Welcome to Northern Satsuma! Kita Kushikino I.C 14 2 Satsuma (Kushikino Exit) 薩摩川内市 甑島 Northern Satsuma Tourism Map Tourism

Welcome to Northern Satsuma! Kita Kushikino I.C 14 2 Satsuma (Kushikino Exit) 薩摩川内市 甑島 Northern Satsuma Tourism Map Tourism

1 2 3 4 5 6 *Last Update: March 2016 Northern Satsuma's Main 私は日本語を話せませんので、 Language Support Sheet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 このシートを利用して s Tencho Ferry お話をさせていただきます。 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 There are free Wi-Fi Spots accessible throughout Northern Satsuma. [Nakata ‒ Shoura] I don’t speak Japanese well so I’m Sun Arena Sendai 8:30~22:00 going to use this sheet to communicate. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 サンアリーナせんだい TEL.0996-25-8282 F-3 Satsumasendai City Central Library 8:45~21:00 Katasoba-ko 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 A ●Akune City (Katasoda Port) 34 該当する質問に指を 薩摩川内市立中央図書館 TEL.0996-22-3542 F-3 A ●Izumi City さしてくだ さい 。 Satsumasendai City Central Community Hall 9:00~22:00 ●Satsumasendai City はい いいえ 10000 ¥ $ AM PM ~時 ~分 メートル キロメートル Please point to the appropriate question. Yes. No. Hours Minutes Meters Kilometers 薩摩川内市中央公民館 TEL.0996-22-7251 F-3 ●Satsuma Town yen dollar Shishijima 8:00~22:00 ●Nagashima Town Sendai Station F-3 Island 交通機関・道案内用 Transportation and Directions 川内駅 Satsumasendai City International Exchange Center 8:30~21:30 荷物を預けられますか。 タクシー乗り場を教えて下さい。 ~行きのバスに乗りたい。 ~行きの電車に乗りたい。 ~までお願いします。 ここで降ります。 薩摩川内市国際交流センター TEL.0996-22-7741 F-3 Shoura-ko Would you please keep Please take me to ~ I’d like to get out here. Please tell me I’d like to II’d like to KAGOSHIMAKagoshima Prefecture my luggage here? where I can catch a taxi. take a bus bound for ~ take a train bound for ~ (Shoura Port) Satsumasendai City Hall / Branch Offices 8:30~17:15 薩摩川内市役所・各支所 TEL.0996-23-5111 バス(電車)はいつ出ますか? 切 符はどこで買えますか? 距 離 はどのくらいですか? 時 間 はどのくらいかかりますか? 料 金 はいくらですか? どのように行けますか? Sendai Cultural Hall 9:00~22:00 What time is How far away is it? How long would it take? How much will it cost? Where can I buy a How can I get there? the next ( bus / train )? ( ticket / pass )? 川内文化ホール TEL.0996-22-5211 F-3 Regional Community Centers in Satsumasendai City 8:30~17:15 お買物・飲食用 Shopping and Dining 薩摩川内市 各地区コミュニティセンター 35 Ikarajima 29 ( 大きい / 小さい )サイズ Sendai Port Terminal 8:00~18:00 メニューをください。 おすすめは何 ですか? おすすめを教えてください。 これと同じものを~個ください。 大盛りをください。 Island May I have a menu, What do you recommend? Please recommend I’d like [ # ] of these, Please give me のものはありますか? 川内港ターミナル TEL.0996-41-5100 F-2 please? something to me. please. the large serving. Do you have a (larger / smaller) size? Iriki Folk Museum 9:00~17:00 36 他 に何かありますか? お水をください。 スプーン / フォーク/ ( 皿 / ボウル / コップ ) 入来郷土館 TEL.0996-44-3111 F-4 Nagashima Town Fisheries & Commerce Division これはいくらですか? もっと安い 物 はありますか? Sanwa Ferry Nagashima Town Tourism Association How much is this? Do you have May I have a glass ナイフはありますか? はありますか? Sato Port Terminal 7:00~18:30 Do have a cheaper one? anything else? of water, please? May I have a ( spoon / fork / knife ), please? May I have a ( plate / bowl / cup ), please? [Ushibuka ‒ Kuranomoto] Nagashimacho Yakuba-mae 里港ターミナル TEL.09969-9-3930 G-6 (Nagashima Town Hall) 37 Tosembo 別々にお会計をお願いします。 支 払いに~は使 えますか? ドル($) クレジットカ ード ごちそうさまでした。 Nagahama Port Terminal 7:00~19:30 B お会計をお願いします。 