Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-24-1995 The BG News October 24, 1995 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 24, 1995" (1995). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5909. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5909 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. hegtSjjtttw "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence // 1920 1995 Inside the News Tribe Stdte • Rioting inmate faced with charges K ■ ' TheIndfa|»ftrioRlhe Nation • Verdict in Selena murder trial ■■:.- World SertefloMcob's... SportS • BG place kicker wins award Fteld tonighf^p. NEWS Page 7 Tuesday, October 24,1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 34 Frazee railroad Leaders reach agreement crossing earns Clinton, Yeltsin decide how to pursue Bosnian peace Barry Schweld federal dollars The Associated Press Amy Johnson "At first It was suggested to The BC News City Council to close the cross- HYDE PARK, N.Y. - Presi- ings at Pike, Derby and Frazee," dent Clinton today announced Flashing lights and roadway Smith said. "The council de- he had reached "complete gates are slated to be installed at termined not to close them be- agreement" with Russian the Frazee railroad crossing, ac- cause it would close down traffic President Boris Yeltsin on how cording to the Public Utilities patterns throughout the city." to pursue peace in Bosnia. Commission of Ohio. Smith said the Frazee crossing After a four-hour meeting, The Frazee crossing is one of did not meet the improvement Clinton said there also was three railroad crossings in Wood criteria at that time. However, "some progress" on the specif- County that qualified for 100 Conrall had apparently conduct- ic roles the two nations would percent federal funding to im- ed an independent study which play. Defense Secretary Wil- prove their safety. recommended the Frazee cross- liam Perry and Russian De- "As a result of aggressive ing be updated. fense Minister Pavel Grachev measures in state government, "Six weeks ago Conrall peti- were assigned to work on the engineering improvements and tioned PUCO to close Pike and touchy issue later In the week. vigilant enforcement of traffic Derby," Smith said. "But before Yeltsin, in a statement safety laws, railroad crossing an issue is ordered, a public hear- afterward, said he was depart- fatalities have decreased signifi- ing will be held In Bowling ing with "a degree of opti- cantly in past years," PUCO Green." mism" he had not had on his Chairman Craig A. Glazer said. According to Smith, the city arrival. In Russian, Yeltsin "That has been due to the instal- has not received notification of said reporters had predicted "a lation of more and more active the closing. disaster," but now, he went on, safety devices at crossings." The PUCO ordered Consoli- "I can tell you that you are a In Wood County, the Jerry City dated Rail Corporation to submit disaster." Road/Township Road 23 cross- site plans, cost estimates and Clinton laughed loudly and ing north of the village of Cygnet schedules for installation of au- patted Yeltsin on the back. and the Reitz Road/Township tomatic warning devices to "the Clinton said he and Yeltsin Rqad 101 crossing In Perrysburg Commission within 90 days. agreed to push for ratification Township will also be installed The railroad will be responsi- of the START II nuclear treaty with flashing lights and roadway ble for future maintenance costs and would also work for a Ktpkaa Sn.laf AP Pfc . comprehensive nuclear test M gates. of the crossing improvements. ban treaty next year. Russian President Boris Yeltsin, left, hugs President Bill Clinton, after Yeltsin's helicopter landed at The criteria used In ranking "Conrail has certainly made an Franklin Roosevelt's estate in Hyde Park, N.Y., Monday. attempt to provide safety for the Meeting at the home of war- each crossing included the speed "Can we do it?" Yeltsin said. Yeltsin said. "I am sure in a together they chatted their and frequency of trains, the general public," Smith said. "The time President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the two leaders There was no reply from Clin- place like this there will be way to the Roosevelt home for average daily vehicular traffic additions wont prevent acci- gazed toward the Catsklll ton, who entertained his guest nothing we cant resolve." their talks. and area obstructions. dents but they are a tool to warn the driver a crossing exists and Mountains while Yeltsin, mar- with a brief history of how the Clinton greeted Yeltsin as "I don't know how at this Municipal Administrator Col- veling at the scenery, assured: young FDR went sledding