The London Gazette. fJiiW feJjrti by <3utf)ontg. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. HE names of those who were nominated for Richard Heywood-Tliompson, Sheriffs in the King’s Bench Division of of Nunwick Hall, near theT Hieh Court of Justice on the Morrow of Penrith, Esq. Saint Martin, in the first year of the reign of Derbyshire, FitzHerbert Wright, of the King.Edward the Seventh, and in the year of our Hayes, Alfreton, Esq. .Lord one thousand nine hundred and one:— George Herbert Strult, of ENGLAND Makeney, Derby, Esq. (except Cornwall and Lancashire). William Curzon, of Locking- Bedfordshire, William Clarence Watson, of ton, Derby, Esq. Colworth House, Sliarn- Devonshire, Colonel Edmund Scopoli brook. Esq. Walcott, of Rock House, Francis Pym, of the Hazels, Chudleigb, C.B. Sandy, Esq. Sir Charles Thomas Dyke William Henry Allen, of Acland, of Killerton, Bart. Broroham House, Bedford,AngloBoerWar.com Samuel Sanders Stephens, of Esq. Stedcorabe Manor, A x- ■ Berkshire, Hugh Owen Tudor, of Lyn­ mouth, Esq. wood, Old Windsor, Esq. Dorsetshire, Colonel John Bulleu Symes William Howard Palmer, of Bullen, of Catherston, Heatlilands, Wokingham, Leweston, Oharmouth. Esq. Colonel John Mount Batten, Lieuteuant-Colonel Fredeiick of Upcerne Manor, Dor­ Finch Mackenzie, of Ram- chester. slade, Bracknell. Colonel Uvedale Edward ' Buckinghamshire, Frederick George Lloyd, of Parry Okeden, of Turn- Langley House, Langley, worth, Blandford. Esq. Robert William Hudson, of Durham, Sir William Henry Edward Danesfield, Marlov^, Esq. Chaytor, of Croft, Darling­ Charles Taylor, of Horton ton, Bait. Manor House, Horton, Esq. John Ewer Jefferson Hogg, of Norton, Stockton-on-Tecs, Cainbridgeshire 1 Harold Coote, of Fenstanton, Esq. and r St. Ives, Esq. Edwin Richardson, of the Huntingdonshire, ) Augustine Robert Whiteway, Cedars, Sunderland, Esq. of Hemingford Grey, Hunt­ ingdon, Esq. Essex, Colonel Arlhur Thomas Digby George Wright Wright-IngL, Neave, of Hutton Hall, . of Woodhouse, North Hutton Finchley, Middlesex, Esq. Robert Cunliffe GoJing, of Cheshire, John Su.Iierland Harmood Hassobury, Farnham, Esq. Banner, of Ashfield Hall, Colonel Richard Percival Neston, Esq. Davis, of New House Farm, Thoma3 Bland Roydt-n, of Walton-on-the-Naze. Frankby Hall, Esq. Gloucestershire, James Horlick, of Cowley . George Lyttb-ton Dewhurst, Manor, Cheltenham, Esq. of Beecbfield, Lymm, Esq. Samuel Bruce, of Norton Cumberland, Captain William Pery Stan- Hall, near Chipping Camp- dish, of Marwell Hall. Win den, Esq. Chester, and Breconbill Algernon Bertram Freeman- Tower, Lougtown, Carlisle. Mitlord, of Batsford Park, Thomas DixoD, of Rheda, Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Esq,, near Whitehaven, Esq. C,B, 7368 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 1901, T the' Council ChamberWhitehall, the 13th garrison,' has made good progress, and will' day of November, 1901. shortly, I hope, be completed. A Another line, with Frederikstad os its starting PRESENT, point, was commenced on 8th July by two Archbishop of Canterbury. battalions under the command of Lieutenant- Lord Robertson. Colonel Mackenzie, Suffolk Regiment. It runs Mr. Secretary Ritchie. northward to the source of the Mooi River, Sir Spencer Ponsooby-Fane. whence it will be extended to Breedt’s Nek in the Magaliesberg hills. From Breedt’s IS ek other' HEREAS in the Act of Uniformity, wh;ch posts will be established along the Magalies­ W establishei the Liturgy of the Church of berg, which will connect with our garrison at England, provision is made for such alterations in Commando Nek. the Prayers for the Royal Family as from time to To the east of the Pretoria-Vereeniging line, time shall become necessary, nud be directed by the South African Constabulary, under Lieu­ lawful authority; it is, thereupon, this day ordered tenant-Colonel Pilkington, have been employed in Council, that in the Morning and Evening in the construction of a line of posts running Prayers, in the Litany, and in all other parts of from Eerste Fabriken, by Springs and Heidel­ the Public Service, os well in the occasional offices berg, to the Vaal River. its in the Book of Common Prayer, where the These blockhouse lines give promise of being lt-yal Family is appointed 10 be particularly of much, future assistance to us. Not only do prayed for, the following form and order shall be they protect our communications and render observed: — inter - communication difficult between the “ Our Gracious Qu°en Alexandra, George different portions of the Boer forces, but they Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and serve as barriers against which our mobile all the Royal Family.'’ columns are able to drive bands of the enemy And it is further ordered, that no edition of the and force them to surrender, Common Prayer be from henceforth printed but A concerted movement, with this idea in with this arnendment; and that in the meantime, view, was arranged for the middle of July, its and until copies of such edition may be had, all object being the clearance of the country Parsons, Vicars, and Curates within this Realm between the Vaal and Modder Rivers by the do (for the preventing of mistakes), with the pen, convergence of a number of columns, acting correct and amend all such prayers in their together and driving the enemy southward on Church Books, according to the foregoing direc­ to the line of posts garrisoned by the South tion : And for the better notice hereof, that this African Constabulary, along the Modder River Order be forthwith printed and published, and 'between Bloemfontein and Jacobsdal. It pro­ sent to the several parishes ; and that the Right duced the most satisfactory results, -but the Reverend the Bishops do take care that obcdieuce stages by which the troops so employed reached their assigned stations, and the preliminary be paid to the same accordingly. AngloBoerWar.com A . W . Filz Roy. operations, must be dealt with by successive reference to the work of the different columns. Operations in the Sonthern portion of Orange War Office, November 15fA, 1901. River Colony. rp H E following Despatches have been received 3. Two forces were operating in the sonthern' A from Lord Kitchener, G.C.B., Ac., Com- portion of the Orange River Colony in the manding-in-Chief, South Africa:— second week of July, those of Major-Generals Bruce Hamilton and C. Knox. From L >rd Kitchener to the Under Secretary of Of Major-General Brnce Hamilton’s troops, two State for War, War Office, London, S. W. 'columns, under Lientenant-Colonels Williams Pretoria, and Dawkins, occupied the Jacobsdal and Luck- 8th August, 1901. hoff districts; two, under Colonel Rochfort Sir, and Lieutenant-Colonel Du Moulin, were moving 1. I n continuation of my Despatch, dated by Wepener on Edeuburg, which they reached 8th July, 1901,1 have the honour to submit an on the 17th of the month. After that date account of the operations carried out by the Major-General Brace Hamilton disposed all his troops under my command since that date. columns to the west of the railway to act as a The Blockhouse System. support to the barrier of police posts on the 2. The month of July has been marked by a Modder River, and to be in readiness for any wide development of onr system of blockhouse possible movement of the enemy to the south defence. Experience had shown that the line when pressed by our contemplated sweep from of defensible posts, extending across the Orange ■the Vaal River. River Colony, from Jacobsdal to Ladybrand, The section to the east of Emraans was constituted a considerable obstacle to the free allotted to Colonel Rochfort, who also occupied movement of the enemy’s roving bands, and Tafel Kop and Zwartkoppies to the soutb-east that the gradual completion of chains of block­ and south-west, respectively, of Petrusburg.' houses placed at intervals of a mile, sometimes Further west, Colonel Williams’ ‘troops were less, along (he Transvaal and Orange River posted at Blaauwbank and Wegdr&ai Drifts on Colony railways, had obtained for our traffic a the Riet River, whilst the line of the Orange comparative security which it had not previously River between Norval’s Pont and Ramah was enjoyed. -watched by the columns under Lieutenant- Arrangements were therefore made abont the Colonels Da Moulin and Dawkins. middle of tbe'month for the commencement of On the 27th July Colonel Rochfort learned a continuous line of blockhouses following the that a party of burghers nnder Commandant coarse of the river from Aliwal North to Myburg, said to be destined for Cape Colony, Bethulie, and running thence along the railway was encamped on the banks of the Riet River through Stormberg, Rosmead, Naauwpoort between Dassiespoort and Jagersfontein Drift. Junction and De Aar to Kimberley. This work, Calling upon Lieutenant-Colonel Lowry Cole, which will absorb about six battalions as its who was under his orders in the vicinity, to THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. 7369. co-operate with him, Colonel Rochfort arranged Major-General .Elliot’s operations -in Northern to surprise this laager at dawn the following Orange River Colony. morning. His orders were well carried out, and 4. After leaving Springfield Drift on the 24 prisoners (including Field Cornet W. Kook), Wilge River on the 4th July, Major-General 100 good horses, and most of the Boer carts and Elliot marched north in three columns between ammunition were taken; Commandant Myburg, the Wilge River and Liebenberg’s Vlei, with • who was dangerously wounded, was also General Rnndle’s troops in co-operation to the captured. east of the Wilge. Little ojjposition was met On the same day Captain Going, with a with, although the rear guard of the central detachment of Mounted Infantry, who was column was attacked by about 100 Boers shortly taking part in Colonel Rochfort’s combined after quitting the town of Reitz.
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