NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF PAKISTAN ASSEMBLY DEBATES Tuesday, the 20th December, 2016 Table of Contents 1. Recitation from the Holy Qur’an 2. Recitation of Naat 3. Leave of absence 4. Points of order 5. Motion for suspension of rules 6. Motion for Condonation of delay in the presentation of the Report 7. Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reforms... (Presented) 8. The Pakistan Climate Change Bill, 2016 9. Points of Order 2 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF PAKISTAN ASSEMBLY DEBATES Tuesday, the 20th December, 2016 The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the National Assembly Hall (Parliament House), Islamabad, at 4:20 of the clock in the evening with Mr. Speaker (Sardar Ayaz Sadiq) in the Chair. RECITATION FROM THE HOLY QUR`AN لَ َق ْدْْ َجا َء ُ ْكْ َر ُسو لْْ ِّم ْنْْ َأه ُف ِس ُ ْكْ َع ِزي زْْعَلَْي ِهْْ َماْ َع ِن ُ ّْتْْ َح ِري صْْعَلَْي ُكِِْْبلْ ُم ْؤِم ِن َيْْ َرُءو فْْ َّر ِح يْْ ﴿٨٢١﴾ْفَانْتَولَّْواْفَ ُق ْلْْ َح ْس ِبْْاللَّـ ُهَْْلْْالَٰـ َهْْا َّلْْ ُهوْْ ْۖعَلَي ِهْْتَو َّ َّْك ُتْْ ْْۖو ُهوْْر ُبْْ ِ َ َ ِ ِ َ ْ َ َ َ َ الْ َع ْر ِشْْالْ َع ِظ ِيْْ﴿٨٢١﴾ ْ تم ترہمج : کشیب ھا رے پ س مت ںیم ےس ا ی پ تمظع روسك یلص اہلل ہیلع و آہل وملس رشتفی ت ت ﻻےئ۔ مھا را فیلکت اور تقشم ںیم ڑپپ ام رپ تخس رگاں زگرپ ےہ۔ اے ولوگ! وہ مھا رے ےیل الھبیئ اور دہا ی ےک ےیل رتے اط ل اور آرزو دم رےتہ ںیہ اور ومونمں ےک ےیل اہن ی یہ قیفش اور ےب دح رمح فرامےن واےل ںیہ۔ ارگ ام ےب انپہ رکل ونازویں ےک پ ووجد رھپ یھب وہ رورگداین رکںی وت فرام دےیجی ےھجم اهلل اکیف ےہ اور اس ےک وساء وکیئ وبعمد ںیہن، ںیم ایس رپ رھبواس ےیک وہےئ وہں اور وہ رعش میظع اک امکل ےہ۔ 3 RECITATION OF NAAT آےئگ آج زامےن ںیم زامےن واےل روح وخادیبہ یتسہ وک اگجےن واےل سج اک وکیئ ہن وہ مغ وخار زامےن رھب ںیم اےسی پ دار وک س ےس اگلےن واےل مغ ےک امرے وہےئ امویس اطخاکروں وک اےنپ داامم افشع ںیم اپھچےن واےل ِ ل َّشی ط ِ انجب رکیپس : اَ ُعو ُذ ِپ ِہلل َ م ا ْ ٰ ِ ن الَّ ِ ِْج۔ ِب اهللِ ا ّلر ٰ ح ا ّلر ج۔ leave ْ ْ َ َ ْ ,applications ون ید اص ح ںیم leave application ڑپھ ولں۔ LEAVE OF ABSENCE Mr. Speaker: Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawaja has requested for the grant of leave from 18th to 30th November, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Ch. Iftikhar Nazir has requested for the grant of leave from 16th to 20th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Mr. Tariq C. Qaiser has requested for the grant of leave for the whole current Session. