July 16, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S7515 to do it the right way, which would be There are a list of eight managers' may be transferred to and merged with ``Op- to say to all Americans we are going to amendments, which I will refer to and erating Expenses of the Agency for Inter- give a $500-per-child tax credit, which then send to the desk en bloc. national Development'': Provided further, That the provisions of section 107A(d) (relat- the Republicans proposed and which There is the McConnell-Leahy ing to general provisions applicable to devel- the President proposed, which the amendment requiring a report on the opment credit authority) of the Foreign As- Democrats and Republicans voted for, management of the Russia enterprise sistance Act of 1961, as added by section 306 but that tax credit will not be denied fund and prohibiting establishment of a of H.R. 1486 as reported by the House Com- the people just because they paid a private-public entity to manage the de- mittee on International Relations on May 9, payroll tax rather than an income tax. fense enterprise fund activities; a 1997, shall be applicable to direct loans and This conference in the next couple of Leahy amendment establishing credit loan guarantees provided under this para- graph: Provided further, That direct loans or days can do this right or it can do it authority for AID; a Leahy amendment loan guarantees under this paragraph may wrong. I hope they will listen to the allowing funds to be transferred to the not be provided until the Director of the Of- voices of some in this country who say, Export-Import Bank for NIS activities; fice of Management and Budget has certified if you are going to give a tax cut, pay a Leahy technical corrections amend- to the Committee on Appropriations that the some attention to the needs of the mid- ment to section 571; a McConnell- Agency for International Development has dle-income earners in this country who Leahy amendment providing authori- established a credit management system ca- deserve a tax cut, yes, based on income pable of effectively managing the credit pro- ties to DSAA for the costs associated grams funded under this heading, including taxes paid, but also based on the higher with the transfer of EDA to Central that such system (1) can provide accurate sales tax they pay every day as they go and East European countries and use of and timely provision of loan and loan guar- to work and work hard to support their less expensive commercial transport antee data, (2) contains information control families. and stockpiles in Thailand and Korea; systems for loan and loan guarantee data, (3) I yield the floor and suggest the ab- a McConnell-Leahy amendment provid- is adequately staffed, and (4) contains appro- sence of a quorum. ing DSAA authority to obligate funds priate review and monitoring procedures. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. upon apportionment; a McConnell- AMENDMENT NO. 878 HUTCHINSON). The clerk will call the Leahy amendment to provide a date for On page 20, line 14, after the word ``para- roll. the report on Ukraine; and a Leahy graph'' insert the following: ``Provided fur- The legislative clerk proceeded to amendment with a technical change on ther, That up to $22,000,000 made available call the roll. page 92. under this heading may be transferred to the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Export Import Bank of the United States, AMENDMENTS NOS. 876 THROUGH 883, EN BLOC ask unanimous consent that the order and up to $8,000,000 of the funds made avail- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I for the quorum call be rescinded. able under this heading may be transferred The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without send eight amendments to the desk and to the Micro and Small Enterprise Develop- objection, it is so ordered. ask that they be considered en bloc. ment Program, to be used for the cost of di- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The rect loans and loan guarantees for the fur- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, therance of programs under this heading: what is the pending business? clerk will report. The assistant legislative clerk read Provided further, That such costs, including f as follows: the cost of modifying such loans, shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional CONCLUSION OF MORNING The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- Budget Act of 1974''. BUSINESS NELL], proposes amendments numbered 876 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning through 883, en bloc. AMENDMENT NO. 879 business is closed. The amendments are as follows: On page 97, lien 5, strike the words ``be- f AMENDMENT NO. 876 tween the United States and the Government of Indonesia''. (Purpose: To improve the performance of On page 97, line 6, insert a comma after the FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT enterprise funds) FINANCING, AND RELATED PRO- word ``sale'' and strike the word ``or''. On page 27, line 15 insert the following new On page 97, line 7, after the word ``trans- GRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, sections: fer'' insert ``, or licensing''. 