CENTER 1 6 ~~~i•i,:~-¸ ¸¸I!~ J n~ o ! National Gallery of Art CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE VISUAL ARTS CENTER 16 Record of Activities and Research Reports June i995-May x996 Washington x996 National Gallery of Art CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE VISUAL ARTS Washington, D.C. zo565 Telephone: (zoz) 84z-648o Facsimile: (zoz) 84z-6733 E-maih center @nga.gov World Wide Web: http://www.capcon.net/casva All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. zo565 Copyright © i996 Trustees of the National Gallery of Art, Washington This publication was produced by the Editors Office, National Gallery of Art, Washington Designed by Susan Lehmann Printed by Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, Maryland Photographic credits Cover, pages I, 6, i6i: James Pipkin Pages I3, I5O , ISZ , I55 , I57, I59: Dennis Brack/Black Star Frontispiece: John Sloan, The Picture Buyer, I9X i. Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington Contents 7 Preface 9 Report on the Academic Year, June i995-May 1996 io Board of Advisors io Staff ii Report of the Dean I4 Members 18 Meetings 2.8 Lecture Abstracts 33 Incontro Abstracts 4 o Research Projects 4I Publications 43 ResearchReports of Members i49 Description of Programs 151 Fields of Inquiry 15 ~ Fellowship Program 58 Facilities i58 Board of Advisors and Selection Committee i58 Program of Meetings, Research, and Publication i6z Index of Members' Research Reports T Preface The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, a research in- stitute which fosters study of the production, use, and cultural meaning of art, artifacts, architecture, and urbanism, from prehis- toric times to the present, was founded in x979 as part of the National Gallery of Art. The Center encourages study of the visual arts from a variety of approaches by historians, critics, and theo- rists of art, as well as by scholars in related disciplines of the hu- manities and social sciences. The resident community of scholars consists of the Samuel H. Kress Professor, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor, and the Andrew W. Mellon Lecturer in the Fine Arts, in addition to approximately eighteen fellows, including Senior Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows, Associates, Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellows, and Predoctoral Fellows. The activities of the Center for Advanced Study, which in- clude the programs of fellowships, research, meetings, and publi- cation, are privately funded. "< ,"'5 ;~.,~ 7_:~L.~<>'~: e.' ~'," : i: .~-,i7-,~!!:? ~':;:: .~<.~.-,,~,.4 ~i'. "e'G "~,.'~'E" ~; """' :~< .:: -~ ~'%:;'-" :"~ .R{;'Z':";;; i'r~'~'H':i:~ ';>~:'~i'" J'L ~M;? '"'] .~.:77. 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Homer Assistant Dean University of Delaware Joanne Pillsbury, Rosalind Krauss Francesca Consagra, Columbia University Research Assistant to the Dean James Marrow Sabine Eiche, SeniorResearch Princeton University Associate (Architectural Drawings Project) Marianna Shreve Simpson Anne Helmreich, Research Assistant Waiters Art Gallery to the Associate Dean Andrew Stewart Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, University of California, Berkeley Project Associate (Keywords in Charles W. Talbot American Landscape Design) Trinity University, San Antonio Pauline Maguire, ResearchAssistant to the Samuel H. Kress and Andrew W. Mellon Professors Nicholas Paul, Intern (Keywords in American Landscape Design) Mary Pye, Research Assistant to the Assistant Dean Deborah A. G6mez, Assistant to the Fellowship Program Elizabeth Kielpinski, Assistant to the Program of Regular Meetings Abby Krain, Secretary to the Samuel H. Kress and Andrew W. Mellon Professors Stephanie Kristich, Secretary to the Research Program Helen Tangires, Staff Assistant Curatorial Liaison Edgar Peters Bowron, Senior Curator of Paintings IO Report of the Dean June 199S-May 1996 The Center, in its sixteenth year, sponsored study of the visual arts in each of its four major program areas: fellowships, research, pub- lications, and scholarly meetings. The resident community of scholars at the Center for Advanced Study in i995-~996 included individuals working on topics rang- ing from medieval Chinese pagodas to postwar residential archi- tecture in the United States. Scholars focused on such issues as craft and philosophical aesthetics in antiquity, the "self-image" of the Roman villa, abstraction in the textiles of ancient Tiwanaku, Parisian Flamboyant in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and album production under the Timurid and Safavid dynasties. Members of the Center included scholars from Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, and the United States. The scholars from Latin America were funded by two programs sup- ported by the Inter-American Development Bank with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Association of Research Institutes in Art History (ARIAH). ARIAH'S fellowship program for Latin American scholars, now in its second year, is administered by the Associate Dean, who serves as chair of the association. Three long-term research projects, under the direction of the deans, are currently underway at the Center. The first, the devel- opment of the National Gallery's photographic archives in the area II of pre-i 800 Italian architectural drawings, has resulted in approx- imately z5,ooo images gathered from European collections. A sec- ond project, "Keywords in American Landscape Design," has en- tered a new phase as the corpus of 1,5oo images is being scanned onto CD-ROMS in order to become available through the National Gallery's photographic archives. A multivolume reference work of this project is in preparation for publication. A third project, a guide to documentary sources for the art history and archaeology of the Andes, was initiated this past year. In conjunction with the Johannes ,Vermeer exhibition at the National Gallery, the Center for Advanced Study organized a sym- posium on 3 ° November-x December I995 devoted to recent re- search and emerging issues in scholarship on the Dutch painter. The gathering was jointly sponsored with the
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