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) 4 Mr. Speaker: Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vankwani has requested for the grant of leave from 14th to 16th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Syed Amir Ali Shah Jamote has requested for the grant of leave from 14th to 16th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Ms. Shagufta Jumani has requested for the grant of leave for 20th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Ms. Asiya Nasir has requested for the grant of leave for 19th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Mr. Shah Jahan Baloch has requested for the grant of leave from 19th to 21st December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Syed Ali Raza Abidi has requested for the grant of leave for the whole current Session. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Mr. Mehboob Alam has requested for the grant of leave for 15th and 16th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) 5 Mr. Speaker: Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui has requested for the grant of leave for the whole current Session. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Mr. Asghar Ali Shah has requested for the grant of leave from 14th to 16th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Mahar has requested for the grant of leave from 19th December, 2016 till the conclusion of the Session. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Mr. Abdul Hakeem Baloch has requested for the grant of leave from 19th to 21st December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Rana Muhammad Hayat Khan has requested for the grant of leave for 19th and 20th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Syed Ayaz Ali Shah Sherazi has requested for the grant of leave for 19th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Rana Muhammad Ishaq Khan has requested for the grant of leave for 19th and 20th December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) 6 Mr. Speaker: Syed Ashiq Hussain Shah has requested for the grant of leave from 19th to 23rd December, 2016. Is leave granted? (The Leave was granted) Mr. Speaker: Sardar Muhammad Yousuf, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony has informed that he would not be able to attend the Session from 19th to 22nd December, 2016. (For Information.) انجب رکیپس :ون دی رمق اص ح ںیم ا ی زیچ اتب دوں آپ ےک پ ت رکےن ےس ےلہپ ہک لک اہجں رپ وٹ پ اھت وت یپ یٹ آیئ یک رطف ےس ش ہ ومحمد اص ح پ ریشںی رماری اصہبح پ ت رکںی یگ رھپ امی ویک امی یک رطف ےس اور رھپ اصزبحادہ اطرق اهلل اص ح پ ت رکپ اچہ رےہ ںیہ پ ہک اریٹنریئ رٹسنم اس وک conclude رک ںیل ےگ۔ ون ید رمق اص ح۔ POINTS OF ORDER دیسون دیرمق:رکشہی انجب رکیپس! ںیم وت ا ی actual point of orderرپ یہ پ ت رکپ اچہ راہوہں ہک ےسیج آپ وک یھب ملع ےہ اور آپ وخد یھب اےس chairرکےت ںیہ Business Advisory Committeeا ی ایسی پ ڈی ےہ وجہک مہ رے Rules of Procedureےک اطمقب ینب وہیئ ےہ اور rulesںیم ہی یھب ےہ ہک اس پ ڈی ںیم مہ discussionرکےک اور رھپ ا ی ڈیشوك انبےت ںیہ اور اہؤس ہشیمہ اس ڈیشوك ےک اطمقب callوہپ ےہ اور رھپ assumptionہی ےہ ہک prorogueیھب وہپ ےہ۔ اب ہی رضور ےہ ہک ہی Constitution Presidentوک powerداتیےہPresident here meaning the Government ہک powerداتیےہ ہک ح وہ prorogueرکپ اچںیہ وت وہ رکںی۔نکیل پ رٹنمیل وک وج الچےن اک وج رطہقی اکرےہ اس ےک اطمقب ہی ںیہن وہاتکسہک آپ ہلصیف وت ا ی رکںی۔ربممز وک ا ی زیچ اتبںیئ and all of a 7 suddenآپ prorogueرکدںی اہؤس وک۔آپ وک ہی یھب ملع ےہ ہک وج اب questionsںیہ وہ submitوہےت ںیہ وہ ےلہپ prorogationرپ وہےت ےھت۔اب prorogation ےس ا ی دم ےلہپ وہےت ںیہ۔ارگ ا ی دم ےلہپ یک آپ پ ت رکےت ںیہ وت obviously if you do not know, or if you are not following this schedule as decided by the Business Advisory Committee then there is no way that the members would be able to guess وکیئ ام ےک اورپ ااہلل وہپ ہک all of a sudden governmentوج ےہ ا ی دم ےلہپ prorogationرکریہ ےہ۔اس ےیل مہ questionsوج ےہ لک یک پ رخی ںیم ینعی ریپ وک submitرکےت۔ہی تہب ز پ دیت ےہ ربممز ےک اسھت۔ام ےک rightsوج ںیہ وہ اس رطح ےس وہےت ںیہ۔وےسی یہ unfortunately مہ رے اور رتسن یک وہج ےس questionsوک وہ پ مئ ںیہن اتلم وجہک انلماچےیہ۔اب آہتسہ آہتسہ اس اک بلطم ےہ ہک ربممز Questions ڈاانل یھب وھچڑدںی ےگ اور اس ےک دعب اکرروایئ رصف Points of Order ےپ یہ ےلچ یگ which is not good for the way this House is conducted, I would like your opinion on this. انجب رکیپس: ا ی ڈنکیس ربص،ربص ےک بلطم اک ہتپ ےہ،اس اک ےلہپ بلطم یھب ھجمس ےیجیل۔ون یداص ح ا ی وت زادہاحدم اص ح آےت ںیہ وت ںیم ام ےس ہی یھب پ ت رکپ وہں اور وپاتھچیھب وہں ہک ویکں وگرٹنمن ےن ںیمہ ےجیھب ںیہ orderدورسا آپ ےھت ںیہن مہ ےن rules change ےیک ےھت۔ش دی آپ یھب ےھت discussرکےک ہک اب سج سج دم االجس وہاگ اس ےک دعب یھب ےل کس ںیہ۔ مہ رے پ س questionsوت تہب ےس آےئگ ںیہ۔رگم آج یھب sessionارگ prorogueوہپ ےہ وت اس ےک دعب یھب وہ ںیل ےگ اور آج یہ ballotرکںی ےگ س ےک اسےنم وت اب زادہاحدم اص ح آےت ںیہ وت ںیم ام ےس وپاتھچوہں ہک ہی ویکں change of heartوہاےہ۔یج ریشںی رماری اصہبح۔ ڈارٹک ریشںی رہمااسنلء رماری:رکشہی انجب رکیپس! پ ت ہی ےہ ہک Business Advisory ںیم ےلہپ ہی لچ راہاھت 23rd ی۔وگرٹنمن یک زگارش رپ ہی 21st ی مہ ےن agreedایکاھت۔اب without consulting anyone if the Government tells the President 8 to prorogue it on the 20th, so this is not democratic, it goes against the norms of the Parliament. انجب رکیپس: زادہاحدم اص ح ےس وپاتھچوہں ےسیج یہ وہ آاجےت ںیہ وت۔ ڈارٹک ریشںی رہمااسنلء رماری: اور ریمی پ ت ںینس ہک ح ی زادہاحدم اص ح آرک explainںیہن رکےت.I want to call the quorum, there is no quorum انجب رکیپس:ڈارٹک اصہبح ا ی ڈنکیس ہی وج discussionرشوع وہیئ یھت ہی آپ ولوگں ےک ےنہک رپ وہیئ یھت وت I think ح Interior Minister ےن وہ یھب رکپ ےہ اس وک -wind upیھب رکپ ےہ۔آپ ولوگں ےن پ ت رکین ےہ،MQM ےن پ ت رکین ےہ،امجع ایم ےن پ ت رکین ےہ،احیج ولبراص ح ےن پ ت رکین ےہ وت وہ ریما ایخك ےہ ہک اس وق آپ -point out رکںییگ وت رھپ ہی رہ اجےئ اگ۔ ڈارٹک ریشںی رہمااسنلء مراری: ںیم quorum point out رکیت وہں۔آپ وکرل وپرارکواںیئ۔ انجب رکیپس: ںیلچ it is up to you thanںیلچ یج count ےیجیک۔ ) اس ومہعق رپ یتنگ یک یئگ( Mr.
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