中國內地指定醫院列表 出版日期: 2019 年 7 月 1 日 Designated Hospital List in Mainland China Published Date: 1 Jul 2019 省 / 自治區 / 直轄市 醫院 地址 電話號碼 Provinces / 城市/City Autonomous Hospital Address Tel. No. Regions / Municipalities 中國人民解放軍第二炮兵總醫院 (第 262 醫院) 北京 北京 西城區新街口外大街 16 號 The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese 10-66343055 Beijing Beijing 16 Xinjiekou Outer Street, Xicheng District People’s Liberation Army 中國人民解放軍總醫院 (第 301 醫院) 北京 北京 海澱區復興路 28 號 The General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation 10-82266699 Beijing Beijing 28 Fuxing Road, Haidian District Army 北京 北京 中國人民解放軍第 302 醫院 豐台區西四環中路 100 號 10-66933129 Beijing Beijing 302 Military Hospital of China 100 West No.4 Ring Road Middle, Fengtai District 中國人民解放軍總醫院第一附屬醫院 (中國人民解 北京 北京 海定區阜成路 51 號 放軍 304 醫院) 10-66867304 Beijing Beijing 51 Fucheng Road, Haidian District PLA No.304 Hospital 北京 北京 中國人民解放軍第 305 醫院 西城區文津街甲 13 號 10-66004120 Beijing Beijing PLA No.305 Hospital 13 Wenjin Street, Xicheng District 北京 北京 中國人民解放軍第 306 醫院 朝陽區安翔北里 9 號 10-66356729 Beijing Beijing The 306th Hospital of PLA 9 Anxiang North Road, Chaoyang District 中國人民解放軍第 307 醫院 北京 北京 豐台區東大街 8 號 The 307th Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation 10-66947114 Beijing Beijing 8 East Street, Fengtai District Army 中國人民解放軍第 309 醫院 北京 北京 海澱區黑山扈路甲 17 號 The 309th Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation 10-66775961 Beijing Beijing 17 Heishanhu Road, Haidian District Army 中國人民解放軍第 466 醫院 (空軍航空醫學研究所 北京 北京 海澱區北窪路北口 附屬醫院) 10-81988888 Beijing Beijing Beiwa Road North, Haidian District PLA No.466 Hospital 北京 北京 中國人民解放軍海軍總醫院 (海軍總醫院) 海澱區阜成路 6 號 10-66958114 Beijing Beijing PLA Naval General Hospital 6 Fucheng Road, Haidian District 北京 北京 中國人民解放軍空軍總醫院 (空軍總醫院) 海澱區阜成路 30 號 10-68410099 Beijing Beijing Air Force General Hospital, PLA 30 Fucheng Road, Haidian District 中華人民共和國北京市昌平區生命園路 1 號 北京 北京 北京大學國際醫院 Yard No.1, Life Science Park, Changping District, Beijing, 10-69006666 Beijing Beijing Peking University International Hospital China, 東城區南門倉 5 號(西院) 5 Nanmencang, Dongcheng District (West Campus) 北京 北京 北京軍區總醫院 10-66721629 Beijing Beijing PLA. The Military General Hospital of Beijing 北京市朝陽區農展北路 8 號(東院) No.8, Nongzhang North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Campus) 北京 北京 武警總醫院 海澱區永定路 69 號 10-57976688 Beijing Beijing General Hospital of Armed Police Forces 69 Yongding Road, Haidian District 北京 北京 武警北京市總隊醫院 朝陽區東三里屯 1 號 10-64161188 Beijing Beijing Armed Police Beijing General Hospital 1 Sanlitun East, Chaoyang District 北京 北京 武警北京市總隊第二醫院 西城區月壇北街丁 3 號 10-62558999 Beijing Beijing Armed Police Beijing No.2 General Hospital 3 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District 重要資料: Important Notes: 1.此中國內地指定醫院列表(「此列表」)只適用於衛一醫療總匯。 2.如被保人於中國內地住院或接受受保治療,富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司(「富衛」) (於百慕達註冊成立之有限責任公司) 只會就於此列表所列之醫院內進行的住院或受 保治療作出賠償,否則富衛保留不作出賠償的權利。 3. 富衛有權不另行事先通知而對此列表作出修訂,修訂可包括但不限於增加或減少中國內地指定醫院。 4. 富衛已盡力確保此列表的準確性及完整性,如有任何歧異,概以中文原義為準,醫院的英文名稱及地址僅供作參考。 5. 此列表將不時更新,客戶可於富衛網站的「支援及索償」 (https://www.fwd.com.hk/tc/support-claims/)下載此列表的最新版本。 6. 富衛建議客戶在入住醫院或接受受保治療前進入富衛網站查核最新的醫院名單。客戶亦可致電 24 小時服務熱線 3123 3123 以作查詢。 1. This Designated Hospital List in Mainland China (the “List”) is only applicable to TheOne Medical Solution. 2. FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (“FWD”) (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) would pay the related claims for insured’s confinement or insurable medical treatments in Mainland China if and only if the confinement or treatment was conducted in the hospitals listed herein. Otherwise, FWD reserves the right to not to pay the claim. 3. FWD reserves the right to revise the List without prior notice, revision included addition or removal of the designated hospitals. 4. Whilst every attempt has been made in the preparation of this “List” to ensure its accuracy and completeness, in the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version of this “List”, the Chinese version shall prevail, the hospital names and address in English are for reference only. 5. The List would be updated from time to time, customers can download the latest version of the List from "Support & Claims " of FWD's website (https://www.fwd.com.hk/en/support-claims/). 6. FWD recommends customers to review the latest version of the List before admitting into any hospital or receiving any insurable medical treatment in Mainland China. Customers can also contact 24-hour Service Hotline 3123 3123 for any enquiries. 1 PMH055FB1907 省 / 自治區 / 直轄市 醫院 地址 電話號碼 Provinces / 城市/City Autonomous Hospital Address Tel. No. Regions / Municipalities 北京 北京 北京醫院 (衛生部北京醫院) 東城區大華路 1 號 10-85132266 Beijing Beijing Beijing Hospital 1 Dahua Road, Dongcheng District 北京 北京 中日友好醫院 (衛生部中日友好醫院) 朝陽區櫻花園東街 2 號 10-84205566 Beijing Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital 2 Yinghuayuan East Street, Chaoyang District 北京 北京 中國中醫科學院西苑醫院 (西苑醫院) 海澱區西苑操場 1 號 10-62835678 Beijing Beijing Xiyuan Hospital CACMS No.1, Xiyuang Caochang, Haidian District 東城區帥府園 1 號 (東院) 10-65296114 1 Shuaifuyuan, Dongcheng District (East Campus) 北京 北京 北京協和醫院 Beijing Beijing Peking Union Medical College Hospital 西城區大木倉胡同 41 號 (西院) 41 Damucang Hutong, Xicheng District (West Campus) 10-88068177 中國醫學科學院腫瘤醫院腫瘤研究所 北京 北京 朝陽區潘家園南里 17 號 Cancer Institute and Hospital. Chinese Academy of 10-67781331 Beijing Beijing No. 17, Panjiayuannanli, Chaoyang District Medical Sciences 中國醫學科學院阜外心血管病醫院 (北京阜外醫 北京 西城區北禮士路 167 號 北京 院) 10-88398866 Beijing 167 Beilishilu Road, Xicheng District Beijing Fuwai Hospital CACMS&PUMC 中國中醫科學院廣安門醫院 北京 北京 西城區北線閣 5 號 Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese 10-83123311 Beijing Beijing 5 Beixiange St. Xicheng District Medical Sciences 北京 北京 中國中醫科學院望京醫院 朝陽區花家地街 10-84739047 Beijing Beijing Wangjing Hospital of CACMS Huajiadi Street, Chaoyang District 北京 北京 中國醫學科學院整形外科醫院 石景山區八大處路 33 號 10-88772233 Beijing Beijing Plastic Surgery Hospital(Institute). CAMS, PUMC 33 Badachu Road, Shijingshan District 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京同仁醫院 東城區東交民巷 1 號 10-11616669 Beijing Beijing Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University 1 Dongjiaomin Xiang, Dongcheng District 北京 北京 北京安定醫院 西城區安康胡同 5 號 10-16880120 Beijing Beijing Beijing Anding Hospital 5 Ankang Hutong, Xicheng District 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京兒童醫院 西城區南禮士路 56 號 10-59616161 Beijing Beijing Beijing Children's Hospital 56 Nanlishi Road, Xicheng District 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京友誼醫院 宣武區永安路 95 號 10-63016616 Beijing Beijing Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University 95 Yong'an Road, Xicheng District 北京 北京 北京安貞醫院 朝陽區安貞路 2 號 10-64412431 Beijing Beijing Anzhen Hospital 2 Anzhen Road, Chaoyang District 首都醫科大學附屬北京婦產醫院 東城區騎河樓街 17 號 (西院本部) 10-65250731 北京婦幼保健院 17 Qihelou