BPW “Building Phenomenal Women” January 27, 2009 Lorie Marcum, 08-09 BPW/RC President BPW River City February Luncheon Speaker: Delise Bilharz-Campbell We’re going to Frankfort on Delise Bilharz-Campbell, MBA, cific to women’s health. Come Tuesday, February 10th RD, LD will be our February join us on February 11th to hear (8:00am) speaker. Delise is the Jewish her speak during our February Hospital Heart Transplant Dieti- Monthly Luncheon Meeting at cian and co-owner of The Cup- Jefferson Club, 500 W Jefferson cake Shoppe in St. Matthews St, Ste 2900, (PNC Plaza) Louis- We will once again be go- (www.LouisvilleCupcakes.com). ville, KY 40202. ing to Frankfort in mid- She will discuss nutrition spe- February to lobby legisla- tors on women’s is- sues. This is always a fun Make Your February Luncheon Reservation Today! and very informative event. It is interesting to FEBRUARY MONTHLY For lunch reservations, call LUNCH BUFFET: The Buffet talk in person with our LUNCHEON MEETING 502-540-6371, or email your includes Salad Bar, Soup of the legislators. Please plan to r e s e r v a t i o n t o day, two Entree selections, a join us. For more infor- Barbara Roberson at Wednesday, Starch & a Vegetable, along mation, see page 4. February 11th, 2009 [email protected]. You may register in the same man- with Rolls & Butter, Iced Tea ner for a member or a guest, and Coffee, and platters of please be sure to specify that Brownies and Cookies on each the person is a guest. Be ad- table. Meeting attendance is vised: You are financially re- free, and open to the public. Note: sponsible for any reservation Lunches are $20. New contact you make whether you (or a person & contact guest) attend. Reservations are Please have checks made out information! not required for non-eaters. in advance to speed-up the check-in process. Our menu for this meeting is: Inside this issue: Letter from the Prez Wear Red Day 2 Celebrate National Wear Red need to protect their heart Association; University of Louis- Leadership BPW January 2 Day on Friday, February 6, health, and inspires them to ville Women's Center; and many Event 2009-the first Friday in Febru- take action. National Wear Red other groups to promote Na- ary- when Americans nation- Day promotes the symbol and tional Wear Red Day in your Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay 3 wide wear red to show their provides an opportunity for eve- local community. Visit The Act support for women's heart dis- ryone to unite in this life-saving Heart Truth’s National Wear ease awareness. awareness movement by show- Red Day toolkit to get free in- We Are Going to Frank- 4 fort! ing off a favorite red dress, formation, ideas, and materials The Heart Truth-a national shirt, or tie, or Red Dress Pin. to help share this special day. Important Dates 6 awareness campaign for women about heart disease-created and Join the National Heart, Lung, https://louisville.edu/womenscenter introduced the Red Dress as the and Blood Institute; Office on February Calendar 7 national symbol for women and Women's Health, U.S. Depart- www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/hearttruth/ heart disease awareness in 2002 ment of Health and Human Ser- events/nwrd.htm to deliver an urgent wakeup call vices; WomenHeart: the Na- Our Sponsors 8 to American women. The Red tional Coalition for Women with Paula Brinegar Dress reminds women of the Heart Disease; American Heart BPW Health Committee Chair BPW “Building Phenomenal Women” A Letter From the Prez: YES! Good day Ladies! As Carly Fiornia, former CEO of Hewlett Packard said yesterday on ABC News This Week with George Stephanopoulous and relative to the Glass Ceiling and the United States government….”we have come a long way but we still have a ways to go!” Look at this little tidbit of information I found on the internet: Twenty-four women in congressional history have been elected by their peers into the Democratic and Republican Party leadership—18 in Lorie Marcum the House and six in the Senate. The first was Connecticut Representative Chase Going Woodhouse, BPW River City President, who served a single term as Secretary of the Democratic Caucus in the 81st Congress (1949–1951). Illinois Representative Lynn Martin became the first Republican woman elected to a House leadership 2008-2009 position when she won the vice chair post in the Republican Conference in the 99th–100th Congresses (1985–1989). The first woman elected to a Senate leadership position was Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, who chaired the Senate Republican Conference in the 90th—92nd Congresses (1967–1973). California Representative Nancy Pelosi is the highest-ranking woman in congressional history—having served as House Democratic Whip and House Democratic Leader, prior to being elected Speaker of the House in 2007. Look in this issue for the exciting legislative news on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act bill getting “Look in this issue through the