The National Herald a b www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 9, ISSUE 464 A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION SEPTEMBER 2, 2006 $1.00 - GREECE: 1.75 Euro Charlie Hellenic Parliament Crist is Helps Establish a Going for New Chair at NYU Florida’s By Evan C. Lambrou The project (to endow the new Special to The National Herald chair) has been in the works for the past two years, Dr. Mitsis said, and Top Job NEW YORK – Hellenic Parlia- arose from discussions between ment Speaker Anna Psarouda-Be- Mrs. Benaki and NYU College of By Steve Bousquet naki will be on hand at New York Arts & Sciences Dean Richard Fo- St. Petersburg Times University this coming Wednesday, ley. September 6, to help inaugurate “For the past two years, the Hel- Charlie Crist was ten years old the University’s new Hellenic Stud- lenic Parliament has worked closely when he first hit the campaign ies professorship, which is being en- with NYU and Dean Foley in order trail. He went to a political forum dowed by the Hellenic Parliament. to find ways of initiating a broader and handed out leaflets for his fa- The establishment of NYU’s dialogue on democracy. NYU was a ther, who was running for the new Hellenic Parliament Global good fit because it has a distin- Pinellas County School Board. Distinguished Professorship will be guished program in Hellenic Stud- "He was all over the place. He celebrated with “Democracy Re- ies offering an undergraduate de- seemed to really enjoy it," recalled Examined: Modern Variations on gree – the first to do so in the coun- Dr. Charles Crist, who won that an Ancient Greek Theme,” a lec- try – with several hundred students 1966 election. "But I never had any ture offered by the new professor- a year taking classes,” he said. conscious idea that this was going ship’s first chair holder, Professor “For NYU, the Hellenic Parlia- to be his life." Paul Cartledge, an eminent Classics ment and the Greek American Politics is Florida Attorney AP/JOE BURBANK scholar at Cambridge University. community to be able to initiate General Charlie Crist's life. Republican gubernatorial candidate, Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist, right, gets a wink and a hand- Professor Cartledge, whose such an important dialogue on It is an all-consuming passion shake from Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), as Crist takes the stage during a recent rally at the Marks Street works include “The Greeks: Cru- democracy at this juncture in histo- which could soon reap a great re- Senior Center, in Orlando, Florida Saturday. The stop was part of Crist’s statewide campaign fly-around. cible of Civilization” (BBC World- ry is very significant,” he added, and ward: becoming governor of Flori- wide, 2001) and “Spartan Reflec- the selection of Dr. Cartledge to fill da. tions” (Duckworth/University of the professorship is testament to Crist's ability to intensely focus California Press, 2001), is slated to that significance. on the goal at-hand, while pushing hold the new professorship for two “When the search committee everything else to life's margins, years, starting this Fall (classes be- was endeavoring to choose the ap- makes him an effective candidate. Looking at Karamanlis’ Summer gin right after Labor Day). propriate person for the job – But it has extracted a price. The fact that Dr. Cartledge will someone who could speak on He recently turned 50, an age By Evan C. Lambrou Bakoyanni’s comings and goings signed a political agreement for be the first chair holder of the new democracy in antiquity and its rele- when people naturally take stock Special to The National Herald are taking place under his watchful the trans-border pipeline, budget- professorship “is a dream come vance today – Paul Cartledge’s of their personal lives. At a time eye. ed at approximately 700 million true,” according to Phillip Mitsis, name was came on top of the list. when many men his age are focus- NEW YORK – Summer is basi- At the moment, he is preparing euros ($898.8 million) in Thessa- A.S. Onassis Professor of Hellenic He is a great scholar, and has a rep- ing with their wives on raising kids, cally over, and some who read to receive Russian President loniki on April 13, 2005. Culture and Civilization at NYU utation among students for being paying the mortgage and saving these pages might think it has been Vladimir Putin and Bulgarian The 285-kilometer pipeline, and director of the University’s an outstanding teacher,” Dr. Mitsis for retirement, Crist has never a quiet Summer for Prime Minis- President Georgi Purvanov this slated to carry Russian oil from Hellenic Studies program from owned a home, and he does not ter Costas Karamanlis. coming Monday, September 4. Burgas in Bulgaria to Alexan- 1994 to 2006. Continued on Page 2 have a wife or children. With his foreign minister, Dora Last Friday morning, August droupolis in northern Greece, has His closest