FALL COWBOY FAST DRAW ASSOCIATION S ’ 2019 UNSLIN ER S GOfficial Journal of the ’ Cowboy fast Draw assoCiation AZETTE ing the RomanceG and Legend of the O ~ Honor ld West ~ 2019 Fastest Gun Alive World Championship Oregon Ranger Wins His Sixth Fastest Gun Alive Title While Flying Cowgirl Makes History as the Youngest CFDA World Champion! See Full Article on Page 6! Page 2 Fall 2019 Gunslinger’s Gazette The Choice of Champions HIGHLY REGARDED AS THE MOST DEPENDABLE SIX-GUN IN THE WORLD Gunslinger’s Gazette Fall 2019 Page 3 GUNSLINGER”S GAZETTE EDITORIAL Publisher DEAD LINE Cowboy Fast Draw Association, LLC for me, this is actually a good thing as I am ALWAY Deadline to submit articles Director short on articles for our Spring Issue. So if you sub- Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” #L2 mitted an article and do not see it in this issue, rest for the next Gazette is: assured it will be published in the Spring 2020 Issue. Editor Please feel free to contact me if you have any con- January 31st Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder” #L46 cerns or questions about an article you submitted. I Please submit all articles and Contributing Editors will need additional articles for the Spring Issue, so pictures to: Alotta Lead #L37 please send them my way! Mongo #L57 The Spring Issue is also the issue that in- [email protected] cludes the full article for the Overall Top Gun Points Copy Editor Winners, and Club of the Year. We usually have a Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” few people ask why these are not in the Fall Issue, so Life #46 Christmas is in the Air!!! we just want to clarify that we have always tradition- s I sit here, finishing my final edits on this -is ally published those articles in the Spring Issue. In Marketing and Sales Asue, we are having a nice little snow storm here this issue, we have included a list of the overall Top # Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” #L46 in Northern Nevada. Definitely makes for the per- Gun Champions (page 9). Congratulations to you Inside CFDA ...............................................4 fect time to be sitting in my warm office in front of all, well deserved!!! Memberships/Product Orders: Membership News .....................................5 Alotta Lead #L37 my computer. The nice thing about a Nevada snow Jackie Daniels L2472 storm is that it is usually melted the next day! I Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas & 2019 Fastest Gun Alive...............................6 know many of our Northern and East Coast friends Contents (775)575-1802 a Happy New Year! 2019 Minnesota State................................13 www.cowboyfastdraw. com are not so lucky in that regard. I can hardly believe it is already time to Hannah Calder 2019 South DakotaArticles State & High Plains...14 CFDA Shoot For the Stars Scholarship Fund put out the Fall Issue, meaning that the 2019 shoot- Be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook! 2019 Colorado State..................................16 Windmill Kid #L1748 & Miss Betty #L2457 ing season has already come to an end. And what [email protected] an amazing year it was! The Fall Issue is always Please send all articles and advertising to: 2019 Four Corners Territorial...................17 or 432-664-1913 a fun issue to put together. I usually have quite a [email protected] .45 Side Kicks 1st Annual Event..............19 Advertising few great articles submitted for this issue as well as (775)575-1802 the Fastest Gun Alive article. And this year was no 2019 Kentucky State..................................20 [email protected] exception. In fact, it MORE than exceeded expec- “Christmas in the Bunkhouse” By Texas Joe..21 tations, as I received more articles than would allow Please send Letters to the Editor to: for room (HUGE Thank you to all who submitted). Flying Cowgirl Part 2 Interview...............22 [email protected] With the various articles and photos (and the FGA 2019 Shoot for the Stars Recipients........24 article taking up quite a bit of room), I usually do not Copyright 2019 by Cowboy Fast Draw Association, Regulators & Territories............................24 LLC. All rights reserved under international and know how much room I will have until I start putting Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduci- it all together. It is like a giant 32 page puzzle. As Shoot For the Stars....................................24 ton in whole or in part without written permission such, there were unfortunately a few articles that did New Member List.....................................26 of the publisher is strictly prohibited. not make this issue due to space limitations. BUT, Printed in the U.S.A. PO Box 5 - Fernley, NV 89408 Information (775)575-1802 CFDA General Store................................27 Office Hours: Shooting Schedule....................................28 