Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 26 (2),26(2), 2016: 2016 144-154 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v26i2.7176 SULTAN ISKANDAR DJABIR SYAH: FROM MALINO CONFERENCE TO THE MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF NEGARA INDONESIA TIMUR Rustam Hasyim Program Doktor Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada; Program Studi PKn FKIP Universitas Khairun Ternate ABSTRACT ABSTRAK This study aims to reconstruct the political Fokus kajian ini menguraikan beberapa peri- participation of Iskandar Djabir Syah (the stiwa politik yang melibatkan Iskandar Djabir 47 th Sultan of Ternate) in the establishment of Syah seperti konferensi Malino dan Denpasar the State of Eastern Indonesia. The results hingga terpilih menjadi menteri dalam negeri showed that: (1) the participation of Sultan of Indonesia Timur pada periode 1949-1950. Ternate Iskandar Djabir Syah in the unitary Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1). Partisipasi state started in the early independence of the Sultan Ternate Iskandar Djabir Syah dalam Republic of Indonesia; it was characterized by negara kesatuan dimulai sejak awal ke- conducting Malino and Denpasar conferences merdekaan Republik Indonesia, ditandai in 1946. The establishment of the Eastern In- dengan diselengarakannya konperensi Malino donesia State became the political inspiration dan Denpasar 1946. Terbentuknya Negara for Iskandar Djabir Syah to involve as the sen- Indonesia Timur kemudian menjadi inspirasi ate member of the Eastern Indonesia State/ politik bagi Iskandar Jabir Syah untuk meli- NIT representing North Maluku, as well as batkan diri sebagai anggota senat NIT me- one of its designers. (2) As one of the leaders wakili Maluku Utara, sekaligus merupakan who agreed to the idea of van Mook to form a salah satu disainernya. (2). Sebagai salah satu federalist country in the Malino and Denpasar tokoh yang menyetujui gagasan van Mook conference, so that when the Eastern Indone- untuk membentuk negera federalis dalam sia State was formed, he was appointed as the konperensi Malino dan Denpasar, sehingga Minister of Internal Affairs in the cabinet of ketika terbentuknya Negara Indonesia Timur J.E. Tatengkeng for 1949 to 1950 periods. (3) diangkat menjadi Menteri Dalam Negeri pada Malino to Denpasar Conference in 1946 that kabinet J.E. Tatengkeng periode 1949-1950. was initiated by H.J. van Mook was the Dutch (3). Konferensi Malino hingga Denpasar pada effort to establish the states in order to realize tahun 1946 yang diprakarsai oleh H.J. van the United States of Indonesia ( Republik Mook merupakan upaya Belanda mendirikan Indonesia Serikat /RIS) based on Linggarjati negara–negara bagian dalam rangka Agreement. At the conference, it was formed mewujudkan Negara Indonesia Serikat (RIS) the Eastern Indonesia State ( Negara Indonesia berdasarkan Persetujuan Lingarjati. Dalam Timur /NIT) covering the areas of Sulawesi, konferensi tersebut dibentuklah Negara Indo- Small Sunda (Bali and Nusa Tenggara) and nesia Timur (NIT) meliputi wilayah Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands. Sunda Kecil (Bali dan Nusa Tenggara) dan Kepulauan Maluku. Keywords: Iskandar Djabir Syah, Political History, Malino and Denpasar Conferences. Kata Kunci: Iskandar Djabir Syah, Sejarah Politik, Konperenesi Malino, Konperenesi Denpasar Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 144 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 26(2), 2016 INTRODUCTION vated the social location of kawula as sub- ordinated to citizenship. Second, the sys- Iskandar Djabir Syah was the 46 th sultan tem of economic relations woven with its of Ternate. He was born on March 4 th , subordinate became loosing due to the 1902. He was the second child of seven implementation of agrarian law political children from Usman Syah (the 45 th Sultan which advocated land privatization and of Ternate) and the daughter of Mihir the shift in the predominant production of (nobility Susupu). His formal education feudal to capitalist production system. began in 1912 by entering the Malay Third, the traditional values of the tradi- School (Primary School) in Ternate. After tional elite tended to be astrictive had to graduating from elementary Malay in face the meritocratic values brought by 1915, he continued to Europese Lagere modernity, for example, positions in the School (Junior High School) in Ternate, bureaucracy were no longer as something but did not complete his study because he inherent but might be based on specific followed his father, Sultan Usman, who competency. was exiled by the Dutch to London for his Facing those changes, Sultanate of alleged involvement in Bellion Jailolo Ternate should decide whether following (West Halmahera). In 1917, Iskandar Dja- the logic of Soekarno’s power by taking bir Syah attended a school in Batavia. part in the national political arena or op- During his studying in Batavia, he met posing him by participating in political many friends who introduced him to a movement following Van Mook's concept political movement. Agus Salim, a