OF FICE OF FOR EIGN AS SETS CON TROL CHANGES TO LIST OF SPE CIALLY DES IG NATED NA TION ALS AND BLOCKED PER SONS SINCE JANU ARY 1, 2001 This pub li ca tion of Trea sury’s Of fice of The new Ex ec u tive Or der con tin ues and im- AIR PORT BEL GRADE (a.k.a. AERODROM For eign As sets Con trol (“OFAC”) is de - poses sanc tions on spec i fied par ties (listed BEOGRAD), Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] signed as a ref er ence tool pro vid ing with “[FRYM]” on OFAC’s al pha bet ized mas ter ALCO BANKA A.D., Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] list). Trans ac tions re lated to en tries listed with ALFA PLAM, Vranje, Ser bia [FRYK] ac tual no tice of ac tions by OFAC with “[FRYM]” must be in ter dicted and need to be AN GLO-YU GO SLAV BANK (n.k.a. AY BANK re spect to Spe cially Des ig nated Na - blocked on an on go ing ba sis. Be cause some LIMITED), Lon don, Eng land [FRYK] tionals and other en ti ties whose prop - “[FRYK]” en tries have also been des ig nated ANDJELKOVIC, Zoran, Min is ter of Sports and erty is blocked, to as sist the pub lic in as “[FRYM]” en tries, those par ties may ap pear Youth, Re pub lic of Ser bia; DOB 1958 (in di vid ual) com ply ing with the var i ous sanc tions both “above the line (as ‘[FRYM]’)” and “be low [FRYK] pro grams ad min is tered by OFAC. The the line (as ‘[FRYK]’)” en tries. The orig i nal en - APATEX-APATIN, Industrijska Zona, 25260 Apatin, lat est changes may ap pear here prior tries with the des ig na tion “[FRYK]” have been Ser bia [FRYK] seg re gated in the SDN list be cause prop erty APATINSKA PIVARA, Apatin, Ser bia [FRYK] to their pub li ca tion in the Fed eral Reg - blocked in volv ing them prior to Jan u ary 19, ARENAL SHIPPING S.A., Of fice 803, Nicolaou is ter, and it is in tended that us ers rely 2001 re mains blocked un der the Fed eral Re- Pentadromos Cen tre, Pentadromos Junc tion, on changes in di cated in this doc u ment pub lic of Yu go sla via (Ser bia & Montenegro) Limassol, Cy prus [FRYK] that post-date the most re cent Fed eral Kosovo Sanc tions Reg u la tions: AS BANKA A.D., Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] Reg is ter pub li ca tion with re spect to a AS IMPEX/AEROSERVIS, Ser bia [FRYK] par tic u lar sanc tions pro gram in the ap- 21 MAJ, Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] ASI BANKA A.D., Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] pen di ces to chap ter V of Ti tle 31, Code A.D. IZVOZNA BANKA, Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] ASNA BANKA A.D., Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] ABM GRAFIKA, Novi Sad, Ser bia [FRYK] AS SO CI ATED BANK OF KOSOVO (a.k.a. of Fed eral Reg u la tions. Such changes AERODROM BEOGRAD (a.k.a. AIR PORT BEL - UDRUZENA KOSOVSKA BANKA), all of fices re flect of fi cial ac tions of OFAC, and GRADE), Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] world wide [FRYK] in clud ing but not lim ited to: will be re flected as soon as prac ti ca ble AEROINZINJERING, Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] • AS SO CI ATED BANK OF KOSOVO (a.k.a. in the Fed eral Reg is ter un der the in dex AGENCIA d.d., New York, U.S.A. [FRYK] UDRUZENA KOSOVSKA BANKA), Rossmarkt head ing “For eign As sets Con trol.” AGRO-UNIVERZAL, Kanijiza, Vojvodina (Ser bia) 14/111, 6000 Frank furt am Main 1, Ger many New Fed eral Reg is ter no tices with re - [FRYK] [FRYK] gard to Spe cially Des ig nated Na tionals AGROBANKA BEL GRADE, all of fices world wide • AS SO CI ATED BANK OF KOSOVO (a.k.a. [FRYK] or blocked en ti ties may be pub lished at UDRUZENA KOSOVSKA BANKA), AGROEXPORT, Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] Schauenbergstrasse 8, 8046 Zu rich, Swit zer land any time. Users are ad vised to check AGROOPREMA, Bel grade, Ser bia [FRYK] Fed eral Reg is ter [FRYK] the and this elec tronic AGROPANONIJA, Vrsac, Vojvodina (Ser bia) AS SO CI ATED BANK OF NOVI SAD (a.k.a. pub li ca tion rou tinely for ad di tional [FRYK] VOJVODJANSKA BANKA d.d.), all of fices (Bank names or other changes to the list ings. AGROPROMET, Kikinda, Vojvodina (Ser bia) is headquatered in Novi Sad, Vojvodina [Ser bia]) En tities and in di vid u als on the list are [FRYK] [FRYK] oc ca sion ally li censed by OFAC to AGROVOJVODINA (a.k.a. AGROVOJVODINA EX - AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. PORT-IM PORT), 23 Oktobra blvd. 61, 21000 Novi BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA trans act busi ness with U.S. per sons in Sad, Vojvodina (Ser bia) [FRYK], all of fices world - an tic i pa tion of re moval from the list or d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA BANKA), wide, in clud ing but not lim ited to: all of fices world wide [FRYK] in clud ing, but not lim- be cause of for eign pol icy con sid er - • AGROVOJVODINA (a.k.a. AGROVOJVODINA ited to: ations in unique cir cum stances. Li - EX PORT-IM PORT), Karafiatova 40, Prague 10, • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. censing in an tic i pa tion of of fi cial Fed - Czech Re pub lic [FRYK] BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA eral Reg is ter pub li ca tion of a no tice of • AGROVOJVODINA (a.k.a. AGROVOJVODINA d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA re moval based on the un block ing of an EX PORT-IM PORT), Katona Jozef utca 10/a, BANKA), Alt Moabit 74, 1000 Berlin 21, Ger many en tity’s or in di vid ual’s prop erty is re- 1137 Bu dapest 13.ker, Hun gary [FRYK] [FRYK] flected in this pub li ca tion by re moval • AGROVOJVODINA (a.k.a. AGROVOJVODINA • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. from the list. Cur rent in for ma tion on li - EX PORT-IM PORT), Mosfiljmovskaja 42, Mos- BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA censes is sued with re gard to Spe cially cow, Rus sia [FRYK] d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA Des ig nated Na tionals and other • AGROVOJVODINA (a.k.a. AGROVOJVODINA BANKA), Landestrasse-Hauptstrasse 1/III, 1030 EX PORT-IM PORT), Warynskiego 28 m 40, War- Vi enna, Aus tria [FRYK] blocked per sons may be ob tained or saw, Po land [FRYK] • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. ver i fied by call ing OFAC Li censing at AGROVOJVODINA EX PORT-IM PORT (a.k.a. BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA 202/622-2480. The fol low ing changes AGROVOJVODINA), 23 Oktobra blvd. 61, 21000 d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA have oc curred with re spect to the Of - Novi Sad, Vojvodina (Ser bia) [FRYK], all of fices BANKA), 108 Fenchurch Street, Lon don LEC 3M fice of For eign As sets Con trol List ing world wide, in clud ing but not lim ited to: 5 JJ, Eng land [FRYK] of Spe cially Des ig nated Na tionals and • AGROVOJVODINA EX PORT-IM PORT (a.k.a. • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. Blocked Per sons since Jan u ary 1, AGROVOJVODINA), Mosfiljmovskaja 42, Mos - BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA 2001: cow, Rus sia [FRYK] d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA • AGROVOJVODINA EX PORT-IM PORT (a.k.a. BANKA), Kleine Budergasse 13, 5000 Koln (Co- AGROVOJVODINA), Warynskiego 28 m 40, War- logne) 1, Ger many [FRYK] · 01/19/01 saw, Po land [FRYK] • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. • AGROVOJVODINA EX PORT-IM PORT (a.k.a. BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA The Pres i dent has is sued an Ex ec u tive Or der AGROVOJVODINA), Katona Jozef utca 10/a, d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA ef fec tive Jan u ary 19, 2001 pro spec tively lift ing 1137 Bu dapest 13.ker, Hun gary [FRYK] BANKA), Kungsgaten 32/VI, P.O. Box 7592, eco nomic sanc tions against the Fed eral Re - 10393 Stock holm, Swe den [FRYK] pub lic of Yu go sla via (Ser bia and Montenegro) • AGROVOJVODINA EX PORT-IM PORT (a.k.a. and per mit ting new trans ac tions in volv ing AGROVOJVODINA), Karafiatova 40, Prague 10, • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a. most of the en tries listed with “[FRYK]” on the Czech Re pub lic [FRYK] BEOBANKA d.d.; a.k.a. BEOGRADSKA BANKA al pha bet ized mas ter list of Spe cially Des ig - AIK BANKA A.D., Senta, Ser bia [FRYK] d.d.; a.k.a. UDRUZENA BEOGRADSKA nated Na tionals and Blocked Per sons. All AIK BANKA A.D., Nis, Ser bia [FRYK] BANKA), Uranis Strasse 14/III, 8001 Zu rich, Swit - prop erty in volv ing “[FRYK]” en tries blocked AIK SUMADIJA, Kragujevac, Ser bia [FRYK] zer land [FRYK] prior to Jan u ary 19, 2001 re mains blocked ex - AIK VRANJE, Vranje, Ser bia [FRYK] • AS SO CI ATED BEL GRADE BANK (a.k.a.
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