Vivek Research Vol-IV, No. I1, Jan. 2015 ISSN : 2249-295X VIVEK RESEARCH (A Biannual Peer Reviewed Journal of multi disciplinary research articles) Editor in Chief EDITORIAL Dr. Hindurao Patil Research has a significant role in the Principal - Vivekanand College, Kolhapur. professional lives of university and college E-mail : [email protected] teachers. If we compare Indian Universities to the Western Universities in terms of research, we are far behind. Hardly 6 to 7 Nobel Prize winners are Editorial Office in India, whereas there are 84 Nobel Laureates in Dr. D. A. Desai Hardward University alone. It clearly indicates the position of research in India. Executive Editor There are several reasons that our university and 2130, E, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur. college teachers are not serious about research. Phone No. : 0231-2654398 Many of the teachers don‟t have positive approach Mob. : 9850146731 towards research. Some of them have real urge about Fax : 0231-2658840. research and they want their work to be published Email : [email protected] and commented so that there can be valid and Website : www.vivekanandcollege.org reliable conclusions. But unfortunately they don‟t get proper platform to publish their work, as there are Published by limited number of research journals available now. Dr. Hindurao Patil To cater the needs of the research scholars, we have started „Vivek Research Journal‟. This is a sincere Principal attempt to encourage researchers in various Vivekanand College, Kolhapur. disciplines to publish their research articles and help them to generate research culture among them. Subscription Table Single Individual Institutional It gives me immense pleasure to publish First issue of vol V, No.II of Vivek Research Journal. It Copy is a matter of pride that the response to this is Annual Rs.125/- Rs.250/- Rs. 400/- overwhelming. I am very happy to mention that the journal is converted in to refereed journal. All the Three Rs.600/- Rs.1100/- articles published in this issue are properly Years reviewed by the panel of referees and I believe that we are successful in maintaining the standard of the journal. I appreciate the efforts of the article writers and I am sure they will sustain and enhance their research culture Disclaimer The views expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent those of editorial board or publishers. Although every care has been taken to avoid errors of omission. This magazine is being published on the condition and undertaking that all the information given in this magazine is merely for reference and must not be taken as having authority of or binding in any way on the authors, editors and publishers who do not owe any responsibility for any damage or loss to any person, for the result of any action taken on the basis of this work. The Publishers shall be obliged if mistakes are brought to their notice. The articles published in Vivek Research is subject to copy right of the publisher. No material can be reproduced without prior permission of the publisher Subscription amount should be sent by Nationalised Bank Draft in favour of Editor, „Vivek Research‟ , payable at Kolhapur. Issues of „Vivek Research‟ are mailed by ordinary post at subscriber‟s risk and our responsibility ceases once we hand over the magazine to post office. Vivek Research Vol-IV, No.II, Jan 2015 ISSN : 2249-295X C O N T E N T 1. Dr. K.Sripad Bhat Method in Madness: Research Methodology in Literary and Cultural Studies 3 2. Shirish Chindhade Research a la mode ! 4-9 3. Dr. Advait. D. Joshi Genre Fiction : A New Emerging Area of Research 10-14 4 Dr. Kalpana Girish Gangatirkar Translation as a Research Activity 15-19 5. Dr. Ujjwala Tathe Using Children‘s Literature for the Cmotional, 20-25 Social and Moral Development of Children : A Research Methodology 6. Leelawati A. Patil Stylo-statistics: a Device of Measuring Author‘s Creativity. 26-30 7. Dr. Neeta Satish Dhumal Indian English Drama : A Challenging Area for Researchers. 31-34 8. Dr. Prabhavati Arvind Patil Pragmaticstylistics: 35-41 An Emerging Research Area in Indian English Literature 9. Dr. S. I. Noorani L. N. Shikalgar Importance of Literature Review in Research. 42-46 10. Dr. Sunita N Dalvai Importance of citation, impact factors. 47-54 11 Dr. Sunil Patil Ethics and Feminist Research: A Perspective. 55-58 12 Mrs Snehal R Prabhune Research Areas in English Literature. 59-62 13. Dr. Reshma R. Sadalge Problems Encountered by the Researchers and 63-65 Their Probable Solutions. 14. Dr. Kavita Tiwade Dr. Satish Ghatge Christianity and Literature: An Area of Research. 