The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 12 of 12) by James George Frazer This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at http://www.gutenberg.org/license Title: The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 12 of 12) Author: James George Frazer Release Date: January 27, 2013 [Ebook 44772] Language: English ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE GOLDEN BOUGH: A STUDY IN MAGIC AND RELIGION (THIRD EDITION, VOL. 12 OF 12)*** The Golden Bough A Study in Magic and Religion By James George Frazer, Kt., D.C.L., LL.D., Litt.D. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge Professor of Social Anthropology in the University of Liverpool Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged Vol. XII. of XII. Bibliography and General Index New York and London MacMillan and Co. 1920 Contents Preface . .2 Bibliography . .4 General Index . 395 Advertisements. 1922 [Transcriber's Note: The above cover image was produced by the submitter at Distributed Proofreaders, and is being placed into the public domain.] [v] Preface The following Bibliography aims at giving a complete list of the authorities cited in the third edition of The Golden Bough. Such a list may be of use to readers who desire to have further information on any of the topics discussed or alluded to in the text. It has been compiled by Messrs. R. & R. Clark's Press Reader from the references in my footnotes to the volumes, and it has been revised and corrected by me in proof. The titles of works which I have not seen but have cited at second hand are distinguished by an asterisk prefixed to them. Throughout the book I have endeavoured to indicate the distinction clearly by the manner of my citation, but lest any ambiguity should remain I have thought it well to mark the difference precisely in the Bibliography. In the case of Greek and Latin authors the editions which I have commonly used are generally noted in the Bibliography; they are for the most part those which I possess in my own library and have consulted for the sake of convenience. The General Index incorporates the separate indices to the volumes, but as some of these, especially in the earlier volumes, were somewhat meagre, I have made large additions to them in order to bring up the whole to a uniform standard and to facilitate the use of the book as a work of reference. With this clue in his hand the student, I hope, will be able to find his way through the labyrinth of facts. All the entries have been made by me, but [vi] the arrangement of them is in the main due to the Press Reader, whom I desire to thank for the diligence and accuracy with which he has performed his laborious task. The whole Index has been repeatedly revised and freely corrected by me in proof. In conclusion it is my duty as well as pleasure to thank my publishers, Messrs. Macmillan & Company, for the never-failing Preface 3 confidence, courtesy, and liberality with which they have treated me during the many years in which The Golden Bough has been in progress. From first to last they have laid me under no restrictions whatever, but have left me perfectly free to plan and execute the work on the scale and in the manner I judged best. Their patience has been inexhaustible and their courage in facing the pecuniary risks unwavering. My printers also, Messrs. R. & R. Clark of Edinburgh, have done their part to my entire satisfaction; they have promptly responded to every call I have made on them for increased speed, and with regard to accuracy I will only say that in the scrutiny to which I have subjected the book for the purpose of the Index I have detected many errors of my own, but few or none of theirs. Publishers and printers can do much to help or hinder an author's work. Mine have done everything that could be done to render my labours as light and as pleasant as possible. I thank them sincerely and gratefully for their help, and I reflect with pleasure on the relations of unbroken cordiality which have existed between us for more than a quarter of a century. J. G. Frazer. 1 BRICK COURT,TEMPLE, 25th January 1915. [001] Bibliography [003] N.B.