أ Jordanian Children's Attitudes Toward Children's Satellite Channels 2010 أ ب ج 53 د ِ 2 5 8 8 9 10 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 20 20 و 22 23 24 30 34 Mbc3 35 36 38 39 40 40 41 42 53 61 62 63 64 64 65 66 67 67 70 103 108 ص 62 669 1 67 2 669 70 3 669 72 4 669 73 5 669 74 669 6 75 7 76 8 77 9 669 78 10 669 79 11 669 79 12 80 13 669 81 14 669 ح 109 1 110 2 120 2009 3 ط 12 43603 669 2009 ي أعلى Mbc3 Mbc3 mtv Arabic 91 79 ك 8.7 98.5 ل "Trends of Jordanian children towards children's TV channels" Preparation (Mohammad Hafez) (Mohammad Jawad) Hafez Jaber Supervised by Prof. Dr. Tayseer Abu Arjah Abstract This study is being aimed for recognizing the tendencies of Jordanian children towards the children's Satellite TV channels, the habits, styles of watching and seeing of the favorite programs for the children displayed and shown through these channels. This study was based on a descriptive approach as a questionnaire was designed and distributed to a random sample of children in the schools of the capital Amman. The study community was constituted of all children who are included in the seventh grade, being of age 12 years. They are 43603 boys and girls in schools relating to the First, Second, Third and Fourth Directorate of Education of the capital Amman, in addition to the Directorate of the Central Desert and the Special Education from the second quarter of 2009, and the study was formed of 669 students as a sample. The most important findings of the study: Trends of Jordanian children towards the children's Satellite TV channels were average (the average degree assessment). The top arithmetic average of the periods of the trends relating to the Jordanian children towards children's Satellite TV Channels was for the section "I follow a certain children's channel because it shows a program that I love". The lowest arithmetic average was for the section of "contact with direct program in the channels of the children's satellite channels", and at medium degree assessment. و The most TV satellite channels being watched by the children of the sample of the study was "MBC3", then "Space Toon Arabic". "Sana" was the least channel which has preference for watching by the sample of the study. In general, the least satellite channels, not only within the list of the children's channels, that being preferred by the sample of the study was "Mbc3", then the Jordanian Satellite TV Channel. In general, and not only within the list of children's channels, that being preferred the sample of the study, a channel dedicated for several channels such as: "United Arab Emirates, Al Resalah , MTV Arabic." The program which is most watched amongst the animated programs is "Tom and Jerry" which takes up (91%) of the sample, then "Mirna and Khalil" which is observed by (79%) from the sample. The children's channels are being mostly watched during the holidays, mainly Thursdays. The majority of the children of the study sample what TV every day in an average of three hours or more. The period of watching TV which is most favored by the sample of the study members was: "after 3 pm until 5 pm". There are no differences in the Jordanian children trends towards the Satellite Channels attributed to the sex of the children. There are differences in the Jordanian children trends towards Satellite Channels dedicated for children attributed to the type of the school (Private / governmental). (8.7%) of the sample members able to distinguish between the children's Satellite Channels and other Satellite Channels, and (98.5%) of the children watch the children's Satellite Channels. ٌ Key word: Children's Satellite Channels, the trends of the children, Satellite channels. 1 2 1957 17 15 2008 17 15 2008 13 2002 3 53 2008 2 2008 4 12 3 10 2008 71 5 2007 26 5 1 2 24 3 32 2008 4 8 90 25 2002 5 6 7 6 24 Brian R. Clifford, Barrie Gunter, Jill L. McAleer, 1995 7 53 2008 33 8 9 10 11 12 1959 1934 12 9 233 1977 12 115 1996 13 12 13 13 12 2009 2008 14 15 1997 476 86 2003 G.W.Allport 16 194 1974 146 1977 2003 183 17 202 1974 201 2003 476 1997 204 1974 18 201 2003 1 2 3 205 1974 1 2 3 210 2003 19 45 2008 20 2 560 1990 2 46 1998 222 2000 21 27 1999 261 1997 31 1997 22 12 9 12 10 13 8 227 225 12 6 (Hurlock, Elizabeth B,p263) Calvert. Sandra L.p49 23 12 9 '' 1000 27 2010 21 http://www.unicef.org 1000 52 97 . 