Folia faunistica Slovaca, 2011, 16 (2): 85–89 ISSN 1335-7522 PRELIMINARY MALACOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SITE OF COMMUNITY IMPORTANCE KAMENNÁ BABA (BRANISKO – BACHUREŇ) 1 1,2 1 Marek Čiliak & Jozef Šteffek Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, TU Zvolen, Masarykova 24, 960 53 Zvolen2 [[email protected]] Institute of forest ecology SAS, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen [[email protected]] Abstract: - Site of community importance (SCI) Kamenná Baba is due to its natu- ral beauties one of the most beautiful and most interesting parts of the eastern Slovakia. Big part of the site represents the same-named National Nature Re- serve. This site was included to the NATURA 2000 network due to the occurrence of several rare species, natural sceneries and biotops. Major part of site is situat ed in the north-eastern part of the Branisko Mts and minor part in the south-west- part of the Bachureň Mts. These mountains are one of the least known areas from the malacological point of view. In septemberClausilia 2009 quantitative dubia carpatica sampling sup plementedPetasina with unidentata individual carpaticacollection was carried out at several sites of the site Kamenná Baba. West Carpathian elementsPerforatella ( dibothrion Brancsik,- 1888, Vestia gulo (Poliński, 1929)) meet the elements with the centre in eastern part ofPupilla Carpathians sterrii ( Pupilla triplicata(M. von Kima kowicz, Vertigo1884), alpestris (E. A. Bielz,Clausilia 1859)) cruciata in this area. Several sozologicaly Balea per- versasignificant species such as (Voith, 1840), (Studer, 1820), Alder, 1838, (Studer, 1820), Key words:(Linnaeus, 1758) are present. Mollusca, SCI Kamenná Baba, species protection, ecoelement, areotyp. INTRODUCTION Vitrea transsylvanica, O orientalis, Macrogastra pli- catula, Cochlodina orthostoma F faustina ( . and . Cochlicopa) have Submitted contribution presents historically first- lubricellabeen found, Vertigo in the pusillasouthern, Truncatellina core area Sľubica. cylindrica, On data about malacofauna of Bachureň Mts, to which Chondrina4.7.1997 Šteffek clienta recorded, Vallonia costataten species, V. pulchella ( , Vit- the northern part of the study Site of communi rina pellucida, Aegopinella pura, Punctum pygmae- ty importance (SCI) Kamenná Baba extends. The um Euomphalia strigella southern part of the site, belongs to Branisko Mts. This part of the study site was designated as the and ) on a limestone cliff nearby the Jewish Cemetery in the village of Vyšný National Nature Reserve Kamenná Baba. There is- Slavkov. The most recent data about molluscs from a lack of data about molluscs from both Bachureň- the study area were collected from an analysis of Mts and Branisko Mts. Only a sporadic data ob- tained by J. Šteffek are available. A few of the re a deposit of the Svinka stream in theV turgidavicinity, ofV. thegu- corded species have been mentioned in the de lo,Branisko Laciniaria settlement plicata, Perforatella(leg. Šteffek, dibothrion, 13.9.2004). Acicula The scription of natural characteristics of the both core parcelineatafollowing species were observed: . areas as a part of the National Ecological Network (Clessin, 1911) etc. of Slovakia – NECONET (Koreň & Šteffek 1996). In- MATERIAL AND METHODS this monograph four CarpathianOxychilus orientalis species recorded in the northernVestia turgida core area of Branisko Mts (Smreko Faustina - faustinavica) are, Monachoidesmentioned – vicinus (Clessin, 1887), (Rossmässler, 1836), A quantitative sampling was carried out at 6 locali © Faunima, Bratislava, 2011 . In total five species ties of the study site in Septemberhttp://zoology.fns.uniba.sk/ffs 2009. Big snails 85 Fagus sylvatica Pinus sylvestris Picea abies Abies al- - ba Acer platanoides. as well as slugs were collected and identified on , , , the spot. After species identification the individu , als were released to their natural habitat. Samples Sambucus Locality 2: 49°3´30.5´´ N, 20°55´50.9´´ E, the Lačnov were processed in a standard way. For each site Asplenium trichomanes, A. viridis. canyon, dolomite cliff, altitude 610 m, sp., geographical coordinates, altitude and vegetation coverCharacteristics were identified. of the study area - LocalityCirsium 3: 49°3´28´´Lycopus N, 20°55´57.5´´Urtica E, dioica the LačnovPeta- - sitescanyon, floodplain of the Lačnov brook, altitude The site of community importance Kamenná Ba 600 m, sp., sp., , ba (Fig. 1) with an area of 339.98 ha is situated be- sp. tween two orographic units Branisko and Bachureň - Locality 4: 49°3´21.5´´ N, 20°56´8.4´´ E, the Lačnov divided by the road linking villages Lačnov and Lip- Fagus sylvatica Pinus sylvestris Picea ovce. Geological basement is composed mostly of abiescanyon,Euonymus steep slope under the dolomite cliff, alti dolomites – core part of the Branisko Mts is over tude 625 m, , , , sp. - lain by nappes of dolomites from the Cretaceous- - period. The part of the area located in the Bachureň- LocalityCorylus 5: 49°4´11.5´´ N, 20°56´25.5´´ E, surround Mts consists of dolomites