friend, fishing bud- Bakoyanni, making a number of 25, Mr. Karamanlis met with Rus- an estimated investment cost of dy and financial adviser is his 74- trips to Brussels, New York and sian Ambassador to Greece An- $750-800 million, with an annual year-old father, a family doctor. the Middle East in recent weeks, drei Vdovin, ahead of the Putin capacity of 35 million tons of oil. It They talk on the phone almost ev- the spotlight has certainly been on visit. The main agenda will be en- will supplement a sea route A Brief History Lesson: ery day. her. ergy issues, with primary focus on through the Bosporus for trans- "Usually it's in the morning," In his typically low-key manner, the construction of the Burgas- portation of the product in the re- A Case of Identity Theft however, the Greek Premier has Alexandroupolis pipeline. Continued on Page 4 actually been quite busy, and Ms. Greece, Bulgaria and Russia Continued on Page 7 By Steve Frangos ation, however, and numerous Special to The National Herald books explore this broad-based phenomenon. While the Greek American James W. Loewen’s national Santorini community sleeps, a debate over bestseller, “Lies My Teacher Told Fugitive’s Son Convicted of Rape the content of textbooks is raging Me: Everything Your American across the country. The sustained History Textbook Got Wrong” Eruption was By Herbert A. Sample tions. Sentencing is set for Bee does not name rape victims). efforts of an array of special inter- (Touchstone, New York: 1995), is The Sacramento Bee September 21. He faces up to eight The case was followed closely est groups are in open conflict as perhaps the best single reference Larger than years in prison. by members of Sacramento's to which version of history and sci- for this ongoing debate. Loewen’s OAKLAND – An Alameda Su- Pappadopoulos, 31, of Sacra- close-knit Greek American com- ence enters the mainstream of extensive footnotes and detailed We Thought perior Court jury convicted mento was accused of raping a munity, some of whom sides, and American school textbooks. Occa- bibliographic citations are fine Demetri Chris Pappadopoulos, woman in a limousine outside a to which Pappadopoulos, the al- sionally, one will hear a news re- guides to the range of issues which the son of convicted Sacramento Fremont nightclub in March 2005. leged victim and their families are port to the effect that the Reli- arise when the contents of Ameri- KINGSTON, R.I. – University arsonist and fugitive Constantine The victim had passed out on the well known. gious Right is once again seeking can textbooks are discussed. of Rhode Island researchers are Pappadopoulos, of one count of way to Fremont from Sacramento. George Tzikas, a longtime to have their Biblical version of Among Loewen’s conclusions is now saying that the Santorini rape of an unconscious person. The limousine driver testified Sacramento resident, said the creation juxtaposed against Dar- his assertion that “textbooks stifle eruption was a much more signifi- The younger Pappadopoulos that he saw a partially clothed Pap- Greek community has been split winian evolution. meaning by suppressing causation. cant geological event, with far was led away by bailiffs after the padopoulos engaged in what ap- by the episode. "It's very hot in my The complex politics imbedded Students exit history textbooks greater impacts on Mediterranean jury announced its decision on Au- peared to be intercourse with the in (for lack of a better term) litera- civilizations, than previously held, gust 24, following brief delibera- victim, a Sacramento woman (the Continued on Page 2 cy goes well past the issue of cre- Continued on Page 5 and that the volcano is quite ac- tive. According to a URI press re- lease issued on August 23, an in- ternational team of scientists has Greek Viper found that the second largest vol- Ancient Olympia: Great for Modern Travelers canic eruption in human history, the massive Bronze Age eruption By Andy Clayton and temples which lie in ruins. only a wreath, the winners wanted troduced – including pankration, Travels to of Thera in Greece, was much Newsquest Media Group At first, there was just one nothing more ever again upon re- an early version of ultimate fight- larger and more widespread than event, a sprint, and visitors today turning home. ing in which strangulation and sav- Ireland in a previously believed. OLYMPIA, Greece – The set foot on the very track, almost The rulers ordered that these age blows to the genitals were During research expeditions in Greeks may have won Euro 2004, 200 meters long, to imagine a displays of masculinity should be common tactics – suffering and Box of Tiles April and June, scientists from the but now they're singing about the cheering crowd of 40,000 em- unclothed despite the blazing University of Rhode Island and Olympics coming home, so I took banked on either side.
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