promi- of the nation state. Kinds of form and sys- nent figure at PSI, invited him to join PSI, tem which should replace the system con- a political organization in 1920 to 1925. ducted during the colonial were a heated From this organization, Iskandar Djabir discussion among politicians. There were Syah enriched his political education two popular views, namely, the view of which greatly influenced his political view those nationalists who believed that the in the future. unity of the Indonesian state depended on At the time of Sukarno and Hatta the strength of the central control; mean- proclaimed the Indonesia's independence while Iskandar DjabirSyah believed Indo- on August 17, 1945, this era was marked nesia should appear as an egalitarian dem- as the beginning of new ideological and ocratic state by giving wider autonomy to political struggle between the nobility and the provinces (particularly in the eastern the anti-self-governing groups ( republican Indonesia). vs swapraja ) in the Sultanate of Ternate. As a Sultan who had a traditional Political legitimacy, economic and cultur- authority over the East coast of Sulawesi al position should have provided wider (Butonand Bangai) to the north of West opportunity and certain level of social lo- Papua, Seram and North Maluku which cation for the nobility after the independ- consisted of natural and geographical di- ence. However, the emergence of nation- versity, and cultural conditions, he be- alism blew the nobility's perception of in- lieved that it was certainly very difficult to dependence since the construction of a unite all the diversities into the centralized state ideology of nationalism emphasized unitary state. Therefore,SultanIskandar loyalty to the new nation. As a result, the Djabir took a decision to be part of Senate presence of the new nation state of Indo- of NIT representing North Maluku when nesia threated the three pillars of political participating at a conference in Malino and economic supremacy, namely; first, and then in Denpasar in 1946. These con- the political and economic relations be- ferences were concerning the establish- tween the nobles and their subordinates ment of the federation state of Indonesia were demolished by the new government's initiated by van Mook. adaptation of the ideological state nation- alism. The emergence of new system ele- 145 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 26(2), 2016 MALINO CONFERENCE: THE 32). EMBRYO OF NIT Conceptually, the idea of van Mook about the federal state was not a new thing Based on the approval obtained from the for Iskandar Muhammad Djabir Syah. Dutch Government, van Mookcarried out The concept of a federal state was not a conference in Malino on July 16 to 24, much different from the system of govern- 1946 in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The ment, which had been long adopted by the decision of this conference was to conduct many Sultanates of Ternate. In the struc- a conference in Makassar due to several ture of the sultanate of Ternate ( Maloko speculative and conspiratorial considera- Kie Raha ), each kingdom under his control tions. Geographically, Makassar was con- took care of its own Internal Affairs. sidered relatively far away from the con- While the outside affairs, especially the trol of the new government of Indonesia. military and financial affairs, were con- During that time, Eastern part of Indone- trolled by the board of eighteen, which sia was occupied by the Australian Army consisted of representatives from four on behalf of the Allies which was political- kingdoms. They were the government rep- ly and security benefit. The conference resentatives and the military representa- was attended by 39 members of the Senate tives plus other delegates. With the recog- of 15 areas such as: Bali, Lombok, Riau, nition and guarantee of van Mook, the South Sulawesi, Bangka Belitung, Borneo, government’s form of the Republic of the East Borneo, North Maluku, Minahasa, United Indonesia became the warranty in Sangir Talaud, Gorontalo, Central Sula- managing the harmonization and ensuring wesi, Neeuw Guinea (Irian), Flores, Ti- the public justice. Therefore, the islands in mor, Sumba, Sumbawa, South Borneo, the rim of Republic of United Indonesia and South Maluku. The conference aimed and the rural areas which were remote at discussing the formation of the state from the central and they became freer to federation in Indonesia as well as the es- develop themselves. In addition, the con- tablishment of the state covering the areas cept of federal state gave the space to the in eastern Indonesia (Amal, 2007:211). kings in the eastern Indonesia to seize In Malino conference, van Mook their power (Djafaar, 2005: 114). offered the structural form of the federa- Malino Conference in July 16 to 24, tion state provided that the part areas that 1946 was the foundation of forming of the would be the components of the federa- state of Eastern Indonesia (Negara tion might be the wide areas and had the Indonesia Timur/NIT).
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