Street, Dongcheng District (West Campus) 北京 北京 Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Beijing Beijing Medical University Beijing Maternal and Child Health 朝陽區姚家圓路 251 號 (東院) Care Hospital 251 Yaojiayuan Road, Chaoyang District (East Campus) 10-85976699 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京中醫醫院 東城區美術館後街 23 號 10-67096611 Beijing Beijing Capital Medical University TCM Hospital 23 Meishuguan Back Street, Dongcheng District 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京天壇醫院 東城區天壇西里 6 號 10-67096611 Beijing Beijing Beijing Tian tan Hospital, Capital Medical University 6 Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District 東城區天壇西里 4 號 (天壇分院) 首都醫科大學附屬北京口腔醫院 4 Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District (Tiantan Branch) 北京 北京 Beijing Stomatological Hospital, Capital Medical 10-67099114 Beijing Beijing University 東城區錫拉胡同 11 號 (王府井分院) 11 Xila Hutong, Dongcheng District (Wangfujing Branch) 重要資料: Important Notes: 1.此中國內地指定醫院列表(「此列表」)只適用於衛一醫療總匯。 2.如被保人於中國內地住院或接受受保治療,富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司(「富衛」) (於百慕達註冊成立之有限責任公司) 只會就於此列表所列之醫院內進行的住院或受 保治療作出賠償,否則富衛保留不作出賠償的權利。 3. 富衛有權不另行事先通知而對此列表作出修訂,修訂可包括但不限於增加或減少中國內地指定醫院。 4. 富衛已盡力確保此列表的準確性及完整性,如有任何歧異,概以中文原義為準,醫院的英文名稱及地址僅供作參考。 5. 此列表將不時更新,客戶可於富衛網站的「支援及索償」 (https://www.fwd.com.hk/tc/support-claims/)下載此列表的最新版本。 6. 富衛建議客戶在入住醫院或接受受保治療前進入富衛網站查核最新的醫院名單。客戶亦可致電 24 小時服務熱線 3123 3123 以作查詢。 1. This Designated Hospital List in Mainland China (the “List”) is only applicable to TheOne Medical Solution. 2. FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (“FWD”) (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) would pay the related claims for insured’s confinement or insurable medical treatments in Mainland China if and only if the confinement or treatment was conducted in the hospitals listed herein. Otherwise, FWD reserves the right to not to pay the claim. 3. FWD reserves the right to revise the List without prior notice, revision included addition or removal of the designated hospitals. 4. Whilst every attempt has been made in the preparation of this “List” to ensure its accuracy and completeness, in the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version of this “List”, the Chinese version shall prevail, the hospital names and address in English are for reference only. 5. The List would be updated from time to time, customers can download the latest version of the List from "Support & Claims " of FWD's website (https://www.fwd.com.hk/en/support-claims/). 6. FWD recommends customers to review the latest version of the List before admitting into any hospital or receiving any insurable medical treatment in Mainland China. Customers can also contact 24-hour Service Hotline 3123 3123 for any enquiries. 2 PMH055FB1907 省 / 自治區 / 直轄市 醫院 地址 電話號碼 Provinces / 城市/City Autonomous Hospital Address Tel. No. Regions / Municipalities 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬宣武醫院 (宣武醫院) 宣武區長椿街 45 號 10-83198277 Beijing Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University 45 Changchun Street, Xuanwu District 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院 豐台區西頭條 8 號 10-83997599 Beijing Beijing Beijing Youan Hospital, Capital Medical University 8 Xitoutiao, Fengtai District 朝陽區工體南路 8 號 (東院本部) 10-85231000 8 Gongti S Road, Chaoyang District (Main Campus) 北京 北京 首都醫科大學附屬北京朝陽醫院
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