A Co-Citation Network for Philosophy

A Co-Citation Network for Philosophy

Sher G 1991 Field H 1994 Lewis D 1970 Quine W 1970 Field H 1972 A Co-Citation Network for Philosophy Field H 1986 Goldman A 1967 Williams B 1978 Field H 1994 Ginet C 1990 Lewis D 1981 Horwich P 1990 Wright C 1992 Dummett M 1973 Fischer J 1994 Quine W (13) Widerker D 1995 Leading Works and Discussion Communities Gettier E 1963 Shapiro S 1998 Dummett M 1991 Zagzebski L 1991 Ginet C 1996 Hempel C 1965 The graph shows co-citation patterns for just over the 500 most-cited items O'connor T 2000 Boghossian P 1990 Vaninwagen P 1983 Frankfurt H 1969 Goldman A 1976 Gupta A 1993 Frege G 1979 Haji I 1998 from 1993 to mid-2013, based on over 34,000 references in 2,262 articles Dummett M 1978 Pereboom D 2001 Kane R 1996 Mumford S 1998 Blackburn S 1984 Dennett D 1984 published in four leading generalist, English-language philosophy journals: Johnston M 1992 Martin C 1994 Williams B 1981 Fischer J 1998 Frankfurt H 1971 Vanfraassen B 1980 Dummett M 1981 Nous, Mind, the Journal of Philosophy, and the Philosophical Review. The cuto Mele A 1995 Mcginn C 1983 Woodward J 2003 Dummett M 1977 Wallace R 1994 Dowe P 2000 for inclusion is having received at least ten citations. The colors of the nodes Bird A 1998 Lewis D 1997 Lewis D 1986 represent the results of a community-detection algorithm applied to the Salmon W 1984 co-citation matrix. Communities are identied inductively. Edge width Byrne A 1997 Hitchcock C 2001 Lewis D 1973 indicates relative frequency of co-citation. The key gives an approximate Mcginn C 1982 Sellars W 1963 topical description of each citation community and one of its central items. Putnam H 1975 Hardin C 1988 Noe A 2004 Conee E 2004 Byrne A 2003 Lewis D 2000 Cohen S 2002 Dretske F 1969 Wright C 1985 Dennett D 1978 Hurvich L 1981 Wright C 2002 Martin M 2002 Metaphysics, David Lewis (1986), On the Plurality of Worlds Peacocke C 2004 Hilbert D 1987 Mellor D 1995 Paul L 2000 Stalnaker R 1975 Huemer M 2001 Millikan R 1984 Metaphysics/Language, Saul Kripke (1980), Naming and Necessity Block N 1986 Jackson F 1987 Searle J 1983 Tye M 2000 Dennett D 1987Dretske F 1988 Shoemaker S 1994 Hintikka J 1962 Skyrms B 1980 Pryor J 2000 Lewis D 1981 Byrne A 2001 Philosophy of Mind, David Chalmers (1996), The Conscious Mind Priest G 1987 Churchland P 1989 Armstrong D 1968 Hurley S 1998 Fodor J 1992 Block N 1995 Horwich P 1998 Bach K 1979 Armstrong D 1973 Mcdermott M 1995 Dennett D 1991 Epistemology, Timothy Williamson (2000), Knowlege and its Limits Fodor J 1990 Lewis D 1976 Derose K 1991 Vendler Z 1967 Mcdowell J 1982 Soames S 1999 Gardenfors P 1988 Dretske F 1995 May R 1985 Philosophy of Mind, Jerry Fodor (1990), A Theory of Content Derose K 1996 Horwich P 1998 Fodor J 1975 Lewis D 1980 Jackson F 1979 Craig E 1990 Martin M 2004 Davidson D 1967 Dretske F 1981 Tye M 1995 Metaethics, Derek Part (1984), Reasons and Persons Chomsky N 2000 Derose K 2002 Russell B 1912 Brandom R 1994 Bennett J 1988 Edgington D 1995 Evans G 1976 Unger P 1975 Mackie J 1974 James W 1890 Schier S 1972 Cartwright N 1983 Ethics and Political Philosophy, John Rawls (1971), A Theory of Justice Earman J 1992 Lewis D 1966 Lycan W 1996 Larson R 1995 Cappelen H 2005 Williamson T 2000 Kaplan M 1996 Menzies P 1989 Adams E 1975 Millikan R 1989 Siewert C 1998 Fodor J 