TAB BOOKS No. 470 34.95 By Byron Wels TransistorCircuit GuidebookByronWels TABBLUE RIDGE BOOKS SUMMIT,PA. 17214 Preface beforemeIa supposepioneer (along the my withintransistor firstthe many field.experiencewith wasother Weknown. World were using WarUnlike solid-stateIIsolid-state GIs) today's asdevices somewhat experimen- receivers marks of FIRST EDITION devicester,ownFirst, withsemiconductors! youwith a choice swipedwhichor tank. ofto a sealed,Here'sexperiment, pairThen ofhow encapsulated, you earphones we carefullywe did had it: from totookand construct the veryonenearest exoticof our the THIRDSECONDFIRST PRINTING-SEPTEMBER PRINTING-AUGUST PRINTING-JANUARY 1972 1970 1968 plane,wasyouAnphonesantenna. emptywound strung jeep,apart After toiletfull outand ofclippingas paper wire,unwoundhigh closelyrollandthe servedascatchthe far spaced.wire offas as itfrom a thewouldsafetyThe thecoil remaining-pin,magnetreach-for form, you inside.which stuckwire the Copyright © 1968by TAB BOOKS coatedNext,it into youneeded,a hunkribbons of -ofwooda razor -steel, soblade.the but point Oh,aItblued was noneprojected placedblade of the -quenchat so fancy right the pointplastic-bluedangles.of -, Reproduction or publicationPrinted inof the ofAmerica the United content States in any manner, with- themindfoundphoneground pin you,the was couldserved right not wired contact lacquerspotas toa onground blade, it. theblued.blade'sAconnector, pin,bayonet bluing,and stuck antennaand you hilt thecould coil.-deep other actuallyIfin ear- youthe isoutherein. assumed express permissionwith respect of to the the publisher, use of the is prohibited.information No contained liability upcollectionhearterestRegardless your Tokyo in alley.circuit of Rose! transistor of yourItfunction was nicheand compiledandsolid-state in application.the for world those circuits ofwith Itelectronics, shouldis an not intense a be primer rightthis in- PaperboundHardboundLibrary Edition: Edition: of International CongressInternational Card Standard Standard Number: Book Book 68-56093 No: No: 0-8306-8470-X 0-8306-7470-5 treatises;onofcircuitsign circuitthe circuits issolid-state accompanied highlights,rather, covering itart-you isand byathe collection ainwon't manybrief most have "nonfields cases, of to basic-technical" wadeof several electronics. and throughadvancedapplications description lengthyEach de- arequireservemindFor suggested, designersasasa familiarity youtypical read withand examples. and technicians withthe as hope occasionsthese Certainly,that circuitsit is manyand hoped needs willtechnicians more many be arise. betterwill circuits comewho able willac- toto CONTENTS etc.partsandcope construction-to with lists, enable presentcomponent you -minded andto actually future specifications,readers equipment.build there or ismodifyinterests enough Forcharts, experimentersthe haven'tinformation, circuitcoil data,beenand PAGE sourcesoperationtheignored,getThe ithome, operating.preparation available. either. of office, many You'llAmateur ofham companies, Thea bookfind shack, andauthor many such hobbyist auto, whogratefully asmade-to-order this readilyetc. necessitated acknowledges madecircuitstheir the re-co-forthe TUNER AND RECEIVERCIRCUITS assistanceMotorola,Microwave offered Inc. Associates by: RFAC/DC3 -Volt Booster PortableReceiver Receiver 121115 TexasRadioRCA ShackInstruments AM/FMFM TunerIF Amplifier Receiver 202218 hopelessforintoThe the what author encouragement and must alsouseless have wishes vocation.appeared, given andto express lovingly him Toat duringthank appreciationthat dedicate time him his anyway, earlyinthis someto book hisventures father smallto:as a MOSFMIntegrated IF FET Strip FMCircuit TunerIF Amplifier 252427 measure,Joseph I Wels respectfully Byron G. Wels DualICFET FM -GateFM Tuner Front MOS End FM Tuner 353032 1968New York, N.Y. Varactor FM AMPLIFIERTuner CIRCUITS 37 Amplifier/OscillatorTelephone Pickup/Amplifier 4341 Tracer 89 701050 -Watt-Watt HighPAClass Amplifier FidelityAB Amplifier Amplifier 444846 SimpleGridSignalDipVoltmeterOscillator 939194 One635 -Transistor -Watt -Watt High Amplifier StereoFidelity Amplifier Amplifier 505452 ACSquare Voltmeter-Wave Generator 95 HighPreampFidelity and ControlPreampCircuit 605856 POWER CONTROLLINGCIRCUITS IC25Stereo -WattAudio Amplifier: PA Driver Amplifier3 Wattsper Channel 6264 VariableSpeedSCR Current Control AC Control Control System 1019899 545-Milliwatt60IC -WattTransformerless PA Amplifier ICAmplifier Amplifier 686765 ElectronicSCRIntegral HeatCycle HeatControl RatioController Power Control 105103107 ICComplimentary2 -Watt Phono Stereo Amplifier -TransistorAmplifier Amplifier 727570 SCRThyristorIC Motor Speed PhotocellControl/Servo Control Timer Amplifier 109110112 Low4 -Watt -Noise Stereo Preamp TESTAmplifiers for EQUIPMENT