SYNCHROTRON RADIATION DOMINATED HADRON COLLIDERS E. Keil, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Abstract 2.1 Interaction Region Design The synchrotron radiation damping time becomes small For round beams with equal normalised horizontal and ver- = 2 compared to the beam lifetime when the beam energy in tical emittances z γσz /βz, equal β-functions and van- a circular hadron collider reaches about 100 TeV and the ishing dispersion at the interaction point IP, and ignoring dipole field about 10 T. This paper discusses an approach crossing angle and “hourglass” effect, luminosity L and to the design of these colliders such that the desired per- beam-beam tune shift ξ are with bunch population N and formance parameters, e.g. beam-beam tune shift and lumi- collision frequency f: nosity are achieved at the equilibrium values of the beam 2 N f Nrp emittance and momentum spread. The design procedure is = = L 4 ξ 4 (2) described, involving the design of the interaction regions, πσxσy πn the arcs, and the RF system. The thresholds and/or growth The beams cross at an angle in order to separate them at rates of several collective effects, and the growth times for the parasitic collision points at multiples of half the bunch intra-beam scattering are estimated. The consequences of spacing near the interaction point. Solving (2) for Nf the synchrotron radiation are discussed in the conclusions. yields with the usual relativistic factor γ: Nf = Lβxrp=(γξ) 1 INTRODUCTION (3) = As noticed in the high-field option of really large hadron The choices of βx βy at the IP and of the crossing an- gle are related [5]. Tab. 1 shows the assumed and resulting colliders (RLHC) [1], the damping time τz of the oscilla- = tions in the three degrees of freedom due to the emission IP parameters. The bunch spacing s fixes f by s cβ=f; = of synchrotron radiation becomes about an hour at a beam c is the speed of light. For given βx βy and L, N fol- energy E ≈ 100 TeV and a dipole field B ≈ 12 T: lows from (3), and from (2). The beam-beam lifetime τbb =(rp/cσtot)(βxC=γξ) is calculated for one interac- 1 16644 C tion region, independent of L, proportional to C and =E, τz(h)Jz = (1) and small for good performance parameters (small βx and E(TeV)B(T)2 2πρ large ξ); σtot = 120 mb is the total cross section.The small RMS radii σx = σy, compared to LHC [6] or SSC [2], are Here, z labels the plane (x for horizontal, y for vertical largely due to the higher energy and adiabatic damping.The betatron oscillations, s for synchrotron oscillations), Jz is normalised emittance n has about 1/3 of the SSC value. the damping partition number, C is the circumference and ρ the bending radius in the arcs of the collider; C=2π>R Table 1: Interaction region parameters for a 100 TeV p-p includes the long straight√ insertions for the experiments. collider with ξx = ξy =0:003 [6], βx = βy =0:5 m, Scaling their length like E from the SSC [2], and assum- s =3:75 m, total inelastic cross section σinel =60mb. ing four interaction regions, one gets C=2π = R+1708 m. Since the beam lifetime and the duration of a colliding Bunch population N=109 9.03 beam run are usually many hours, the beams have the equi- Normalised emittance n/nm 367.4 librium beam parameters, given by the equilibrium of quan- RMS beam radius σx = σy/µm 1.313 tum excitation and synchrotron radiation damping, during 0 0 RMS divergence σx = σy/µr 2.626 most of their lifetime. Designing an RLHC such that the Luminosity L/(nbs)−1 30.1 beam-beam limit and the desired luminosity are achieved at Events/collision nc = Lσinel=f 22.6 the equilibrium beam parameters has the advantage that the Beam-beam lifetime τbb/h 42.4 emittances of the injected and circulating beams are decou- pled, and that the collider is insensitive to slow phenomena 2.2 Arc Design with growth times longer than the damping time. The arcs should provide just enough quantum excitation to achieve the emittance listed in Tab. 1. The average arc ra- 2 DESIGN PROCEDURE dius R>ρincludes space for the quadrupoles, sextupoles, etc., and short straight sections in the arc cells. In separated + − The design procedure for e e colliders [3] in the DE- function FODO cells with µx = µy, normalised horizontal SIGN program [4] adjusts the arc and RF system param- emittance n, arc tune Q and cell length Lp are related by: eters to achieve a specified luminosity. Adapting it to p-p 3 colliders implies setting the mass mp, classical radius rp, 1 55λp RF(µ) γ µxR n = √ Lp = (4) and Compton wavelength λp to their proton values. 