Accelerated Reader Reading Practice Quizzes Chattahoochee Elementary School RL IL Title Author Pts 4.3 MG "B" Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 2.0 3.0 LG "Here I Am!" Said Smedley Puttock, Simon 0.5 2.8 LG "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," Said the Sloth Carle, Eric 0.5 7.9 MG 1920-40: Atoms to Automation Parker, Steve 1.0 6.4 MG 1980 U.S. Hockey Team Coffey, Wayne 1.0 2.5 LG 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea Buller, Jon 0.5 10.0 MG 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) Verne, Jules 28.0 3.8 MG 2095 Scieszka, Jon 1.0 4.0 LG 213 Valentines Cohen, Barbara 1.0 4.6 MG 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie 4.0 3.4 LG A Baby Sister for Frances Hoban, Russell 0.5 3.8 LG A Bad Case of Stripes Shannon, David 0.5 2.8 LG A Bargain for Frances Hoban, Russell 0.5 4.7 LG A Bear Called Paddington Bond, Michael 4.0 2.6 LG A Beautiful Feast for a Big King Cat Archambault, John 0.5 4.1 MG A Blossom Promise Byars, Betsy 4.0 4.6 MG A Blue-Eyed Daisy Rylant, Cynthia 2.0 2.9 LG A Boy Named Boomer Esiason, Boomer 0.5 1.3 LG A Bug, a Bear, and a Boy McPhail, David 0.5 1.6 LG A Bug, a Bear, and a Boy Go to School McPhail, David 0.5 1.4 LG A Buzz Is Part of a Bee Lunn, Carolyn 0.5 3.7 LG A Campfire for Cowboy Billy Ulmer, Wendy 0.5 3.0 LG A Case for Jenny Archer Conford, Ellen 1.0 4.0 LG A Certain Small Shepherd Caudill, Rebecca 1.0 3.4 LG A Chair for My Mother Williams, Vera 0.5 2.8 LG A Christmas Star Called Hannah French, Vivian 0.5 2.9 LG A Christmas Surprise for Chabelita Palacios, Argentina 0.5 4.8 LG A Cloak for the Dreamer Friedman, Aileen 0.5 1.4 LG A Coat Full of Bubbles Shahan, Sherry 0.5 1.9 LG A Day at Seagull Beach Wallace, Karen 0.5 2.0 LG A Day in the Life of a Firefighter Hayward, Linda 0.5 3.3 LG A Day in the Life of a Firefighter Bowman-Kruhm, Mary 0.5 4.4 UG A Day No Pigs Would Die Peck, Robert 4.0 1.0 LG A Day with Firefighters Kottke, Jan 0.5 2.2 LG A Dog Named Sam Boland, Janice 0.5 4.6 MG A Dog on Barkham Street Stolz, Mary 5.0 1.0 LG A Dozen Dogs Ziefert, Harriet 0.5 1.8 LG A Dozen Dozens Ziefert, Harriet 0.5 4.2 LG A Dragon in the Family Koller, Jackie 1.0 5.3 MG A Figure in Hiding Dixon, Franklin 5.0 3.3 LG A Fine, Fine School Creech, Sharon 0.5 6.1 UG A Fire upon the Deep Vinge, Vernor 32.0 2.1 LG A First Book About Mixing and Matching Tuxworth, Nicola 0.5 5.1 MG A Flight of Angels Trease, Geoffrey 3.0 0.8 LG A Friend for Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret 0.5 1.2 LG A Friend for Minerva Louise Stoeke, Janet 0.5 3.3 MG A Friend Like That Slote, Alfred 4.0 6.7 MG A Gathering of Days Blos, Joan 5.0 4.2 MG A Ghost in the Family Wright, Betty 2.0 4.4 MG A Ghost in the House Wright, Betty 5.0 5.5 MG A Ghost in the Window Wright, Betty 5.0 2.4 LG A Ghost Named Fred Benchley, Nathaniel 0.5 3.9 MG A Gift for Beth Pfeffer, Susan 2.0 4.3 MG A Gift for Jo Pfeffer, Susan 2.0 4.2 MG A Gift for Mama Hautzig, Esther 1.0 3.8 MG A Girl Called Al Greene, Constance 3.0 2.5 LG A Girl Named Helen Keller Lundell, Margo 0.5 3.0 LG A Glass Slipper for Rosie Giff, Patricia 1.0 2.9 LG A Good Night's Sleep Fowler, Allan 0.5 4.7 MG A Grandmother for the Orphelines Carlson, Natalie 2.0 4.3 MG A Great Miracle Happened There Kuskin, Karla 0.5 1.0 LG A Hat for Minerva Louise Stoeke, Janet 0.5 4.5 MG A Horse Called Raven