\J- NORTH PENN AREA 5 RI/FS WORK PLAN Lansdale, Montgomery County, FINAL Submitted to: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region III 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia. PA 19107 Prepared Fon BLANK, ROME, COMISKY AND McCAULEY Four Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19103 Prepared By: THE EARTH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 53 Haddonfleld Road. Suite 316 Cherry Hill. New Jersey 08002 - Telephone: (609)482-5553/Fax: (609)482-6514 -PROJECT NO. 691546 SEPTEMBER 1993 AR3006I I TABLE OF CONTENTS .'"-.. :'" •'. '••- :' -.- . • SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background . 1 1.2 Project Objective 5 • 2.0 SUMMARY OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION 7 2.1 AEL , 7 2.2 Stabiius 9 2.3 KEMA/Powertest/Webcrafl/ABB 10 2.4 Byers Choice/Lindberg 10 2.5 R&B/FMC Corporation . 14 2.6 New Yorker Steel Boiler Company, Inc. 14 2.7 Neotech 17 2.8 Lumber Yard 17 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 18 3.1 Regional Site Setting 18 3.1.1 Regional Topography 18 3.1.2 Regional Soils " 18 3.1.3 Regional Geology 18 3.2 Site Setting 20 3.2.1 Site Topography 24 3.2.2 Site Soils 24 3.2.3 Site Geology 24 3.3 Regional Climate 24 3.4 Hydrology 26 3.4.1 Surface Water 26 3.4.2 Groundwater 26 Shallow (Perched) Aquifer 26 3.4.2,2 Bedrock Aquifer 26 i ' " . ' • ' 3.4.3 Monitor Wells 28 AR3006I2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 4.0 SUMMARY OF PAST ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS 33 . 4.1 AEL 33 4,2 R& B/FMC 36 4.3 Stabiius 39 4.4 KEMA/Powertest/Webcraft/ABB 39 . .4.5 Existing Analytical Data QA/QC 43 4.6 Aerial Photograph Interpretation • 43 5.0 SUMMARY OF PAST REMEDIAL ACTIONS 45 6.0 CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL 48 6.1 Sources of Contamination 48 6.2 Contaminant Migration Pathways 48 6.3 Receptors 52 7.0 PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT 53 / - • • . • . • ' - ' ' - . 8.0 DEVELOPMENT OF POTENTIAL REMEDIAL ACTIONS 54 8.1 Preliminary Remedial Action Objectives 54 8.2 Identification of Potential Applicable or Relevant . and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) , 55 8.3 Potential Remedial Actions 59 8.3.1 Air 59 No Action 59 Source Removal 59 . Source Control ' 59 • . • . • • 8.3.2 Groundwater 60 • . ' • , No Action 60 Institutional Actions 60 Containment 6X) Collection, Treatment, and Discharge 61 AR300613 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 8.3.3 SoU 61 No Action $! . Access Restrictions 6i Capping 61 Excavation, Treatment, and Disposal 62 In Situ Treatment .63 8.3.4 Surface Water -63 , No Action \ 64 Runoff Diversion 64 In Situ Aeration ' 64 8.3.5 Sediment •'-. 64 No Action 64 Excavation, Treatment, and Disposal 65 i . ' • . ' • - . 9.0 DATA GAPS REQUIRING RI/FS TASKS 66 ... * • 9.1 Soil Contamination , 66 : . " , * • 9.1.1 AEL 66 9.1.2 Stabiius 66 9.1.3 R&B/FMC 66 , 9.1.4 Powertest ' 66 9.1.5 Webcraft 67 9.1.6 New Yorker Steel Boiler , 67 9.2 Groundwater Contamination 67. 9.3 Hydraulic Characteristics of Aquifers , 67 9.4 Soil Physical Characteristics 68 9.5 Surface Water, Sediments, and Stormwater Characteristics 63 •. - 9.6 Treatability of Groundwater 68 9.7 TreatabiUty Studies 68 9.8 Data Quality Objectives 68 AR3006IU TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION DESCRIPTION fii PAGE 10.0 RI/FS SCOPE OF WORK 71 10.1 Project Planning 71 , 10.1.1 Sampling and Analysis Plan . 73 10.1.2 Quality Control 73 10.1.3 Project Management 73 10.1.4 Meeting Attendance 74 10.2 Community Relations - 74 10.2.1 Community Relations Plan 74 10.2.2 Community Relations Implementation 74 10.3 Field Investigation 75 10.3.1 Site Mobilization , 75 Subcontractor Procurement 75 Equipment Procurement and Site Setup 75 . 10.3.2 Surveying 75 10.3.3 Well Inventory 76 10.3.4 Soil Gas Survey 76 10.3.5 Soil Investigations 83 10.3.6 Groundwater Investigations . 91 Phase 1 - Groundwater Investigations 91 Phase 2 - Groundwater Investigations 94 Phase 3 - Groundwater Investigations 99 10.3.7 Surface Water and Sediment Investigations 103 Surface Water Runoff Flow Paths and Surface Water Bodies 103 10.3.7-2 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling 104 10.3.8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 104 103.9 Data Validation 107 10.3.10 Assessment of Risk 107 10.3.11 RI Derived Waste Disposal 107 10.4 Remedial Investigation Report 109 , 10.5 Feasibility Study 109 ftR3006l5 •TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 10.5.1 Remedial Action Alternative Screening . 