* .TODAY: DTA'S -MtI¥ONGO SEAMS UN* NANTU GOES INDEPENDENT"* ADVERTISING AND IMAGE '* ' Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.31 Wednesday October 14 1992 LUANDA: Gunfire raged across Luanda Panicked travellers begged for space on the few flights overnight on Monday, killing two people which had not been and bringing Angola closer to the brink cancelled. of renewed civil war. "I'll fly to Lisbon via Cuba if necessary," said one des­ ••. Vnita leader J onas Uoita troops mobilised in districts on the city limits perate Briton who had been Savimbi several provinces yesterday were closed. trying to leave for a week. and South African Foreign Diplomats said U oita was Savimbf, who fought the Minister Pik Bothaflew to in control of large parts of MPLA government for 16 Uoita chief Jonas Savirnbi's Huarnbo and Kuito cities in years, has threateped to ·· •• ·.·· si() · ~ ·:;· ·· iBi · $$ .·.· ; · ~ · ;:· •... lil i ····.· EtREss highland strongqold of the central heartland where resume the war if results of Huarnbo to try to steer Pre­ Savimbi commands tradi­ September 29-30 multiparty topa 's fOJ!l1er protege away tional support. elections showing his for­ from fresh conflict. State media reported rebel mer foe the winner are pub­ . Many Luanda residents troop movements in Ben­ lished. refused to leave their homes guela, Malanje and Huila Uoita has been isolated . after gunbattles between provinces. internationally, especially by Uoita and police across the . "The situation is very . its former backer Washing­ city throughout Monday tense," U oita foreign affairs ton. Western governments oight. State radio said at director Abel Chivukuvuku have appealed to South least two people died. told correspondents. Africa, which aided Uoita Roads leading to the presi­ Luanda's international dential residence and other airport closed overnight. continued on page 2 Cop accused of torture, ·murder A MEMBER of the Po­ At one stage Matroos was lice's Narcotics Branch in TYAPPA NAMUTEWA smoking a cigarette while Windhoe~, who allegedly Varela was tied up with the shot and killed a suspect the Narcotics Branch, ar­ belt around his neck. interrogated in his office, rested Orlando Ronny Luis, Varela al legedly beggesi­ yesterday appeared in the Ronny Read and Dennis for help - the only help he Windhoek High Court on Hatuikulipi and took them received was a bullet from a ch arge of murder. to their offices at Suider­ Matroos 's service pistol. Michael Matroos, 23, is hof. Varela died from head ;U1d GOOD HEALTH! ..• Some ofOshituda's 20 community health workers who give up accused of coldbloodcdly As a result of information neck injuries, three days a week to take ba'iic health messages into the community. In Owambo each murdering Arena., Saturin­ given to thc police by Luis, Judge Hrumah yesterday health worker, who visits 10 families, has received three months trai.ning, and the ino Mendes Varela, who wa., Varela was also arrested. postponed the ca3C to No­ group as a whole has been in operation since June 1991. The group, which is made up shot and killed on January Matroos took Varela to vember 11 when Matroos of 17 women and three men, are part of a lOO-strong regionwide volunteer health 24 this ycar. his office where he alleg­ will be asked to plead. brigade. According to Tsandi Hospital Matron Rautia Angula, the success of commu­ According to thc charge­ edly tortured him by throt­ His bail was extended until nity health workers is relieving pressure on mobile clinics and preventin~ many sheet, Matroos and two other tling him with a belt and that date. simple disea'ies from taking a more serious toll. Photograph: Kate Burling policcnicn, all mcmbers of pouring water over him. STAFF REPORTER cal alliance at a Teachers' Union of Namihia meeting, Gcingob told the TUN Annual Congress that hc found "the THE Namibia National Teachers' t Jnion IUls ap­ division of a profession along political lines - with one N antu declares parently shifted its position on support for Swapo union pledged to Swapo and the other to the DTA - totally sh~lrply away from the NUNW's official affilhltion unneccssary and I darcsay haonful", to the ruling party. The Nantu releasc challenges the Prime Minister's asser­ independence A Nantu prcss rclc ;L<;e h:L<; rc·actcd sharply to cOl1lments tion that Nantu support s Swapo. "Nantu is a cOlllpktcly madc by Primc Mini ster Hage Geingob on Nantu's poli ti - continued on page 2 . 