Centerfold Welcome to a new year at Northside of learning, laughing, and living The HoofSeptember 2009 | thehoofbeat.com | Northside College Preparatory HighBeat School | [email protected] | Vol. 11 No. 1 Are Northsiders a bunch of cheaters? 7 | Why CPS fails at state sports competitions 16 Time for some joy man said. The Joy Garden One of the projects leaders Mi- chael Repkin of Urban Habitat first comes to got involved with the project be- Northside cause he was a family friend of the Birmans. He and another member by Jeffrey Joseph of Urban Habitat Chicago, Anna Through Mayor Daley’s Chicago Glenn, were invited to Nothside to Youth Ready teen summer jobs pro- lead a design charette, where the de- gram, a group of Northside students sign for the garden was solidified. has been working in conjunction Urban Habitat Chicago’s web- with Urban Habitat Chicago’s Mi- site states that “the objective [of the chael Repkin, Project Director, and garden] is to furnish the exterior Nicholas Petty, Design and Project of the school with a microenviron- Manager, to transform the barren ment both ecologically functional ten thousand square foot space lo- and educationally stimulating, with cated behind Northside’s northern particular emphasis upon providing wing into a sustainable and environ- for the requirements of special needs mentally friendly garden for every- students.” one to enjoy. In order to achieve this goal and Brianna Birman, Class of 2008, to make the garden more accessible first suggested the idea for the gar- to Northside’s special needs stu- den. The plan for the garden emerged dents, a concrete path was added to after she was asked to give a seminar the garden. What makes the path for the State of the Planet. special is that it is made of pervious ”I wanted to do something that concrete, which allows water to pass The Joy Garden is located in between the school and the soccer field.Photo by Jeffrey Joseph incorporated two things that inter- through it. This makes the garden ested me which were coexistence safer because standing water in the cational. with wildlife and CASE,” Birman garden will be eliminated and in the “It was a cool experience, since I said. ”My mom and I came up with winter the garden will still be acces- know that I was part of creating life the idea to have a garden that show- sible to students because ice will not in this lot behind the school, which cases environmental initiatives and form on the path. beforehand looked like a desert,” coexistence” said Birman. The gardens name which is the Edgar Ortega, Adv. 208, said. Having formed the idea of creat- Joy Garden has special significance “Working on the garden helped ing a garden, Birman approached to Birman. build our knowledge of plants and Northside’s principal Mr. Barry “I had an aunt named Samantha helped us learn about our environ- Rodgers to find a location for the Joy Birman who was severely handi- ment,” Ottmar Flores, Adv. 110, garden. Mr. Rodgers offered two capped and died in 2002, so I want- said. options for the location of the gar- ed to do something in her memory,” The people who worked on the den. They decided that the garden Birman said. garden have some ideas about what would be constructed in the location A group of students that were purpose they want the garden to behind the school, but only with the working in the school helped to pro- serve for Northside. approval of the special education de- vide the man power for the project. ‘I want it [the garden] to be a partment, which had formerly been The students would often work on general resource and to help pro- using the space. the garden for their entire workday mote green ideas,” Birman said. ”We thought that it would [then] of four hours. The general consen- “I hope that people respect and be a good idea to tailor the garden to sus among the students was that the enjoy the garden,” Luis Mesa, Adv. The Joy Garden was planned and designed with the needs of special edu- the special education students,” Bir- experience was worthwhile and edu- 207, said. cation students in mind. Photo courtesy of Urban Habitat Chicago. Northside will experience the power of one this semester ing Out and Reaching In.” Northside’s Leadership Team, which make a difference. It will be planned Students involved in service New colloquium “The colloquium theme will focus includes all department chairs. Stu- by the Wellness colloquium. Both learning clubs such as Key Club around our students who can share dent input also factored into the final all-school colloquia will be based believe that the theme will help for- theme inspires and demonstrate their leadership decision, as well. on student ideas, according to Ms. ward their message of service and and inspire their classmates to a life “We think that it is very impor- Spillane. fun at Northside. students to make that includes self-care and service,” tant that students have a direct voice “All-school colloquia this year “I can’t be more excited for this Susan Spillane, Director of Special in colloquium, including its theme sound like they will be good experi- year’s colloquium theme,” Karen a difference Programs, said. “[The theme] will and the all-school colloquia,” Ms. ences,” Justice Reed, Adv. 206, said. Li, Adv. 018, Key Club President, challenge our community to look Spillane said. “I’m looking forward to them.” said. “This is just the type of subject by Adira Levine within and contemplate their gifts Another aspect of colloquium, In addition to all-school collo- I think really needs to be promoted One of the most unique aspects and talents that they can share with all-school colloquia, include col- quia, students are also eagerly antici- and publicized. I look forward to of Northside’s curriculum is collo- our very important Northside com- loquium days where instead of pating individual colloquia offered seeing every student participate and quium, the specialized classes that munity.” going to individual colloquia, the for this semester. enjoy all of the service opportunities students sign up for each semester The theme focuses in particular entire student body participates in “One thing I’m really looking Northside has in store.” and attend for half a day on Wednes- on two questions. Firstly, “how can school-wide activities. Although in forward to is Ms. Volesky’s sewing Those who organized this year’s days. Each year, many of the ap- we provide opportunities for students the 2008-09 school year there were colloquium,” Katie Sonnefeldt, Adv. colloquia feel that the theme of the proximately 50 individual colloquia that inspire them to make a differ- three all-school colloquia, in order 010, said. “I’m so excited.” individual, serving the community, offered each semester fall under a ence in our world?” Secondly, “how to allow more time for individual Students seem to feel that “The and inspiring others to make a dif- general theme. In the 2007-08 school do we nurture the whole person to colloquia, there are two all-school Power of One” is a beneficial theme ference will make a positive impact year, the theme, “World of Possi- ensure that the students are prepared colloquia planned for this year. The for this year’s colloquia. on students. bilities,” had a global focus, with a to share their gifts, time and talents first, on October 29, asks students to “There is so much talent and “Giving students opportunities national focus in the 2008-09 theme, with others here at Northside?” share their experiences serving oth- dedication to service at Northside,” to make a difference through service “American Tapestry.” This year, the In order to choose this year’s ers with their time and talents. The Jennifer Tee, Adv. 206, said. “This instills not only a sense of respon- theme is based on the individual, theme, Ms. Spillane brainstormed second, on January 13, 2010, will colloquium theme will be a great sibility,” Ms. Spillane said, “but of called, “The Power of One: Reach- with Student Council and with help students prepare themselves to way to share all of it.” possibility.” News | Pages 1-3 Features | Pages 5-7 Diversions | Pages 10 Editorials | Pages 13-14 Page 16 • We The Living returns to North- • High school fashion that will • A look at the events happening • FML: America’s mistaken for- side for an encore concert dominate the hallwards this fall this Fall eign policy Neubauer domi- • Latin team conquers NJCL • Mr. Lill, back in high school •Music, film fests, play, and more •Stick to a few or join them all? nates the softball diamond and Connections | Pages 4 Centerfold | Pages 8-9 A&E | Pages 11-12 Sports | Pages 15-16 the volleyball •Clout admissions scandal hits • The unwritten Northside eti- • The book that unlocks the elite • Point/Counterpoint: The White court elite public schools quette everyone should know college admissions process Sox and Cubs face off •Summer Quest empowers youth •Advice for freshmen • Filligar stands out •Fall sports preview News The Hoof Beat Northside College Prep H.S. 5501 N. Kedzie Guten tag, Germany! Hello, Americans! Chicago, IL 60625 Tel: (773) 534-3954 Northside students visit Principal Mr. Barry Rodgers Bremen to Assistant Principal learn about the Dr. Margaret Murphy German culture Advisor Mr. Chester Tylinski and language by Adira Levine Northside prides itself on the op- Editor-In-Chief portunities it presents to its students, Caitlin Swieca including the chance to travel abroad as part of the Global Initiative pro- Web Editors-in-Chief gram.
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