Laborfest You’ve earned it! he huge Marquette Interchange is the lakefront. Dance to not one but two done. The mammoth mining equip- bands. Win at Bingo or in raffles. Make the Tment made here is dominating for- kids laugh at magic shows. eign markets. Your wages may be flat, your And it's free. boss may be Scrooge, but that hasn't The many highlights start early the stopped you. Your productivity is the best morning of Labor Day, Monday, September in the world. 1. Participants in more than 130 parade Now you have a real shot to "Turn units assemble and socialize at Zeidler America Around" (the national AFL-CIO Union Square Park for the 11 a.m. parade 1BSBEF 4IVUUMF #VT %SPQ0GG theme) by changing the nation's direction at to the Summerfest grounds. 3PVUF #VT3PVUF 1BSLJOH 1JDLVQ the polls this fall. Busses shuttle participants for free So what do you do now? back and forth from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., with MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, LABOR DAY -- Laborfest made free and easy: Three free Forgive the similarity to a Disney a final return bus at the tail-end of the parking lots - M. G and H -- and regular pickups there and at the main gate by equally World commercial, but: parade. free busses. The shuttles are operated -- from 8-11 a.m., with a final bus at parade’s "You're going to Laborfest!" Check for new signage and staging end -- by the friendliest and most professional chauffeurs in town, ATU Local 998. Show off your union colors in a areas around Zeidler Park, Michigan St. parade. Kick back with a beer and a brat at Laborfest continued Page 20 Vol. 68, No. 8 Thursday, August 28, 2008 Labor’s truth squads Special Labor Day Edition key to Obama victory By Dominique Paul Noth Editor, Labor Press COPE steps up action In battleground states including Wisconsin, the AFL- CIO's Labor 2008 has been dis- in Sept. 9 primary tributing hundreds of thousands of fliers at workplaces and in eighing the power the homes to newly introduce Sen. HONORING THE JOB -- A big Wisconsin legislature Barack Obama - and mainly to condo project gives its all-union holds over crew thanks and a plaque (Page W debunk with crisp facts the Milwaukee's future, and how largely coordinated lies that he 17). So did the Marquette often it has been wielded for is not Christian, not American, Interchange (Page 14). injury not aid, the Milwaukee not a veteran supporter of work- Area Labor Council stepped up ers and not a flag-pin wearer. Brought in by the Obama cam- its endorsement game. Frankly, in the weeks lead- paign, Illinois labor leader Its Committee on Political ing up to the Democratic con- Margaret Blackshere talked to Education (COPE) insisted on vention, I thought the AFL-CIO Wisconsin labor leaders about required sessions for candidates, was overreacting. the Obama she has worked with with experts (lawyers and union Aren't most union members all his public life. See Page 18. officials) detailing such key more knowledgeable about the issues as prevailing wage and candidates? Do they need this bankruptcy laws. Attending a COPE educational Comment education? To send a clear signal that event at Plumbers Hall, Sandra MISTRUSTING TMJ -- Then again, historically, sion pundits to provide free candidates must walk the walk Pasch has earned union backing Employees take cause to the many voters don't start paying exposure. So rumors can abound. before getting the backing, it in the hotly contested Assembly street. See Page 10. attention to presidential politics But is education about upgraded its process of question- District 22, being vacated by until after Labor Day. So they Obama necessary when so much naires and interviews, just in Sheldon Wasserman. may be newly curious or naive, financial, health and retirement time for a surprisingly busy Sept. he seriousness of the even after the most intensive pri- pain is creeping up the income 9 primary. effort was underlined mary season in American history. ladder? Milwaukee districts have Aug. 12 when MALC In addition, the Democrats ou would think the entire eight primary races in the T decided to publicize more rec- are seriously making this a citizenry would know Democratic column. Three are ommendations for the Sept. 9 national election, raising policy the deep trouble the war affected by - and three were Y primary and Nov. 4 elections debates in states unused to such and the economy have mired us actually caused by -- the mis- than its much larger COPE coun- tenacity. Obama has definitely in. And it should be self-evident chief-making of defeated right- terpart at the state AFL-CIO put 18 states in play, a third more that John McCain has been an wing Republican Tom Reynolds. (which has statewide jurisdiction than last time. integral