which arise from the Ter ings of the Zlá diera cave, altitude 785 m, beech for tiary Inner Carpathian flysch belt. The altitude var est, sp. - ies from 545 m to 995 m. Dominant morphological Fagus sylvat- – morphometrical landform type is medium and icaLocalityCorylus 6: 49°4´4.7´´Betula N, 20°56´22.3´´Larix decidua E, Aspleniumxerother mic limestone rocks, altitude 805 m, strongly dissected upland. Prevailing soil types- ruta-muraria. are cambisols. The average annual air temperature , sp., sp., , is 2–6 °C. Average annual precipitation varies be- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tween 600 mm and 800 mm (Miklós & HrnčiarováPinus syl- 2002). In the area calciphilous beech forests pre vestris - dominate, more locally, relict forests with occur. Forests coverage is more than 90 % During a two–day preliminary survey of the SCI Ka- of the territory. Fauna and flora linked to the rocky menná Baba 53 species of mollusks were recorded- formations is a specific feature of the SCI Kamenná in total number of 1246 individuals (Tab. 1). Lime Baba. stone–dolomite geological base contributes to rela Locality 1: 49°3´27.8´´ N, 20°55´32.6´´ E, the stony tively high diversity of molluscs in the area. In the gate “Vrátnica”, dolomite bed-rock, altittude 800 m, northern part, dolomites are gradually covered by- the paleogene sandstones of the flysch belt which- is mostly poor on mollusks. In flysch, molluscs par ticularly occur in the riparian vegetation in al luvial plains of rivers. According to ecoelements- identified by Lisický (Fig. 2) (sensu Lisický 1991)- the majority of recorded species belongs to for- est ecoelementsPyramidula (28 species). pusilla The study area rep resents the easternmost occurrence of a small epi- litic gastropod Chondrina clientain Slovakia. It is- also the second easternmost occurrence of anoth er epilitic species . The eastern- most locality of this species is in Humenský VestiaSokol gulo,National Monachoides Nature Reserve vicinus which is a part of Vihor lat Mts. Two of the observed forest species ( ) indicate forest wetlands. 8% forest species mainly forest species 21% 39% species of forest wetlands steppe species species of open ground area 2% xeric species 9% mesophilous species 8% hygrophilous species 4% 9% Figure 1. - Figure 2. The Site of the community importance Kamen Ecological groups of molluscs in study area Folianá Baba faunistica with selectedSlovaca, 2011, localities 16 (2): 85–90of sampling. (sensu Lisický 1991). 86 Table 1. Mollusks of the Site of community importance Kamenná Baba (Branisko – Bachureň). Ecotypes (sensu Lisický 1991): 1 forest species – SI; 2 mainly forest species – SI(AG), SIth; 3 species of forest wetlands – SIh; 4 steppe species – ST, STp; 5 species of open ground area – PT, PT(SI), SIS; 6 xeric species – XR, 7 mesophilous species – AG, AGp, SIp; 8 hygrophilous species – HG; AG – agricolae, HG – hygricolae, PT – patenticolae, SI – silvicolae, p – petrophilous, th – thamnophilous. Areotypes (sensu Lisický 1991): I.b – Holarctic, I.c – Palaearctic; II.a – Euro-Siberian, II.e – European, II.f – West Palearctic; III.c – Atlantic; IV.a – Central European, IV.b – Central and East European, IV.e – Central and Southeast European, IV.f – Moetic-Central European, IV.g – Balthic-Dacian and Central European, IV.j – Peripannonian; V.a – Carpathian, V.b – Alpine- Carpathian, V.h – West Carpathian; VI.c – Alpine and Southeast European, VI.d – Mediterranean and Alpine; VIII.a – Central European and Meridional, VIII.b – Alpine-Meridional. 1 2 Ecotype Areotype localities Species Aegopinella pura Lisický ‘91 Lisický ‘91 1 3 4 58 6 Cochlodina laminata (Alder, 1830) 1 SI II.e 32 1 29 – – Macrogastra plicatula (Montagu, 1803) 1 SI II.e 1 – – – – Malacolimax tenellus (Draparnaud, 1801) 1 SI II.e 41 1– – – – Vertigo pusilla (O. F. Müller, 1774) 1 SI II.e – 2 – – 2– Acanthinula aculeata O. F. Müller, 1774 1 SI II.e 1– 131 1 1– 31 Bulgarica cana (O. F. Müller, 1774) 1 SI II.f 2 – Ena montana (Held, 1836) 1 SI IV.a – – – – 1 – Isognomostoma (Draparnaud, isognomostomos 1801) 1 SI IV.a 2– 2– 1– – 1 – Clausilia cruciata (Schröter, 1784) 1 SI IV.a 1 – – Cochlodina orthostoma (Studer, 1820) 1 SI IV.b 1– – – – – Discus perspectivus (Menke, 1828) 1 SI IV.g – – – – 10 Bielzia coerulans (Megerle et von Mühlfeld, 1816) 1 SI IV.j – – 9 – 2– – Faustina faustina (M. Bielz, 1851) 1 SI V.a – 8– 1– 2– 8 – Perforatella dibothrion (Rossmässler, 1835) 1 SI V.a 4 2 – Vitrea transsylvanica (M. von Kimakowicz, 1884) 1 SI V.a – – – – – Eucobresia nivalis (Clessin, 1877) 1 SI V.a – – – – 32 – Petasina unidentata (Dumont carpatica et Mortillet, 1854) 1 SI V.b – 2– 42 – – Daudebardia brevipes (Poliński, 1929) 1 SI V.h – – 1– – Daudebardia rufa (Draparnaud, 1805) 1 SI VIII.a – – – – 2 – Vitrea diaphana (Draparnaud, 1805) 1 SI VIII.a 1– – – – – Oxychilus glaber (S. Studer, 1820) 1 SI VIII.b – – 1– 1– – Alinda biplicata (Rossmässler, 1835) 2 SI(AG) IV.e – – – – Vitrea crystallina (Montagu, 1803) 2 SI(AG) IV.f 92 7 – 110 4 – Aegopinella minor (O.
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