FEB-19-2008 rUE 04:53 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 03 i ! i I / ,I t· .. Jho.{l~ A..j&u ~ ftlOcJ~ !JM.. )j-lo o.Wiff'YYVj &~ I j)U\'), 'I­ I - CYfnlrlJ- G. TIC d18' lOCJ!'1 'S aWt80lY\.fl Jf\ ~r J'r'(;c)11 ...~ apI-. SP~eNW ~rl'Jj l"t)(YVV7~ir:b-1 (JJJ~rf0~)\.e .,r-:cJr~ncI5 G)v...;J· FEB-I9-200B TUE 04:53 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 20B6670945 P. 04 ! i ,/ i I j I I [ ,:. .. FE8-19-2008 rUE 04:53 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 05 Leadership Coeur d'Alene May 7,2007 Bret Bowers KXLY Radio Morning Show Host . 504 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene, 10 83814 RE: Media Day May 24,2007 Spokesman Review Building Conference Room 608 Northwest Blvd. Coeur d'Alene. ID 83814 Dear Brett: Thank .you again for agreeing to participate in the Leadership Class of 2007 Media Day: We have you scheduled to speak on Thursday, May 24,2007.8:30 - 9:30 a.m. You will be part of a panel discussion and will have approximately 10 minutes for your presentation with a question-and-answer period at the end of each panelist's presentation. I have every confidence in the world that you will be in attendance, but should something unavoidable arise in your schedule, please make arrangements for a backup, or let me know as soon as possible, so that we can arrange for one. I have attached a copy of the agenda, along with a list of class participants. Again, thank you for your support of the Leadership Program. We are looking forward to your presentation. BeSlr~.1tM Mark Robitaille Leadership Class of 2006 FEB-I9-200B rUE 04:53 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 20B6670945 ~ c~ A l/V'- ~-;lL~ ~, d ~-ct~ 'v-S"-"'--\:-:~""" J\:., ~~ ~--!.lud" d ~l ~W\. ~~ ~ ~ ""~'l., (~~- I ! fNV\. ~ CA- ~~ ! 2} i j I ~~~~.~~~ ri i..... , ~- ~~d..~ • .&-~ ~ ~~ ~~ I\V~ C~) ~~~ ~~~~t1~~- .~~uut~ , ~t ~~ I FEB-19-2008 TUE 04:53 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 10 Academics and Activitie!l-PArtnership for Excellence ----".~,.I-_----- '111C Coeur d'Alene Vikings appreciate your support! .. ,/ i I / I I i ri ,./. ..... ~ 6re-,r I ~T A- ~TE. I'D ~'L l1()L ;:Oft.. yDlA.fl- C:;vp~ FOVZ- 00(L. ~~~ TDl){?/Y\~ ~""t- A.JMORI-e ~ rY1 Af2;\1-.-'€'- V- Ttc~ l,USaG" ~ G(L~*T" ~TI()y\ {::tr--~r::. ITrDvL ~ ~"'TOvvz....vtP,~:i (,).)~ A- Gr'fi~1 c;\)~$ ~pv-lu1 to G ~~1- SpU'l~az~ lA IC( y(»(. ..I- k-VJ.(I ~ ~~ CAve. i.A..A .itA.- L...f4"'I.'1''' L .,. \V1)0 FEB-19-200B TUE 04:54 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 20B6670945 P. 11 .. .. { i/ i I I I FEB-19-2008 TUE 04:54 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 13 '/'.'--\ - ) ----,_.__ . Radio' host to .., , . , , , marshal• Fred• '0' i Mu,rphy,'pays ,.f COEUR d"ALENE - KVNI AM radio hosl Dick Haugen is no stranger to parades, He's broaqca~l. more I.han'30 of , them since joining the station ill 1990. _" " But lIaugen tllkes Oll a new role [or, this year's Fred Murphy Pjoneer Pays Parade after his selection as grand mar- I ~h.al, parade organi~er Stephen Gregory s:ud., "' TIle parade is set for 11 'a.m. May' 26' -along'Sherman Avenue, a.,d entries are ­ " , now bt:ihg accepted. J'lorses, floats,' bands· ~ all are invited to participate" . , , Gregory said. ; Hau'gen, ,who will 'ride in the ~derson,Carriag~ with wife Nanc.~y. has, -, " Courtesy photD been an avid supporter of tnimy commu·· .. KVNI AM radio personality Dick Haugen . 1, nity .events and organizations, including will be grand marshal of the 2001 Fred. the American Cancer Society's Relay For Murphy Pioneer Days Parade May 26•. Life, United Way, Childrens' Village, -' " , * CASA, ICARE and others, ". or to register all entry, contllr.t Gregory at . For m~re information On the parade . ()6~t1808, , . FEB-19-2008 TUE 04:54 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 14 From: "Mobbs, Gary" <[email protected]'> To: "SUSAN" <[email protected]>, "BEVERL.EY" <BEVERLEY... Date: 12/12/2006 5:24 pm SJ,Jbject: Thank you from Hauser Lake Fire Thank you so much! Our Shalena's Breakfast with Santa was a big success. This year went great! We served over 1,300 people in 5 Ya hours. It took 40 people Sunday to put this breakfast on and over 700 man hours. We start in September looking at what needs to be done and who we are going to sponsor. I have been asked many times what do I think it is that makes our Shalena's Breakfast such a big success? It is not just one or two things. It starts with each and every person that gives there time to help someone in need. It comes from a long list of not just only local business donating