BEFBCTIVE flKPTEMBER 15. 1QRH ECHO BAY MINES, INC. CHANGED ITS CORPORATE NAME TO ALTA GOLD COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE, DOCUMENTS, FILES, ETC SHOULD NOW REFLECT THE NEW CORPORATE NAME)* 0 ^ '/ A f A e Robert L. Leclerc MILNER & STEER 2900 MANULIFE PLACE 10 1 8 0 • \Q\ ST R EET EDMONTON, CANADA TSJ 3V5 TELEPHONE (403) 423-7100 CABLE ADDRESS "MILMAT" TELEX 037-2684 TELECOPIER (403) 425-8369 OATALINE (403) 425-9063 July 24, 1986 Phil, Regarding my admission to the Colorado Bar, I thought you would be interested in this recent Canadian decision (B.C. Court of Appeal), MEMORANDUM TO: PGDufford, PDBarber, WCRobtf/SFitz john,) CHensel, PHutchinson, JBerry \I FROM: CSt. Romain DATE: December 8, 1985 SUBJECT: Sunnyside Gold Corporation During the week of December 9, 1985, Sunnyside Gold Corporation will open its Durango office: 484 Turner Drive Durango, CO 81301 (303) 259-1091 CS:cae Head Office: SUNNYSXDE GOLD CORPORATION Silverton Office: P.O. Box 177 484 TurnerD Driven • AM E C H 0 BAY COMPANY Durango, CO 81301 Silverton, CO 81433 Phone (303) 259-1091 Phone (303) 387-5533 To: All Concerned From: Greg Sparks, General Manager Date; 12/27/85 Re: Durango Office We are pleased to announce the establishment of the basic f°5 Sunny side Corp. Included herein ¿re working witiTsGC. ^ 0nnatl0n Mhlch y°u should find helpful in Durancro office: * address - (as noted above) * phone - (as noted above). * telecopier - (303) 259-1094 (temporary only) * acceptable courier service - any * office hours - 8:00a to 5:00p mountain time, Mon - Fri * functions performed - general administration, accounting, purchasing, human resources, property mgt a key organizational chart - attatched A Tsoi) ?? r R 0? ? r 247-1176 (Greg Sparks home), (J0J) 2477 228779 7 (Jim Field home) Silverton office; * address - (as noted above) * phone - (as noted above) * telecopier - (303) 387-5510 te> jV'O, il’.' ' / l / * acceptable courier service - Express Mail only * office hours 8:00a to 5:00p mountain time, Mon - Fri * functions performed - production, safety, environmental, security, technical services * key organizational chart - attatched * : (303> 247~U76 ‘Greg Sparks home), (303) 387-5814 (Bob Stoughton, staff house), (303) 259-5788 (Bob Purcell home), (303) 387-5384 (Barnev Darnton home) J Mine Portal: * phone - (303) 387-5785 Mill: * phone - (303) 387-5650 Staff House: * phone - (303) 387-5814 * address - 969 Reese St, Silverton cc: Echo Bay Mines Ltd., Edmonton office Echo Bay Inc., Reno office Echo Bay, Denver office Round Mtn Gold Corp, Round Mtn office Milner & Steer, attn: R. L. Leclerc Trigg, Woollett, Olson Consulting Ltd. Welborn, Dufford, Brown, & Tooley -ÎEflÉRAL -ni.-’lî ï ¿G. SPäkKS! :...?ftwa/3^;âs:ci» ftCi riUSAN Î2S3LSCSS aSi rIN « S^ÎN £=ShÜAJ. ît F I CD. SITIES) :J. PlEUii 2USAS3C X i:0v3KT3K) GRASSO SIL.Ec'vN I . rJS DSC a j«;k a ssi .122 -^¿.H Í _-:3£ ¡sise .;f ss^sü'! K.-iE 3¿ÍEí:íOs?.ÜÍNT ’■ïL'u SliSSifuîNÏEM nss : ech sEsy;c2s « a Stà U>..J l.*A!iC£ ÍC. J-53ICX; ¿AULIhOl ?. ^;:s> •:*. iSCwii .S. K¿r;C£U.) b awî jüâA.,jO 3i"V£i:^ ;. :. £») ;i, iKEEftsi >». SfîrtSÜ îIwKüfc ¡02 3L'.eî.-;n SILv’îirCM il;« ;a c,..:;?.î ü 3Aî;T' :;i'.r,£;C-L H, ■ î; ■ j. 2X:i-*KJ) ;k. ;4A^I:; ; ■>!.. .’.„iis: : AC;;S .-AíirLS 3:i .sí::ü/xía- siiv¿s¿cPt/fíiN= sii'.mt:* Eh-;L-;) i :u(.akô3 s:aíZ s:aîî rA:SC¡¿ •ü JLmSISÎ stfilftiîS -V. :l. sü?F) 3ECL ¿i-: Ir.y.-'.zlï ; - ! 3:L.'Eî::r;,'“iri£ i-ÎJL^IÎ* :¿:.-.fúCLiK ; • ) ;2. AVIr^Uï •yN» S'KiM* ir^t . J.,.. ,»J ■= .J ' fi! r n M l fc' - •■iil ' i'H U* i Ì . , ..iw i t ' ■- •' - • ’ -- - vol. 07 2SM ^ * 7 H üasfsa.s^ffl m i m m . Wadneaday, March 12,19®, Denver, CO AMÇ tîrges GMC Issued Mining Permit ' * WAS^GTON* '"b.C.'-i- ' misting its operatión to an For Gold King Ore Properties The .nation'*, stockpile pro* organization having no „ . gram could be improved upon responsibilities other than ad­ DENVER, CO — Gerber the north«» half oi tihe Cold gold pot ton. The vein* in the ' by> placing, operation oI it in ministration and manage­ Energy International, be. an* King extension has identified Gotô ICing/Davis structures theiuuuU of,an organization ment of the stockpile. nounced that it has- been t to date, 50,000 tons of in­ range in width from 4 to over - that„ba*HMS othpr,v?espon* He pointed out that over issued (via its 88.09% owned dicated reserves of mineable 20 feet. All the veins have un- ■ 8ibilitie«„,4«iilaiedi Simon the years, AMC has urged the subsidiary; Gerber Minerals ¿'.Width, grading O.fruttrtetutfo 'ïùliiilffciSttensions with the" Strauss before theHouse sub* establishment of a quasi­ Corporation jGMCJ), a Class f^oldj ^ ounces of silver and .potential for high,grade ore,* ■ ^ • committ«*op,Seapower, and public corporation to hold the 110 Mining Permit by the * 2%l combined