the Russian leader stepped landscape there could be plans leen Smith said the city has been to approach with caution." The PUCO upgrades about 150 "We are planning here peace down into the valley. from a helicopter. They shook talking to Conrall for several not war." "It is a beautiful place," hands and hugged. And months about improving railroad railroad crossings annually at an See CLINTON, page three. crossings. estimated cost of $15 million. Flying team places third Ash back from Conference designed to sharpen aviation skills police meeting Darla Wamock ual, but combining to make a power off spot landing, flight si- gion, including BGSU, Kent State Joe Boyle tees for the association. The BC News team score. mulator and message drop. University, Ohio University, The The BG News "I'm on the crime prevention Some of the tests included book The team with the total number Ohio State University and committee and the membership With thoughts of national com- knowledge tests, simulated com- of combined Individual points Western Michigan University. In Bowling Green Police Chief committee for Ohio," he said. petition In the future, the BGSU prehensive aircraft navigation. wins the competition and moves last year's competition, the top Galen Ash has Just returned from Flying Team recently 'placed two teams from this region the International Association of The yearly conference, which third at the 1995 Region III placed second and third in the na- Chiefs of Police conference in celebrated its 102nd meeting this National Intercollegiate Flying "This is the first time we have gotten third tion, according to Manning. Miami Beach, Fla. year, has recently been located in Association (NIFA) Regional "This is the first time we have The conference brought in St. Louis, Detroit, Toronto, Albu- Safety and Flight Evaluation since 1992. We hope to maintain third, if not gotten third since 1992," he said. over 12,000 people from around querque, N.M and Louisville, Ky. Conference (SAFECON) at Kent to move up." "We hope to maintain third. If not 89 countries, Ash said. Next Year's conference, "Desert State University. Paul Manning to move up." The conference is the world's Fiesta," will be In Phoenix. "It is. a sharpening of your senior aerotechnology major "I've been interested in it for a largest exhibit of police prod- Ash said Miami Beach is one of skills competition with the best long time," freshman aerotech- ucts, Including planes, helicop- the most expensive locations the of the best," said Paul Manning, nology major Dan Auslander ters, computer mainframes and conference has visited. senior aerotechnology major and aircraft recognition, aircraft on to nationals. said. "I think it is the best we Hummer off-road vehicles for president of the club sport. preflight and manual flight com- SAFECON sends the top two could have been expected to do." SWAT team usage. "The most reasonable break- The event consisted of nu- puters. teams in the region to national "Looking at what is going to be "I'm like a kid In a candy store fast was an $11.95 breakfast buf- merous tests of knowledge and The flying events included na- competition. There are currently happening," Auslander said. "I'm with those things," Ash said. fet," Ash said. "Denny's Grand flying abilities that were individ- vigation, short field spot landing, five teams In the University's re- happy with our finish" Ash serves on several commit- Slam was looking good." Station searches for mascot Lupus awareness Disc jockey claims The Shark' doesn't represent University! gains recognition Smith said. "The Shark, as a There will be a contest to re- HOMEAID benefit concert at Jack Buekrar Rosemary Cook, of the North- Sarah Lewis west Ohio Chapter of the Lupus The BC News ■ station, became known as a nega- place The Shark, and can be en- Howard's Club H on Nov. 16. The BG News tive thing. The mascot change Is tered by anyone interested. Admission Is $5, with all Foundation of America, said doc- The campus radio station, the tip of the iceburg." Entry forms are available In proceeds going to the LINK The The month of October has been tors have yet to discover the WBGU FM, is searching the seas Steve Steele, a station adminis- residence halls and local busi- winner of The Shark contest will officially declared Lupus cause of lupus. for a new mascot. The Shark has trator, said he agreed with Smith. nesses, such as Madhatter Music, be presented with $88.10 in cash Awareness month to show sup- "There are three types of surrendered after about 10 years "The era of glitzy animal mas- Grounds For Thought and Cafe The concert begins at 7 p.m.
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