VOL. 16 OCTOBER 1955 P--. iJ I No. 4 ~--_. ,----------_... FIRE CONTROL NOTES :\1 INDEX April 1946-October 1955 A PERIODICAL DEVOTED TO THE TECHNIQUE OF FOREST FIRE CONTROL FOREST SERVICE • U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE " ORESTRY cannot restore the FAmerican heritage of natural re­ sources if the appalling wastage by fire continues. This publication will serve as a channel through which crea­ tive developments in management and techniques may be communicated to and from every worker in the field of ,forest fire control. , ; , ~. ,~ . ", '. " '. .. , Volume 16 Number 4 FI RE CONTROL NOTES A Quarterly Periodical Devoted to the TECHNIQUE OF FOREST FIRE CONTROL The vulue of this publication will be determined by what Federal, State, and other public agencies,. and private com­ panies and individuals contribute out of their experience and research. The types of articles and notes that will be pub­ lished will deal with fire research 01' fire control manage­ ment: Theory, relationships, prevention, equipment, de tee­ tion, communication, transportation. cooperation, planning, organization, training, fire fighting, methods of reporting, and statistical systems. Space limitations require that arti­ cles be kept as brief as the nature of the subject matter will permit. FIRE CONTROL NOTES is issued by the Forest Service· of the United States Department of Agriculture, Washing­ ton, D. C. The matter contained herein is published by the direction of the Secretary of Agriculture as administrative information required for the proper transaction of the public business. The printing of this publication has been approved by the Bureau of the Budget (September 16, 1954). Copies may be obtained from the Superintendent of Docu­ ments, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., 20 cents a copy, 01' by subscription at the rate of 75 cents pel' year, domestic, or $1.00, foreign. Postage stamps will not be accepted in payment. Forest Service, Washington. D. C. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1955 Aamodt, E. E. lusne Page Aamodt stubby plow _. Apr--July 1947.:.... :>4 Jeep plow . Apr. 1951 . :l2 Oliver tractor-tanker-plow unit . Oct. 1949 . .,­-, Rust preventive for water tanks . Apr. 1951 . 4 A slip-on attack unit . Oct. 1951 . 34 Accident check list for forest fire fighters . July 1954 . 14 Accident experience of smoke jumpers, 1948 Region 1 . Apr. 1949 . 21 Region 4 . Apr. 1949 . 21 Actuarial fire planning in the northern region July 1953 . 1 Actuarial method of fire suppression planning as applied to tanker distribution............................................. Jan. 1950 . ...,.., Adams, Gifford B. Fire fighting organization and warden system.. July 1950 .. 14 Adams, Mervin O. Demountable transport bed for 50-man fire unit... Oct. 1948 ... I Fire danger manning guide............ July 1951 i Inexpensive back-pack outfits for back-country fires . _. Oct. 1954 28 • Inexpensive message tubes for air use. Apr. 1953 . :J1 Mark your fires to find them . Oct. 1954 . 41 i Shasta coffin tanks and trailer . Apr.-July 1947 42 Aerial detection effectiveness Apr.-July 1947... 29 preliminary survey of factors in visibility of small r smokes. July 1946 22 Roosevelt National Forest Apr. 1949 19 Superior National Forest . _....................... Oct. 1948 . 12 Aerial detection study, preliminary report................... Jan. 1947 28 Aerial Equipment Development Center. Disposable message droppers............................................... Oct. 1954 o Headlight attachment for hard hats Oct. 1954 . 4G Long-rope parachute July 1952 . 16 Methods of reinforcing' standard 5-gallon gasoline · cans for dropping . Jan. 1953 .. I Pnruchuting heavy cargo.. Apr. 1952 Pilot. balloons for marking fires Apr. 1952 .. Ae riul observer versus lookout . ...... Apr. 1954 Aeriul photos on Boardman Ridge fire Apr. 1952. 1, Ail' cargo dropper's safety harness... Oct. 1950 ... f roller platform for discharging. Oct. 1950 !, Ail' control, unit protection..... .. Apr. 1946 . • Ail' currents affecting fire behavior . Apr. 1954 . i Air detection plan, Coeur D'Alene . Apr.-July 1948 Air Force fights fire on Tonto Forest Oct. 1950 ... Air operations handbook; cargo dropping Oct. 1947 .. Ail' rescue operation Region 1 stretcher carrier proved . July 1949 11 Ail' turbulence, possible relation to erratic the be- Ie havior in the Southeast................ Julv 1951. 1 Airborne cooperation in Region 2... .. Oct. 1946 7 Aircraft amplifying systems .. Apr. 1954 detection in West Virginia... ·Oct. 1951 . fo rest fire control in New York..... Julv 1949 nonmilitary (statistics) Jan. 1951 portable electric megaphone..... Oct. 1950 \ SX radio Oct. 1948 . use in control of lightning fires on the Black Hills I National Forest Oct. 1950 . 10 use, 1949 ._ Apr. 1950 . 27 '1~t use by the U. S. Forest Service, 1950 _ July 1951 . 41; Airplane antenna for portable radio Apr. 1951 . 