part of such failures. PROTECTING THE VOTE -- Atty. A full explanation appeared but didn't accept every MALC While residents of solidly Despite his self-promotion Ann Jacobs had stories to share in July's newspaper and is recommendation). red states don't see the demean- as a maverick - mainly bucking at Times Theater. See Page 16. archived at www.milwaukeela- The intense Milwaukee pro- ing commercials against the Bush when his own stature as a bor.org cess may reflect a different phi- Illinois senator that we do, and senator was questioned - isn't he All this preparation took losophy about endorsements. even East Coast blue states aren't sure to continue the path to four separate sessions (two of Having added two counties to getting many of the ads, there are unjustified war, the tax cuts for them all-day affairs) devoted to MALC this year - Washington the Internet bloggers and televi- legislative candidates in the Labor 2008 continued Page 19 and Ozaukee - yet still in the Milwaukee area. Union members midst of forming legislative and have far more than a slap on the social ties with locals in those back to point to in supporting regions, the Milwaukee COPE these candidates. They now can thought it important to make a be pressed to work for the candi- statement about the issues in SPREADING UNION VALUES -- A dates knowing how deeply they play. Pragmatism is important, new office opens in Riverwest. have been probed and vetted by See Page 24. their unions. COPE continued Page 6 Page 2 — AFL-CIO MILWAUKEE LABOR PRESS, Thursday, August 28, 2008 www.milwaukeelabor.org Where is our animal survival about US trade? By Sachin Chheda ple can help change the world by ward. We need to relentlessly Special to Labor Press acting like a good bird dog. Our bring up trade questions, with hen his bride's father canine friends watch intently for specificity, and demand an actual stood up to make a an opportunity, and when they answer every time. Wwedding toast, my see an opening, they jump into Whether it is at a press con- friend's stomach dropped when action. They encourage others to ference, parade, fundraiser, his new in-law proclaimed: join in the hunt, and they are church picnic or campaign "Having a daughter is a lot like relentless on the chase, not let- speech, we have to hound candi- having a dog: You never know ting up until their target is dates until we have them cor- what they'll drag home." exhausted. nered, and lock down meaningful Everyone loves a good dog, After working with -- or commitments to more progres- but nobody wants to be com- against -- elusive candidates on sive economic policies. pared to one. trade issues, these tactics are At the Wisconsin Fair Trade Still, putting unflattering often the only ones that will Coalition, we suggest the START comparisons aside, working peo- move the fair trade agenda for- method. The author is director of the Wisconsin Fair Trade Coalition and tart by asking a simple and a frequent consultant to organized labor on trade issues, partici- specific question. Stay on S pating in the recent economic forum. Contact the Coalition at one subject, and send the mes- 414-344-1733 or [email protected], or check out sage you care about the response. www.wisconsinfairtrade.org. ask the target to respond. Give them time to tell you Agreement? What about T CAFTA? What about Permanent More tips: their take. Make it clear you • Grab the candidate's hand, Normalized Trading Relations want an answer. look her or him right in the eye, with China? sk again. If you don't get ask the question, and don't let go • 2. Do you support perma- anything, ask once more. If until you get an answer. A nently eliminating "Fast Track" they give an actual answer, ask • Listen for specific reason- trade promotion authority, and another, tougher follow-up ques- ing and logic, so you and other giving Congress a larger role in tion. activists can better lobby that deciding the contents of trade ecord the response. Make representative in the future. agreements? sure you write down date • Think "What would be a R • 3. Do you support enforc- and time, detail the nuances, and good follow-up question?" on the ing labor rights and environmen- document their rationale. same subject, whether they tal standards the same way we ell everybody. Email or call respond yes, no or don't give any enforce commercial provisions in the Wisconsin Fair Trade commitment. T trade agreements? Coalition, tell your Union leader, • Ask "What will the audi- • 4. Will you co-sponsor and let's work together to share ence get from this exchange?" the Brown-Michaud TRADE Act the response with the media and The listening public should learn that lays out a plan for smarter voters.
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