Monday - Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm (pst) Affiliated Clubs.........................................29 www.cowboyfastdraw. com Membership Information........................30 e-mail: info@cowboyfastdraw. com Warning: Readers: Be advised that there may be products Current CFDA World Record Holders represented in this magazine as to which the sale, Men’s Record -Kopperhead Kid possession, or interstate transporation thereof may be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing established 10/6/18 requirements. Nothing herein is intended to 21’ - .289 @ 24” / 15’ - .281 @ 17-3/16” constitute a manual for the use of any product or the Ladies Record- K.K. Kid carrying out of any procedure or process. The CFDA, Join the Cowboy Fast Draw Society Group on Facebook its publications, officers, authors, consultants and 21’ - .331 @ 24” / 15’ - .323 @ 17-3/16” employees accept no responsiblity for any liability, And join in on discussions with other CFDA Members! established 6/2/18 injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely upon information contained herein. Advertise in The Gunslinger’s Gazette! Articles Wanted! One Issue Ad Pricing We are always looking for Full 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 Column Inch articles to be submitted in regards Inside L/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 N/A Inside R/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 $8.50 to clubs, contests, historical, Inside Back Cover $325 $230 $180 $120 $100 $7.75 aliases, or anything else that Back Cover $240 pertains to our sport. All Other Pages $275 $200 $160 $100 $85 $6.50 Business Cards $35 If You Are Interested, Telegraph Current Global Passwords: 3 Issue Contract Deduct 10% / 5 Issue Contract Deduct 20% - (From Above Prices) Please Contact: safetyfirst To view our full pricing and sizing guidelines, Hannah Calder at hitemfast (All lower case, no spaces) visit www.cowboyfastdraw.com [email protected] Page 4 Fall 2019 Gunslinger’s Gazette enough to trust it to run Version 19.7 at this year’s FGA. INSIDE THE CFDA At FGA, 19.7 worked great in the By: Quick Cal, Executive Director Category Match, Second Chance Match, and Bracket Matches. It’s no secret that we ran into ing these two great competitors soon. precise “conditioned reflex” of muscle memory an issue in the Main Match after Round 8 on Amazing Achievements movements that is extremely difficult to consis- Saturday. It just started to not eliminate shoot- I’ve said many times, “Anything tently repeat in highly competitive conditions. ers with 4-X’s. You can read about it in the Can Happen in CFDA!” Each year we witness Oregon Ranger (OR) won his first Men’s FGA FGA Article, so I won’t go through the details amazing achievements in our sport. Our sport title at age 14 in 2011. In 2015 at age 18 he here. Let’s just say that our great Scoring Team breaks down many barriers having to do with became the first man to win two FGA Overall got through the remaining Main Match on age, gender, physical limitations, etc. Cowboy Men’s World Championship Titles, and he has Drawing Cards, with little time lost. Fast Draw is a unique blend of speed, accuracy, now won the last 5 FGA’s in a row. Plus, two Speaking of Drawing Cards, we Merry Christmas! mental focus, determination, and adaptation. years in a row he has won Top Gun of the Year, should always have Drawing Cards and Round s you are receiving this issue of the Gun- No two championships are the same, no two and his first National Championship, complet- by Round Score Sheets on hand at any major Aslinger’s Gazette, we look forward to an- bouts between different or even the same op- ing a Grand Slam. Not only that, at age 22, contest as the ultimate backup. However, we other exciting year of Cowboy Fast Draw that ponents are the same. Every time we step on he has become a fine young man and a great are finding that many of our scorekeepers cur- stands before us. the line, we shake hands, wish each other luck, representative for our sport! rently do not understand how to run contests We just finished Thanksgiving, and do our best to perform the skills we have Green River wins Overall Men’s Virginia on anything but our CFDA Scoring Program. which is a special day set aside from every day trained to do. No matter whether we win or State Championship as a Shootist- Green Perhaps everyone should learn to understand or work and business to observe, cherish and hon- lose a round, we shake hands in mutual respect, River (KY) won the Men’s Division with a refresh their knowledge of how the Round by or all that we have to be Thankful for. As cus- and cherish the bonds that grow between our Shootist long-gun and holster shooting consis- Round Scoring System works and stay in prac- tomary at our holiday table before we begin to fellow gunfighters.
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