2 32 3 Jxρ Q Q 0-7803-4376-X/98/$10.00 1998 IEEE 104 The correction factor for finite phase advances F (µ) [7] DESIGN program finds the RF system parameters listed tends towards unity for µx = µy → 0. The insertions do in Tab. 4; σe and σs are small. However, the bunch area not contribute to quantum excitation and momentum com- 4πEσeσs=c, is comparable to those of LHC and SSC. paction α =(2πR=C)Q−2. I assume that round beams with y ≈ x are achieved by coupling horizontal and ver- tical betatron oscillations, and apply a factor 1/2 to the tra- Table 4: Parameters of the RF system of a 100 TeV p-p col- = 228 9 ditional form of (4). Tab. 2 shows the parameters of the lider with circumference C : km, harmonic number = 305415 =24 arcs. The dipole field shown [8] is needed in order to ob- hRF , and quantum lifetime τq h. tain colliders in the parameter range I wish to study. Voltage VRF/MV 35.9 −6 Relative RMS energy spread σe=10 6.53 Table 2: Parameters of the arcs of a 100 TeV p-p collider Bucket height/10−6 22.5 =12 =2778 =125 −3 with B T, ρ : km and R/ρ : [6] Synchrotron tune Qs=10 1.27 Bunch length σs/mm 27.5 Arc tune Q 80.62 Bunch area 4πEσeσs=c/eVs 0.754 Phase advance µx=2π = µy=2π 0.25 Cell length Lp/m 677 Maximum amplitude function βx/m 1156 The time needed for a particle to radiate all its energy, Maximum dispersion Dx/m 8.93 and thus also the time needed for acceleration to the oper- ating energy (when synchrotron radiation is neglected) is one half of τx. If the acceleration time T is to be shorter The cold vacuum chamber acts as a cryopump. The per- than τx=2, the peak RF voltage must be higher than that forated beam screen absorbs the synchrotron radiation. Its listed in Tab. 4 in the ratio τx=(2T ). temperature should be much higher than that of the vacuum chamber for good Carnot efficiency. Collective effects, in 3 COLLECTIVE EFFECTS particular the resistive wall instability (cf. Section 3.1), and the forces during a magnet quench must also be considered. The resistive wall instability, coherent synchrotron tune shift, longitudinal microwave instability, and transverse 2.3 Synchrotron Radiation mode coupling instability TMCI are important [10] for the RLHC [11]. I only study the dominant contribution, and Tab. 3 shows several parameters related to the synchrotron assume injection at 5 TeV, and a bunch area 4πEσeσs=c = P radiation. The total synchrotron radiation power per 1 eVs there. Below, I is the total beam current, and Ib beam is three orders of magnitude higher than the 3.6 kW is the bunch current. The effective impedances Zeff are = 2 in the LHC. The normalised power p P= πR is almost the weighted sums of Z(!) and the bunch power spec- two orders of magnitude higher than the 0.2 W in the LHC. trum [12]. Tab. 5 lists thresholds and growth rates at the Φ The photon flux , the number of photons per metre of arc energies where they are most critical.The longitudinal mi- and per second, is about half the value in LEP2, operating crowave and the transverse mode coupling instabilities are at 96 GeV and a total current of 14 mA [9]. below threshold by good factors [13], and not discussed. Table 3: Synchrotron radiation parameters of a 100 TeV 3.1 Transverse Resistive Wall Instability =28 p-p collider with synchrotron radiation loss Us MeV The growth rate of the resistive wall instability τ −1 is [12]: =15 w and horizontal damping time τx : h. s ¯ −1 = rpβIFw µ0ρwCc Beam current I/mA 116 τw 3 (5) eZ0γb π(n − Q) Synchrotron radiation power P /MW 3.24 Normalised radiation power p/Wm−1 14.8 Here, (n − Q)=0:25 is the tune of the n-th mode, Critical energy Ec/keV 12.9 15 −1 Z0 is the impedance of free space, b is the radius of the Photon flux Φ=10 (sm) 23.3 beam screen, and β¯ ≈ R=Q is the average β-function. The wall penetration factor Fw =7:17 describes the effects of a beam screen similar to that in the LHC [6], consisting of a thin inner Cu layer and a thicker layer of stainless steel. 2.4 RF System Design In the LHC, about half the wall resistivity is caused by the The values of Us in Tab. 3, σe and τq in Tab. 4, and 10 % of the circumference with a Cu vacuum chamber at the parameters of the super-conducting RF cavities, i.e.
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