SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU HRVATSKI STUDIJI ZAGREB VLATKA VUKELIĆ POVIJEST SUSTAVNIH ARHEOLOŠKIH ISTRAŽIVANJA U SISKU OD 16. STOLJEĆA DO 1941. GODINE DOKTORSKI RAD Zagreb, 2011. Zagreb, 2011. UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB CROATIAN STUDIES ZAGREB VLATKA VUKELIĆ THE HISTORY OF SYSTEMATIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN SISAK FROM 16. CENTURY UNTIL 1941. DOCTORAL THESIS Zagreb, 2011. SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU HRVATSKI STUDIJI ZAGREB VLATKA VUKELIĆ POVIJEST SUSTAVNIH ARHEOLOŠKIH ISTRAŽIVANJA U SISKU OD 16. STOLJEĆA DO 1941. GODINE DOKTORSKI RAD Mentor(i): dr. sc. Ivan Mirnik, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, Zagreb dr. sc. Jadranka Neralić, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb Zagreb, 2011. ZAHVALE Ovim putem željela bih se zahvaliti svome mentoru Ivanu Mirniku, na golemom ukazanom povjerenju i strpljivosti te vjeri u moje sposobnosti, čak i onda kada ih sama nisam bila svjesna. Želim se zahvaliti i komentorici Jadranki Neralić, na velikoj potpori i odlučnosti u ključnim trenucima. Zahvalila bih se još i Branki Migotti, koja me svojim konstruktivnim kritikama i uvidom u literaturu naučila onome što danas s područja arheološke misli znam. Zahvalu dugujem i Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu, kao i kolegama koje u toj instituciji rade, a koji su mi svojim nesebičnim savjetima pomogli u izradi ove radnje. Zahvaljujem se i obitelji na ostvarivanju uvjeta koji su uopće doveli do realizacije ove radnje. SAŽETAK Antička Siscia bila je jedan od najvažnijih gradova rimske Panonije. Sposobnost rimske apsorpcije i asimilacije zatečenih društvenih i gospodarskih odnosa bila je presudna kod smještaja i osnivanja Siscije, ključnog središta za strateško napredovanje ka Dunavu i za očuvanje i širenje svih oblika komunikacije. Za izradu topografije antičke Siscije potrebno je izraditi strukturalnu analizu, a potom i sintezu arhivskog gradiva iz razdoblja ranog i razvijenog novovjekovlja (Wolfgangus Lazius, Luigi Fernando Marsigli, Matija Petar Katančić, Adam Baltazar Krčelić, Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, Mijat Sabljar, Šime Ljubić, Ivan Tkalčić, Dragutin Jagić i Josip Brunšmid). Ta rukopisna ostavština, često bez potpisa ili nadnevka, samo s naznakom arheološkog lokaliteta koji se obrađivao, zahtijeva interdisciplinaran pristup proučavanja. Nakon utvrđivanja svih okolnosti u kojima su bilješke nastale, uslijediti će kronološka usporedba sa svim eventualnim ranijim i kasnijim istraživanjima terena, te stanje njihove obrade. Na taj način obrađeno arhivsko gradivo pridonijeti će potpunijem i znanstveno utemeljenijem stvaranju topografije antičke Siscije. Ono je bez tog segmenta netočno i nepotpuno, a do sada neistraženo. Osim u izradi topografije Siscije, podaci prikupljeni i analizirani na ovaj način doprinijeti će općem poznavanju kvalitete života jednog antičkog provincijalnog središta. Uspostavom institucije muzejskih povjerenika i njihova dokumentacija postaje dio arhivske građe za izučavanje povijesti sisačke arheologije. Njihov rad nije dijelom hrvatske znanstvene literature, ali nam je presudan u stvaranju širih arheoloških zaključaka, jer je vrlo pedantan i cjelovit, a pronalaske starina smješta u katastarsko-geodetske i gruntovne okvire, koje je uz pomoć gruntovnih napisnica i starih gradskih zemljovida, iako vrlo teško, ipak moguće rekognoscirati. Prestankom njihova djelovanja, ratnim nedaćama, općom neimaštinom i turbulentnim društveno-političkim mijenama, sve je manje interesa i sve manje arheoloških istraživanja na području Siska, uz izuzetak 30.-tih godina 20.st. (Josip Klemenc). Danas je arheološki rad na terenu iz razdoblja 19.st. i ranijih stoljeća potpuno zaboravljen i zanemaren, a predstavlja bogato vrelo informacija, čime je arheološko djelovanje s kraja 20. i poč. 21.st. svedeno na početke, što bitno otežava stvaranje topografije antičke Siscije. Ovaj rad će nastojati to promijeniti. SUMMARY Ancient Siscia was one of the most important cities of the Roman Pannonia. Its foundation can be traced as back as into the prehistoric times, several thousand years ago. Roman settlers only used the prehistoric settlement’s position on the banks of the Kupa, important for the pre-roman communication network, sharing peoples and goods within the wider European area stretching. Roman ability to absorb and assimilate existing social and economic relations was crucial for the foundation of Siscia, key centre for strategic enlargement towards the Danube frontiers, preservation and construction of communication network. Thanks to the urban planning legislation and it’s colonial status (the first probably dated into 71 A.D., the next between 193 and 211 A.D.) the city expanded territorially and administratively. It retained characteristics of an urban environment even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the