I’d like to pay separately, B Please give me the check. Can I pay with ~ ? US dollars Credit card Thank you. 長浜港ターミナル TEL.09969-5-1800 G-6 Kuranomoto-ko Kuranomoto Shukajo-mae Chunan Kominkan-mae please. I really enjoyed the meal. Nigiwai Community Center-Akune Station 8:00~22 :00 (Kuranomot Port) Kuranomoto Shogakko-shita 39 30 にぎわい交流館 阿久根駅 TEL.0996-73-4850 D-2 Kamiohama 38 場所 Places Banshogaoka Park 8:00~22:00 Ohama 33 駅 バス停 観光案内所 公園 デパート コンビニ ファーストフード店 レストラン 洋食店 トイレ 公衆電話 郵便局 番所丘公園 TEL.0996-73-3777 D-2 Shioi-iriguchi Train Tourism Information Department Convenience Fast-food Western-style Public 40 41 Station Bus Stop Desk/Office/Center Park Store Store Restaurant Restaurant Food Restaurant Restrooms Telephone Post Office Akune Service Area (Michi-no-Eki) 8:00~22:00 42 TEL.0996-74-1400 E-2 Onsen Center-mae 道の駅阿久根 Uehara カメラ店 日本料理店 寿司店 そ ば・う ど ん 店 居酒屋 警察署 お土産屋 ラーメン店 中華料理店 焼肉店 Izumi City Crane Observation Center 9:00~17:00※11/1~3/4th Sunday Sasue Camera Japanese-style Sushi Soba and Udon Japanese-style Police 病院 Souvenir Ramen Chinese-style Barbecue 薬局 43 Shop Food Restaurant Restaurant Noodles Restaurant Pub Station Hospital Shop Restaurant Food Restaurant Restaurant Drugstore 出水市ツル観察センター TEL.0996-85-5151 C-3 Izumi City Public Samurai Houses ‒ “Takezoe Residence” 9:00~17:00 Nagashima Town 47 出水市公開武家屋敷「竹添邸」 TEL.0996-62-5505 C-4 長島町 Kofun-iriguchi Lots of exciting things to experience! Izumi City Public Samurai Houses ‒ “Saisho Residence” 9:00~17:00 75 出水市公開武家屋敷「税所邸」 TEL.0996-63-6142 C-4 44 Nomanoseki Located in Northern Kagoshima Prefecture, the five Miyauchibashi 47 Izumi City & Izumi Station’s Special Souvenir Shop “Hikari” 8:30~19:00 Nishihetakami cities and towns in the Northern Satsuma area have 出水市出水駅観光特産品館「飛来里」 TEL.0996-62-2354 C-4 Komenotsu Station tons of tourist destinations, scenic spots, and great 48 Izumi-Fumoto Samurai Residences Parking Area All day 389 45 Jinja-mae local cuisine! 46 出水麓武家屋敷群駐車場 C-4 Ohashi-iriguchi Noda I.C Imamura-nishi 31 447 Hinoura (Noda Exit) 6 76 32 Dandan Ichiba Tsuru Kansatsu 73 Okita-shita How to Connect C (Crane Observation) Center 81 C Seto 74 Uwabakoshita Kamimura-higashi Arasaki 367 Izumi City Tourism & 80 3 Exchange Division Izumi City Tourism Association 49 27 Mikasachu-mae Kuronohama 68 4 Yokoo 77 Izumi Station 69 72 Izumi-eki 50 Kohama-iriguchi Ipponmatsu 51 Akune-Kita I.C Nishi-Onohara Hachiman Jinja-mae Ayukawa Higashi-Onohara 78 447 Wakimoto Nokyo-mae (Akune-Kita Exit) (Hachiman Shrine) ▶ ▶ 52 Gion-mae 3 Mochii 5 Nishi-Izumi Station 1・2 65 Kamiokawauchi Kannoji-mae 70 (Kannoji Temple)Takaono Station Nishinokuchi Onsen-iriguchi Origuchi Station 67 (Hot Springs) Obarushita Nodago Station Nodabashi Uenohara 53 Oritakoshita Utsunono ① ② ③ Izumi Koiki Nodo Farm Road Go to “Settings” Network Name: Follow the Minami-Kyushu Ura and select Wi-Fi 'freespot'= directions 66 Nozoe-shita 71 Security Password displayed to finish Expressway Jinja-mae 25 Izumi City (AES) authentication. Sunahara 328 出水市 Password: freespot 54 79 ! Mail Verification 58 If you connect without using “Mail Verification”, you will only be able Local Specialty Outlets and Farmer’s Market (Chokubaisho) 26 23 Kawahira to connect for 10 minutes per connection while registered as a 37 Taiyo-no-Sato Hot Springs Center ‒ “Tosenbo” B-2 “Guest”.Web-based e-mail and free e-mail addresses