house and the SENATE!!!! WE ARE ON OUR WAY! What an amazing group of women we for the exciting are associated with through BPW River City and the United States! For daughters, granddaughters, legislative news on nieces, and other girls in our lives “we have come a long way” in pay equity. YOU HAVE CHANGED A the Lilly Ledbetter GIRLS LIFE! These things don’t just happen because of one person but because of the passion, deter- Fair Pay Act bill mination and support of us all. getting through the house and the It’s February, it’s winter, it’s cold outside so what better way to spend an exciting lunch with a col- SENATE!!!! league, friend and your fellow BPW members for lunch on February 11 at the Jefferson Club (see WE ARE ON OUR reservation and speaker info within) AND the day BEFORE, February 10 for BPW River City Legislative WAY!” Day in Frankfort. You’re THE BEST! Blessings abundant! Lorie Marcum BPW/River City President Leadership BPW January Event: Filson Historical Society On January 6, 2009, Leadership BPW vis- manuscript collection (1.5 million items), ited and toured the Filson Historical Soci- a photographs and prints collection ety. Their mission statement is to (50,000 images), and a museum (10,000 “Collect, preserve, and tell the significant items). The collections contain such items stories of Kentucky and the Ohio Valley as original manuscripts, portraits, land- history and culture.” scapes, photographs and prints, genealogi- cal materials, printed family histories, In May 1884, ten prominent Louisvillians local business records, and other primary gathered at the home of Reuben T. Dur- historical materials with nationally recog- rett and founded The Filson Historical nized strength in the history of Kentucky, Society. Kentucky's oldest, privately sup- the Ohio Valley, and the Upper South. Filson Historical Society Leadership ported historical society was named to BPW attendees Tiffany Cardwell, honor Kentucky's first historian, John Fil- If you would like to learn more about Yvette Norsworthy, Suzy Gessner, son. about organizations like the Filson Histori- Christine Taylor, Teresa Cleary, cal Society or other Louisville businesses, Debbie Pierce and Dotty Wettig. The Filson has continued the mission of its please join us for our Leadership BPW founders by building and maintaining four events. (See page 5 for more info.) permanent collections to serve and edu- Page 2 cate the public: a library (50,000 titles), a BPW “Building Phenomenal Women” Senate Passes Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act! January 22, 2009, the US Sen- islative priorities.” Click here weaken the legislation and all ate approved by a vote of 61- to read the BPW/USA press were soundly defeated. The 36 the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay release. final bill passed with the sup- Act (S 181)! “The Lilly port of five Republicans and all Ledbetter Fair Pay Act will Congress has shown its strong sixteen women Senators. The ensure that women subject to support for working women by bill now goes back to the House wage discrimination will get passing pay equity legislation in to reconcile the differences their day in court and is an first days of the 111th Con- between the House and Senate important step towards closing gress. Thank you to Senators passed versions and then to the persistent and sizable wage Kennedy (D-MA) and Mikulski President Obama who has said gap that remains between men (D-MD) for their unflagging he will sign the legislation. and women,” said BPW/USA leadership in support of this Click here to find out how your Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (S 181)! CEO Deborah L. Frett. legislation. During the several Senators voted on the Lilly “Enactment of this legislation hours of debate seven amend- Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (S181). was one of BPW/USA’s top leg- ments were proposed to Here is your connection to Legislative Hotlines: • BPW/USA Legislative Hotline: See www.bpwusa.org/custom/getactive/iframe.cfm • Kentucky Political News - U.S. Politics Today: www.uspolitics.einnews.com/kentucky/ • Kentucky Legislature Home Page: www.lrc.ky.gov/home.htm • Louisville Metro Council Home Page: www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCouncil/default.htm BPW/RC Legislative Committee Your BPW/RC Legislative Committee for 2008-2009 consists of co-chairs Phyllis Hargrave and Jamie Patrick. The Legislative Committee will keep all our members informed on our USA National Legislative Platform as well as Local and State issues. BPW Websites – Keep Informed by Checking Us Out Regularly: BPW River City: www.bpwrc.org BPW of Kentucky: www.bpw-ky.org BPW USA: www.bpwusa.org Page 3 BPW “Building Phenomenal Women” We Are Going to Frankfort: Please Plan to Join Us! BPW Legislative Awareness Lobbying in Frankfort February 10, 2009 Join us as we travel to Frankfort Kentucky on Wednesday, February 10, 2009.
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