CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH VOLUME XVI, Part 2 April, 1965 Contents PAOB No. 296. A note on some Recent Foraminifera from northwest Iceland T. D. Adams and 1. Frampton ............................................................................ ................ ............................................................. 55 No. 297. The Foraminifera in a sample dredged from the vicinity of Salisbury Island, Durban Bay, South Africa A. D. Albani ....................................................................................... 60 No. 298. Observations on some Recent Florida Bay Foraminifera George W. Lynts 67 No. 299. Some observations on Recent foraminifers from Venezuela: Part I George A. Seiglie ............................................................................................................................. ............. ............. .................... 70 No. 300. Fusulinids from the Cyathophyllum Limestone, central Vestspitsbergen Charles A. Ross ................................................................................................................ ........................:: ................ .. ................... .. 74 Recent Literature on the Foraminifera Ruth Todd ........................................................: ................................. 87 1965 CO NTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CUSHMAN F OUN D AT[ON F OR F OR A MI N IFERAL RESE ARCH 55 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH VOLUME XVI, PART 2, APRIL, 1965 296. A NOTE ON SOME RECENT FORAMINIFERA FROM NORTHWEST ICELAND T. D. ADAMS and 1. FRAMPTON University College of Wales, Aberystwyt h ABSTRACT valli/II (Terquem) together wit h a we ll developed Seventeen s ) ecies of fo ramini fera were retrieved from ostracod fallna. Oolilla lII elo d'Orbigny, Elphidilll1l the littora l m a ri ne sediments of three small fjords in north west Icela nd, Seven have not Pl'evious ly been re· illcertlllll (Williamson) and Techllilella sp. are re­ t:o rded in Icelandic wate rs , stricted to thi s association. The latter may in fact he a derived freshwater member of the T hecamo­ INTRODUCTION binidae. The predominance of Eiphidilllll e.tcal'{lllllll During the summer of 1961 , nine samples of lit­ to the exclusion of almost all else indicates a pecu­ IOral marine sands were collected from Isafjordur, liarity in prevalent environmental conditions. This Lonseyri and Leirafjordur, in northwest Iceland robust species thrives in areas of rapid salinity and n ext F igure 1) . A 50 gm. standard dry weight of diurnal temperature changes. Tn the Dovey Estu­ each sample was studied for foraminiferal content. ary, North Cardiga nshire, it has been found to be Two proved unfossiliferous, whilst varying numbers the predominant living species of the intertidal of seventeen species of foraminifera were retrieved zone, whilst in Christchurch H arbour, England , liv­ irom the remaining sediments. No new species ing populatio ns are known to tolerate a chlorinity 'ere observed. Two distinct faunal zones were de­ range of 0 0 / 00 to 19 0 / 00 (Murray 1961). In Lei­ termined for the area as a whole. rafjordur low salinity values predominate, the pres­ This account forms part of the report for the ence of Elphidillm excavatllm reflecting its high U.C.W. Expedition to Northwest Iceland, 1961. adaptability in comparison to the other foraminif­ eral forms present. DISCUSSION TAXONOMY Of the seventeen species recovered seven have oot previously been reported from Icelandic waters: Superfamily ASTRORHlZlDEA Techllitella sp. Family SACCAMMINlDAE Oolina apiopleura (Loeblich and Tappan) Subfamily SACCAMMININAE Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson) var. cari- Genus Technitella Norman llata (Cushman) Technitella melo Norman A. allgulosa (Williamson) var. fluells (Todd) Techllitella melo Norman. CUSHMAN, 1948, p. 14, Cibicides fletcheri Galloway and Wissler pI. 1, figs. 11 , 12. Elphidium excavatum (Terquem) Remarks.-This form has been reported as oc­ E. orbiculare (Brady) curring in both Arctic and Antarctic regions, as It is interesting to note that all forms excluding well as in the cold areas of the North Atlantic Cibicides fletcheri Galloway and Wissler are typi­ proper. In the present study nine specimens were .:ally cold water species. This exception however retrieved from sample 1, Leirafjordur. It has not so far only been reported from the warm water previously been recorded from Icelandic waters. areas off the southwest United States, and the Holo­ Superfamily MILIOLIDEA .:ene sediments of central Cardiganshire, Wales. Family MILIOLIDAE Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob) and EI- Genus Quillqlle\oclliina d'Orhigny ~ idillm excavatum (Terquem) were found li ving Qllinqlle\oculina seminlllum (Linne) Isafjordur and Leirafjordur respectively. Plate 5, figure 16 Two faunal associations were determined. Serpliia semillllllll1l LINNAEUS, 1758 , p. 1264. A. Isafjordur : characterized by a maximum de­ Miliolilla semillllia (Linne). WILLIAM SON , 1858 , p. lo pment of Cibicides lobatus (Walker and Jacob ) 85, pI. 7, figs. 183 -185. Elphidium excavatllm (Terquem ) . These two Miliolilla seminula (Linne). BRADY, 1884, p. 15 7, 1p!C ies were associated with eleven others, the fauna pI. 5, fig. 6 . g characteristic of normal inner marine or estu­ Qllillqlleloclliina semillllllll1l (Linne ) . NORV ANG , e areas . 