
Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday The Courier-Gazette By Tbe Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St., THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80................. Number 77. Established January, 1846. Entered aa Second plus Mall Matter. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, June 27, 1925. SIGNATURES APLENTY FRED A. CLARK The Courier-Gazette SIR KNIGHTS TICKLED THE REAL INSIDE STORY PUBLIC AUTO THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK At the Way They Were Daylight Saving Referendum On Rockland’s Community Chest—What It Is—What It EIGHTH SEASON ALL THE HOME NEWS Treated In Bangor St. Will Be Held, Not Neces­ Ready to serve my old customers Has Done and What It Hopes To Do. GR1NDELL AGAIN and new in a Studebaker Big Six Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad­ sarily This Year. vance ; single copies three cents. John’s Day. 68tC Telephone 335-1 or 437 Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonab’e. Back from Bangor, where they at­ Portland will enjoy daylight sav­ NEWSPAPER HISTORY We are all neighbors. In the good mendously important and necessary; ing time at least until a referendum TONIGHT The Rockland Gazette was established In tended the St. John’s Day celebration but the Chest has its service side old days, which some of us remember 1846 In 1874 the Courier was established the members of Claremont Conunan- election is held upon the Harriman and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. quite as distinctly as any of thejinr- dery, K. T., are talkftig of little else and tlie rest of us have often heard The Free Press was established In 1855, and ticipatlng agencies. act passed by the last Legislature In 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune. than the wonderful time they had. Dance to the brilliant playing of Grindell’s about, when everybody knew every­ First, It alms to be of service to forbidding the adoption by munici­ The*e papers consolidated March 17, 1897. Nearly 125 of the Sir Knights went --------- -- - - ■ 1 body else in town, it was a simple the public by publishing Interesting palities of other than Eastern Stand­ famous broadcasting Orchestra on the * from this city, accompanied by the matter to do the kind and neighborly facts about its work the year ’round ard time. If the refcrftiim ’vote Rockland Band and the two organi­ thing for anyone In distress. One and by bringing to the door of the should reject the law. daylight sav­ 5 zations got a good hand all along the perfect surface at •• What is bought is cheaper than a merely carried around a basket of subscribers information of what their ing time might continue to be en­ line of march. The Camden Drum groceries or a bundle of clothing, or dollars are accomplishing. Second, it joyed indefinitely by Portland or any ■- gift.—Cervantes •* Corps was one of the parade features. ... — ordered some coal sent up by the alms to be of service to the member other municipality that saw fit to Twenty-two commanderles gath­ dealer. agencies. This does not mean that adopt it. ered to celebrate the 75fh anniver­ As civilization progresed. people be­ the Chest wishes to "run" tlie agen­ The referendum election upon the sary of Bangor Commandery. There OAKLAND PARK NOT OWNED HERE gan to find the direct touch with these cies. This is the responsibility of the anti-daylight saving bill may be was a big parade in the forenoon to board of managers. But it does aim held at the special election in Sep­ INDEPENDENCE Bass Park where a fine banquet was charitable and welfare objects more An Important Correction Re­ and more difficult. So they decided to assist them to Improve their finan­ tember of the present year, when the served. cial and social planning so that the The uniformed bodies were taken to unite in helping others through a highway bond issue, the bond issue DAY garding Two Rum Vessels. common agency, whicli would inves­ standards of their work may be for the Kennebec Bridge and the Pas- care of in a very able manner, their brought to the highest possible quarters being provided at the grand­ tigate the need and remedy it from samaquoddy tide power development funds supplied by those who feel that point. In this way co-operation be­ SUGGESTIONS Knox County in general, and Rock­ stand at Bass Park and in the audi­ project are to be voted upon, or it land in particular, have been getting the Community Chest Is the modern tween the agencies is developed and may be held at the regular election torium. At 11.30 Hon. Charles D. duplication of effort eliminated. Prudence directs the some unwarranted and unenviable Crosby, mayor of Bangor, greeted the way. in 