<^ (I THE NOTRE DAME > , SCHOLASTIC 15 CTS. A COPY DECEMBER 16 $3.00 THE YEAR 1932 Who Said Home Sweet Home? No use goofing about it any longer, fellows. You know darn well that all our homes are mortgaged. Dad's business is on the rocks, nobody has a penny, and they don't know where the next meal is coming from. Maybe everyone is sick too. Cheer them up! Bring a smile to those tired, worn faces! You can't pay the mortgage, but here's some­ thing— Better Take Home a JUGGLER! ON SALE NOW (/;e«/Cboer) 25 cents December 16. 1932 One After College A 1% WHAT? 99 ,(^i^v snappy Si^ breakfast Architecture? Kenneth Reid, managing editoi: of the architectural publication, "Pencil Points," writes: "The suc­ cessful architect needs not only an instinctive feeling for design Kellogg's Rice Krispies and a technical skill in construc­ tion, but also a complete cultural are all of that. Toasted ii background. Architecture re­ quires long training, intensive bubbles of rice that actu­ concentration, a keen mind." ally crackle and snap in milk or cream. N ARCHITECTURE, certainly, I brains rate loo per cent. "... in­ Extra delicious ivith sliced bananas. tensive concentration, a keen mind." That's why in this business, as in You'll also like the rich energy that Rice college, a pipe is the favorite smoke. Get out your pipe now, light up, and Krispies supply. Helps you feel keener and through the curling blue pufis of Edgeworth,* let your mind drift down fitter. Try it tomorrow. Made by Kellogg in the road to thoseyears after graduation. If you're not already an Edgeworth Battle Creek. smoker, there's new smoking satis­ • faction waiting for you. Edgeworth's blend of fine old hurleys is distinctive, The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms different. You'll know—after the first of American colleges, eating clubs and fraternities are puff. Want to try it before you buy? made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Write for free sample packet. Larus 8C ALL-BILW^, PEP Bran Flakes, Com Flakes, Wheat Bro. Co., 105 S. 226. St., Richmond, Va. *• A recent investigation showed Edgeworth the Krambles, and Kellogg^s WHOLE WHEAT Biscuit. Also favorite smoke at 42 out of 54 leading colleges Kaffee Hag Coffee — real coffee that lets you sleep. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Buy Edgeworth anywhere in two forms—Edgeworth Ready-Rubbed arid'-' Edgeworth Plug Slice. AU sizes—15^ pocket padcage to pound humidor tin. Some t sizes in vacuum, sealed tins. -•M^m W ^. >5r... '^*^- j< '^'^•r7j •J "^ •sea iS^^ii it.-^7i < .^^^> r /^ ^^:^^ ^ •^•v. tjft' ^^-•. '• \ V j»>^- •-t-.. m K •^^i^fe^^ December 16, 1932 Three THE SCHOLASTIC is piib- Entered as seccmd-dass lished weck'y at the Vn'vers- matter at Notre Dame, In­ ity of Notre Davie. Mantir- The Notre Dame Scholastic diana. Acceptance for mail­ scripts may be addressed to ing at special rate of postage. THE SCHOLASTIC. Publi­ Disce Quusi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Section llOS, October S, 1917, cations Office, Main Building. authorized June 25, 191S. FOUNDED 18S7 EDMUND A. STEPHAN Editor-in-Chief JAMES S. KEARNS Managing Editor Associate Editors Department Editors Features Stag F. GRANGER WEIL WALTER JOHNSON TIGHE WOODS The Week RAY WATERS Features Editor WILLIAIM DREUX LLOYD TESKE ROGER McGOVERN College Parade LOUIS HRUBY ' EDWARD J. O'BRIEN NciDS Staff RICHARD PREZEBEL Staff Artist WILLIAM'KENNEDY BRYAN DEGNAN MITCHELL TACKLEY Neios Editor PAUL DOYLE LOUIS GIRAGI ROY SCHOLZ Assistant Ne^os Editor Sports Staff JOHN D. PORTERFIELD • MICHAEL WIEDL ROBERT DILLON EDWARD MANSFIELD RICHARD TOBIN I^ESLIE RADDATZ Sports Editor THOMAS PROGTOR JAMES BYRNE WILLIAM FLYNN JOSEPH KURTH Business Staff JOSEPH BUCCI ROBERT ERVIN PAUL HOST EDWARD VAN HUISSELING .lOHN F. STOBCKLBY....Graduate Manager JAMES A. HART JOHN McELLlGOTT VT>VT> AT„„RT?TW rT^mjPT? RTTT TT>jr FRED MncBETH GEORGE BELTESTG j_ ALBERT SMITH Idvertisinij Manager Desk Editors JAMES F. McKEON NICHOLAS CONNOR RAYMOND J. NABER-. .C.Vc«Zatfcm Afarwfler PATRICK CORCORAN JOHN CONLEY JOHN CARBINE HOWARD WALDRON HARRY McGOWAN JOSEPH SIMON VOLUME LXVI. DECEMBER 16, 1932 No. 11 COMING EVENTS FRIDAY, Dec. 16.—SCHOLASTIC staff meeting, Editorial Father Raemers Translates French Te.xts 11 Board, 6:30 p. m.; news, sports, and featui-es staffs, 7:00 "Football Review" Is Nearly Ready for Di.stribution Mon­ p. m.; Interhall debate finals between Howard and Dillon day 12 Halls, at St. Mary's College, 7:45 p. m.; Symphony Or­ chestra Presentation, Washington Hall, 8:15 p. m. Interhall Debate Match Will Be Settled Tonight at St. Mary's 13 SATURDAY, Dec. 17.