89 85 2004 % 9 1979 % 35 .2005 % 38 1991 % 24 http://www.unicef.org 24 2002 41 53 1996 25 Gunter, McAleer, 1997 Perse, 2001 Shanahan , Morgan , 1999 26 126 1990 Toppo, 2005 27 81 2007 28 29 50 49 2005 Sprafkin, Gadow, Abelman , 1992 1993 (art 3 ART 1993 247 2007 1996 30 2000 1 SPACE TOON) 2000 2001 278 2007 2004 31 45 55 279 2007 Space Toon 32 2010 12 http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki (Space Toon 2005 2 28 " 12 33 2005 2 28 Space Toon 34 279 2007 16 :Mbc3 -2 MBC 3 mbc3 2004 8 MBC 15 40 MBC GX YU-GI-OH Hannah Montana Raven That's So Power Rangers mbc1 mbc3 2005 35 kids4 mbc3 GX sonic x MBC3 network cartoon 2010 12 http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki 3 2005 9 60 ( 15 7 20 6 20 www.jcctv.net 2010 313 2007 36 4 2009 16 6 3 2009 28 1073 6 3 . 37 '' 2010 6 25 www.baraem.tv) ». 15 7 60 2005 % 30 2010 6 25 www.baraem.tv) . 17 . 38 52 6 . 5 2008 25 11316 Nilesat 2010 5 12 39 2008 6 2 6 2009 2 15 v2750010873 2010 4 24 mbc3 40 5 ) http://ar.wikipedia.org 2010 7 12284 2009 27500 2009 2010 19 http://ar.wikipedia.org Nickelodeon 8 2008 2007 10 18 41 9 15 10 2009 6 28 42 2010 7 20 www.sanatv.com جذوللُىاثاﻷطفالانفضائيتانًىجىدةعهىانُايمساثأثُاءاجشاءانذساست تاسيخاﻻَشاءوانتشدد حتى2010/8/9 11786 2001 1 101 11938 2004 MBC3 2 101 12226 2005 3 102 11316 2008 4 101 12437 2008 5 101 11316 2009 6 101 11334 2009 7 101 43 12284 2009 8 101 يوياﻻند 11316 2009 9 101 44 1991 1 1990 3 26 1 1 280 12 10 59،6 90،4 84،4 55،7 37،7 35،3 30،5 13،8 38،6 35،3 18،6 7،5 45 97،1 2،9 0،7 1993 2 500 12 5 100 99،4 98،6 94،6 92 79،8 79،6 75،2 75 32 42،85 14 24 62 MBC 1997 3 46 1994 10 7 1994 12 26 86,3 10 1998 4 340 14 11 47 61،82 30،91 7،27 31،28 15،39 13،8 13،01 12 71 10،13 3،67 2000 5 150 1998 18 9 80 7،5 13،5 86،5 25 7 29 48 2000 6 94 48،7 2001 7 1200 15 8 94,3 97.7 5 49 33 49 3.2 99,8 99,9 1,7 1,6 ARTو MBC 70,6 78,9 80,8 18,7 18،2 42,3 )LBC( )ART(، 2001 8 44 20 50 14 14,7 33,5 4 2001 9 1999 12 9 300 47,7 53,3 50,2 60,8 49,8 48,5 42،9 29,2 33,3 35,7 27,5 Spacetoon MBC 40,7 44,4 81,1 28,4 ART 29,5 37,1 37,5 51 22,5 26,9 27,6 15,3 19,3 19,3 LBC 10,9 11,6 13,8 ART 2,3 0,8 8,4 9,5 60,4 61,5 35,6 57,8 2002 10 30 9 52 2002 11 LBC 2001 3 31 1 1 35 45 LBC LBC 33,10 41,52 3,45 6,96 12,44 0,56 1,94 2003 12 400 53 18 12 53,3 3 22,5 3 24,2 11,4 15,6 18,1 6,3 8,5 5,4 5,7 6 5,1 3,2 2،8 0,6 1,9 2,5 0,6 16,7 23,3 26,7 31,7 1,6 Edgar,1977) 1) بعُىاٌ"Families Without Television " 54 )Jennings – Clara – M.gillis-Olion , 1981 2 "The Impact of Television on Child Behaviour" 65 55 "Analysis of Children`s Learning Booth, L.,1997 3 From Cartoons Television" 204 56 Anderson, D.R. 1998 4(بعُىاٌ: Children and Television " Across National Comparison: Sweden American Television Programming Viewing" Anonymous, 1999) 5) بعُىاٌ"After-School Amusement " 457 57 1999 Kotler, Jennifer Anne 6 1480 12 3 Souza & Debia, 2000 7 34 95 5 83 3 4 3 58 1 2 5 Anonymous, 2004) 8)بعُىاٌ"Kids Need More Zzzs " 20 59 60 61 210 2002 33 2002 62 2009 300 0.66 z 2 2 n e2 n 1.96 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1.43 3.03 30 39 1.40 2.85 31 43 1.49 2.77 32 22 1.30 3.05 33 12 1.30 3.14 34 3 1.27 3.29 35 42 1.32 2.81 36 5 1.25 3.26 37 21 1.35 3.06 38 17 1.16 3.10 39 32 1.39 2.95 40 15 1.18 3.11 41 73 20 1.23 3.07 42 9 1.24 3.20 43 8 1.19 3.21 44 6 1.22 3.25 45 0 3.18 2 3.18 16 3.36 2.70 12 22 3.32 74 3 3 669 4 4 3 33 51 154 241 190 1 5 7.6 23 36 28.4 188 101 212 142 26 2 28.2 15.1 31.7 21.2 3.8 25 32 107 251 254 3 3.7 4.8 16.0 37.5 38 109 56 205 224 75 4 16.3 8.4 30.6 33.5 11.2 88 59 164 217 141 13.1 8.9 24.5 32.4 21.1 3 1 2.60 75 2 38.6 289 3 26.03 195 5 76 4 669 1 2.52 MBC3 1 2 2.75 2 3 4.35 3 4 4.44 4 5 4.49 5 6 5.04 6 7 5.64 7 8 6.15 8 10 6.85 9 11 7.76 10 12 7.79 11 4 2.52 Mbc3 2.75 7.79 77 5 669 68 455 mbc3 1 65 437 2 60 404 3 58 386 space toon Arabic 4 35 231 space toon English 5 27 182 6 22 147 mbc4 7 13 85 8 14 90 art 9 6 40 10 2 13 11 2 13 12 1.5 10 mbc2 13 0.9 6 desny 14 0.9 6 nick 15 0.15 1 16 0.15 1 17 0.15 1 18 0.15 1 mtv arabic 19 0.15 1 20 0.15 1 fox 21 0.15 1 22 0.15 1 23 669 5 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