Page 14 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 4, 2020 Public Notices TEXTING AND DRIVING MAKES GOOD PEOPLE LOOK BAD. DataSTOPTEXTSSTOP WRECKSDirect.ORG The data you need, delivered to your inbox, daily. Or weekly. Or monthly. You choose. Learn more at memphisdailynews.com Powered by Friday, September 4, 2020 The Daily News, Memphis Page 15 Public Notices TEXTING AND DRIVING MAKES GOOD PEOPLE LOOK BAD. DataSTOPTEXTSSTOP WRECKSDirect.ORG The data you need, delivered to your inbox, daily. Or weekly. Or monthly. You choose. Learn more at memphisdailynews.com Powered by Page 16 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 4, 2020 Public Notices Friday, September 4, 2020 The Daily News, Memphis Page 17 Public Notices 8384; subdivision restrictions, building along a line 20.00 feet North of the the centerline of Monterey road; along a line 20.00 feet North of the Foreclosure Notices lines, and easements of record in Plat Centerline of said Raleigh-Lagrange Thence on a Bearing of North 38 De- Centerline of said Monterey road a Book 89, Page 1; Plat Book 90, Page road a distance of 70.40 feet; grees 30 Minutes 11 Seconds East distance of 39.26 feet to the point of Shelby County 35; and Plat Book 141, Page 10; the Thence on a Bearing of South 75 along a line 20.00 feet North of the Beginning and Containing 4.001 acres charter of the Association of record as Degrees 32 Minutes 10 Seconds Center1ine of said Monterey road a or 174, 280.881 square feet. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Instrument No. U8 8320; the rights of East along A line 20.00 feet North distance of 73.65 feet to a 1/2 inch Being the same property conveyed to Default having been made in the tenants in possession under unrecorded of the Centerline of said Raleigh- rebar set; John Sandoval from Richard M. Pear- payment of assessments, dues, in- leases (if any); and any and all rights of Lagrange road a distance of 58.81 Thence on a Bearing of North 37 De- son and Frieda W. Pearson, Trustees of terest, debts, and obligations owing the debtor (if any) under the Soldiers’ feet to a point; grees 57 Minutes 14 Seconds East the Richard and Frieda Pearson Living WINCHESTER OFFICE PLAZA OWNERS and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. Thence on a Bearing of South 71 along a line 20.00 feet North of the Trust dated the 1st day of December, ASSOCIATION, INC., a Tennessee App. § 501, et seq., as such may be Degrees 03 Minutes 38 Seconds East Centerline of said Monterey road a 2015, by Warranty Deed dated August non-profit corporation, by VIRGINIA amended from time to time. along a line 20.00 feet North of the distance of 27.50 feet to a 1/2 inch 3, 2018, and recorded in the Shelby MORMON WILLIAMS, owner of Units All right and equity of redemption, Centerline of said Raleigh-Lagrange rebar set said point being the true County Register’s Office at Instrument # 16 and 17, Winchester Office Plaza homestead and dower, and all other road a Distance of 53.70 feet to a point of beginning; No. 18078693. Condominiums, municipally known as exemptions waived in said Master Deed point; Thence on a Bearing of North 11 De- Tax Parcel No: D0222S A00004 5501 Winchester Road, Units #16 and the title is believed to be good, but Thence on a Bearing of South 71 grees 39 Minutes 44 Seconds West The street address of the above de- and 17; Memphis, Tennessee 38115, the undersigned will sell and convey only Degrees 03 Minutes 58 Seconds a distance of 511.33 feet to a 1/2 scribed property is believed to be 10890 as established by that certain Master as the designated agent of Winchester East along a line 20.00 feet North inch rebar set; Monterey Rd., Eads, TN 38028, but such Deed Establishing Horizontal Property Office Plaza Association, Inc., a Ten- of the Centerline of said Raleigh- Thence on a Bearing of North 67 De- address is not a part of the legal descrip- Regime Winchester Office Plaza Condo- nessee non-profit corporation, and not Lagrange road a distance of 16.71 grees 43 Minutes 15 Seconds West tion of the property sold herein and in miniums, dated December 5, 1983, as further or otherwise. feet to a point; a distance of 269.04 feet to a 1/2 the event of any discrepancy, the legal recorded as Instrument No. U8 4484, in If the highest bidder cannot pay the Thence on a Bearing of South 69 inch rebar set; description herein shall control. the Register’s Office of Shelby County, bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the Degrees 34 Minutes 08 Seconds Thence on a Bearing of North 01 De- All right and equity of redemption, Tennessee, to be paid under the Master sale, the next highest bidder, at their East along a line 20.00 