lead, zinc and shoots. * - Strategic,; and-. Critical, stockpile, empowered to buy State of Colorado. The permit ^Copper per ton. The block is- By summer, ÔMCexpècta 5 V Materials.... or sell commodities as chang­ will enable GMC to mine the operi on both sides, with vein to lbünch a small scale pro» Strauss, former vice ohair- ing circumstances dictate. Gold King ore properties with ^appearing to connect with ductioti program’Which could manofAsarcoInc., was testi­ Strauss also said AMC sup­ initial production commenc­ known vein structures in the generate multi-millions in fying on behalf of the ports a proposal made several ing in the summer of 1986. historic Gold King Mine, revenues for 1986. Subse* « American Mining Congress. years ago by Sen. James Mc­ GMC acquired the Gold with the adjacent Sunnyside quent production is schedule The bill before the committee Clure (R-ID) that stockpile King properties in September Mine ore.. bodies.; Additional <d to be Increased to 500 tons |H.R, 3743) proposes to vest goals should be linked to the 1984> acreage adjacent to the drilling and Underground ex- per day within two years, An in the Secretary of Defense degree of import dependence. Sunnyside Mine/ which to a ploration programs will take average grade of 1/3 to 1/2 responsibility for administer* The goals could be gradually producing gold property tbit place later this year) programs ounce of gold per ton, with ing the stockpile program-. adjusted as import depen­ was recently acquired by Echo that could'substantially in- important amounts of silver Stiauss said such a move dence shifts. Bay M m * t o mOOQ.OOQ . ’«ease reserves. and base metals is expected. *'would represent an im­ "Enactment of the goal- an4* retained 30% net profit GMC reported that exten­ Production costs of approx­ provement over the present setting provisions of H.R. interest. The Sunnyside vein sive workhasbeen completed imately $140 per ounce of situation by clearly concen- 3743 would represent a step structures'1 extend iwto the in the original Gold King gold are anticipated, tricing .¿utbprUy-far. a, pro:, forward in bringing some Gold King properties with thé Mine. The 7-level access tun­ In addition to the develop­ ramihat is now diffuse«* inj; stability to the stockpile pro* :fanjpHS JlSO yplgr^xposed nel has been rehabilitated ment of the Gold King Mine, s«ver«l (iirection^ among gram — a stability tbat bas m i ewe»:jKrifeinfcttr with«* ttansport system in- GMC will-explarfc the- 175 agencies having multiple been sadly lacking for the last company reported tbat it ha* stalledvThe primary ore pass- acres of Durango gold proper­ . responsibilities." two-and-a-hali decades," been estimated ithat in excess is intact from the 7th level to ties which were acquired in However, Strauss said the Strauss said. of 1,500,000 tons of high the 3rd level. The main shaft August 1985. The acreage is American Mining Congress For additional information, grade ore could be in place in is also being modernized. on trend with existing veins. bas long believed that the contact Keith Knoblock, this section of its property. GMC has reached the 4th For more information, con­ ; stockpile program could be American Mining Congress Evaluation of 1985's first level in which 6 independent tact Mr. Frederic Gerber, still further improved by en- (202) 861-2851. stage diamond drilling pro­ veins and mineralized struc­ Gerber Energy International, gram, a project focusing on tures are exposed. Systematic Inc,, One Tamarac Square sampling of the veins is in pro* Building, 7555 East Hampden Drilling Starts On Granada’s gress and first assays range Ave., Suite 413, Denver, Col­ Gold Property In California from 0.02 to 0.80 ounces of orado 80231, (303f 752-4800. VANCOUVER - Asamera Asamera is a subsidiary of Tundra Acquires Interest In Mine Minerals (U.S.), Inc. advised' Asamera, Inc., a major oil pro­ Granada-Exploration Cora- ' ducer based in Calgary, Alberta. ALBUQyiRQUE; NM*^ Turtdri* President Albert Ap* . pany of Vancouver that a Asamera bas mined precious Ttmdra'CoIdMittes has. plegath said that this is a true reverse-circulating rotary j metals for more than a decade quired a 70 percent interest in width of the gold system! .drill is working on Granada's■; and operates the Cannon gold the Italian-Mine in Amador Acquisition of the Italian Gaston gold property in» mine, at Wenatchee, Waslj. County, California;. The pro* Mine : was particularly good v Nevada County, northern perty is 700 feet south of new* for Tundra to light of California, after delays owing - CSRC-19B, the most recent assay reports from CSRC- to the unusually severe snow s DOE’s Uranium hole drilled on the Peerless 19B, the new reverse circla- and rain storms which hit.
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