A. w ii ii ii i I h r . 1 ' " . - '"' - , ESTABLISHED JULY 1. 184. .: ft JAaY.it J. QUI HONOLULU, HAWAII TBBBITOB. THURSDAY, DECEMBEB 6, 1900. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVECKliTS, xiQFHSSIONAL CARDS. Frank Connell, conductor, bruised their bids appear to entitle them to and TT AND IN V UTM KNTa. ncratchrd, but not eiiously. more than, that number, the Secretary DOWAG ER John Taylor, Allegheny, Pa., Pull- of the Navy will submit the matter to man porter, allhUy GROW TH OF Attorney THE CAPE lm. cut and bruised. the General for decision and -- 1: Iacaematr Allen, slightly hurt. if this Roes against them the builders 1 ATT'w'"r Tbe i)4sengerB were taken back to of the Oregon will appeal to Congress Arkl and Hearer, and at 4 o'clock were trans- to place them on an equality with their If ? 10 Wmi FRIGHTEN ED ferred to another train for Clereland. NAVY Eastern competitors. The clearing of the tracks did not take THE RISE - Kin n. St a. many hoars, but it may be several v ptfKKf Iletl.! days Latest Sugar Price. O until the Hood recedes before the M 0. t 28. It submerged cars are recovered. A large NKW YORK. Nov. Sugar Raw. ,yu ml Notary I"ib-- May quanthy of business mall was In the steady; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal . li st. She Come To An &6 0 pthi man car. and considerable valuable Eleven Armored Ships test. 4ic; molanses sugar, 3c. Re -4 fined, Alarmist News t1 x and perUhable steady; crushed, 6.00c; powdered, 'it- A -- Attorney, Notary matter in the express iS,Hll f " ' 1 Understanding. me total lo will amount to a 5.70c; granulated; 5.60c. i . largeir. Planned. South Africa. Hrrhaitl . ill ts. ' sum. Baron to Wed Kentucky Belle. f'rlCTKH.N -- l KMhamtn '(' TRIBUTE TO Growth of Naries. LONDON. Nov. 28. Baron Speck von HUPPED Kmr-r-or William has sent to the SPECIE1C&T1QIISARE READY Sternberg, the German First Secretary FEARS OF THE - DUTCH rWTSICIANS. HcUhntag charts, maps and statistics of the Embassy at Washington, recent jO, Al'ilt'R, Homeopath. Tn ehowlng ly promoted to Consul for Germany at attention glvw the growth of the Itussl&n. to Ilrltlfih,-Frenc- h Calcutta, has written to United States Frinct Has Grabbed Territory and t'nlted Httes Na-- Ambassador Choate asking him to pro Ltt St. eeerty opp. Mefhwdlat it viea. and also their tttrenh In Far Sixty-si- x Million Dollars to be Laid England Thinks the Story Exagger- aa a. Ul l iien-ttinLar- g$ cure a special license for his marriage v HrrfV iwwrw,u i tow wm a B a to i Bills for . Rastern waters. In view of this same to Miss Lillian May Langham, a to Out on New Marine niece ated But Does Not Taka a- - Individual the members of the IbHchsta fear that of Arthur Langham of Louisville, Ky., Oamafes. bill . f.v' another to increase the strength of Construction. to wnora ne win De married as soon , Roseate View; :'. I lit CMtTKLAND, II.D.-Of- flc, th Crmany Navy is com In. as he arrives In this city. hnur; m., S Ul I 1vlt; Ui, NKW TOftK. Nor. 2T.- -A lit cable to SS. the Hun from Peking saya: NEW YORK. Nov. Kleven ar , LONDON. .Nov. 28. The Dally Mail ReporU , (66,000,000 TURKEY AFRAID OF mored hli)S to cost about THE CZAR SAT this morning tbe following , j u (MRVlN.-nfl- w, ta rwK-ner- e irom bingan Fu axe shipbuild- fit.: tm a. again encouraging. All when finished are attracting alarmist dispatch from Cape Town: - Irnmi hm. t It m.. arfrto the effect ing experts to the Navy Department P. - TM. that the Kmprew Dowager Is at last THE KENTUCKY IN "The anti-Briti- sh feeling llh Cape Col- - M. i; Tel. this week, eays a Tribune special from DRAUGHT rMn wait vn. reallslag the SerlouanM nf ltna. ony assuming dangerous . propor- th. Washington". They will a .is tloa and Is becoming frightened. These make final tions, owing to false stories spread of 1 1. CAt.nurTii.-o- m and etiidr of the plans and Specifications advice are believed to be reliable. Ministry Considers Battleship's Caught Cold Various Com British barbarity in Orange Biverlcol- - . mt pVftni aiK Aiakea Rta to win thej great competition eleven and if ! IS, 1 U Hung Chang and Prince Chlng. ony and the Transvaal. Ldyallsts fear mf, to I Visit days hence4, will Followed-No- a4 Ul the Chinese peace commissioners, have at the Prt of when tbe bids be plications w that the Dutch congress next week wjll for m long time been between two tlrea. opened for. perhaps the largest con be the signal for a rising and they de- jn.