Low -ImpedanceMikes 7977 SCR OverloadLIGHT CONTROLLING Protector CIRCUITS 113 BatteryNo -Contact Eliminator Switch 8483 CarSCRLight Light LightFlasher Minder Switch 119116318 ElectronicSensistor Temperature TimerTime DelayIndicator 868587 SiliconLightSCR -ActivatedLampPhotovoltaic Dimmer SwitchLight Sensor 324122120 VariableThyristor LampRate Flasher Dimmer 126127 TRANSMITTER CIRCUITS AudioSCRIntercom Voice MixerControl 166165168 SonobuoyBroadcastRemote Control TransmitterBand TransistorMini -Transistor -Receiver 134133129 SPECIAL RECEIVERCIRCUITS 40MarineWireless -Watt Band BroadcasterCW Transmitter 135139137 SBeat -Meter FrequencyOscillator 170172171 500300/600v100 -MHz-Watt One PowerLinear -Watt AmplifierSupplyOscillator 145143141 ShortNoise WaveLimiter Converter 174 Varactor50Mobile -Watt Power TransmitterFrequency Amplifier Multiplier 149151147 TransistorizedAUTOMOTIVEIgnition System ACCESSORIES 176 ZenerFET VFO SpeechProtection ClipperforPowerAmplifiers 156154153 Battery ChargerDIFFERENTIAL,AND COUNTER INTEGRATED,CIRCUITS 177 ElectronicSPECIAL Metronome AUDIO CIRCUITS 158 LinearLow -Noise IntegratedDifferentialRemoteAmplifierCounter ControlSystem 182180184 StereoLineMultiplex -Operated Balancer Demodulator Phono Amplifier 163159161 ShiftBistableDecimal Register CounterMultivibrator or Ring 188186 TUNER ANDRECEIVER CIRCUITS PhotographicEXPERIMENTAL SlaveFlash CIRCUITS 192 RF Booster AutomaticElectronic ThereminKeyer 196193 Incapable spite ofof boosting itsobvious very simplicityweak signals this thetoRF a toleranceusable amplifierlevel. of circuit Ql,Whilethisis CONVERTER -INVERTER CIRCUITS itcomponentsbooster.circuit's Thecan servegreatest widestTo C3at adapt anyadvantage-L1 application,forfrequency mustthe attaching circuit tuneof thiswithin toperhaps, to an the circuitaexternalspecific desired is thatas antennause,frequency. ait receivertank provides to circuitequip- RF an FrequencyLow200 -Voltage -Watt Stable High60 -Hz 20Current Power -Watt Converter InverterInverter 204200198 expedienttheonout,ment antenna resulting though, not originallydesignedmeans efficiency. signal-to-noisethat the effectivenesswillWith wantforratio a suchsmall to will use ofuse. or be thea inefficient unitquite amplifierIt mustlike low. bethis dependsantenna, pointed with a Voltage RegulatorTELEVISION CIRCUITS broadcasttransistorbyantennaIfChances the all receivermeans terminals. arebandradio. thatuse antenna receiver, youit.IfFor yourIf thatis it areceiver whetherhasn't, ferritematter, doesthen type,or it not canhavetry obtainit this beisan equippedused antennasimple one with just trick:jack, withanylike ColorIC Sound TV ReceiverAmplifier/Detector 206207 aligned.itferritereceiver andas close attachantenna Youantenna. as its can possiblewith terminals useIf allyourthetheto littlesamebetween coil the windingtransistorreceiver'smethod C2 and withat receiverantenna,ground.one a loopend,-typehasThentrysimilarly awind- BCBlongtape ingitself.toAdjustTo thea fewuse booster,C3 theturns for unit,maximumof thus tunewire toinducingaround a volume,station the more nearturningother signal the end downmiddle andin the connecttheof ferritereceiver's the theseband. rod volumememberhavestick toLl adjustcontrol tofor turn additional Lithe as for boosterneeded. any gain. otheroff Then whenFrom station adjust you then onturn the on,the offcore youband, theofshould receiver!the just loop notre- - CONVERTERLlA IF AMPLIFIERST3 Q3 T4 R1 R7R8 C14 C2 TO RECEIVER R1 81 TOANTENNA EXTERNAL"1---1 Cl $L1 TERMINALANTENNA DETECTORSECOND 051 QI 41....1(C3 R6 Dl14 = RECEIVERS1GROUND TO CHASSIS DRIVERAUDIO POWERAMPLI FIER Courtesy:Radio Shack OR GROUND LUG R4 SP TRANSISTOR:PARTSCAQ1 PACI -2N166 LIST TORS: BATTERY:RESISTOR:R1B1-1. -36K 5v C3-365Cl, 2-.01 pfd mfd COIL:Ll-broadcast band loopstick Courtesy: RCA 3 -VoltPortable Receiver versionactuallyisThe accomplished antenna of forming the oldis by formed aBCB meanspart receiverof on of the adual ferrite antenna. loops.-gang bar, tuningFrequencyReally,with capacitorthe an input selectionupdated C2coil - WhiletableOperatingbean extraRFof broadcast noits performancebenefit on amplifier, a -bandmere in our or3 receivermight volts, ansearch additional be this is improvedfor a fullyclassic basicIF-transistorized stage, byoperatingin circuitthe theseaddition design. wouldinfor- por- of intermediatetank.inofC6. the2N1526)The emitterHeterodyning input andfrequency circuit. signal the local takesis signal C6applied oscillator andplace appearing L18 to inthe functionsignalthe converter atconverter,theis as injectedconverter the stageoscillator with via (base col the C5 - 12mation. 13 TRANSISTORS:PARTSQ1 -2N1526 LIST BATTERY:B1R17-47R16-100 -3v ohms ohms DIODE:DIQ5,Q4Q2, -1N295-2N2614 3-2N15246-2N408
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