feet North grees 16 Minutes 00 Seconds west statutory and otherwise, curtesy, home- Deed and pursuant to the provisions of highest bid, will be deemed the suc- of the Centerline of said Raleigh- a distance of 92.60 feet to a 1/2 stead, and dower are expressly waived in the Horizontal Property Act of the State cessful bidder. Lagrange road a distance of 20.33 inch rebar set; said Deed of Trust. Title is believed to be of Tennessee, and the undersigned THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. feet to a point; Thence on a Bearing of South 81 good, but the undersigned will sell and having been authorized by the Board THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT Thence on a Bearing of South 69 Degrees 42 Minutes 54 Seconds East convey only as Substitute Trustee. of Directors of Winchester Office Plaza A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION Degrees 33 Minutes 56 Seconds east a distance of 619.56 feet to a 1/2 Sale is made subject to prior liens, Owners Association, Inc., a Tennessee OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT along a line 20.00 feet North of the inch rebar set 20.00 feet North of the encumbrances or Trust Deeds, if any, non-profit corporation, to advertise and PURPOSE. Centerline of said Raleigh-Lagrange Centerline of said Monterey road; now of record in the Shelby County sell the property described below for M. Wayne Mink, Jr. road a Distance of 45.46 feet to a Thence on a Bearing of South 13 De- Register’s Office and any lien for any unpaid property owner’s association Designated Agent of Winchester point; grees 02 Minutes 15 seconds West unpaid City or County property taxes. dues and assessments, said indebted- Office Plaza Thence on a Bearing of South 69 along a line 20.00 feet North of the Sale is further subject to all easements ness remaining unpaid, as well as other Association, Inc. Degrees 05 Minutes 15 Seconds Centerline of said Monterey road a of record. indebtedness due under the aforemen- DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN East along a line 20.00 feet North distance of 46.23 feet to a 1/2 inch Interested parties include: The John tioned Master Deed, and the power of & MINK, PLLC of the Centerline of said Raleigh- rebar set; Sandoval Living Trust Dated February sale being granted under Article XVII(e) Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2020 Fpd77231 Lagrange road a distance of 4.54 Thence on a Bearing of South 14 De- 22, 2018 of the aforementioned Master Deed. feet to a point; grees 55 Minutes 52 Seconds West The right is reserved to adjourn the THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Thence on a Bearing of South 69 along a line 20.00 feet North of the date of the sale to another day, time and undersigned will, on Default having been made in payment Degrees 04 Minutes 42 Seconds Centerline of said Monterey road a place certain without further publication, Friday, September 25, 2020. of the debts and obligations to be paid East along a line 20.00 feet North distance of 65.33 feet to a 1/2 inch upon announcement at the time and commencing at 12:00 noon at the in a certain Deed of Trust executed on of the Centerline of said Raleigh- rebar set; place for the sale set forth above. southwest corner of the Courthouse, August 3, 2018, by John Sandoval, to Lagrange road a distance of 57.07 Thence on a Bearing of South 15 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, Andrew H. Taylor, as Trustee, for the feet to a point; Degrees 36 Minutes 08 Seconds Marshall Digmon and at the Adams Avenue entrance Beneficiary, Paragon Bank as the same Thence on a Bearing of South 68 west along a line 20.00 feet North of Morton & Germany, PLLC thereof, proceed to sell at public out- appears of record in the Office of the Degrees 51 Minutes 47 Seconds East the Centerline of said Monterey road 45 N. B.B. King Blvd., Suite 201 cry to the highest and best bidder for Register of Shelby County, Tennessee, along a line 20 00 feet North of the a distance of 59.55 feet to a 1/2 Memphis, TN 38103 cash, the following described property, under Instrument No. 18078694; and Centerline of said Raleigh-Lagrange inch rebar set; (901) 522-0050 to wit: Jeffrey D. Germany, R. Lee Webber, or road a distance of 62.90 feet to a Thence on a Bearing of South 16 Publication Dates: August 21, 28, Units # 16 and 17, WINCHESTER OF- Marshall Digmon having been appointed 1/2 inch rebar set; Degrees 11 Minutes 50 Seconds and September 4, 2020 FICE PLAZA CONDOMINIUMS, as more Substitute Trustee by Appointment of Thence on a Bearing of South 68 west along a line 20.00 feet North of Aug.
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