15602 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 15, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO ROMANIAN PRESI­ the country. He receives only a token salary HEALTH CARE REFORM DENT EMIL CONSTANTINESCU and drives a small inconspicuous car without the motorcade fanfare of his predecessors; HON. LEE H. HAMILTON Led an activist campaign to permanently OF INDIANA HON. MIKE PARKER tie Romania to the West, NATO and the U.S. OF MISSISSIPPI (whose support Romania needs for its NATO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aspirations). He has helped ensure that ro­ Wednesday, July 15, 1998 mania takes a leadership role in the Partner­ Wednesday, July 15, 1998 Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ship for Peace collaboration. He helped lead insert my Washington Report for Wednesday, Mr. PARKER. Mr. Speaker, for the RECORD the Romanians in giving U.S. President Bill July 15, 1998 into the CONGRESSIONAL I would like to submit a statement of tribute by Clinton in 1997 his biggest reception any­ RECORD. my former House colleague David Funderburk where up to that time. And the same Roma­ to Romania's President who is visiting Wash­ nians have indicated the highest level of sup­ MANAGED CARE REFORM port for NATO and partnership with America ington this week. The most important political issue today, of any of the peoples of Eastern Europe; and for the past decade, is health care. Sev­ A TRIBUTE TO ROMANIAN PRESIDENT EMIL Met with regional and other world leaders eral prominent publications have identified CONSTANTINESCU ON THE OCCASION OF HIS to demonstrate his determination to make health care as the defining issue of the 1990s. VISIT TO WASHINGTON IN JULY 1998 Romania a peaceful island of stability in the I agree. In meeting after meeting in southern (By David Funderburk) volatile region. His outreach to the Hun­ Indiana I have noticed how persistently the Emil Constantinescu has been described as garian minority and to neighb.oring Hungary question of health care comes forward in dis­ Romania's "Vaclav Havel." There are many as well as to neighboring Ukraine have been cussions. It is the issue that bubbles and reasons why Constantinescu should be models of cooperation in the region; seethes beneath the surface at all times sim­ classed together with Vaclav Havel the Helped guide Romania through its most ply because it is the most personal and real Czech dissident hero of the communist era. difficult economic crisis in the post-com­ issue that touches the hopes and fears of Admittedly as a friend of Constantinescu I munist period by calmly accentuating the every American. am not a completely unbiased observer. And positive, and focusing on the big picture of POPULAR VIEWS ON HEALTH CARE after spending two years living in Romania Romania's goals of Western partnership and I find Hoosiers overwhelmingly want ev­ during the 1970's and four years during the peace. His leadership has helped produce po­ eryone to have access to health care services 1980's in Ceausescu's time, I never thought I litical stability and project optimism in the but they split on how to pay for that access. would see a democratic President of Roma­ face of a not-always-supportive coalition Hoosiers are usually skeptical of government nia. For a few years following the end of the government. action but I do not find them objecting to a Ceausescus I looked with skepticism on some There is no doubt that Romania has some prominent role for government to play in of the transitional figures of the country. distance to travel before it's on a par with health care. They do not want a comprehen­ Also I wondered how many of those new the West in terms of economic reform and sive plan like the one President Clinton pro­ voices who seemed to be jumping on the even politic"al stability. More needs to be posed in 1994, but they do want to see the democratic reform and free market band­ done to make the investment climate attrac­ government assuring access to affordable wagon were for real. Emil Constantinescu tive to U.S. companies and to complete the health care, vigorously policing the pro­ has proven that he is for real. implementation of the economic reforms. viders of health care such as insurance com­ Emil Constantinescu is the first truly But change has been coming-gradually, panies, demanding more generous coverage democratic President of Romania after 42 steadily, inexorably. And most remarkably from employers, and ensuring that their ex­ years of harsh communism and 7 years of Romania has come a very long way since isting benefits are not cut back. Futhermore, stagnation following the demise of Nicolae Ceausescu. Romania was left in about the they do not want to see any interference and Elena Ceausescu. worst possible position to reform with a Sta­ with the doctor-patient relationship. Constantinescu is enlightened, well edu­ When it comes to the issue of managed linist command economy, central planning care, most people recognize that managed cated, pro-American, and a man of integrity and virtually no private sector. with a historical sense of purpose for his peo­ care plans have helped to hold down costs ple and their future. The steady hand of Constantinescu's lead­ and provide preventive health care. But they The leading interwar political party-the ership has helped guide Romania as it goes also worry that managed care can sometimes National Peasant & Christian Democrats­ through the toughest transition in Eastern interfere with the doctor-patient relation­ emerged from the ashes of communism under Europe, without bloodshed, revolt or diver­ ship and impede access to medical treat­ the leadership of Corneliu Coposu, a giant sion from the NATO-integration course. ment. They want government to hold man­ figure who had been imprisoned under Constantinescu is a visionary leader who fo­ aged care plans accountable. The general Ceausescu. Coposu, who was a national sym­ cuses on the big picture of Romania's place view seems to be that Hoosiers will support bol of integrity and sacrifice for freedom, in the world, and strives to help fulfill the tougher government oversight of managed designated as the party's standard-bearer in dreams of ordinary Romanians to be given care plans but they do not want the govern­ both 1992 and 1996 the little known Geology recognition, acceptance and respect by the ment to come in and take over health care. professor and Rector of the University of Bu­ West particularly by the U.S. Since we have MIXED SUCCESS the benefit of such a leader in Bucharest, we charest, Dr. Emil Constantinescu. During In light of widespread support for changes the transition period in Romania under should move quickly during this visit to as­ sist Constantinescu and Romania. in the health care system, I am struck by the Iliescu, Constantinescu gained political ex­ number of Hoosiers who say to me that they perience in his role as a leader of the opposi­ Washington- from the White House to Cap­ are quite satisfied with their own health tion. itol Hill to the business community and care. Their personal experiences have largely Romania's "Havel" Emil Constantinescu media-has a special moment in history to been positive. They recognize the successes has in fact accomplished the following: do the right thing by this new Romania. of the American health care system. Vac­ Led Romania to its first real democratic Let's show our appreciation to President cination rates are up, premature births are election victory in 1996 and peaceful transi­ Emil Constantinescu and Romania and show down, more women are getting mammo­ tion with a platform incorporating the core our recognition for their historic longings, grams, and the move to managed care has values of Western civilization. And their geopolitical and strategical value to saved billions of dollars in health care spend­ Constantinescu initiated the coalition peace, and political stability in the region. ing. They and their families are probably as Democratic Convention program called the Let's take advantage of this special oppor­ heal thy today as they ever were and for the " Contract with Romania." tunity and welcome the new democratic most part they have affordable health cov­ Presided as a populist President living a President Emil Constantinescu-"Romania's erage. spartan existence and working long hours in Havel"-to Congress, the White House and Nonetheless, underlying these successes is the midst of hardship for many workers in America. It's something we will not regret. the fear that the system will not continue to e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. July 15, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15603 work for them and be there in times of crisis. care through managed care, usually through Club on its 70th anniversary. This group of Hoosiers really worry about how they would ·HM Os. Lower costs and a wider array of ben­ business men and women is a cornerstone of handle a major illness, and they tell me efits, including prescription drug benefits, public service in our community. Their dedica­ again and again of acquaintances who were are often seen as advantages of managed care tion and hard work have helped groups rang­ simply wiped out financially by a major plans. As the reform debate goes forward it medical problem. Many feel overwhelmed by is important to build on the success of what ing from the Boy Scouts to the handicapped.
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