The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine INDEX Volume 52 /.: *v Published quarterly by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 4338 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A Andrews, J. Cutler, rev. of Curry's Blueprint "Account Book of General John Neville," for Modern America, NonNan MilitaryLegis- edited by James H. Moon, with appendix lation of the First Civil War Congress, of letters, pages from account books, maps 199-201 of Reserve Tracts, etc., 345-360 Anti-Mormon feeling, high during investiga- "Account Book of General John Neville," tion of Reed Smoot and Mormon Church, photographic copy of, in Pennsylvania Di- 49; tosome, itwas persecution, 49 vision of Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh; Anti-Mormon petitions, about four million, original in vault storage, 354; appendix, sent to Senators Knox and Penrose from 355-360 Pennsylvania, 50; Knox, four others voted Hall, for Smoot, 50; failure to gain quick ap- "Address at the Dedication of Town proval Senate, 50; after Ligonier, Pennsylvania," June 13, 1969, from entire sum- by Stanton Belfour, 311-314 mer break, Congress to settle almost four- ) year-old case, 51 Agricultural sports in Pittsburgh, 67 Appleton Brothers, letters to Mathiot about Allegheny Conference on Community De- their losses on tunnel excavation on velopment, guiding organization for Point Portage Railroad, 158 Park project, 266; studied by other coun- Arensberg, Charles Covert, "The Spelling of tries, 266; established Point Park Com- Robert Neill Who Built the Neill Log mittee (1945) at request of Gov. Martin, House in Schenley Park," 275-279 266 Army of New France, conscripts from Allegheny Observatory, new building dedi- Canadian parishes; officers usually from cated inRiverview Park (1912), 110 French European regiments, often led Allegheny Observatory property, site of two Indians; artifacts include Charleville mus- University buildings (1890), 109-110; sold ket, military swords, a spontoon, pistols, to Protestant Orphan Asylum (1908), 112 pictures of an officer, a non-commissioned The Amazing Pennsylvania Canals, by officer, and a private soldier, 332-333 WilliamH. Shank, rev., 207-208 Arndt,KarlJ. R., and Brostowin, Patrick R^&, "Pragmatists and Prophets :George Rapp Amherst, General Jeffery, favored Transport and J. A.Roebling Versus J. A.Etzler and Act in Pennsylvania Assembly, 260-261 Count Leon," Pt I,1-27; Pt II,171-198 Andrew Jackson and the 3ank War, by Avery, Charles, millionaire patron of Negro Remini, i Robert V. rev., 201-203 education in Old Allegheny, 148 J B Blueprint for Modern America, Non Military Baker, the Rev. Mr., seventh principal of Legislation of the First Civil War Con- Carrier Seminary; enrollment, 21 (1877), gress, by Leonard P. Curry, rev., 199-201199-201 133; removed from office, poor health, 135 Boggs, Andrew, letter to legislator Mathiot The Battle of Princeton, by Samuel Stelle on dangerous status ofDam No. 2 (1832), Smith, rev., 289-290 154-155; letter CFebruary 1832) estimating Battlefield of Churubusco, visited by William repair costs at $100,000, and completion in Joseph MeWilliams' company (Feb. 21), August, 157 401 Bowman, Dr. John Gabbert, engineered suc- Beaujeu, Captain Daniel, French commander, cess of Cathedral of Learning, University killedat Braddock's Defeat, 341 of Pittsburgh, 113; ground bought by Beers, the Rev. Levi, ninth principal of Mellon funds, 114 Carrier Academy; description of campus Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, used Snickley by daughter ; large debt reduced ; Beers to show evils of dueling, then forgot him; criticized for promoting Methodism and Georgian Longstreet pictures Sniffle inde- Republicanism, 135-136 tail, his basic interest people, 44; guiding Belfour, Stanton, "Address at the Dedication spirit behind Pittsburgh Academy (17#), of Town Hall, Ligonier, Pennsylvania" later University of Pittsburgh, 106 (June 13, 1969), 311-314 Braddock-Forbes expedition (1758), took Bell, Alexander Graham, litigation extending Fort Duquesne, but impressment alienated through 600 lawsuits with Elisha Gray, Pennsylvania farmers, 259; magistrates, finally won by Bell,30 impressment officers, threatened, 259; Billquist, Thorsten E., winner of architec- farmers acted through ballot box, 260; tural competition for Allegheny Observa- Pennsylvania Assembly criticized military, tory design for Riverview Park site, 110— 260 Binger, Carl, Revolutionary Doctor Braddock's army, retreat of, shown in Benjamin Rush, 1746-1813, rev., 85-88 diorama at Fort Pitt Museum.Museum, 342 Bippus, Dr. Christian C, physician for rich Braddock's Defeat, shown in diorama with and poor of Old Allegheny, 143 relief map of battle site; overlay explains 3 successive actions of battle; six original Burtner Stone House; wife, Martha prints of Orme