hundreds of dollars, but it is also Ilke Land O'Lakes sending 20 pounds of butter, URM helping with food, Me Donald's, Wenig Food, Charlie's Produce with most of the eggs and Overall company help make this a big success. All the people taking time on a Sunday morning to come out and have breakfast with us so we can raise money for a child in need. It comes from all of the news media that work with me getting the information out. Thank you for your support. I want to personally thank all of the People from the Hauser Ranchers (4-H group) the Hauser Lake Fire Department Auxiliary and my crew from the Hauser Lake Fire Department Thank you to alilhe people that came out and took time to help us help this family. Gary Mobbs. Captain Hauser Lake Fire Department [email protected] (208) 773·4522 Cell (208) 659-4922 FEB-19-2008 TUE 04:53 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 09 COEUR D'ALENE CHARTER ACADEMY._-----~-------_.- 711 W. Kathlccl' Avenue. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815-8312 (208) 6'6-1667 • FAX (208) 676-8667 www.cdacl.arter.org.inIo€lcdach:Jtter.org March 30, 2007 KVNIRadio 504 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene. lD 83814 Dear Travis, Brett, and KVNl staff: On behalfofthe Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the community and to the Academy's morale through your decision to air the state basketball tournament games involving local schools. 1 don't know whether these broadcasts have a positive or negative effect on your listener numbers, but I do know that they allowed our staff, student body, and parents to get "real-time" information 011 an exciting event for our school. The success ofOUf team would not have been anywhere ncar as enjoyable, immediate, or dramatic without the benefit ofthe live coverage you provided. Your commitment to the community is clear and appreciated by many. Thanks again, and keep up the e'tcellent work. Sincerely, j . /' )4' ......,#r_ .... ,.J ~- ."vt.$',/) Daniel P. NickJay Principal FEB-I9-2008 rUE 04:54 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 15 ~'Habitat 'tl, 1 for Humanity0> of North Idaho BOARD OF DIRECTORS 176 w. Wyoming Ave., Hayden, ID 83835· (208) 762-4532· e-mail: [email protected] Executive Committee Presidenl Marialll1 Sethk~ November 24, 2006 V~&id&nl RicttShipman SlO'lItaIy Gloria PoIicJJ in TffHI$UTer Be"e Woinowsky "8mw a/ Larue GorQQn Orme'ilher Jim ErI8nger. Dick Haugen Pas/-ProsidenJ KVNI Other Directors 504 E. Shennan Ave. Coeur d'Alene, 10 838) 4 DIIvid Bclbbill Rick Bl.d1heit Dear Dick, Vleki Hahn Eula Hickllm On behalfofour community and the many volunteers at Habitat for Humanity Jeff Sandler ofNorth Idaho, I would like to thank you for coaching the team and making Michelle Van Slate the Harlem Ambassadors vs. Habitat for Humanity All-Stars game held on AlWilliam& October 22, 2006 so successful. The proceeds benefiting our affiliate will be very helpful in our continued work at our twelve-home project at Millard Exec:utive Director Jim 8tIon0l1 Place in Post Falls. Commilln Qlall'$ Again, Habitat for Humanity and the community thank you for your support BUiking: . and hard work as you help us make a difterenee for families in our conununity Gotdorl Ormeaher and for creating a wonderful experience for all the participants and for those Church Partnership: attending the game. Vicki Hahn Family Selection: Sincerely. Ralph Meyg' Family P8rlIl8rShip: Bene Woinowaky }-~~~ Nominating: Gloria Poliquin Jim Brannon oBSQ.ten;ight Executive Director Jim Picard Habitat for Humanity ofNorth Idaho Public Rllialiona: Rick Buchheit RfI$ource Dll'telopmenl: .krj AdElms Si1e Seledlon: Eula HicIlBm Volunteer: Vacant . UNITED WAY • ofXootell8i ~WII)' Building bouses~ building hope FEB-19-2008 rUE 04:55 PM KXLY KVNI FAX NO. 2086670945 P. 17 Dick Haugen KVNIRadio 504 E. Sherman Ave Coeur d'Alene, ID. 83814 4-19-06 Dear Mr. Haugen, It has been almost a year since you blessed me with your insight. Ask Harry Amend point blank, what have the Tetzner's done for autism in North Idaho. Ifthe response is negative you have the right to choose the method of plUlishment you think I deserve. Ifthe response is positive you have to choose for yourself what you think is appropriate. You should come by for an evening with the Tetzncr's and see how OUf family dynamics work in the world ofautism. Should you dccide to do so we have no plans ofissuing any type ofpress release, just the hopes another person who can make positive changes would feel motivated to do so.
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