1983 Ramachandran M 1997 Hawthorne J 2004 Unger P 1975 Fodor J 1987 Jackson F 1977 Block N 1999 Braddon-mitchell D 1996 Metaphysics/Causation, David Lewis (1986), “Causation” Lycan W 1987 Chalmers D 2001 Hall N 1994 Kim J 1973 Searle J 1980 Montague R 1974 Rysiew P 2001 Kripke S 1975 Mcginn C 1991 Strawson G 1994 Derose K 1992 Stanley J 2005 Lewis D 1994 Ryle G 1949 Papineau D 1993 Hill C 1997 Metaphysics/Free Will, Peter van Inwagen (1983), An Essay on Free Will Derose K 1995 Tooley M 1977 Lewis D 1986 Searle J 1992 Harman G 1986 Joyce J 1999 Lange M 2000 Bennett J 1984 Barwise J 1981 Fantl J 2002 Lewis D 1979 Unger P 1984 Kyburg H 1961 Armstrong D 1983 Davies M 1980 Cohen S 1988 Hajek A 2003 Vanfraassen B 1989 Bennett J 2003 Harman G 1990 Lewis D 1996 Black M 1952 Nagel T 1974 Schier S 2003 Wright C 1991 Chalmers D 1996 Dretske F 1977 Stalnaker R 1968 Jackson F 1986 Foley R 1987 Levine J 1983 Davies M 1981 Frege G 1918 Dretske F 1970 Jerey R 1983 Moore G 1903 Women in Philosophy Nozick R 1981 Schier S 1996 Evans G 1977 Lewis D 1979 Arntzenius F 2003 Maher P 1993 Lewis D 1973 Vanfraassen B 1995 Fodor J 1974 A notable feature of the graph is the relative absence of items written by Kim J 1998 Frege G 1879 Yablo S 1992 Lewis D 1984 Jackson F 1982 Neale S 1990 Sosa E 1991 women. Of the 520 items, 19 are by women—3.6 percent of the total. Their Russell B 1919 Stroud B 1984 Wittgenstein L (10) Dretske F 1971 Kim J 1993 Vanfraassen B 1984 Jackson F 1998 Salmon N 1998 names and locations are shown below. By comparison, 6.3 percent of the Frege G 1892 Bach K 1997 Goldman A 1970 items are by David Lewis. There are 15 women authors in total. Three of the Davidson D 1963 Russell B 1905 Crimmins M 1992 Chisholm R 1989 Anscombe G 1957 Grice P 1989 Williamson T 2007 Wittgenstein L (31) Bonjour L 1985 Lewis D 1983 Schier S 1987 Braun D 1998 items are in the top 100: Ruth Millikan’s Language, Thought, and Other Loux M 1979 Davidson D 1972 Quine W (14) Soames S 1988 Rorty R 1979 Stanley J 2001 Adams R 1979 Armstrong D 1978 Lewis D 1970 Burge T 1977 Shoemaker S 1984 Salmon N 1989 Richard M 1983 Biological Categories (1984, ranked 47th), Christine Korsgaard’s The Sources of Ginet C 1975 Hazen A 1979 Russell B 1903 Perry J 1979 Harman G 1973 Sorensen R 1988 Lewis D 1999 Geach P 1980 Forbes G 1989 Armstrong D 1997 Yablo S 1987 Quine W 1953 Lewis D (10) Salmon N 1986 Armstrong D 1989 Davidson D 1980 Soames S 1989 Stalnaker R 1999 Normativity (1996, 75th), and Dorothy Edgington’s “On Conditionals” (1995, Fumerton R 1995 Field H 1989 Lewis D 1972 Salmon N 1988 Alston W 1989 Tye M 1990 Schier S 1998 Armstrong D 1978 Rosen G 1990 Stalnaker R 1978 Burke M 1994 Lewis D 1999 Barwise J 1983 Katz J 1994 Kaplan D 1989 82nd). Christine Korsgaard has three items in the dataset. Ruth Millikan and Baker L 2000 Fine K 1994 Kripke S 1980 Plantinga A 1993 Unger P 1979 Soames S 2002 Chisholm R 1977 Dummett M 1975 Wiggins D 1968 Adams R 1974 LewisForbes D 1968 G 1985 Audi R 1993 Lewis D 1986 Salmon N 1981 Crimmins M 1989 Philippa Foot have two each. The other women are Barbara Herman, Plantinga A 1993 Williamson T 1994 Sider T 1997 Leonard H 1940 Lewis D 1983 Strawson P 1950 Kaplan D 1989 Schier S 1992 Wright C 1975 Kripke S 1963 Bealer G 1982 Almog J 1989 Fine K 1975 Hyde D 1997 Strawson P 1959 Richard M 1990 Larson R 1993 