IOBC/WPRS Working Group "Integrated Control in Protected Crops" "Mediterranean Climate" OILB/SROP Groupe de Travail "Lutte lntegree en Cultures Protegees" "Climat Mediterraneen" Proceedings of the Meeting Comptes-Rendus de la Reunion at/a Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Espana 3-6 November 1997 Edited by R. Albajes & A. Carnero IOBC/WPRS Bulletin Bulletin OILB/SROP Vol. 20(4) 1997 The IOBC/WPRS Bulletin is published by the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, West Palaearctic Regional Section (IOBC/WPRS) Le Bulletin OILB/SROP est publie par !'Organisation lnternationale de Lutte Biologique et lntegree contre les Animaux et les Plantes Nuisibles, section Regionale Ouest Palearctique (OILB/SROP) Copyright IOBC/WPRS 1997 Address General Secretariat: INRA Station de Zoologie Domaine Saint-Paul Site Agroparc 84914 AVIGNON Cedex 9 France ISBN 92-9067-089--4 -i - Preface Ce volume rassemble la plupart des contributions orales presentees !ors de la reunion du groupe de travail de l'OILB/SROP "Lutte lntegree en Cultures Protegees, Climat Mediterraneen" qui a tenu place a Tenerife (Iles Canaries, Espagne) du 3 au 6 Novembre 1997. D' autres contributions- y compris Jes posters- qui ont egalement enrichi Jes discussions au long de la reunion n'ont pas pu malheureusement etre publiees. Le groupe se mantient actif et divers. C'est a s'en feliciter. Notre diversite geographique, disciplinaire, de formation et de langue est a conserver, mais aussi a accroitre. Quand on constate l'accroissement incessant d'hectares protegees dans la Mediterranee, en particulier dans la Mediterranee meridionale, quand on affirme que les maladies fongiques et viriques sont un frein importani pour une plus large application de la Jutte biologique et integree dans nos serres, quand on s'impatiente de la lenteur dans !'adoption par nos serristes de techniques de Jutte integree, ii faut nous exiger plus de cooperation avec la Mediterranee Sud, plus de travail en collaboration entre les entomologistes et Jes pathologistes et plus d'effort pour que nos recherches connectent avec les applicateurs. Un long parcours est encore a faire. Je tiens a remercier notre collegue Aurelio Camero qui a pris en charge !'organisation de la rencontre et qui, avec le concours des autorites locales et espagnoles en general, nous a permis de jouir de l'hospitalite des Canaries. Permettez-moi de rendre hommage a deux colli:gues dont !'effort a ete decisif pour que notre groupe ait pu naitre et se maintenir au long des ces treize annees et qui malheureusement nous ont quitte depuis notre dernii:re reunion en 1994: Jes professeurs Cavalloro et Degheele. Le professeur Minks a assure cette fois la publication de ce numero de notre Bulletin. Merci, enfin,a tous les auteurs de ce volume et aux participants a la rencontre. Preface You have in your hands a new volume that includes most of the oral contributions to the meeting of the working group of IOBC/WPRS, "IPM in Protected Crops, Mediterranean Climate", which was held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain on November 3-6 1997. Unfortunately, other contributions that enriched the discussions during the meeting, including the posters, could not be published. The group remains alive and plural, for which congratulations are due. We must conserve the diversity of our group in geography, discipline, training and language, but we still need more. When we note the continual increase in the number of protected hectares in the Mediterranean, in particular in the southernMediterranean, when we find that fungal and viral diseases are an important obstacle to a wider application of biological and integrated control in our greenhouses, or when we become impatient at the slowness of our greenhouse growers to adopt 1PM techniques, we should demand more cooperation with the southern Mediterranean, more joint work between entomologists and pathologists and greater efforts to connect with the implementers. We still have a long way to go. I should like to thank our colleague Aurelio Camero forhis dedication in organising the meeting which, with the aid of the local and Spanish authorities, allowed us to enjoy the hospitality of the Canary Islands. I should further like to pay homage to two colleagues who have left us since the last meeting in 1994, ProfessorsCavalloro and Degheele, whose efforts were decisive for the birth of our group and its maintenance in its thirteen years of existence. Professor Minks was responsible forthe publication of this volume. Finally, thanks are due to all the authors of this volume and all those who participated in the meeting. Ramon Albajes, animateur du groupe de travail/convenor of the working group -Ill - INDEX/CONTENTS Contribution orale ou resume de poster Page Oral contribution or poster abstract Preface/Preface Index/Contents iii I. Systemes integres de lutte en culture protegee mediterraneenne/ 1PM systems in Mediterranean regions Bertaux F. & J.P. Marro - Bilan des introductions d'auxiliaires dans les serres tropicales du Pare Phoenix a Nice 1 Carnero-Hernandez A., M. Hernandez-Garcia, R. Torres-del-Castillo, E. Hernandez-Suarez & F. Perez-Padron - 1PM in protected vegetable crops in Canary Islands [POSTER: resume/abstract] 