1928. Today, with the multiplicity of peo­ Third, it aims to keep in touch with The time at which the election will way to independence— advertising this week through the Sir Knights. The bands en masse ple and problems, with advancement the social needs of the community be held rests entirely with Gov. Brew­ and in this connection played, giving a fine concert. and serve as a "Clearing house" OWL’S HEAD INN seizure of the schooners Morris & At 2.45 William Hill of Portland In methods of social service, with ster who is required by law to Issue we would suggest that the where all service groups, whether Cliff and Mary I-angdon. the news de­ commandery gave an exhibition of lessons in co-operation learned in the a proclamation fixing the date of best way to prepare for war and the spirit of service roused members of the Chest or not, whose NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS your financial independ­ spatches creating the impression that rifle shooting. Following this enter­ election when he is satisfied that and ready, there has been another work may touch upon a problem in 10,000 valid signatures have been filed ence is to save your sur­ the rum-laden craft were from Rock­ tainment there was a baseball game hand, may meet for conference look­ mighty urge toward greater unity in upon the referendum petitions. plus dollars and invest between Bangor and Bar Harbor. A ing toward solution. In tills way the land and were owned in this county. social work, and the Community More than 16.000 signatures have LOBSTER AND CHICKEN DINNERS them safely. An accoun^ concert was given at the auditorium Chest will lie made as fully useful es The mistake was natural enough by the Bangor Symphony Orchestra. Chest has resulted. been obtained already to the refer­ with us will be a splendid, with reference to the Morris & Cliff Under Its banner welfare agencies it was designed to be. help to you. Sir Knight Adelbert W. Sprague, con­ endum petitions against the act. As WAFFLES AND MAPLE SYRUP for the schooner’s papers showed ductor. unite for greater economy, greater ef­ A Question and its Answer a great deal of care has been taken that she was owned by Frederick At 6 o'clock at the park another ficiency, greater effort. Its purpose The question Is sometimes asked in obtaining the signatures, it is be­ is to raise funds co-operatively and W. Robinson of St. George. The real dinner was served and an hour later why agencies "Which are not chari­ lieved to be certain that there will be 4% INTEREST PAID to Improve standards of social work. owner of the craft is C. H. Reeves at 7 o’clock an entertainment was ties” are included in the Chest. So­ more than 10,000 valid signatures There has been no diminution of the GIFT SHOP AND ANTIQUES •r» of +26 Lexington avenue. New York, given at the auditorium under the cial service is of two general types— which will Insure the calling of a neighborly spirit. In fact it is strong­ but the new ownership had not been direction of B. F. Keith-Albee vau­ remedial and preventive. The for­ referendum election. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS er than ever, for has not the number reported at the Rockland Custom deville exchange and at its conclusion mer. being the more obvious, is nat­ Of the 16,000 signatures which have SPECIAL ATTENTION TO AUTO PARTIES of subscribers increased nearly ten­ House. Mr. Robinson sold the the guests were escorted to Union urally estabiishra first. As the work been thus far obtained, but 7000 are schooner several months ago and had fold. and does not almost every fam­ station by the massed bands. grows the need for stemming the tide from Portland and 9000 from outside MRS. TRESCOTT TELEPHONE nothing to do with it or its transac­ ily in town count It a pleasure as Each commandery had one or more of misfortune becomes evident, and the city. The interest shown out­ Hie tions at the\time of the seizure. well as a duty to carry its share of bands. The Farmington Comman preventive work Is launched. No side of Portland is taken to indicate The schooner Mary I^ingdon, which welfare responsibility? dery h^d the honor of having in line more constructive effort for overcom­ that there may be sentiment enough Rockland ls also credited in the news de­ the only band which was composed Advantages of the Chest Plan ing human weaknesses has been de­ spatches as coming from Rockland, against the Harriman bill to prevent entirely of Knights Templar. St. Moreover, the Chest plan has cer­ vised in the’flcld of social service than its endorsement at the polls. was sold some time ago to Addison John’s Knights Templar of Bangor tain distinct advantages.
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