66-71 Vivek Research Vol-IV, No. II, Jan. 2015 ISSN : 2249-295X METHOD IN MADNESS: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN LITERARY AND CULTURAL STUDIES Dr. K.Sripad Bhat* The question of research meth- theoretical framework adopted by odology in literary studies has been the researcher. Method does not the subject of heated debate among remain independent of the theoreti- literary critics and researchers as cal framework. It is the theory well. Of course, it is true that re- which determines the research search methodology plays a strate- methodol-ogy. Hence, method gic role in social sciences and hu- varies based on the theoretical manities. However, when it comes structure which un-derpins it. to literary and cultural studies its Against this background, the role as well as function becomes Keynote will make an attempt to highly problematic. Is there a de- come to grips with some of the key fined method of looking at the is- issues related to research method- sues pertaining to literature? Does ology in literary and cultural stud- literature warrant specific ways of ies. It will map the contours of dif- studying it? ferent models of research: author- It must be noted that litera- centric, area-centric, comparative ture like any other discipline de- analysis, language pedagogy and so mands a ‗method‘ of examining it on. The Keynote explicates the fea- which is basically premised on the tures of research in these different models with suitable examples. National Seminar : Research Methodology 3 Vivek Research Vol-IV, No. II, Jan. 2015 ISSN : 2249-295X RESEARCH A LA MODE ! Shirish Chindhade* The English language tells us that ary increments and upward mobility, or hasty climbers have a sudden fall. Hasty Sam Pitrodaji of the National Knowl- submission of one‘s research thesis also edge Commission advising the Prime can meet the same fate at the hands of Minister to promote research through forthright, un-obliging and nit-picking institutional enrichment, research is a ris- ref-erees or external examiners. Such ing star on the horizons of our colleges men are dangerous. Your wise supervisor and universities now. The day is not far knows how to steer clear of them. The when like the polythene bags proliferat- following few hints are meant for those ing in our countryside as well as who are in a hurry for success and glam- cityscape, our academia will also soon be our, thirsting to wear on their forehead littered with research papers and research the title of a ―Dr‖. These hints keep re- de-grees, most of which—our perceptive minding them that every failure (that is critics murmur—being suspect in various rejection) is a stepping stone to the final ways, should have been returned with success. After all, did not even Thomas clear rejection notes by the referees and Alva Edison fail a thousand times before assessors. The big question is, how does finally successfully making the electric one achieve this precious note of rejec- bulb? tion of one‘s thesis? –Here are some ways of being successful in this effort. It is a truth universally acknowledged that academic research is a sunrise in- Develop Nose for the News dustry in India today. What with the UGC We love to describe our dear opening its floodgates of research funding nation as having the length and breadth or the NAAC insisting on the increase of of a subcontinent. Even then there are no research quantum in colleges, or the separate time zones across the land. It is Academic Performance Indicators (API) a single stretch of land where commu- goading the aspirants of career nication has revolutionized life. Despite advancement in terms of additional sal- this situation, it is still impossible to have * 7 Neelambari, Oppo. Mehendale garage, Erandwane, Pune: 411 004. [email protected] National Seminar : Research Methodology 4 Vivek Research Vol-V, No. II, Jan. 2015 ISSN : 2249-295X access to various records and documents of the paper is. E-mail it to the organiz- in our universities for countless reasons. ers with whatever the delegation fees. And research records being very aca- No, no; don‘t bother about the amount. demic, enjoy the last priority for preser- Countless grants are lying unplundered vation and high piles of dissertations lie with colleges these days. The generous mutely in obscure corners of libraries, UGC has inundated the coffers of col- gathering dust for decades on end, mak- leges and universities with grants and ing retrieval impossible. But you cannot funds. Above all, even if you have no afford to lose heart and hope. So keep access to them because the authorities digging out until you come upon the title have their own priorities and stooges, do you are looking for with a view to lifting not lose hope, for your six-pack (read its material in your dissertation or paper. sixth pay) package comfortably allows Get it Xeroxed immediately as it is a you an annual international seminar! So, prize scoop for you. —Quite an go West, man; go ahead and conquer the achievement as your first step to failure.
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