-r- m as Smyrna. struction contracts ever undertaken at Better. I rort ntj It was to their Interest to 'Impress the mand that martial law be' proclaimed , a single time, by-- tbe Government. ' Km press Dowager wlrh r throughout colony. The El tutor. I to M jn a. Tel. US. the seriousness - the situation m.i of the situation, while t the same NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Cable ad- The arrmurit at stake at noon on IV- - LIVADIA. European Russia, Nov. 28. is declared to be graver than at any ivruum accoramg Congres- - - it mnvK.nve l Nuuanu tlm tnT strove to obtain a modlnca ""J ' icuwu iiTmoer I, to the The follow lng bulletin was issued to- previous time during the war." 102. m Jishes a dispatch from Constantinople T4 WMte hour. to to ion or mm demands or the powers. ional aDDroorlatton. for hulls and ma day by the Czar's physicians: - Referring editorially to Its . Cape t l i mi to p. m., are io me eneci mat tne mritibn council chinery aloae .will aggregate $42,000,000 Daily eept omciai advlcea to the ef Emperor passed good yes- Town advices, the Mail adopts a rcl thai they sent many. note to the of ministers have beld a conference to and within ;this sum the bids will be "The a day most serious tone, asserting that the. whether or sending re-- of terday. He slept an hour and a half. anti-Briti- court. an4 that lately their Inform determine not the confined, the remaining $24,000,000 sh movement is accentuated si ic. wATKnnornr.-off- lr. aad the United battleship Ken- - At 9 in the evening his temperature wan States quired to the guns, armor, troops . m Seretania sn4 tloa calealatel to frighten the furnish by the withdrawal of from Cape Miller fttai of. tticky to Smyrna should be regarded be- - was 98.2: pulse, 68. He slept fairly well i tit tt a m. I to S t:m pre Dowager. eauinment and stores of the vessels Colony and calling for vigorous action ten I and f to - Inc.. nlrrlit Tkl. Ilia J? n?8t,llt- According to lnK by Navy Un Ifn(nn.. t - White vr. Aroong other things they said the r' ?f. reserved the Department I 1 condition and strength are ! Ik powers con-'1- "" atwpaicn some minisier for expenditure vessels are satisfactory. 28.-W- hile - re- - were angry because of the after the I ,30 Nov. the J0""1 f CMrO diplomatic re-- Vila t.mr.Ao ii a VIUOnfa KJItl W TtTlHLNAItT fURORON. tlnuM absence of the court from Pe-turK- the vranr f launched and nearly ready for ser- - 4110 IVtlllBVUIC ports of the condition of Cape Colony UHU - Veterinary Hurson klng aud were discussing the question "'lu '" vice. pulse. 68.?' are regarded as somewhat unnecessar to )fmm, sffleo King U Utablee; of upMttlng the present dynasty and 'even went so far as to threaten war Certainty of competition ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 28. While ily alarmist, there is little disposition ii rails day or mchi promptly - brisk has the attending physicians of the Czar establishing --a new one. They also-- V been brought by peculiar to too roseate view of gen- pi- perUmeo. ebotetrlca and about the until recently asserted no compli take a the Informe,! her majesty that the Or-rT- " irum ,H"'M " . wording of the two appropriation acts that eral situation. The constant despatch ma- - express Deuei"fT!:cnai tn cations had been observed In His MaJ- - - .n.t .t,i.i- k. ministers ine these ships by de-- to South Africa of reinforcing European powers and the t condition, drafts it V- - ITltt'Xl'MA.-Om- ce, th Viceroy of would not permit the fprizing ty's a physician in wjrt dally r'-- Hub ta Nankin and J two ft,cru,,H Sob n fw.-- and the fights at points wide m. lo p. m.; TeL CT. 3ni;Virlt to attack Turkey, and !"f rlal8f" declared Han icri that apart pver la , , . al show war is not and, ,v,,.f 'i ers and battleships, of ,th rwn rwx-tnr- xnmAllQtlnnc the i! Fu. Th Admirals Informed the Vice-- 1 "T ,n "uu"' :"Yu,u rartment to..k advantage in stipulating jfrom beKinning while the statement that Lord Roberts roy stop - uk,n8 "i"" the which, he added. 20.000 troops that thl must ami further- ,fe that all bids be opened on a single day. explained the influenza diagnosis of the has demanded fresh is in more Viceroy telegraph Inquiry at the State Department and ?Ttle 3 1899. correct, is a ne nas asaea ; they had the act nf Mart.n provided for it ract tnat M Us oWro fctwiro . .V 1 - eany stages or nis sicKnesa He to 4 .w -- - - th 8 fur I t aaaM effect - - r Urnrtm!!!- tndir u .
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