end of antiquity in Siscia dated around the year 600 A.D. Early medieval sources do not offer data on Siscia. However, several relevant documents/annales (e.g. Einhard’s Vita Karoli Magni, from the first half of the 9th century), and a small number of important archaeological remains, such as ancient siscian marble monuments reused for the early Croatian interlacing ornaments, speak in favour of highly developed social and political forms as well as relations with the early Croatian state nucleus. It seems that the Frankish retaliation after the uprising of Ljudevit was fatal for the further development of the area, as it entered its longest period of stagnation. The ideal strategic position of Sisak in the battles against the Turks will help the wider area to become a major military base. Along with stronger military constructing activities came the intense interest in the remains of the ancient Siscia, still present in the landscape. Besides the fact that the siscian archaeological heritage have been built into the foundations of the 16th century fortress, small ancient monuments accidentally found on the ground were also described by the forerunners and pioneers of archeology in Sisak (Wolfgangus Lazius). Part of Croatian lands belonging to the Habsburg Monarchy became essential for the realisation of the economic mercantilism planned by the Vienna experts, when the centuries- long wars against the Ottoman Empire ceased. The region grew economically and demographically as soon as the river navigable routes in the vicinity of Sisak were reopened. Serving either as members of the Border Commission with the Ottoman Empire (Count Luigi Fernando Marsigli), or as civil engineers, learned personalities travelling through Sisak, recorded what they saw; their records are thus precious information for the roman remains on the territory of modern Sisak. Although some of their records are highly precise and valuable, they still do not make a part of the planned and systematic archaeological research. The need for more extensive studies of Croatian history grew together with the Enlightment, thus a new generation of Croatian pioneers in archaeology was formed (Matija Petar Katančić, Adam Baltazar Krčelić), who devoted their attention to Sisak and ancient forerunner. Their testimonies are crucial for the reconstruction of the daily life of ancient Siscia. A period of rapid economic development coinciding with the development of the Illyrian movement in our country followed. In order to create the national identity, new generation of Croatian scholars (Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, Mijat Sabljar, Šime Ljubić, Ivan Tkalčić), will study national history more deeply, with particular stress on one of the major cities of the Western Roman Empire in Croatia, Siscia. Associations and institutions (Society for Yugoslav history and antiquity, the National Museum in Zagreb), which finally began the systematic processing and classification of the Sisal antiquities, were founded. Ideal basis were the growing architectural interventions in the area which now adapted to new economic needs (railway construction in 1862). With it came the exploitation of ancient archaeological materials for the construction of larger buildings of the new wealthy merchant elite, prevalently of foreign origin. A number of valuable antiquities, not built into the houses, were transported outside Croatian borders, without leaving a note on the site, surrounding of the finding or its description. This was a socio-political problem, as they did not feel that the antiquities were their own heritage, and did not consider importance of unifying the material. In that way important dimension of the history of Siscia was inevitably lost, being a direct reason for the poor epigraphical collection of Sisak (compared with those of Salona). However, with the second generation born in the 1850s, the awareness of local identity strengthened, and collections of antiquities were being formed; not very rich local patriots (Dragutin Jagić), formed the local archaeological association ("Siscia") to be in direct relation and under the supervision of experts from Zagreb (Josip Brunšmid). The network of museum trustees was created; when the activities of "Siscia” ended at beginning of the 20th century they took over the role of collectors of antiquities. Their work did not enter into the Croatian professional bibliography, but was crucial for the creation of broader archaeological conclusions, because it is very meticulous and comprehensive, putting the remains in correct geodetic framework. Although with difficulties, it is still possible to recognize them with the help of old ownership certificates and the old town maps. With termination of their archaeological action, war hardships, poverty and general turbulent socio-political
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