Penelope Maddy, Lynne Rudder Baker, Nancy Cartwright, Gila Sher, G.E.M. Benacerraf P 1973 Parsons T 1980 Braun D 1993 Donnellan K 1966 Feldman R 1985 Lewis D 1986 Perry J 1977 Putnam H 1975 Linsky B 1994 Stalnaker R 1984 Margalit A 1979 Munitz M 1971 Margalit A 1979 Anscombe, Susan Hurley, Sally Haslanger, L.A. Paul, Linda Zagzebski, and Sosa E 2007 Goldman A 1986 Evans G 1978 Merricks T 1995 Salmon N 1989 Lewis D 1991 Field H 1980 French P 1979 Mcgee V 1991 Haslanger S 1989 Merricks T 1994 Plantinga A 1974 Frege G (13) Goldman A 1979 Wright C 1983 Armstrong D 1989 Fodor J 1981 Burge T 1979 Judith Jarvis Thomson. Dummett M 1991 Chisholm R 1976 Lewis D 1983 Bratman M 1987 Putnam H 1975 Burge T 1986 Chisholm R 1957 Gibbard A 1975 Mcginn C 1989 Pollock J 1986 Sider T 2001 Dummett M 1981 Burge T 1986 Fodor J 1980 Sher G 1991 Goodman N 1951 Carroll L 1895 Heller M 1990 Benacerraf P 1965 Pollock J 1999 Simons P 1987 Vaninwagen P 1990 Lewis D 1979 Burge T 1993 Boolos G 1985 Fine K 1985 Bonjour L 1998 Wiggins D 1980 Williams D 1953 Keynes J 1921 Burge T 1988 Marr D 1982 Zagzebski L 1991 Boolos G 1984 Frege G 1884 Jackson F 1977 Recanati F 1993 Evans G 1982 Clark A 1998 Parsons T 1990 Thomson J 1983 Mele A 1992 Vaninwagen P 1990 Bratman M 1999 Johnston M 1992 Frege G 1984 Maddy P 1990 Campbell J 2002 Travis C 2004 Benacerraf P 1983 Boolos G 1998 Frege G 1893 Vaninwagen P 1980 Brewer B 1999 Blackburn S 1998 Unger P 1980 Stanley J 2000 Campbell K 1990 Plantinga A 1983 Mcdowell J 1994 Blackburn S 1993 Heck R 2000 Locke J (35) Peacocke C 1983 Paul L 2000 Railton P 1986 Markosian N 1998 Evans G 1985 Millikan R 1984 Austin J 1962 Harman G 1977 Field H 1973 Vaninwagen P 1981 Kant I (22) Hurley S 1998 Frankfurt H 1988 Merricks T 2001 Peacocke C 1992 Mackie J 1977 Zimmerman D 1995 Quine W 1960 Aristotle No Year P981a24 (10) Bach K 1994 Gibson J 1979 Edgington D 1995 Cartwright N 1983 Watson G 1975 Tarski A 1983 Davidson D 1969 Korsgaard C 1997 Boyd R 1988 Quine W 1953 Quine W 1951 Peacocke C 1999 Darwall S 1983 Hume D (38) Devitt M 1996 Putnam H 1971 Kuhn T 1970 Harman G 1999 Nagel T 1970 Pettit P 1990 Burke M 1992 Quine W 1969 Lewis D 1969 Evans G (10) Smith M 1994 Velleman J 2000 Broome J 1999 Quine W 1966 Quine W 1981 Searle J 1995 Quine W 1986 Stanley J 2000 Dancy J 2000 Foot P 2001 Herman B 1993 Grice H 1989 Hume D (10) Putnam H 1981 Anscombe G 1957 Korsgaard C 1996 Kripke S 1982 Lewis D 1992 Korsgaard C 1986 Mcdowell J 1979 Scanlon T 1998 Baker L 2000 Lewis D 1989 Carnap R 1956 Davidson D 1984 Horn L 1989 Moore G 1912 Haslanger S 1989 Putnam H 1994 Kavka G 1983 Nagel T 1986 Davidson D 1990 Putnam H 1978 Williams B 1973 Wittgenstein L 1953 Thomson J 1983 Olson E 1997 Part D 1984 Maddy P 1990 Scheer S 1982 Searle J 1969 Tarski A 1956 Lepore E 1986 Williams B 1981 Davidson D 1986 Aristotle (16) Korsgaard C 1997 Foot P 1978 Boghossian P 1989 Moore G 1903 Gibbard A 1990 Nagel T 1979 Rawls J 1993 Foot P 2001 Herman B 1993 Korsgaard C 1986 Korsgaard C 1996 Hare R 1952 Hume D 1978 Kagan S 1989 Grice H 1961 Nozick R 1974 Rawls J 1980 Wiggins D 1987 Gibbard A 2003 Geach P 1965 Ross W 1930 Rawls J 1971 Gauthier D 1986 Hart H 1961 Crimmins M 1998 Sidgwick H 1907 Brink D 1989 Kant I (13) Walton K 1990 Kieran Healy / socviz.co Brandt R 1979 Data: Web of Science.

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