cannot be used 55 Akune Station TEL.0996-86-2626 28 57 504 for “Mail Verification”. Please use your cell phone's mail address or D Akune City Commerce Tashiro an ISP-provided address. Also, please be sure to adjust your spam D 40 Nagashima Potato House ( ) B-1 & Tourism Division 59 Michi-no-Eki Akune Shiyakusho-mae block and mail filters to allow e-mails from "@freespot.com". Akune City Tourism Association TEL.0996-88-5531 “Akune Machi no Eki” Akune I.C 46 Kuro-no-Seto Dandan Market ( ) C-2 56 (Akune Exit) Login ID Michi-no-Eki Sagataguchi Shako TEL.0996-65-2222 46 Satsuma Password 49 “Uzushio-kan” Market and Restaurant C-2 60 Hisatsu Orange Railway Town 19 TEL.0996-75-2606 Akune City 86 53 Akune Seasonal Shop ‒ “Ikiiki-kan” D-2 61 63 さつま町 Kyushu Shinkansen Bullet Train Line 397 85 TEL.0996-75-1585 62 阿久根市 82 87 Useful Apps “Japan Connected Free Wi-Fi” 59 “Takenko Yama” Market D-3 Yunomoto Ushinohama Station ①Easy connection in the area! TEL.0996-79-2221 83 22 Find Wi-Fi spots quick and easy! E-2 ② 64 Akune Service Area ( ) Shibi Michi-no-Eki Hatsudensho-mae TEL.0996-74-1400 20 88 ②Over 95,000 access points at major airports, major 3 Koshi stations, tourist facilities, convenience stores and more 65 Murazukuri Farmer’s Market - “Mochinchaya” C-2 24 345 across 52 areas nationwide. 93 84 Tsuruda TEL.0996-84-4343 Satsuma Okawa Station Miyanojo Onsen 21 (Miyanojo Hot Springs) 67 Nodago “Muraokoshiya” Market D-3 Tomarino 64 267 TEL.0996-84-3560 Shimode 10 Satsuma Hirakawa 89 68 Farmer’s Market - “Yorimichi Izumi” C-3 504 Masuzaki Iin-mae Fujikawa Tenjin-shita Kashiwabaru E TEL.0996-64-2660 398 Shimochoba E Satsumachu-mae 17 70 “Takono” Fresh Market C-3 96 97 98 Nagano Osumi 504 15 TEL.0996-82-5928 16 Kurotori Nishikata Station 103 Sensatsu Koiki Nodo Farm Road 90 Kinzan D-3 Kitakata 71 Farmer’s Market ‒ “Yamankan” 101 Umeya-mae Miyanojo Shako 91 95 TEL.0996-82-4615 Nishikata Miyanojo 102 92 Satsuma Town Commerce & Tourism Division Shinchi C-3 339 10 4 73 Izumi City Farmer’s Market - “Tokusankan Izumi” Seiryukan-mae Hinataze Satsuma Town Tourist & Specialty Association Ningyoiwa-mae (Ningyo Rock) TEL.0996-62-1888 18 94 77 Izumi City & Izumi Station’s Special Souvenir Shop “Hirari” C-4 105 Miyanojo Chugaku Goshiki Shinsui Koen-mae TEL.0996-62-2354 Satsuma Taki Station 84 Hirakawaya (Hirakawa-no-Sato) Market E-4 Kuroki 00 Tourism Facility Bus Stop TEL.0996-54-2979 340 Kihara 89 Tsuruda Specialty Shop ‒ “Jiman-kan” E-5 267 99 Free Wi-Fi spot National Highway TEL.0996-31-9121 10 0 46 394 341 Kedoin Shisho-mae Prefecture Highway Service Area (Michi-no-Eki) 91 Miyanojo “Chikurinkan” Markets E-5 High Speed Boat Satsumasendai Mizuhiki I.C Yakuba-mae Orikono-iriguchi Futawatari TEL.0996-52-4911 ( ) Koshikishima (Satsumasendai Mizuhiki Exit) Makorobesanmoji Shop Hot Spring Kosokusen 123 Tsukasano Otsuka 12 4 [Sato ‒ Nagahama] Ozu Yamasaki-eki 94 Satsuma Product Shop E-5 118 Restroom Restaurant Kusamichi Station Taki-fumoto 394 267 Sendai-Ko Furuno Road TEL.0996-53-0525 10 6 394 Haraguchi (Sendai Port) Toda 98 Satsuma Specialty Products Farmer’s Market E-6 Sasamine Kyushu Shinkansen Bullet Train Line Sendai-ko Terminal Rekishi Shiryokan-mae F TEL.0996-58-0199 (Sendai Port Terminal) 11 3 (Histry Museum) JR Kyushu Line F Sengokumura-iriguchi

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