133°30'E 133°40'E 133°50'E 134°E 24°30'S Vegetation Survey and Mapping of the Eastern and Southern Finke Bioregion 24°30'S and the NT Stony Plains Inliers, NT & SA Appendix 9 - 1:100,000 Scale example (Sheet 5648, Charlotte) Generalised Vector Vegetation Map Woodland Chenopod Shrubland Acacia aneura ( Mulga) Low Open Woodland TO Tall Open Shrubland of Atriplex nummularia (Old man saltbush) Low Sparse Chenopod 1 Acacia estrophiolata (Ironwood) on clay loam plains and red earth 4 shrubland over Low Sparse Tussock grasses. soils+/- Atriplex vesicaria and Eragrostis eriopoda . Acacia georginae / Acacia cambagei ( Gidgee) Low Woodland to Tall Atriplex vesicaria (Pop saltbush) Low Open Chenopod Shrubland.+/- 2 Shrubland.+/- Eucalyptus coolabah subsp. Arida , Codonocarpus 5 Maireana astrotricha over tussock grasses. cotinifolius , Eulalia aurea, Eriachne ovata and Atriplex vesicaria . Eucalyptus coolabah subsp. arida (Coolabah) Woodland. +/- Maireana aphylla (Cottonbush) Low Sparse Chenopod Shrubland. +/- 12 Muehlenbeckia florulenta , Acacia aneura , Senna artemisioides ssp. 8 Fimbristylis dichotoma , Dactyloctenium radulans and Eragrostis dielsii. Filifolia , Marsilea sp ., Cynodon dactylon , and Cenchrus ciliaris . Maireana astrotricha (Low bluebush) Low Sparse Chenopod Shrubland Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. obtusa (River red gum) Woodland.+/- TO Sparse shrubland of Senna artemisioides n. coriacea and 13 Eucalyptus coolabah subsp. arida , Cynodon dactylon , Eulalia aurea and 9 Eremophila duttonii (Harlequin fuchsia bush). Cyperus gymnocaulos . 24°40'S Hakea leucoptera subsp. leucoptera (Needlewood) Open Woodland. +- Sclerolaena (mixed) Low Sparse Chenopod Shrubland.+/- Enneapogon 24°40'S 14 Eremophila sturtii , Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia , Hakea leucoptera 15 avenaceus Aristida contorta , Sporobolus actinocladus . subsp. leucoptera and Triodia basedowii . Acacia calcicola (Northern Myall) Sparse Woodland +/- Eremophila Samphire Shrubland 23 duttonii , Acacia calcicola , Atriplex vesicaria , Maireana georgei and mixed short grasses. 16 Tecticornia (Samphire) Low Sparse Samphire Shrubland. Acacia estrophiolata ( Ironwood) Low Woodland +/- Acacia victoriae , 24 Sclerolaena convexula , Enteropogon ramosus and Malvastrum americanum . Tecticornia triandra (Samphire) Low Sparse samphire shrubland.+/- Sclerolaena decurrens , Tecticornia tenuis , Eragrostis dielsii and 19 Sporobolus actinocladus . 27 Hakea lorea subsp. lorea (Long leaf corkwood) Open Woodland +/- Acacia kempeana , Acacia tetragonophylla and Acacia aneura . Heathland Aluta maisonneuvei ssp. maisonneuvei (Desert heath myrtle) Atalaya hemiglauca ( Whitewood) Low Open Woodland+/- Senna 30 Heathland.+/- Acacia kempeana and Triodia basedowii . 31 artemisioides ssp. filifolia and Acacia aneura . Tussock Grassland Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima (Sand sticky hopbush) Open 32 Shrubland +/- Acacia ligulata , Triodia basedowii and Aristida holathera . Aristida contorta (Bunched kerosene grass), Tripogon loliiformis (8 day grass) Dactyloctenium radulans (Button grass) Low open tussock 3 grassland. +/- Emergent Acacia tetragonophylla and other low isolated shrubs Allocasuarina decaisneana (Desert oak) Open Woodland TO Open 38 Hummock grassland of Triodia basedowii (Hard spinifex).+/- Aristida Enneapogon (Oatgrass) sp, Eragrostis (Woollybutt) sp, Aristida holathera and Enneapogon polyphyllus . contorta , (Bunched kerosene grass) and Tripogon loliiformis (8 day 6 grass) Low open tussock grassland TO sparse shrubland of isolated Mallee Woodland Acacia kempeana (Witchetty bush) and Acacia aneura (Mulga). Cynodon dactylon (Couch) and Cenchrus ciliaris (Buffell) Low Tussock Eucalyptus socialis subsp. eucentrica (Limestone mallee) Open Mallee Grassland TO Open Woodland of Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. obtusa 20 Woodland +/- Triodia Longiceps , Eremophea spinosa, Sclerolaena sp. 11 (Redgum).This group also includes populations of Athel pine ( Tamarisk and Enneapogon cylindricus . aphylla ) in the lower stretches of the Finke river, Aristida holathera (Erect kerosene grass) Low Open Tussock Grassland Shrubland to Sparse shrubland of Acacia murrayana (Colony Wattle).+/- Zygochloa 17 paradoxa , Enneapogon avenaceus , Cenchrus ciliaris and Pimelea Eremophila latrobei (Native fuchsia) Low Open shrubland. +/- Acacia penicillaris . aneura , Enneapogon polyphyllus , Eriachne sp and Thyridolepis 7 mitchelliana . 24°50'S Eragrosti s eriopoda (Woollybutt) Low Sparse Tussock Grassland +/- Triodia basedowii, Acacia aneura , Dodonaea viscosa subsp. 24°50'S 33 Acacia victoriae (Bramble wattle) and Acacia murrayana (Colony angustissima and Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia . wattle) Shrubland.+/- Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia and Eucalyptus 10 coolabah subsp. arida Sporobolus actinocladus (Katoora) Low Sparse Tussock Grassland.