293 Felix A.P., A. Duarte & A. Mexia - Demonstration greenhouses of integrated pest management in horticulture in regiao aut6noma da Madeira [POSTER: resume/abstract] 294 Garcia F., R.M. GreatRex & J. Gomez - Development of integrated crop management systems for sweet peppers in southern Spain 8 Ilovai Z. - Characteristics of 1PM in vegetable crops in Hungary 16 Nicoli G. & G. Burgio - Mediterranean biodiversity as source of new entomophagous species for biological control in protected crops 27 Rodriguez J.M., R. Rodriguez, A. Florido & R. Hernandez - Integrated pest management in tomatoes in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) 39 (voir aussi dans la section II/see also in section II: Besri, M. 45 II. Maladies fongiques et bacteriennes/Fungal and bacterial diseases Besri M. - Integrated management of soil-borne diseases in the Mediterranean protected vegetable cultivation 45 Bourbos V.A., G. M!chalopoulos & M.T. Skoudri.dakis - Lutte biologique contre Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici chez la tomate en serre non chauffee 58 De Cal A., S. Pascual, R. Garcia-Lepe & P. Melgarejo - Biological control of Fusarium wilt of tomato 63 Elad Y. & D. Shtienberg - Integrated management of foliar diseases in greenhouse vegetables according to principles of a decision support system-GREENMAN 71 Goumas D.E., A.K. Chatz2ki - A bacterial disease of tomato fruits caused by Pseudomonas viridiflava in Crete 77 Pasini C., F. d' Aquil&, P. Curir & M.L. Gullino - Alternative strategies to control rose powdery mildew 84 Penni.si A.M. - Effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate against powdery· mildew of rose and peach [POSTER: resume/abstract] 295 -IV - III. Nematodes Barcelo P., F.J. Sorribas, C. Ornat & S. Verdejo-Lucas - Weed hosts to Meloidogyne spp. associated with vegetable crops in North-east Spain 89 Verdejo-Lucas S., C. Ornat & F.J. Sorribas - Management of root-knot nematodes in protected crops of North-east Spain 94 IV. Aleurodes/Whiteflies Beitia F., I. Mayo, E.M. Robles-Chillida, P. Guirao & J.L. Cenis - Current status of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Spain: the presence of biotypes of this species 99 Benmessaoud Boukhalfa H. - Etude comparative de la repartition de la population de Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) sur 8 varietes de piment sous abri-serre 299 Benmessaoud Boukhalfa H. - Determination de la sensibilite varietale de trois varietes de poivron a !'infestation naturelle de Bemisia tabaci Gen. sous abri-serre dans le Sud-est Algerien 302 Chermiti B., M. Braham, J.L. Cenis, C. Alonso & F. Beitia - Sur la presence en Tunisie des biotypes 'B' et 'non B' de Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) et de leurs parasitoi:des associes 108 Gonzalez-Zamora J.E., J.M. Gallardo & M".M. Garcia - Toxicity of different pesticides on pupae of Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitizing Bemisia tabaci (Genn.)(Homoptera:Aleyrodidae) 114 Maignet P. & J.C. Onillon - Premieres donnees sur le potentiel biotique d' Encarsia hispida De Santis (Hymenopt.: Aphelinidae), endoparasitoi"de du biotype 'B' de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) et de Trialeurodes vaporariorum West. (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) 121 Manzaroli G., M.G. Tommasini, M. Mosti & D. Dradi - Biological control of whitefly on poinsettia in Italy 130 Muiiiz M. & G. Nombela - Development, oviposition and female longevity of two biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on three varieties of Capsicum annuum L. 143 Videllet P., R. Albajes & R. Gabarra - Host-feeding activity of Encarsia pergandiella Howard on Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) 147 V. Thrips Berlinger M.J., S. Lebiush-Mordecbi, D. Fridja, V. Khasdan, E. Siti & R. Rodman - Western flower thrips phenology in Israel 153 Mateus C., J. Araujo & A. Mexia - Sticky traps' colour and Frankliniella occidentalis' sex ratio in greenhouse crops 158 Loomans A.J.M. & G. Vierbergen - Thrips palmi: a next thrips pest in line to be introduced into Europe? 162 Michelakis S.E. & A. Amri - Integrated control of Frankliniella occidentalis in Crete-Greece 169 -v - Sanchez J.A., F. Garcia, A. Lacasa, L. Gutierrez, M. Oncina, J. Contreras & Y.J. Gomez - Response of the anthocorids Orius laevigatus and Orius albidipennis and the phytoseiid Amblyseius cucumeris for the control of Frankliniella occidentalis in commercial crops of sweet pepper in plastic houses in Murcia (Spain). 177 Sanchez J.A., A. Lacasa, L. Gutierrez & J. Contreras - Distribution pattern and binomial sampling forFrankliniella occidentalis and Orius spp. in sweet pepper crops. 186 van der Biom J., M. Ramos & W. Ravensberg - Biological pest control in sweet pepper in Spain: Introduction rates of predators of Frankliniella occidentalis, 196 VK. Acariens, pucerons, sciaricis, escargots et mineuses/Mites, aphids, sciaridflies, slugs and lea/miners A!oma, 0, R. Gabarra & C. Castaiie - The aphid parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (Hym.: Aphelinidae) for biological control of Macrosiphum euphorbiae on tomatoes grown in unheated plastic greenhouses 203 Carnero A., M.
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