4'5 2J fL),1u ') jry 2 -LLL) jj )1 -i )11P J 7Yt1L)' cJb'L&J) ) 2019 _2O13 7 uestion No. 2355 Form Mst. Shagufta Malik, MPA Details of Purchased vehicles for Secretaries, Additional Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Additional Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners etc. during financial year 2013-2019. The Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Administration Department had purchased nineteen (19) no. of vehicles by approval of the Competent Authority (Annex-I, II, III) during the year 2013-2019. Furthermore, allotment (handing/taking) of these vehicles are placed at Annex-IV. The Details of each vehicle is tabulated as below: S.NO VEHICLE NO MAKE/TYPE/ENGINE CAPACITY MODEL ALLOTED TO Amount Purchased from: Mr. Bakhtiar (BPS-20) 1 AB-1606 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2018 Toyota khyber Motors -Ring Road Special Secretry Esatblishment Peshawar - Mr. Shahid Sohail Khan (BPS-19) 2 AB-2210 Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 cc 2018 Additional Secretary Administration 1,989,500/- Peshawar Department AB-2214 Mr. NasirAman(BPS-19) Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 cc 2018 1,989,500/- Additional Secretary (Regulation) Peshawar 4 AB-1879 Capt.(R) Abdur Rehman BS-18) Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 cc 2018 1,989,500/- P50 to chief Secretary Peshawar 5 AB-2212 Syed Jamal uddin Shah (BS-20) Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 cc 2018 1,989,500/- Secretary Establishment Peshawar 6 Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road AB-2213 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2018 Pool 1,989,500/- Peshawar 7 AB-1607 Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2018 Pool 1,989,500/- Peshawar 8 Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road AB-1596 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2018 Pool 1,989,500/- Peshawar 9 Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road AB-1891 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2018 Pool 1,989,500/- Peshawar 10 Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road AB-1605 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2018 Pool 1,989,500/- Peshawar TOYOTA FORTUNER Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road 11 AB-1598 Toyota Fortuner 4x4 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Mardan 5,435,000/- Peshawar Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road 12 AB-1601 Toyota Fortuner 44 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Peshawar 5,435,000/- Peshawar UI1L Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road Fi AB-1603 Toyota Fortuner 4x4 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Malakand 5,435,000/- Peshawar Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road 14 AB-1599 Toyota Fortuner 4x4 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Di Khan 5,435,000/- Peshawar Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road 15 AB-1597 Toyota Fortuner 4x4 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Bannu 5,435,000/- Peshawar Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road 16 AB-1602 Toyota Fortuner 4x4 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Hazara 5,435,000/- Peshawar Toyota khyber Motors Ring Road 17 AB-1604 Toyota Fortuner 4x4 A/T 2400CC 2018 Commissioner Kohat 5,435,000/- Peshawar TOYOTA COROLLA XLI Toyota Frontier Motors Pvt. Ltd University 18 AA-3574 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2013 Services Tribunal Peshawar 1568000 Road Pesha7ar Toyota Frontier Motors Pvt. Ltd University 19 AA-3577 Toyota Corolla GLI 1300 CC 2013 Services Tribunal Peshawar 1568000 Road Peshawar - -. '-''-L1O( ii pq.ii nc 1n - - - )i/rf,- - GQVT. OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA ADMiNiSTRATION DEPARTMENr w I.)— '\ f eP . KHTUJI-W S RY THE sTRATtON NT &ADM nFPARTMNI iii transP0tt I aril'ti' to the provide mandated to " id is i1 the r AdminiSt0fl Dcpartment d LstabUSlnt & Admini5trhi0n Department. in adrlitioil to the mcnb"e with sthe Arinlim'° ,it iou c Cabinet, and parhamenta Secretaries At present. the vehiles availabl .pdrtnlent for duties with the senior officers of Establishment & AdminiSttm0flm Departm" nten,no have", Dc ompleted their useful life, and are incurring a lot of expense on repai1 and c eithernot available at all. Status of vehicles for the official duties of senior officers is as under. p ~ehicle . old 283,255 km driven, 8 yeai Designation 24 Toyota Corolla atus 0t). Special Secretary (EstahliSht1w 2009 - - 226,23b km driven, 8 y"ui" uulul 05-20 A-9984. Toyota Corolla Special Secretary (Regulati0). old 209,174 km driven, 8 yi'ai A-9302, Toyota Corolla AdditiOnat Secretary 01d I 3. 