—In the following list an asterisk prefixed to the title of a work signifies that the work in question has not been seen by me (J. G. Frazer), and is known to me only by name or in quotations. Works not marked by an asterisk have been consulted in the originals. “A Far-off Greek Island,” in Blackwood's Magazine, February 1886. “A Japanese Fire-walk,” in American Anthropologist, New Series, v. (1903). Abbott, G. F., Macedonian Folk-lore. Cambridge, 1903. Abeghian, Manuk, Der armenische Volksglaube. Leipsic, 1899. Abel, E., Orphica. Leipsic and Prague, 1885. Abla, Eijkb, “Beiträge zur Kenntniss abergläubischer Gebräuche in Syrien,” in Zeitschrift des deutschen Palaestina-Vereins, vii. (1884). * Abelas, Malta illustrata, Cintar's Supplements, quoted by R. Wünsch, Das Frühlingsfest der Insel Malta. Leipsic, 1902. Abercromby, Hon. J., in Folk-lore, ii. (1891). The Pre- and Proto-historic Finns. London, 1898. Bibliography 5 Abhandlungen der historischen Classe der Königlichen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen der historisch-philologischen Classe der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen der philologisch-historischen Klasse der Königlichen Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Abinal, Father, “Astrologie Malgache,” in Les Missions Catholiques, xi. (1879). “Croyances fabuleuses des Malgaches,” in Les Missions Catholiques, xii. (1880). Abougit, Father X., S.J., “Le feu du Saint-Sépulcre,” in Les Missions Catholiques, viii. (1876). Abrahams, Israel, Jewish Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1896. The Book of Delight and other Papers. Philadelphia, 1912. Abydenus, in Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, ed. C. Müller, vol. iv. 6The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 12 of 12) Academy, The. Acerbi, J., Travels through Sweden, Finnland and Lapland. London, 1802. Acevado, Dr. Otero, Letter in Le Temps, September 1898. Achilles Tatius. Ed. G. A. Hirschig. Paris (Didot), 1885. Acosta, J. de, The Natural and Moral History of the Indies. Translated by E. Grimston; edited by (Sir) Clements R. Markham. Hakluyt Society, London, 1880. * Original Spanish Edition published at Seville in 1590. Reprinted at Madrid in 1894. Acron, on Horace, Odes, quoted by G. Boni in Notizie degli Scavi, May 1900. Acta Fratrum Arvalium. Ed. G. Henzen. Berlin, 1874. [004] Acta Sanctorum. Paris and Rome, 1867. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. Helsingfors, 1856. Adair, James, History of the American Indians. London, 1775. Adam, J., on Plato, Republic. Cambridge, 1902. Adam of Bremen, Descriptio insularum Aquilonis, with the Scholia, in Migne's Patrologia Latina, cxlvi. Adams, John, Sketches taken during Ten Voyages in Africa between the years 1786 and 1800. London, N.D. Addison, Joseph, “Remarks on Several Parts of Italy,” in his Works, vol. ii. London, 1811. Bibliography 7 Adriani, Dr. N., “Mededeelingen omtrent de Toradjas van Midden-Celebes,” in Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, xliv. (1901). Adriani, N., en Kruijt, Alb. C., De Bare'e-sprekende Toradja's van Midden-Celebes. Batavia, 1912. “Van Posso naar Mori,” in Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, xliv. (1900). “Van Posso naar Parigi, Sigi en Lindoe,” in Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, xlii. (1898). Aelian. Ed. R. Hercher. Paris (Didot), 1858. De natura animalium. Variae historiae. Aelius Lampridius, in Scriptores Historiae Augustae, ed. H. Peter. Leipsic, 1884. Alexander Severus. Antoninus Diadumenus. Antoninus Heliogabalus. Aelius Spartianus, Helius, in H. Peter's Scriptores Historiae Augustae. Aeneas Sylvius, Opera. Bâle, 1571. Aeschines. Ed. F. Franke. Leipsic, 1863. Contra Ctesiphontem. Epistolae. Aeschylus. Ed. F. A. Paley. Third Edition. London, 1870. Choephori. Prometheus Vinctus. Suppliants. 8The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 12 of 12) Aetna. Ed. Robinson Ellis, in Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, ed. J. P. Postgate. London, 1894-1905. Afzelius, Arv. Aug., Volkssagen und Volkslieder aus Schwedens älterer und neuer Zeit. Übersetzt von F. H. Ungewitter. Leipsic, 1842. Agahd, R., M. Terentii Varronis rerum divinarum libri I. XIV. XV. XVI. Leipsic, 1898. Agatharchides, in Photius, Bibliotheca. Ed. Im. Bekker. Berlin, 1824. Agathias, Historia. Ed. B. G. Niebuhr. Bonn, 1828. Agerbeek, A. H. B., “Enkele gebruiken van de Dajaksche bevolking der Pinoehlanden,” in Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, li. (1909). * Agriculture of the Nabataeans., ii. 100 and 346. * Aiton, William, Treatise on the Origin, Qualities, and Cultivation of Moss Earth, quoted by R. Munro, Ancient Scottish Lake Dwellings or Crannogs. Edinburgh, 1882. Aiyar, N. Subramhanya, in Census of India, 1901, vol. xxvi. Travancore, Part I. Trivandrum, 1903. * Al Baidaw+'s Commentary on the Koran. Alberti, L., De Kaffers aan de Zuidkust van Afrika. Amsterdam, 1810. Bibliography 9 Albertus Magnus, quoted by A. Kuhn, Die Herabkunft des Feuers und des Göttertranks. Second Edition. Gütersloh, 1886. Albîrûnî, The Chronology of Ancient Nations. Translated and edited by Dr. C. Edward Sachau. London, 1879. [005] Alexander, Lieutenant Boyd, “From the Niger, by Lake Chad, to the Nile,” in The Geographical Journal, xxx. (1907). Alexander, Sir James E., Expedition of Discovery into the Interior of Africa. London, 1838.
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