+/- 40 Astrebla pectinata. Eremophila freelingii (Rock fuchsia) Open Shrubland+/- Senna 18 artemisioides n. coriacea , Acacia aneura and Acacia kempeana . Hummock Grassland Acacia kempeana (Witchetty bush) Open Shrubland.+/- Senna Triodia brizoides (Hillside spinifex) Low Open Hummock grassland +/- artemisioides ssp. filifolia , Acacia aneura and mixed short grasses and 21 Eucalyptus sessilis , Eucalyptus socialis subsp. eucentrica , Corymbia 25 chenopods. opaca , Acacia aneura , Acacia kempeana and Indigofrea sp. Triodia melvillei (Sandstone spinifex) Low Sparse Hummock Grassland Eremophila duttonii (Harlequin fuchsia bush), Senna artemisioides ssp. +/- Triodia brizoides , Acacia aneura , Eucalyptus sessilis , Acacia 26 quadrifolia and Senna artemisioides n. coriacea Sparse Shrubland. 22 macdonnellensis, Acacia kempeana and Eremophila latrobei . Triodia basedowii (Hard spinifex) and Triodia pungens (Gummy Acacia aneura (Mulga) Tall Open Shrub land +/- Acacia estrophiolata spinifex) Low Open Hummock grassland TO Open Mallee Shrubland of 28 with short tussock grass understorey on Dunes and sandplains 34 Eucalyptus gamophylla (Blue mallee) and Allocasuarina decaisneana (Desert oak) Triodia basedowii (Hard Spinifex) Low Open Hummock Grassland TO an Open Shrubland of Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia (Desert cassia), Acacia ligulata (Umbrella wattle), Acacia melleodora (Waxy wattle) and Acacia aneura (Mulga) and Acacia kempeana (Witchetty bush).+/- 29 Acacia ramulosa (Horse Mulga) Tall Open Shrubland 35 Aristida Holathera, Allocasuarina decaisneana , Eucalyptus gamophylla and Acacia estrophiolata . Dicrastylis lewellinii (Purple sand-sage) Low Sparse Shrubland +/- Other 36 Acacia murrayana , Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia , Triodia basedowii and Zygochloa paradoxa . 41 Dry Lakes/Pans Lakes with little or no vegetation Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia (Desert cassia) Open Shrubland+/- 37 Acacia aneura , Acacia kempeana , Acacia estrophiolata , Eragrostis eriopoda , Triodia basedowii and Fimbristylis dichotoma . 42 Built Up Areas Includes cleared areas such as major roads and airports. Senna artemisioides n. coriacea and Senna artemisioides ssp. alicia 39 Open Shrubland +/- Acacia kempeana , Atriplex vesicaria and Maireana campanulata . IDRACOWRA 25°S 25°S Notes to the Map user: 133°30'E 133°40'E 133°50'E 134°E This map shows the distribution and extent of vegetation communities throughout Due to the scale of the mapping, contiguous areas of any particular vegetation the Eastern Finke Bioregion of the Northern Territory, and South Australian inlier. community less than 4 ha have not been shown. It is also possible that some small © Northern Territory of Australia, 2009 5550 5650 5750 5850 5950 6050 vegetation communities of limited distribution and difficult access have been This product and all material forming part of it is copyright belonging to the Northern Territory of Australia. You may use this 5549 5649 5749 5849 5949 6049 The vegetation communities have been mapped at a nominal scale that exceeds missed. material for your personal, non-commercial use or use it within your organisation for non-commercial purposes, provided that an 1:100,000 Mapping Accuracy Standards. The analysis has been conducted by appropriate acknowledgement is made and the material is not altered in any way. Subject to the fair dealing provisions of the 5548 5648 5748 5848 5948 6048 Copyright Act 1968, you must not make any other use of this product (including copying or reproducing it or part of it in any way) combining numerical classification of field data to define mapping classes and Vegetation communities have several characteristics that increase the complexity unless you have the written permission of the Northern Territory of Australia to do so. statistical image analysis techniques to plot the distribution of each of those of mapping them. Vegetation communities enforce categorical descriptions on an 5547 5647 5747 5847 5947 6047 classes. Many individuals and organisations have provided ancillary information to entity that by it’s very nature is continuously variable both spatially and temporally. The Northern Territory of Australia does not warrant that the product or any part of it is correct or complete and will not be liable for 5546 5646 5746 5846 5946 6046 improve our analysis. Short and long term variations in climate, land use and wildfire can radically alter 5 0 5 10 any loss, damage or injury suffered by any person as a result of its inaccuracy or incompleteness. vegetation community distribution through time. Also vegetation communities are kilometres Produced by: Land and Vegetation, Natural resources Division, The Department of Natural Resources, Environment,
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