T.C. ANKARA YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY THE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THE ROLE OF PRESIDENTS IN FOREIGN POLICY MAKING SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF TURKISH REPUBLIC MASTER THESIS HAMZA YURTERİ JUNE 2019 THE ROLE OF PRESIDENTS IN FOREIGN POLICY MAKING SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF TURKISH REPUBLIC A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE INSTITUTE SOCIAL SCIENCES OF ANKARA YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY BY HAMZA YURTERİ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS JUNE 2019 Approval of the Institute of Social Sciences ________________________ Doç. Dr. Seyfullah Yıldırım Manager of Institute I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. ________________________ Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. ________________________ Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün (AYBU, IR and IR) _______________ Dr. Muhammed Hüseyin Mercan (AYBU, IR and IR) _______________ Dr. Metin Çelik (SU, IR and IR) _______________ PLAGIARISM I hereby declare that all information in this thesis has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work; otherwise I accept all legal responsibility. Hamza YURTERİ İMZA iii ABSTRACT YURTERİ, Hamza MA, Department of International Relations Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Birol AKGÜN June 2019, 158 Page THE ROLE OF PRESIDENTS IN FOREIGN POLICY MAKING SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF TURKISH REPUBLIC In the wake of Cold War changing dynamics of international politics bring about diversification of determinants of foreign policy. Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) provides an opportunity for analyzing the diversification by opening the “black-box” of the state. However, in the studies related with Turkish foreign policy, attempts to open the black-box the remain incapable in order to meet requirements of the diversification. The main concentration of the research is to fill the deficiency in the literature by investigating how a foreign policy output is shaped regarding role of the institutions and domestic powers. The study aims to investigate influence of the Presidents on foreign policy decision making and emphasize changing of the influence from a president to other president based on legal context within frame of authority given by the constitutions and balance of domestic political context involving de facto situation materialized beyond legal conditions. In addition, the presumption that the leadership styles of the Presidents shape their impact on the process will be discussed by using the leadership profile analysis method. Key Terms: Foreign Policy Analysis, The Role of Presidents, Turkish Presidential System, Development of Foreign Policy Making Process iv ÖZET YURTERİ, Hamza Yüksek Lisans, Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı Danışman: Prof. Dr. Birol AKGÜN Haziran 2019, 158 Sayfa TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ’NİN KURULUŞUNDAN GÜNÜMÜZE DIŞ POLİTİKA YAPIMINDA CUMHURBAŞKANLARININ ROLÜ Soğuk Savaş sonrasında uluslararası politikaların değişen dinamikleri, dış politika belirleyicilerinin çeşitlenmesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Dış Politika Analizi (DPA), devletin “kara kutusunu” açarak bu çeşitliliğin analiz edilebilmesine imkan sağlamaktadır. Fakat, Türk dış politikası ile ilgili çalışmalarda, söz konusu çeşitliliğin gerekliliklerini karşılamak adına yapılan kara kutuyu açma teşebbüsleri yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu noktada söz konusu araştırma, yasal bir bağlamda kurumların, pratik bağlamda ise iç siyasi güçlerin Türk dış politikası yapım sürecindeki rollerini araştırmak suretiyle literatürdeki eksiklikleri gidermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu minvalde Cumhurbaşkanlarının dış politika yapım süreçlerindeki rolü anayasanın tanımış olduğu yetkiler çerçevesinde yasal zeminde ele alınacak ve iç siyasi güç konfigürasyonundan etkilenerek yasal zeminin ötesinde ortaya çıkan fiili durum incelenecektir. Bunun yanında Cumhurbaşkanlarının liderlik tarzlarının onların süreç üzerindeki etkisini şekillendirdiği öngörüsü liderlik profili analizi yönteminden faydalanılarak tartışılacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dış Politika Analizi, Cumhurbaşkanlarının Rolü, Türk Tipi Cumhurbaşkanlık Sistemi, Dış Politika Yapım Sürecinin Gelişimi v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Foremost, I would like to express my very great appreciation to Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün for his valuable advice, constructive suggestions, kindly contribution and leading not only at the formation but also evolution of the thesis. I would like to emphasize that the courses I have received from him both in undergraduate and master’s degree and his works provide me unique perspective seeing the bases of academic maturity and critical intellectual production. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under his guidance. Therefore, I am grateful to him. In addition, I would like to offer my special thanks to lecturers at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University who provided my inspiration and my first steps in the academic field. In addition, I am particularly grateful for the assistance and friendships given by Mehmet Ali Ak, Ahmet Baykal, and Ömer Faruk Uğurlu who always take care to be with me for the stimulating discussions, and for their great sense of humor. Last but not the least, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my dear wife Mürvet Yurteri, my dear mother Sultan Yurteri and my kindly father Kadir Yurteri for their support, prayers and encouragement throughout my study. I am also very grateful to my dear sisters Dilruba Yurteri, Elmas Yurteri and Esra Yurteri for their, understanding and continuing support. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM .................................................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ iv ÖZET .................................................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. vii TABLE LISTS ..................................................................................................................... x INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER I: THEORITICAL BACKGROUND: DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS ........................................ 4 1.1 Concept of the Foreign Policy ..................................................................... 4 1.2. The Rising of Foreign Policy Analysis Studies ........................................... 5 1.3. Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations .................................. 8 1.4. Historical and Paradigmatic Development of Foreign Policy Analysis .... 12 1.4.1. Sociological Development of Foreign Policy Analysis ......................... 16 1.4.2. Domestic Political Development of Foreign Policy Analysis ................ 17 1.4.3. Psychological Development of Foreign Policy Analysis ....................... 20 1.5. Contemporary Foreign Policy Analysis Studies ........................................ 22 1.6. Decision Unit ............................................................................................. 23 1.6.1. Predominant Leader ............................................................................... 24 1.6.2. Single Group .......................................................................................... 25 1.6.3. Multiple Autonomous Groups ................................................................ 26 CHAPTER II: PRESIDENCY IN TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY ............................ 27 2.1. Legal Context ............................................................................................. 27 2.2. Internal Balances of Domestic Powers ...................................................... 29 2.3. Personality and Leadership ........................................................................ 31 2.3.1. Leadership Trait Analysis ...................................................................... 34 CHAPTER III: 1924 FOUNDING CONSTITUTION ................................................... 39 3.1. Legal Status ................................................................................................ 39 3.2. Actual State ................................................................................................ 43 3.2.1. Single-Party Period ................................................................................ 44 Mustafa Kemal’s Era ............................................................................. 44 vii Balance of Domestic Powers ............................................................... 44 Ataturk’s Leadership Profile ............................................................... 47 İsmet İnönü’s Era ................................................................................... 49
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