—Movie, "Bill of Divorcement," with John Barrymore, Billie Burke, Katharine Hepburn, Wash­ FEATURES - ington Hall, 6:35 and 8:15 p. m. Jim Danehy, or "Va Donnchadha" in Gaelic, A Chemistry Student, Is Also Interested in Literature 8 SUNDAY, Dec. 18.—Masses, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 a. m.. Sacred Heart Church; Opening SCHOLASTIC editorial "Voice of the Campus" Talks about Dining Hall Cheering offices, 8:30 p. m. and SCHOLASTIC content 9 MONDAY, Dec. 19.—Basketball: Notre Dame varsity vs. Modern Economic Problems Reviewed by Walter Johnson, Northwestern U., Notre Dame gymnasium, 8:00 p. m. Senior Economics Major. 16 Purpose of Ecclesiastical Chant by John Sharpe 17 TUESDAY, Dec. 20.—Christmas vacation begins at 4:05 p. m. SPORTS »•. ,j» Southern California Defeats Notre Dame, 13 to 0, at Los SUMMARY Angeles 20 Northwestern here Monday for basketball game 20 NEWS Cagers open season with 41 to 20 victory over Albion 21 John Sweeney is Elected by Freshmen as President of Class in High Spirited Election 5 Notre Dame defeats Illinois Wesleyan in season's second basketball game 22 Democratic Chairman Farley Will Speak at Football Civic Testimonial Dinner 5 Three Big Ten basketball games scheduled for cagers dur­ ing Christmas vacation _ 23 Cast of "Charley's Aunt" Contains Many Veterans of the University Stage, By Robert Dillon - 6 High spots, slumps, great plays mark pa.st season: a sum­ mary of 1932 Notre Dame football -25 "Christmas" Juggler Hailed as McCabe's Outstanding Magazine 'i Splinters from the Press Box: where was McNeish? 26 Four The Scholastic THE WEEK T but a bit of advice. Just remember that a Ball X HERE are always two classes of freshmen. chairman has to change his technique when he's There are those who fuse themselves with the selling bonds or insurance and you'll have a lot of general student body within two months after political life at Notre Dame. their first registration and then there are those who act that way for four years. The Palace Theatre Corporation through its manager, Mr. T Gambrill, kindly invited the student body to be X HE floor work of Captain Johnny Baldwin, guests at the Palace last Friday afternoon. The the field goals by Voegele, and the first indoor con­ perennial freshmen forgot that the Palace main­ cert of the band made an otherwise drab Albion tains a stage entrance for the exclusive use of game interesting. Baldwin has had a streak of clowns, trained seals, ventriloquists, monkey bad luck ever since he came to Notre Dame but troupes, etc.; consequently there was a bit of con­ he looked fast and dependable in his first appear­ fusion when some of the local wearers of the cap ance of the season. Keep it up, Johnny, and for and bells got mixed in with the audience. Well, influenza's sake, "button up your overcoat!" anyway, some of us had enough politeness to re­ 1 HE SCHOLASTIC has moved into its new alize we were guests. quarters. The color scheme is white and green. It looks like a true-to-the-movies newspaper of­ V.^ OME on, snap out of it! Wliy so glum? We fice except that it is clean. It is located in the lost a football game but what of it? We've lost storeroom of the old kitchen which served the before, and it' was a pretty successful season after students when the dining halls were in the Main all. You've all been spoiled. You think that be­ Building and "bun carts," like miniature freight cause we are not National Champions the season cars, carried the first "N. D. buns," crackling hot was not a success. Here are a few things to think from the old bakery. The ping of typewriters about: The largest crowd on the east coast and has taken the place of the clatter of pans, but the the largest crowd on the west coast this year staff will have to work mighty hard to turn out came to pay tribute to Notre Dame. It has be­ come an axiom in sporting circles that, who would the same quality of copy that the Sisters sent out be national champions must first defeat Notre of that building in its younger days. Dame (with all due respect to Mr. Dickinson's rating system!). Thirdly, Notre Dame did not get XZrfSTHER sulked as she sat and polished her its great reputation by playing teams which copper kettles. Life was drab at the little Beth­ everybody knew were push-overs; and finally, we lehem inn. And Aaron was a hard master. Aaron won the Army Game. Now quit griping! longed to play the smiling host to kings and queens and high priests but the only tenants of his inn were cheap wool merchants and herds­ c ONGRATULATIONS are in order for the men. Esther wondered what she would do if she newly elected officers of the freshmen class, also saw a queen sometime.
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