2 Wednesday October 14 1992 THE NAMIBIAN PEOPLE Ozone mission based in Windhoek bend over computers or study TOM MINNEY cal smog, or ozone, is that it ancI extends lip 10 L0 ki lom­ printouts. As the DC-8 flies comes from veld fires in etres above the earth. They it tires laser beams up and southern Africa and burn­ are also monitoring other A MYSTERY cloud of smog pollution has gathered in down to measure dust par- ing savannahs in South chemicals. the sky over western Namibia and other areas includ­ . tides known as aerosols and America, as pollution from "Ozone is a pollutant ancI ing some 3 000 kilometres of the Atlantic Ocean. ozone . concentrations. industrialised Europe and the harmful to onc's health," he Harmful ozone gas stretches east to Australia. Probes go out into undis­ US mainly gets blown to­ said yesterday. "It also turbed air and bring it in for wards the poles. damages plants and crops . Shlvolo killed Now a "state of the art" National Aeronautics and monitoring on board and to According to NASA mis­ It does protect us from ul­ flying laboratory has arrived Space Administration be exported to Miami for si on scientist Jack Fishman, tra-violet radiation but it is OSHAKATI: Thirty-one­ in Windhoek and today is to (NASA) and sever-.u univer­ year-old Albert Iipinge ya tests. Different universities the plane has already flown toxic if you breathe it." He Shivolo was killed in a start test nights in a bid to sities. They came on Sun­ take part in the project which over northem Zambia where stressed levels of ozone over motor accident at Oshakati learn more about the ozone, day in a DC-8 plane full of costs about US$6 million he saw "incredible fires. ' I southern Africa were not on S.aturday, October 10. which has been monitored 11 advanced instruments and (R17 million). the DC-8 have never seen anything harmful "yet". Shivolo was a worker at for 13 years, since satellite will make three flights from took weeks to fit with equip­ like it" he told reporters The US scientists are to CDM and a businessman infonnahon started being Windhoek and leave on ment and then ~vcnd<; months yesterday. work closely with the de­ in Owambo. gathered. October 20. in the field. The Atlantic ozone patch partment of Civil Aviation The 55 scientists and tech­ On board, the plane is One theory for the mys­ grows to its biggest in Sep­ and the WeaU]er Bureau of Oagga bust nicians are from the US impressive, as the scientists tery cloud of photochemi- tember and October, and this the Ministry of Works, year, because of drought, Transport and Communica­ PRETORIA: The SA the fires in the region are tion. Police denied yesterday less than nonnal as there is The study is known a') they had tipped off Scot­ less vegetation. Southern Transport and Atmospheric land Yard about the arri­ val at London's Heathrow Africa is relatively unpol­ Chemistry Near the Equa­ airport of a young SA luted, although Fishman said tor-Atlantic (TRACE-A). It Airways air hostess who he did not know the effect has already included science had been arrested and of pollution from South flights from Recife, Rio de charged with smuggling . Africa on the smog. Janeiro arid Brasilia in Bra­ dagga. Cherisse Nel, 25, Fishman has spent eight zil, and Johannesburg. and an alleged accomplice, years studying the smog and From WincIhoek the tean] Pierre Botha, 30, were ar­ explained the earth's pro­ will go to Ascension Island rested in London this week tective ozone layer is in the before returning home to the after more than -20kg of higher stratosphere, some families many are missing. dagga had been found in 20-50 kilomtres above the Many said they were enjoy­ 'Nel's luggage. She claimed she thought the earth. The pollution ozone ing the trip and thanked packages contained food­ they are investigating is Namibia for its warm' hos­ sniffs, lower, in the troposphere, pitality. 'Not a virgin' LONDON: Am~rican pop FL YING LABORATORY ... Scientist Edward Browell (from NASA's Langley star Madonna arrived jn Research Centre in Virginia, USA) stands in the aisle of the plane where different Britain 01). MOI}day night for a 24-hour visit aimed scientific teams each have their own monitoring equipment. His colour printouts at promoting a new book measure dust particles and ozone levels checked by laser beams. and record. Meanw.1lile the tion about which of the two BBC said it would broad­ NANTU J" . oddly with its federati0n' cast a censored version [ FROM PAGE 1 affilation to Swapo whi.ch unions will represent teach­ of Madonna's lat"'st pop '---_______~ was re-affinned at the last ers in negotiations with the video, called 'Erotica', on independent teachers' un­ NUNW Congress. Nantu's . Government. its music chart show 'Top ion which is neither affili­ expression of autonomy as The union claims that as of the Pops' tomorrow, ated to nor in alliance with far as party support goes "Nantu represents the over­ with nude scenes cut out.
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