110 10.5.2 Development of Alternatives 110 10.5.3 Detailed Analysis of Alternatives 111 . Compliance with ARARs . Ill Short-Term Effectiveness HI , Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence 111 Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment • , • ill Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility, and Volume of Contaminants 112 Implementability 112 Cost 112 10.5.4 Summary Comparisons and Recommendation. of Remedial Alternatives 112 10.5.5 Feasibility Study Report 113 11.0 SCHEDULE 114 12.0 REFERENCES 116 AR300&16 LIST OF FIGURES SECTION DESCRIPTION 1-1 Site Location Map 2 1-2 North Perm Area 5 Site Plan 3 2 - 1 Site Plan -American Electronic Laboratories 8 2-2 Site Plan/Areas of Environmental Investigation - Stabiius 11 2. - 3 Site Plan - Powertest 12 2-4 Site Ban - Webcraft 13 2-5 Site Plan - R&B/FMC 15 2-6 Site Plan - New Yorker Steel Boiler 16 3-1 Regional Topographic Map V - 19 3-2 Regional Geologic Map . 23 3-3 Monitor Well Locations - American Electronic Laboratories 29 4-1 Areas of Environmental Investigation American Electronic Laboratories 34 4-2 Areas of Environmental Investigation - R&B/FMC 38 4-3 Site Plan/Monitor Well Locations - Powertest Facility 41 6-1 Groundwater Contours Deep Aquifer March 30, 1989 American Electronic Laboratories 50 10-1 Soil Investigation Areas-American Electronic Laboratories 77 10-2 Soil Investigation Areas-R&B/FMC 78 10-3 Soil Investigation Areas-Stabflus 79 10-4 Soil Investigation Area-Powertest Facility 80 10-5 Soil Investigation Area-Webcraft Facilities 81 10-6 Soil Investigation Areas-New Yorker Steel Boiler 82 10-7 Proposed Monitor Well Locations - North Perm Area 5 Site Plan 97 10-8 Surface Water and Sediment Sample Location Map 105 11-1 Schedule 115 AR30Q617 LIST OF TABLES SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-1 Site Chronology 4 3-1 Geologic Section for Montgomery County, Pennsylvania 21 3-2 Soil Series Found in Regional Area 25 3-3 AEL Well Construction and Water-Level Data 30 4-1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling Analytical Results TCE Concentration in UG/L 37 4-2 R&B/FMC Groundwater Analytical Results 16 September 1987 40 8-1 Potential Chemical Specific Groundwater and Surface Water ARARs and TBCs for Organics 56 8-2 Potential Federal and State Action-Specific ARARs 58 9-1 Data Needs for the Area 5 Site , 70 10- 1 RI/FS Tasks 72 10-2 Soil Boring Program ! 85 10-3 Compounds to be Analyzed by the Field GCJ ,86 10-4 Target Compound List (VOCs Only) Target Analyte List and selected indicator Parameters 87 10-5 Groundwater investigations-Rationale for Proposed Monitor Well Locations 96 10 - 6 Phase 2 Groundwater Sampling Program 98 10-7 : . Groundwater Investigations-Proposed Monitor Well Construction Details 100 10-8 Phase 3 Groundwater Sampling Program . 102 10-9 Surface Water, Sediment and Sewer Sampling Program 106 10 - 10 Summary of QA/QC Program . 108 AR3006 I ft LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS RI/FS Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study NPL National Priorities List NPWA North Perm Water Authority PADER Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds TCE Trichloroethene PCE Tetrachloroethene NUS NUS Corporation TCA 1,1,1-trichloroethahe PRP's Potentially responsible parties AEL American Electronic Laboratory R&B R&B, Inc. CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 BCM Betz. Converse & Murdoch MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone FMC FMC Corporation MSL Mean sea level GPM Gallons per minute TSD TSD Environmental Services . USGS United States Geological Survey , . NWWA North Wales Water Authority UST Underground Storage Tank MCL Maximum Contaminant Level DCA Dichloroethane DCE Dichloroethene ARARs Applicable and Relevant or Appropriate Requirements EPA Environmental Protection Agency RFD Risk Reference Dose TBC To-Be-Considered NCP • National Contingency Plan NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act DQOs Data Quality Objectives SAP Sampling and Analysis Plan . QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control CLP Contract Laboratory Program SAS Special Analytical Services QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan FSP Field Sampling Plan CRP Community Relations Plan PID - Photoionization detector GC Gas Chrornatograph AR3006I9 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) -• • v • HSP Health and Safety Plan TCL Target Compound List x RPM Regional Project Manager SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act PHE " Public Health Evaluation AR300620 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This work plan presents the technical approach and methodologies developed to complete the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for the North Penn Area 5, National Priorities List (NPL) site.
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