Taiwania 61(4): 375–394, 2016 General Index of Taiwania Volume 61 (2016) The general index includes three separate subindexes: an index to authors, an index to subjects and an index to scientific names. Index to Authors Agnihotri, Priyanka 16 Joe, Alfred 34 Sharma, C.M. 61 Argew, Mekuria 305 Josekutty, E. Joseph 218 Shen, Yuan-Min 172 Asthana, A.K. 253 Kao, Wen-Yuan 288 Singh, Harsh 16 Augustine, Jomy 218 Kar, Sanjib 260 Sinha, Shachi 165 Averyanov, Leonid V. 1, 201, 319 Kongsawadworakul, P. 295 Soromessa, Teshome 41, 305 Baiju, E.C. 13 Krishan, Ram 61 Sreejith, P.E. 34 Bain, Anthony 49 Kuan, Shu-Hui 271 Sridith, Kitichate 127 Balachandran, N. 74 Kumar, P.K. Ratna 221 Sunil, C.N. 13 Banik, Dipanwita 141 Kumar, V.V. Naveen 13 Tambde, Gajanan M. 243 Bhattacharya, M. Kanti 260 Leta, Seyoum 305 Tanaka, Noriyuki 1, 201 Bhowmik, Nupur 165 Li, Chia-Wei 21 Teshome, Indrias 41 Biju, Punnakot 218 Li, Shu 369 Teshome, Shiferaw 41 Bookerd, Thaweesakdi 175 Lin, Kung-Cheng 185 Tiwari, Om Prakash 61 Bora, Priyankush Protim 141 Lin, Shang-Yang 49 Traiperm, Paweena 175 Chen, Chien-Fan 27 Lin, Tsan-Piao 78 Truong, B. Vuong Chen, Chien-Wen 27 Liu, Ho-Yih 78 (= Truong Ba Vuong) 127, 319 Chen, Chih-Shin 279 Liu, Jing 8 Truong, Van Do 369 Chen, Chyi-Chuann 194 Lu, Zhao-Cen 8 Tura, Tulu Tolla 305 Chen, Po-Hao 27, 185 Madhavan, M.K. 58 Tzeng, Chih-Hsiang 279 Chen, Yung-Reui 194 Maisak, Tatiana V. 319 Viboonjun, Unchera 295 Chiu, Tai-Sheng 279 Maity, Debabrata 362 Vijararaghavan, A. 224 Chiu, Tsan-Yu 279 Mishra, Ashish K. 61 Wang, Hui-Yu 279 Chou, Lien-Siang 49 Mohan, P.M. 224 Wang, Kuo-Hsiung 78 Chrestin, Hervé 295 Murthy, G.V.S. 221 Wei, Yi-Gang 369 Chung, Wen-Hsin 172 Nampy, Santhosh 58 Wen, Fang 369 Davydov, Evgeny A. 159 Narangajavana, Jarunya 295 Xu, Wei-Bin 8 Dey, Sentu Kumar 362 Narayanan, M. K.R. 13 Yadav, Shrirang R. 314 Eshetu, Zewdu 305 Nath, Kathakali 260 Yakovchenko, Lidia 159 Fanerii, Moffat 21 Nath, Virendra 253 Yamashina, Chisato 70 Feyissa, Tileye 41 Nguyen, Khang Sinh 1, 201, 319 Yang, Sheng-Zehn 27, 185 Fu, Long-Fei 369 Nguyen, Phi Tam 319 Yang, T.-Y. Aleck 21 Fujita, Tomohiro 70 Nguyen, Thien Tich 319 Yarrayya, Kondru 221 Giusto, Bruno Di 49 Nguyen, Tien Hiep 201 Gore, Ramchandra D. 243 Nguyen, Van Canh 319 Gosavi, Kumar Vinod C. 314 Nong, Van Duy 319 Govaerts, Rafaël 260 Nopun, Possathorn 175 Guo, Jing 8 Ohmura, Yoshihito 159 Gupta, Reesa 253 Paweena Chuenwarin 295 Haneef, K.A.R.M. 218 Phan, Quang Thinh 319 Hsieh, Chang-Fu 78 Pitisopa, Fred 21 Hsu, Tian-Chuan 21 Ragavan, P. 224 Huang, Tung-Chin 172 Rajendiran, K. 74 Huang, Ya-Lun 288 Rana, Y.S. 61 Hung, Ting-Hsuan 172 Ravichandran, K. 224 Husain, Danish 16 Sabu, Mamiyil 34 Husain, Tariq 16 Sanilkumar, M.G. 13 Jadhav, Neeta A. 314 Saravanan, S. 224 Jayaraj, R.S.C. 224 Sardesai, Milind M. 243 Jenjittikul, Thaya 175 Saxena, Alok 224 375 Taiwania Vol. 61, No. 4 Gupta, R., V. Nath and A.K. Asthana. 2016. Present Index to Subjects status of family Dicranaceae (Bryophyta) in Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Central India. Biodiversity Taiwania 61(3): 253-259. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.253 Agnihotri, P., D. Husain, H. Singh and T. Husain. 2016. Hsu, T.C., T. Y. A. Yang, F. Pitisopa, M. Fanerii and Revisiting the Delphinium viscosum Hook. f. & C.W. Li. 2016. New records and name changes for Thoms. (Ranunculaceae) complex in the Himalaya. the orchids in the Solomon Islands. Taiwania Taiwania 61(1): 16-20. 61(1): 21-26. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.21 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.16 Joe, A., P.E. Sreejith, and M. Sabu. 2016. Notes on Averyanov, L.V., N. Tanaka and K.S. Nguyen. 2016. Musa rubra Kurz (Musaceae) and reduction of M. New species - Lilium procumbens and its allies in laterita Cheesman as conspecific. Taiwania 61(1): the flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 61(1): 1-7. 34-40. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.34 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.1 Lin, C.-W. 2016. Two new species of Pentaphragma Averyanov, L.V., N. Tanaka, K.S. Nguyen and T.H. (Pentaphragmataceae) from Sarawak, Borneo Nguyen. 2016. New species of Ophiopogon and Taiwania 61(4): 355-361. Peliosanthes (Asparagaceae) from Laos and doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.355 Vietnam. Taiwania 61(3): 201-217. Lin, T.P., Liu, H.Y., Hsieh, C.F., and K.H. Wang, doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.201 (2016). Complete list of the native orchids of Averyanov, L.V., V.D. Nong, K.S. Nguyen, T.V. Taiwan and their type information. Taiwania 61(2): Maisak, V.C. Nguyen, Q.T. Phan, P. T. Nguyen, 78-126. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.78 T.T. Nguyen, B.V Truong. 2016. New Species of Madhavan, M.K., and S. Nampy. 2016. Neotypification Orchids (Orchidaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam. of Arisaema murrayi (J. Graham) Hook. (Araceae). Taiwania 61(4): 319-354. Taiwania 61(1): 58-60. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.58 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.319 Nath, K., M.K. Bhattacharya and S. Kar. 2016. Balachandran, N. and K. Rajendiran. 2016. Cordia Antibacterial activity of some ethno-botanically ramanujamii (Cordiaceae): new species from important ferns of Southern Assam, India. Taiwania Tamil Nadu, India. Taiwania 61(2): 74-77. 61(3): 260-268. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.260 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.74 Naveen Kumar, V.V., M.K.R. Narayanan, C.N. Sunil, Banik, D. and P.P. Bora. 2016. A taxonomic study on M.G. Sanilkumar and E.C. Baiju. 2016. Isodon the diversity of Indian Knema Lour. purpurescence (Lamiaceae), a new species from (Myristicaceae). Taiwania 61(2): 141-158. Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Taiwania 61(1): doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.141 13-15. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.13 Bhowmik, N. and S. Sinha. 2016. Jungermannia gollanii Ragavan, P., A. Saxena, R.S.C. Jayaraj, P.M. Mohan, K. steph. (Jungermanniaceae, Marchantiophyta) - a Ravichandran, S. Saravanan and A. Vijayaraghavan. new report from Terai region in Uttar Pradesh 2016. A review of the mangrove floristics of India. (U.P.), India. Taiwania 61(2): 165-171. Taiwania 61(3): 224-242. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.171 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.224 Biju, P., E.J. Josekutty, , K.A.R.M. Haneef and J. Shen, Y.M., Huang, T.C., Chung, W.H. and Hung, T.H. Augustine. 2016. A new species of Nymphoides 2016. Characterization of Aecidium deutziae, a rust séguier (Menyanthaceae) from the lateritic plateau fungus on Deutzia pulchra in Taiwan. Taiwania of South India. Taiwania 61(3): 218-220. 61(2): 172-174. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.218 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.172 Dey, S.K. and D. Maity. 2016. The rediscovery of Tambde, G.M., R.D. Gore and M.M. Sardesai. 2016. A Youngia atripappa (Babc.) N. Kilian in India after synopsis of the genus Sida L. (Malvaceae) from a century; its circumscription and nomenclature Maharashtra, India. Taiwania 61(3): 243-252. and the lectotypification of Crepis atripappa Babc. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.243 Taiwania 61(4): 362-368. Truong, B.V. and K. Sridith. 2016. The phytogeographic doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.362 note on the orchids flora of Vietnam: a case study Govaerts, R. 2016. Nomenclatural notes in Asian from the Hon Ba Nature Reserve, Central Vietnam. Zingiberaceae. Taiwania 61(3): 269-270. Taiwania, 61(2): 127-140. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.269 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.127 Guo, J., Z.C. Lu, J. Liu and W.B. Xu. 2016. Paraboea Truong, V.D, S. Li, Y.-G. Wei, L.-F. Fu and F. Wen. crassifila, a new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) 2016. New records and keys to species of from Danxia landform in Guangxi, China. Taiwania Hemiboea and Loxostigma (Gesneriaceae) for the 61(1): 8-12. flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 61(4): 369-374. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.8 doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.369 376 December 2016 General Index of Taiwania Volume 61 (2016) Yakovchenko, L., E.A. Davydov and Y. Ohmura. 2016. Genetics, Molecular and Developmental Candelariella placodizans (Candelariaceae) reported Biology new to mainland China and Taiwan based on morphological, chemical and molecular phylogenetic Chuenwarin, P., P. Kongsawadworakul, H. Chrestin, J. analyses. Taiwania 61(2): 159-164. Narangajavana and U. Viboonjun. 2016. Differential doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.159 expression of mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase Yang, S.Z., P.H. Chen, C.F. Chen and C.W. Chen. gene correlates with latex yield and tapping in 2016. Identity of a problematic Menispermaceae in rubber tree. Taiwania 61(4): 295-304. Taiwan, Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.295 (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Forman. Taiwania 61(1): 27-33. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.27 Yarrayya, K., G.V.S. Murthy and P.K.R. Kumar. 2016. Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Cyperus arenarius Retz. var. nairii (Cyperaceae), a Animal Behavior new variety from South India. Taiwania 61(3): 221-223. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.221 Fujita, T. and C. Yamashina. 2016. Variation in woody plant species establishment according to nurse plant size in the South African grassland. Taiwania Anatomy and Morphology 61(2): 70-73. doi:10.6165/tai.2016.61.70 Huang, Y.-L.
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