S10814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 20, 2010 Alaska Native Head Start Facilities’’; to the Marine Corps nomination of Brigadier Gen- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and eral Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., to be Major Congressional Record on December 15, 2010. Pensions. General. Air Force nominations beginning with EC–8578. A communication from the Staff Army nomination of Col. Benjamin F. Colonel Randall C. Guthrie and ending with Director, United States Commission on Civil Adams III, to be Brigadier General. Colonel Sheila Zuehlke, which nominations Rights, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Army nominations beginning with Briga- were received by the Senate and appeared in port entitled ‘‘The Multiethnic Placement dier General Douglas P. Anson and ending the Congressional Record on December 15, Act: Minorities in Foster Care and Adop- with Colonel Ricky L. Waddell, which nomi- 2010. tion’’; to the Committee on Health, Edu- nations were received by the Senate and ap- Air Force nominations beginning with cation, Labor, and Pensions. peared in the Congressional Record on Au- Brigadier General Frances M. Auclair and EC–8579. A communication from the Gen- gust 3, 2010. (minus 1 nominee: Colonel Jody ending with Colonel Daniel J. Zachman, eral Counsel, Federal Retirement Thrift In- J. Daniels) which nominations were received by the Sen- vestment Board, transmitting, pursuant to Army nomination of Gen. Carter F. Ham, ate and appeared in the Congressional law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Employee to be General. Record on December 15, 2010. Contribution Elections and Contribution Al- Army nomination of Col. Brian K. Balfe, to Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Jon J. Mil- locations; Uniformed Services Accounts; be Brigadier General. ler, to be Major General. Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Otis G. Methods of Withdrawing Funds from the Army nominations beginning with Colonel Bradley A. Becker and ending with Colonel Mannon, to be Major General. Thrift Savings Plan; Death Benefits; Thrift Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Rich- Cedric T. Wins, which nominations were re- Savings Plan’’ (5 CFR Parts 1600, 1604, 1650, ard T. Devereaux, to be Major General. 1651, and 1690) received in the Office of the ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Charles President of the Senate on December 16, 2010; Congressional Record on September 20, 2010. R. Davis, to be Lieutenant General. to the Committee on Homeland Security and (minus 1 nominee: Colonel Dominic J. Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Governmental Affairs. Caraccilo) Michelle D. Johnson, to be Major General. EC–8580. A communication from the Chair- Marine Corps nomination of Lt. Gen. John Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Brett man, Merit System Protection Board, trans- M. Paxton, Jr., to be Lieutenant General. T. Williams, to be Major General. mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled Army nomination of Lt. Gen. Michael D. Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. James ‘‘Whistleblower Protections for Federal Em- Barbero, to be Lieutenant General. M. Holmes, to be Major General. ployees’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Michael Air Force nomination of Col. Wayne E. curity and Governmental Affairs. Ferriter, to be Lieutenant General. Lee, to be Brigadier General. EC–8581. A communication from the Chief Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Manuel Air Force nomination of Col. Timothy T. Information Officer, Department of Home- Ortiz, Jr., to be Major General. Jex, to be Brigadier General. land Security, transmitting, the Depart- Army nominations beginning with Briga- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, for the ment’s 2010 Federal Information Security dier General Robert B. Abrams and ending Committee on Armed Services I report Management Act (FISMA) Report and Pri- with Brigadier General Larry D. Wyche, favorably the following nomination vacy Management Report; to the Committee which nominations were received by the Sen- ate and appeared in the Congressional lists which were printed in the RECORD on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- on the dates indicated, and ask unani- fairs. Record on November 15, 2010. Marine Corps nomination of Maj. Gen. mous consent, to save the expense of f Kenneth J. Glueck, Jr., to be Lieutenant reprinting on the Executive Calendar REPORTS OF COMMITTEES General. that these nominations lie at the Sec- Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Gerald R. retary’s desk for the information of The following reports of committees Beaman, to be Vice Admiral. were submitted: Senators. Army nomination of Col. Jeffrey L. Bailey, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to be Brigadier General. By Mr. DORGAN, from the Committee on objection, it is so ordered. Indian Affairs, without amendment: Army nomination of Col. Curt A. Rauhut, H.R. 4445. A bill to amend Public Law 95– to be Brigadier General. Air Force nominations beginning with 232 to repeal a restriction on treating as In- Army nomination of Col. Flora D. Darpino, Brian F. Abell and ending with Ray A. dian country certain lands held in trust for to be Brigadier General, Judge Advocate Zuniga, which nominations were received by Indian pueblos in New Mexico (Rept. No. 111– General’s Corps. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- 379). Army nominations beginning with Briga- sional Record on September 23, 2010. Air Force nomination of Joseph T. Fetsch, From the Committee on Foreign Relations, dier General Joseph L. Culver and ending with Colonel Kathy J. Wright, which nomi- to be Colonel. with amendments and an amendment to the Air Force nomination of Suzanne M. Hen- nations were received by the Senate and ap- title and with an amended preamble: derson, to be Lieutenant Colonel. S. Res. 680. A resolution supporting inter- peared in the Congressional Record on No- Air Force nominations beginning with national tiger conservation efforts and the vember 17, 2010. Charles R. Cornelisse and ending with Gerald upcoming Global Tiger Summit in St. Pe- Army nominations beginning with Briga- D. Mcmanus, which nominations were re- tersburg, Russia. dier General Ricky G. Adams and ending ceived by the Senate and appeared in the By Mr. DORGAN, from the Committee on with Colonel James E. Taylor, which nomi- Congressional Record on November 17, 2010. Indian Affairs, with an amendment: nations were received by the Senate and ap- Air Force nominations beginning with S. 3235. A bill to amend the Act titled ‘‘An peared in the Congressional Record on No- Eneya H. Mulagha and ending with Claudia Act to authorize the leasing of restricted In- vember 17, 2010. (minus 1 nominee: Colonel P. Zimmermann, which nominations were re- dian lands for public, religious, educational, Denise T. Rooney) ceived by the Senate and appeared in the recreational, residential, business, and other Navy nomination of Capt. James W. Congressional Record on November 17, 2010. purposes requiring the grant of long-term Crawford III, to be Rear Admiral (lower Air Force nominations beginning with leases’’, approved August 9, 1955, to provide half). Lena R. Haskell and ending with William A. for Indian tribes to enter into certain leases Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Howard B. Soble, which nominations were received by without prior express approval from the Sec- Bromberg, to be Lieutenant General. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- retary of the Interior. Army nominations beginning with Briga- sional Record on November 17, 2010. By Mrs. BOXER, from the Committee on dier General Gregory W. Batts and ending Air Force nominations beginning with Environment and Public Works, without with Colonel Anthony Woods, which nomina- Randon H. Draper and ending with Andrew S. amendment: tions were received by the Senate and ap- Williams, which nominations were received S. 3973. A bill to amend the Energy Policy peared in the Congressional Record on De- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Act of 2005 to reauthorize and modify provi- cember 8, 2010. sional Record on November 17, 2010. sions relating to the diesel emissions reduc- Navy nomination of Vice Adm. Richard W. Air Force nominations beginning with tion program. Hunt, to be Vice Admiral. Janelle E. Costa and ending with Jerome E. Air Force nominations beginning with f Wizda, which nominations were received by Colonel Donald J. Bacon and ending with the Senate and appeared in the Congres- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Colonel Scott J. Zobrist, which nominations sional Record on November 17, 2010. COMMITTEE were received by the Senate and appeared in Air Force nominations beginning with Wil- the Congressional Record on December 13, liam J. Annexstad and ending with Stacey J. The following executive reports of 2010. Vetter, which nominations were received by nominations were submitted: Marine Corps nomination of Maj. Gen. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- By Mr. LEVIN for the Committee on Robert E. Milstead, Jr., to be Lieutenant sional Record on November 17, 2010. Armed Services. General. Air Force nominations beginning with Army nomination of Brigadier General Air Force nominations beginning with Ryan J. Albrecht and ending with Gabriel Robert M. Brown, to be Major General. Brigadier General Thomas P. Harwood III Matthew Young, which nominations were re- Navy nomination of Capt. Thomas E. Bee- and ending with Brigadier General John T. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the man, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). Winters, Jr., which nominations were re- Congressional Record on November 17, 2010. VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Jun 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20DE0.REC S20DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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