1945, p. 7, fi g. 2. B. Lonseyri and Leirafjordur: characterized by Quillqlle/ocu/ill(l se minu/lim ( Linne) . CUSHMAN I almost complete dominance of Eiphidilllll exca- 1948, p. 34, pI. 3, figs . 14, 15. 56 ADAMS AND FRAMPTON-RECENT FORAMINIFERA FROM ICELAND •I LEtRA FJORlJUR 2 LONSEYRI ~ '2 N NWICELAND t /. Somplr loc(]!tli~s o 5 IOkffi TEXT FIGURE 1 COl'\'TRIB UT IONS FROM THE CL"S HlH AN FOU~DATL O~ F OR F ORA:'.Il:\,IFERAL HESEARCH 57 Remarks.-Brady (1884) comments on the uni­ Superfamily BULIMINIDEA versal and cosmopolitan distribution of the species Famil y UVIGERINIDAE in every latitude at depths varying from 0 to 3000 Genus Angulogerilla Cushman fathoms. It has common occurrence throughout Allglllogerina angulosa (Williamson) the Arctic and Antarctic regions, with the excep­ tion of the Canadian area. It is well represented in Platc 5, fi gure 2 British offshore sediments. In general one may note V "igerilla angll/osa WILLIAM SON, 1858, p. 67, pI. 5, an increase in abundance of Quillqlle/ocu/illa sell/i­ fig . 140. III1/um with decrease in temperature through either A II glI/ogerilla allgll/osa (Williamson) . NORVANG, latitude or depth. 1945, vol. 2, p. 37 . Forty specimens of this species were retrieved A II gll/ogerilla allgll/osa (Williamson). UC HI O, 1961 , from sample I, Isafjordur. pI. 7, fig. 18. Remarks.- This species has widespread occur­ rence throughout the boreal and lusitanian regions Genus Miliolinella Wiesner of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Miliolinella subrotunda (Montagu) Ten specimens were retrieved from samples I Plate 5, fi gure 15 and 2, Isafjordur. Vermicu/um subrolundum MONTAGU, 1803, p. 52!. Qllillque/oeulina subrollIllda (Montagu). NORVANG, Angulogerilla anglllosa (Williamson) \·ar. 1945, p. 8. carinata (Cushman) Quinque/oeulina subrolullda ( Montagu). CUSH­ Plate 5, fi gure 1 MAN, 1948, p. 35, pI. 3, figs . 20-22, pI. 4, fig . I. Allgu/ogerina earillala CUS HM AN, 1927, p. 159, pI. Remarks.-The species occurs in abundance 4, fig. 3. throughout the shallow water regions of the Arctic A ngu/ogerilla carinala Cushman. UCHIO, 1960, p. and sub Arctic, the Eastern seaboard of the United 55, pI. 7, fi g. 19. tates, and in the offshore areas around western Remarks.--Since continuous gradation between Europe. A. allgu/osa and A . earinala has been frequently In the present study twelve specimens were re­ observed within the same populations, (Hoglund, Ifieved from sample I, Isafjordur. 1947), the latter has been reduced to varietal status. Sixteen specimens were retrieved from sample 1, Isafjordur. Superfamily LAGENIDEA Family LAGENIDAE Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson) var. Genus Oolina d'Orhigny lIuens (Todd) Oolina apiopleura (Loehlich and Tappan) Plate 5, fi gure 3 Plate 5, fi gure 5 A II gu/ogerilla flu ens Todd. CUSHMAN and MCCUL­ Lagella apiop/eura LOEBLICH and TAPPAN, 1953, p. LOCH, 1948, pI. 16, figs. 6, 7. 59, pI. 10, figs. 14, 15. A ngu/ogerilla flu ells Todd. LOEBLICH and TAPPAN, Remarks.-This species has so far only been re­ 1953, p. 112, pI. 20, figs. 10-12. corded from Arctic regions and the North Sea. R emarks.--Since continuous gradation between The recovery of four specimens from sample I, A. allgu/osa and A. fluens has been observed within lsafjordur, marks its first recorded occurence in the same populations (Hoglund, 1947), the latter k elandic waters. has been reduced to varietal status. Sixteen specimens were retrieved from sample I, Oolina melo d'Orhigny Isafjordur. Plate 5, fi gure 4 Oolilla me/o D'ORBIGNY, 1839, p. 20, pI. 5, fig. 9. Family CASSIDULINIDAE Oolilla meta d'Orbigny. LOEBLICH and TAPPAN, Genus Cassidulina d'Orhigny 1953, p. 71, pI. 12, figs. 8-15. Cassidulina islandica Norvang Remarks.-This species has variable occurrence Plate 5, figure 13 oughout the Antarctic, Arctic and Icelandic Cassidulilla is/andiea NORVANG, 1945, p. 43, fig . 8. lers, as well as in the cold areas of the North Remarks.- This species has been commonly ~ and in the shallow water zones off the New found off the coast of Iceland , and throughout the gland coast. Arctic region. Two specimens were retrieved from sample 2, Four specimens were retrieved from sample I,
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