1998 (Q) None of the funds appropriated under On page 97, line 7, after the word ``heli- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under this heading or in prior appropriations legis- copter'' insert ``for Indonesia entered into by the previous order, the Senate will now lation may be made available to establish a the United States''. proceed to the consideration of S. 955, joint public-private entity or organization engaged in the management of activities or AMENDMENT NO. 880 making appropriations for foreign op- projects supported by the Defense Enterprise On page 102, line 9, after the word ``1998.'', erations, export financing, related pro- Fund. insert the following: grams for the fiscal year ending Sep- (R) 60 days after the date of enactment of EXCESS DEFENSE ARTICLES FOR CERTAIN tember 30, 1998, and for other purposes. this Act, the Administrator of AID shall re- EUROPEAN COUNTRIES The clerk will report. port to the Committees on Appropriations on SEC. 575. Section 105 of Public Law 104±164 The assistant legislative clerk read the rate of obligation and risk and antici- (110 Stat. 1427) is amended by striking ``1996 as follows: pated returns associated with commitments and 1997'' and inserting ``1998 and 1999''. made by the U.S. Russia Investment Fund. A bill (S. 955) making appropriations for SEC. 576. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS RELAT- foreign operations, export financing, related The report shall include a recommendation ING TO STOCKPILING OF DEFENSE programs for the fiscal year ending Septem- on the continued relevance and advisability ARTICLES FOR FOREIGN COUN- ber 30, 1998, and for other purposes. of the initial planned life of project commit- TRIES. ment. (a) VALUE OF ADDITIONS TO STOCKPILES.Ð The Senate proceeded to consider the Section 514(b)(2)(A) of the Foreign Assist- bill. AMENDMENT NO. 877 ance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321h(b)(2)(A)) is Mr. MCCONNELL addressed the At the appropriate place in the bill, insert amended by inserting before the period at Chair. the following: the end the following: ``and $60,000,000 for fis- cal year 1998''. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- DEVELOPMENT CREDIT AUTHORITY ator from Kentucky is recognized. (b) REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE REPUB- For the cost, as defined in section 502 of LIC OF KOREA AND THAILAND.ÐSection Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, my the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, of di- 514(b)(2)(B) of such Act (22 U.S.C. friend and colleague, Senator LEAHY, rect loans and loan guarantees in support of 2341h(b)(2)(B)) is amended by adding at the the ranking Democrat on the sub- the development objectives of the Foreign end the following: ``Of the following: ``Of the committee, is detained down at the Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA), up to amount specified in subparagraph (A) for fis- White House for the time being. I see $10,000,000, which amount may be derived by cal year 1998, not more than $40,000,000 may his colleague, Senator DORGAN, stand- transfer from funds appropriated by this Act be made available for stockpiles in the Re- ing in for him. We will, while Senator to carry out part I of the Foreign Assistance public of Korea and not more than $20,000,000 Act of 1961 and funds appropriated by this DORGAN is here, by mutual agreement, may be made available for stockpiles in Act under the heading ``Assistance for East- take care of several managers' amend- Thailand.''. ern Europe and the Baltic States'', to remain SEC. 577. DELIVERY OF DRAWDOWN BY COMMER- ments here at the outset of the discus- available until expended: Provided, That of CIAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES. sion of this year's foreign operations this amount, up to $1,500,000 for administra- Section 506 of the Foreign Assistance Act bill. tive expenses to carry out such programs of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2318) is amendedÐ S7516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 16, 1997 (1) in subsection (b)(2), by striking the pe- Rwanda, much like the Truth Commis- overseas without the use of troops is riod and inserting the following: ``, including sion in South Africa. frequently, always, less dangerous and, providing the Congress with a report detail- Mr. President, my amendment is not many times, less expensive. ing all defense articles, defense services, and without precedent. The foreign oper- military education and training delivered to For the better part of the last 3 the recipient country or international orga- ations bill 2 years ago restricted for- years, Senator LEAHY and I have nization upon delivery of such articles or eign assistance to countries that warned that the United States would upon completion of such services or edu- harbored both Rwandan and Yugoslav pay long-term consequences if we con- cation and training.
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