engravings mounted on case Byerly, whose grandfather was brought wall, 340; sensation in Europe; only six west withBraddock's army, 166 miles from Fort Duquesne; later research Burtner, Margaret Negley, first mistress of has restored much of Braddock's reputa- Burtner Stone House, spent childhood on tion, 341; description of battle, 341;Fort homestead farm in East Liberty, near Ligonier archaeologists collected artifacts Pittsburgh, 166 on route of Braddock's army; loaned by paid expenses year Ligonier Burtner, Philip, for first Fort Museum to Fort Pitt Collec- of first resident pastor for first church tion, 342 (1820*s), 165; facsimile of summons for Braham, W. Walter, rev. ofFenton's Parker jury duty (1833), and tax notice (1835), on the Iroquois, 291-292 169 Branning, Rosalind L.,rev. ofFFramersranters of the Burtner Homestead, environs described, 161 ; Constitution, 208-209 celebration (1921), 161 Brewer, Charles, dry goods merchant philan- centennial thropist of Old Allegheny, 152 "The Burtner Homestead: A Landmark to Brostowin, Patrick R., and Arndt, Karl J. R., Remember," by Vera Burtner Ferree, 161- "Pragmatists and Prophets :George Rapp 169 and J. A.Roebling Versus J. A.Etzler and Burtner House, begun (1818), recalls old Count Leon," Pt. I,1-27; Pt. II,171-198 houses in eastern Pennsylvania, 162; Brunot, Felix R., charities inOld Allegheny, neighbors helped in construction, 163 ;floor 151 plan described by Clare Singer Burtner for Brunot, R., centennial celebration, 164 ;voting place of Mrs. Felix founder of Widow's Township Lincoln Home of Allegheny (1866), 151 Deer last election for Brynn, Soeren Stewart, "Some Sports in (1864), 164; temporary reprieve from Pittsburgh During the National Period, demolition for interchange to Allegheny 1775-1860. Part Two, Growth and Accep- Valley Expressway; provisions made for tance of Sports: Legal and Illegal 1850- new location, 166 1860," 57-79 Burtner tax receipt facsimile (1821), and tax Burtner, Ellen Harvey, wife of Martin notice (1829), 168 Luther Burtner, last mistress of Burtner Burtner Warranty Land Certificate, copy of Stone House, 166 original, 167 Burtner, Jacob, gave land for community Butler County, convenient to Pittsburgh and burial plot (1863), 165; second master of Pennsylvania Canal ;fever-free climate, 171 cC "The Case of Albert Gallatin and Jeffer- California Irrigation District, construction sonian Patronage," by Jerry W. Knudson, and maintenance expenses for, borne by 241-250 Celoron de Blainville, expedition to nail royal special levy on landowners, 123 plates "Captain Farrago's Letter on Duelling and arms to trees, and plant lead at Judge Breckinridge Kentucky," mouths of six branches of Allegheny and John of painting; copy by Joseph H. Harkey, 251-253 Ohio Rivers; ceremony in Ward, of lead plate exhibited in case, 327 Carnegie, Andrew, grew up in First America, cele- Old Allegheny, 146 Centennial of Methodism in through brated by sponsoring seminaries at Carrier Academy, closed debt Y., Clarion, Pa., 129 (1887) ; buildings and grounds sold to Randolph, N. and Clarion Normal School Association; de- Cerro-Gordo, Company E participates in plorable dormitory conditions, 137-138 battle of (April 1847), 224-226; regiment Carrier Academy, reasons for failure, 138- then part of garrison of Jalapa (May 6), 139 227; descriptions of countryside, 227-229 Carrier Seminary of Western Pennsylvania, Chapultepec, storming of, Company E, at Clarion, founded (1867), 130; classes Greensburg, active in, 237-240 held in old academy building, 130; ten Chartiers Old Town, reportedly near Negley- principals, their biographies and problems, Burtner gristmill, 165 130-137; substantial enrollment under the Chislett, John, probable architect for first Rev. Mr. Steadman; only Normal College stone structure, University of Pittsburgh of M.E. Church, 132; facsimile of charter, (1830), 107 134; attendance rolls, show few students Chitwood, Oliver Perry, Richard Henry Lee: stayed long enough to graduate, 133 Statesman of the Revolution, rev., 203-206 "Carrier Seminary — A Short-Lived Metho- Christie, Robert D., "James Waldo Fawcett," dist Educational Venture," by Samuel A. a memorial tribute, 101-102 Farmerie, 129-140 Churubusco, Battle of, Americans defeat Carroll, Earl, old Alleghenian, produced Santa Ana (1847) ;unable to enter Mexico Broadway's "Vanities," 143 City on anniversary of Cortez's victory 4 (1521); forty-eight hour armistice, 234- Cord, Steven, "Henry George and Urban 235; battle, illustration produced from Renewal inPennsylvania," 117-128 Pictorial Drawings of all the Principal The Cousin Jacks; the Cornish in America, Conflicts, opp. 401 by AlfredLeslie Rowse, rev., 286-269 Clarion State Normal School, founded Cricket and boat racing, most popular sports (1887), 132 in
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