claude, 119 Crum Brown, Alexander, 171 Demonferrand, Jean Baptiste Firmin, 159 Cudworth, Ralph,
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