Farley, Steven 4.0 3.7 LG A House for Hermit Crab Carle, Eric 0.5 0.8 LG A House for Little Red Hillert, Margaret 0.5 5.0 MG A Jar of Dreams Uchida, Yoshiko 4.0 3.1 LG A Job for Jenny Archer Conford, Ellen 1.0 4.7 LG A Kid's Guide to How Plants Grow Ayers, Patricia 0.5 1.4 LG A Kiss for Little Bear Minarik, Else 0.5 2.7 LG A Kitten Called Moonlight Waddell, Martin 0.5 4.7 MG A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt DeYoung, C. 3.0 3.8 MG A Light in the Sky Mercati, Cynthia 2.0 2.9 LG A Lion to Guard Us Bulla, Clyde 2.0 6.0 MG A Little Princess (Unabridged) Burnett, Frances 11.0 4.2 LG A Little Shopping Rylant, Cynthia 0.5 2.6 LG A Mare for Young Wolf Shefelman, Janice 0.5 4.0 LG A Million Fish...More or Less McKissack, Patricia 0.5 2.2 LG A Mother for Choco Kasza, Keiko 0.5 3.0 LG A Mouse in the House! Wagener, Gerda 0.5 5.0 MG A Murder for Her Majesty Hilgartner, Beth 8.0 2.8 MG A New Mother Owens, Thomas 0.5 3.5 MG A Night in Terror Tower Stine, R.L. 3.0 3.4 LG A Package for Miss Marshwater Donnelly, Elfie 1.0 1.5 LG A Pear by Itself Baker, Bonnie 0.5 4.2 LG A Peddler's Dream Shefelman, Janice 0.5 3.1 LG A Pee Wee Christmas Delton, Judy 1.0 0.4 LG A Pet for Pat Snow, Pegeen 0.5 2.3 LG A Picture for Harold's Room Johnson, Crockett 0.5 2.5 LG A Pie Went By Dunn, Carolyn 0.5 2.6 MG A Pirate Tale Owens, L.L. 1.0 4.9 MG A Place Not Home Wiseman, Eva 6.0 3.7 LG A Pocket For Corduroy Freeman, Don 0.5 4.8 MG A Pony for Jeremiah Miller, Robert 1.0 4.0 LG A Present for Big Pig Gliori, Debi 0.5 4.0 LG A Promise Is a Promise Munsch, Robert 0.5 1.0 LG A Puppy for Bobby Sargent, Dave 0.5 2.4 LG A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy Holtzman, Caren 0.5 5.2 UG A Ring of Endless Light L'Engle, Madeleine 11.0 4.7 LG A River Ran Wild Cherry, Lynne 0.5 4.0 LG A Safe Home for Manatees Jenkins, Priscilla 0.5 4.7 MG A Sailor Returns Taylor, Theodore 3.0 3.2 MG A Shocker on Shock Street Stine, R.L. 3.0 5.3 MG A Solitary Blue Voigt, Cynthia 11.0 6.4 MG A Stranger at Green Knowe Boston, L.M. 7.0 5.2 MG A String in the Harp Bond, Nancy 17.0 4.6 MG A Talent for Murder Keene, Carolyn 4.0 4.0 MG A Taste of Blackberries Smith, Doris 2.0 3.2 LG A Three Hat Day Geringer, Laura 0.5 4.4 LG A Toad for Tuesday Erickson, Russell 1.0 4.0 MG A Trip Through Time Mercati, Cynthia 2.0 2.5 LG A Turkey for Thanksgiving Bunting, Eve 0.5 2.7 LG A Very Special Critter Mayer, Gina 0.5 0.5 LG A Whisper Is Quiet Lunn, Carolyn 0.5 2.5 LG A Window of Time Leighton, Audrey 0.5 4.7 MG A Wrinkle in Time L'Engle, Madeleine 7.0 4.5 MG A Year down Yonder Peck, Richard 4.0 3.7 LG Abby Hanel, Wolfram 0.5 2.6 LG Abe Lincoln's Hat Brenner, Martha 0.5 5.9 MG Abel's Island Steig, William 3.0 2.2 LG Abiyoyo Seeger, Pete 0.5 2.0 LG About 100 Years Ago Trumbauer, Lisa 0.5 3.7 LG Abraham Lincoln Armentrout, David 0.5 5.3 MG Abraham's Battle Banks, Sara 2.0 2.5 LG Abuela Dorros, Arthur 0.5 3.8 LG Accidental Lily Warner, Sally 1.0 5.2 LG Ace: The Very Important Pig King-Smith, Dick 3.0 4.2 MG Acids and Bases Patten, J.M. 0.5 6.6 MG Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 10.0 1.7 LG Across the Stream Ginsburg, Mirra 0.5 6.5 MG Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth 9.0 4.9 MG Addie Across the Prairie Lawlor, Laurie 4.0 1.7 LG Addie Meets Max Robins, Joan 0.5 4.6 MG Addie's Dakota Winter Lawlor, Laurie 4.0 2.0 LG Adding It