22 Airplane delivery of hot meals July 1946 . 8 Airplane dope for mounting map..... July 1955 . 11 2 ", Airplanes .. Issue Page and light pum~el's ~n the S,Upel'lOr National Forest..... Oct. 1950 36 ("ooperation with, .m .R~!flon 2._.._ __ .._ .. Oct. 1946, 7 for fire control, Virg'inia 5 USe. _ . Apr.-July 1947 . 26 safe cargo dropping -. July 1949 _ . 18 ~afety points in mountain flying . Oct. 1954 _ . 24 toilet tissue to mark fires. .__..__ _ _ _._ Oct. 1954 .._._ _._.. 41 use bv U. S. Forest Service in 1946 Oct. 1946 ._ _ _ 39 Alaska "helicopter .lfirst"........... .. Apr.-July 1947 _ 25 Alderman, O. A. Vibration of plane struts dangerous _. Oct. 1951 _.._ ..._.__ 46 Aldrich, Merle Retainer clip for trombone pumps _ Jan. 1955 16 Aleut pack strap ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _.. ~ Apr. 1953 20 Alidude, Navy deck, as a forest fire finder . Apr. 1950 23 Allen, J. P., Little, S., and Somes, H. A. Choosing- suitable times for prescribed burning in southern New Jersey _ _ _ _ __ _ Jan. 1953 ~ 21 Aluminum pipe in fire suppresston.,., _.._ _ _. July 1954 _...._.... 9 Ames, Fred G. , , Consolidated fire organization and dispatcher's board Apr.c-July 1948 . 24 Exploring the possible use of fireline plows in the west __ _ _._ .Tuly 1953 9 Forest-fire gasoline and oil kiL.............. Oct. 1946 16 Planning for the use of fireline plows Oct. 1953 35 Protection of tool handles from the powder post beetle Aprv-July 1948. 54 Tractor mud tongs . _... Oct. 1948 16 Use of el~ctr!c wind vane by a coastal plain ranger distr-ict _ __ _ __ _ _ _..... Oct. 1950 __._. 9 Amplifying system in aircrafL.._ __._.__._ _. Apr. 1954 46 Anderson, Burton D.. and Jarboe, Earl A. Printing maps on fire finder disks... Jan: 1949 16 Anderson, Cleo J. Funnel attachment for L-quart gasoline can Jan. 1948 39 Horse-pack pump _ _ _ Jan. 1952 30 Anderson, D. A. Bumper- serves as container for torch fluid Apr. 1952 30 Anderson, D. A., and Evans, E. F. Converting a standard jeep into a mobile forest fire fighting unit . Oct. 1949 34 Anderson, Martin, and Thorn, Richard JIIinois fire damag-e appraisal system ~... -Oct. 1953 .. 32 Anderson, R. Clark Pl"ivate·county-State·Federal cooperation gets re- suits in Utah _ __._.._ _._.. Jan. 1955 37 Anemometer direct-reading, for recording wind gusts _ _ July 1954 46 mast _ ~........... .. ~._ _ _ Jan. 1951 38 Antenna airplane, for portable radio _ Apr. 1951 22 jointed, for FM handle-talkie radio . Oct. 1949._ 16 ~ol' handie-talkie improvised _ _. Jan. 1950.. 14 rods, plastic balls for safety _ ~ _ _ _ __ ~ __ . Apr. 1951 _ _._ '; ..20 ... afety holder ~ _ _ _ . Oct. 1949 _ . 9 type SX radiophone . July 1949............. 27 whip, carrying, for portable radio ~ _ _ __._._.. Jan. 1949 ....._........ 34 Appraisal, fire damage ~ _ _.._ _. Apr.-July 1948...... 27 Arcadia Equipment Development Center Butane-Diesel flame thrower Oct. 1951 30 Ejector suction booster __ _ ~ _.._... July 1951 14 Experimental plastic water tank. _ ~ _ Apr. 1951 .. '·19 55-gallon slip-on pumper-tanker Jan. 1950 ..... 27 Fire pumper testing and development _ _. Jan. 1950 12 Lightweight slip-on patrol tanker.....__.._ _ _. Apr. 1955 30 ~P'\· ~ _.~ fire pumpers tested .. _ Apr. 1950 _ 1 3 Arcadia Equipment Development Center-Con. I ssue Page Pneumatic back-pack flame thrower _ . Jan. 1950 .............. 40 A portable po\ver brush and weed cutter _ _ . , Jan. 1954 .•_ .....•.... 9 Progress on proposed Forest Service standard slip-on tankers for 'K- and j -ton vehicles ~ .. Apr. 1950 ....•......'.:.· 8 Slip-on convoy luber and fuel unit _ . Apr. 1950 .•............. 12 Some pistol flares are dangerous _ July 1954 ................. 39 Spiral rotor trencher-preliminary performance report _ _ _ _ . Apr. 1950 .....•.......... 11 Tanker sprinkler bar _ _ _ _ _ . Oct. 1952 ...••....•.... 24 Temperature of vehicle exhaust system-fire hazard _ _ __ _ _._._ _ Apr. 1954 _. 13 Three projects in process at Arcadia . Jan. 1950 •................ 26 250-gallon slip-on pumper-tanker....._. Jan. 1950 •..•....•... 32 Vehicle brake tester _ ~ .: July 1949 ........ 22 Area measurement, fire, novel method . Jan. 1947 ..... 16 Arkansas fire finder _ Apr. 1950 ..•. 16 Armv brush truck for forest fires.............. _........... Oct. 1949 . 12 equipment adapting to forest-fire fighting . Apr. 1946 6 testing for fire control use ~ . July 1946 12 explosives for hazard reduction Jan. 1947 42 methods, instruction for preservation of fire _~ equipment by ..h _ ••••••••_ ••••_ .. Jan. 1947. :33 range finder impractical for fire detection Jan. 1947 .... ;16 Arnold, R. Keith Operation flrestop . Apr. 1955 .. 1 Arsenic trioxide, chemicals for fire prevention . Jan. 1950 9 Ash, Lowell W. , Paper-covered piled slash _ July 1951 18 Ash trays, auto, cans for emptying . Oct'. 1954 .. :f; ,; on saddles ~ ~ __ _ Jan.
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