2009 km driven, 8 V't (nt).EstabIiShI BS-19 lB1,4 -9229, Toyota Corolla 5cretary (RegUlati0u15) AdditiO 2009 I' out i cmP°' at uly proVuib°l BS-19 No Car (HRD) 05-19 otocOl Pool AddOnact Pr S provud('d Ironi - fl1p00ty - No car 0l Additi0t1al Secretary (Admfl), BS-19 ProtOCOtPP 6 -- - 1 ,00 ruly pu 0v,ded Ii No Car Secretary (Cabinet). s- lProt0C0'00l AdditiO - __----- Not picuvudNt 19 - - Not provided na - - No Car Not piovuded DirectOr (Protocol)' BS-19 No Car Director (Legal), BS-19 10. p05t - - Newly created - CXI)('C(('cl Ju!' " legation of Powers Rules 2001, "the e veliiCl' before As per Rule ii, Note 4 of the owned motril o mpletcd by Governfllctlt (1 6 0,000) expected to be and sixty tholisafl(l and mileage years them for c0ndemfl0t100 will be seven years and one bc ç 0n idcrih1g All the vehicles mentioned in Pari 01 (Annex-I). kilometers respectively for all kind of vehicles." ii.tve direddy completed thceir useful life. be ollowcd t in view thereof, it is proposed that Administration Department may i pnrc h,ie 10 (ten) number of 1300 cc motor cars for the senior officers of Lstablishnlmlt A(ministration Department, according to their authorization by the Transport Comnhlt tee Annex-Il), and existing vehicles be disposed off as per rules. Approximate cost of one 1nyt'1 1300 cc motor car is PKR 1.95 million (Annex-Ill). Sufficient funds have already been i. 01011,1 Iinileted in the relevant head of account for the procurement of these vehicles by the Hi.in cepirtment (Annex-tV). f-n,ini At present there is a ban on the purchase of new vehicles, imposed by the 11 to relax the ban, and ,ippi fly" the 0r'p,irtment (Annex-V) The Hon'ble Chief Minister is requested pronosals given at Paras 03 please. Finance Department may add views enroute. (Hassari MehrnOOd yousafzai) SECRETARY ADMINISTRATION ecretary, Fince Department Chief 5ecretarY, Khyber PakhtunkhWa Chief Minister, Khyber PakhtuflkhW -z1 GoVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FOR CHIEF MINISTER KHYBER P AK HTU N KH WA PURCHASE OF NEW VEHICLES FOR THE ES1BLI!±NI Subject: & ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT. submitted mi ,iT OV1l Of SummarY on the subject noted above is the Chiel Minister, Khyber pakhtunkhWa please. (HAS SAN MEHMOOD YOU SAFZAI) SECRETARY ADMINISTRATION S SECRETARY, FINCE DEPARTMENT CHIEF SECRETARYKHYB PAKHTUNKHWA CHIEF MINISTER, KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA tt'~ N Views of Finance Depadment are added at para-06-07 of the immity 411 SIkeeI Qadirkhan Secretary, Finance Department Chief Secretary Prhicipal Secretary4hief Mini ster 7 AL~ "0 fc 4CQft PURCHASE OF NEW VEHICLES FOR ESTABLISMI_-NQ Subject: ADMIN5TRATLON DEPARTMENT Total Financial implication has not been worked out. However, on the tisis of price of Rs 1 .95 million per Car (Annex-Ill) the total cost 110 cars comes to Rs. million. Budgetary Coverage of Rs. 30 million provided for in the Budget Estimates 1 ¶i S :)rii7i8 (Annex-tV). Finance Department therefore, supports paras-03-04 of the s inmary. 01• 1 legal formalities. , ;iibioct to observance of all codal I / / Sakeel Qadir Khan Secretary, Finance Department Chief Secretar CjMiiiister !, I 7-0 7 /12-7,V ) r .:(-,•_,c\ e-L - - All GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKRWA ADMIN.1 STRATION DEPA RTM F TNT SUMMARY FOR CHIEF MINISTER Subject: PURCHASE OF VEHICLES FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA SERVICE TRIBUNAL Flags "A" and "B" are communications from the Registrar. Khybei Pakhtunkhwa Service Tribunal, Peshawar intimating that existing vehicles bearing registration # A-5149 PR Toyota Corolla Model 2004 and # A-8174 PR Toyota Corolla Model 2006, under the use of Member and Chairman, Service Tribunal, have completed their useful life. The cars now require massive repairs and consume sizeable part of the budget meant for the repair of vehicles. Moreover, the officers also undertake tours to distant areas of the province including hilly terrains. Hence Registrar, Service Tribunal has requested for replacement of the existing vehicles Both vehicles in use of the Tribunal have completed'the requirement of replacement but no suitable replacements are available in the Pool. Keeping in view the genuine requirements of Service Tribunal, the Administration Department proposes purchase of 2xToyota Corolla XLI 1300 CC cars for the Chairman and Member, Service Tribunal at an indicative cost of Rs.3.20 million from M/S Toyota Motor (Pvt) Limited, Peshawar. In lieu of new vehicles the existing cars would be retained for further disposal on completion of codal formalities. Approval of the Chief Minister, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is solicited to the proposal in para 2/ante with relaxation of ban on purchase of vehicles. Finance Department may add views en-route: )S,-.-P '3 Secretar'7\dministration Finance Secfetary Chief Secretary \J Subject:- PURCHASE OF VEHICLES FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA SERVICE TRIBUNAL, p 5. Finance Department agrees with the proposal contained at Para-3 of the Summary subject to the condition that the existing vehicles are retained by Administration Department and disposed or/after completion of all codal formalities. However, amount for the purchase of subject vehicles will be included in Budget Estimates 2013-14. (Sahibzada Saeed Ahmad) Secretary Finance Finance Minister (c' &w) —o , Qflj2f(rtar or pprovil pkaso. ,-. j .. ( • - - , 't\ •\\ i'fliV - 3 •13 retary ( - WA-bPh1t i: -. - L) GOVL OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA ADMINISTRATION DEPAR'11 MENT SIJ MAY. FOR TUE SE IVStQNb Sublect; - PURCHASE OF NEW The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2009 provided 4x4 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 3000 cc Jeeps to all the seven Divisional Commissioners, when the office of Divisional Commissioner was restored, These vehicles are usually plied on mountainous and off road tracts, owing to the nature of field duties of Commissioners Most of these vehicles have either completed their useful life, and are incurring a lot of expenditure on repair and maintenance.
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