Up at the Zoo Nayer, Judy 0.5 1.1 LG Addition Annie Gisler, David 0.5 3.8 LG Adventure in Legoland Matas, Carol 2.0 2.8 LG Africa Graf, Mike 0.5 3.6 LG African Buffalo Stone, Lynn 0.5 3.8 MG After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret 8.0 4.5 LG After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy 3.0 3.7 UG After the Rain Mazer, Norma 8.0 5.0 MG Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet 4.0 2.6 LG Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary 1.0 3.9 MG Against the Rules Costello, Emily 3.0 4.2 MG Aggie's Home Nixon, Joan 2.0 3.3 LG Ahoy There, Little Polar Bear de Beer, Hans 0.5 5.1 MG Aida Price, Leontyne 0.5 3.0 LG Air Pluckrose, Henry 0.5 3.8 LG Air Soutter-Perrot, Andrienne 0.5 4.4 LG Air Frisch, Aaron 0.5 4.7 LG Air and Flight Hewitt, Sally 0.5 5.3 MG Air Devils: Sky Racers, Sky Divers, and Stunt Pilots Hopkins, Ellen 2.0 2.6 LG Air Is All Around You Branley, Franklyn 0.5 6.0 LG Air, Light and Water Wilkins, Mary-Jane 1.0 3.4 LG Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Hautzig, Deborah 0.5 2.4 LG Albert's Christmas Tryon, Leslie 0.5 4.7 LG Aldo Applesauce Hurwitz, Johanna 2.0 4.8 MG Aldo Ice Cream Hurwitz, Johanna 2.0 4.4 LG Aldo Peanut Butter Hurwitz, Johanna 3.0 3.5 LG Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Krull, Kathleen 1.0 3.2 LG Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Krull, Kathleen 1.0 3.7 LG Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Viorst, Judith 0.5 3.0 LG Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Lionni, Leo 0.5 3.4 LG Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday Viorst, Judith 0.5 3.5 LG Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going To Move Viorst, Judith 0.5 4.9 UG Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Naylor, Phyllis 6.0 7.8 MG Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Carroll, Lewis 10.0 4.8 MG Aliens Ate My Homework Coville, Bruce 5.0 3.7 LG Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey, Debbie 1.0 3.2 LG Aliens for Breakfast Etra, Jonathan 1.0 3.4 LG Aliens for Dinner Spinner, Stephanie 1.0 3.7 LG Aliens for Lunch Etra, Jonathan 1.0 4.7 MG Alison Rides the Rapids Alexander, Nina 2.0 4.7 MG Alison Walks the Wire Sinykin, Sheri 1.0 2.5 LG Alison's Fierce and Ugly Halloween Bauer, Marion 0.5 2.3 LG Alison's Puppy Bauer, Marion 0.5 2.1 LG Alison's Wings Bauer, Marion 0.5 3.3 LG Alistair's Time Machine Sadler, Marilyn 0.5 4.5 LG All About How Things Are Made Kain, Kathleen 0.5 4.4 LG All About Pets Kain, Kathleen 0.5 4.0 MG All About Sam Lowry, Lois 3.0 2.3 LG All About Stacy Giff, Patricia 1.0 4.5 LG All About You Mullins, Patty 0.5 3.1 LG All Along the River Fowler, Allan 0.5 6.2 MG All Around Florida: Regions and Resources Knotts, Bob 1.0 1.3 LG All by Myself Mayer, Mercer 0.5 3.4 LG All Eyes on First Prize Dixon, Franklin 1.0 3.7 MG All Joseph Wanted Radin, Ruth 2.0 2.7 LG All Kinds of Everything: A First Look at Materials Godwin, Sam 0.5 2.4 LG All of Our Noses Are Here and Other Noodle Tales Schwartz, Alvin 0.5 1.9 LG All Stuck Up Hayward, Linda 0.5 3.6 MG All the Colors of the Rainbow Fowler, Allan 0.5 3.9 LG All the Places to Love MacLachlan, Patricia 0.5 1.8 LG All Tutus Should Be Pink Brownrigg, Sheri 0.5 4.9 MG All-of-a-Kind Family Taylor, Sydney 5.0 3.4 LG All-Time Great
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