F ao 'o hn c un , Add i t i on s t o t h e f l ora f V ancou ver I sl an o d . ° L S l X X V I 1 1 an d 2 R n H T R A I T V N o . 1 e ri t ed fro m T E O T T A W A N A U o . p , , , an d M ar h 3 F eb ru ar c 1 9 1 . y , A D D IT IONS TO TH E F L ORA O F V A N COUV ER ISLA N f < O N . A C By J . M M U , Assist ant N aturalist , Geological Survey of Canada . For nearly twenty years after the publicat ion of Part V 1 8 90 of the Catalogue of Canadian Plants , in , very little system w as atic botanical work done on Vancouver Island , except in 1 8 9 3 when Prof . John Macoun Spent the collecting season there . Not es on the new species and additions to the flora of Vancouver Island made in that year were published in Cont ributions from he Canadian t Herbarium of the Geological Survey , printed in the c aa a aist Record 0 7 S cien ce and The Ott w N tu r l . The need of a thorough study of the flora of Vancouver w s Island w as so pressing that in 1 9 0 8 Prof . John Macoun a inst ructed to undert ake it , and that year he worked in the r vicinity of Victoria and no th to Nanaimo , and the following 1 90 9 . season , , on the west coast , chiefly about Ucluelet H e was readbo rou h . S assisted both years by Mr William p g , who had 6 1 90 . also collected at Nootka in Prof Macoun , being otherwise 1 1 0 1 1 1 r adborou h 9 9 . S e employed in and , Mr p g continued the work of collecting in these years , spending part of the season of 1 9 1 0 on 'ueen Charlotte Islands and part of 1 9 1 1 in the 1 9 1 2 interior of Vancouver Island . In both the writ er and Prof . Macoun collected on Vancouver Island , the former on the islands in the Gulf of Georgia and in Strathcona Park , the fo r latt er chiefly in the vicinity of Sidney . The manuscript a Islan d is flora of Vancouver now almost ready for the press , but so many additions to the known flora have been made in the years referred to and so many are now int erested in the Vancouver Island flora that it seems advisable to publish for their informa tion a preliminary list of the additions that have been made to the flora in recent years . Where not otherwise st at ed , all the citations refer to collections made by members of the Geological f t he re . Survey st a f , and Specimens ain our herbarium The list that follows is by no means complet e and will b e supplement ed by the descriptions of new Species . * P u blish ed b ermissi n of t he D irect r of t he G e l ical Su e y p o o o og rv y . T H E A T A S T OTTAWA N U R LI . Asplenium viride , Huds . Ucluelet ; Strathcona Park . c clo so ru m Ru rt Asplenium y , p . A F i ix- oe Common ; not separated from . l f minain earlier publications . imb ri m . cat u Polystichum munitum var (D . C . Eaton) Maxon . Mount Finlayson ; Skirt Mountain . s Polystichum Andersoni , Hopkins N . p . in ed . Strathcona Park . (W . B . Anderson) . Polystichum oreopteris , Swartz . Shaw ni an g Lake . (J . R . Anderson) . Woodwardia spinulosa , Mart . and Gal . d Texa a Island . (J . R . Anderson) . Woodsia oregana , D . C . Eaton . 4 0 . 00 . Cowichan River , alt ft K hlew i u e n . Equisetum litorale , haw ni an S g Lake . L c0 o diu m in n dat m u u . y p , L Ucluelet . allac ei W . Selaginella , Hieron ’ S . r estms . Common , recorded as ap Selaginella densa , Rydb . ’ Jansen s Island , Ucluelet . i L . Selag nella selaginoides , ( ) Link Ucluelet . Sparganium minimum , Fries . San Juan Lake . (Rosendahl) . zo s rifo i s t e l u . Potamogeton , Schumacher Langford Lake . Scheuchzeria palustris L . Cowichan Lake . m acifl cu . Panicum p , Hitchc and Chase Renfrew district . (Rosendahl) . B ear Lake ; Strath cona Park . L . Hierochloe odorat a , ( ) Wahl Courtenay River near Comox . y . Alopecurus californicus , Vase Head of Ucluelet Inlet . is o re on en s . Agrostis g , Vasey Renfrew district . (Rosendahl) . Rare at Ucluelet . lo n ili u la . Agrostis g g , Hitchc Departure B ay ; B ear Lake . in at a . Agrostis fl , Scribner Esqu imau lt . T H E A T A S T OTTAWA N U R LI . is ae u ivalv . Agrostis q , Trin ri . Dist ct of Renfrew (Rosendahl) . Colqu it z River ; Ucluelet . Calamagrostis canadensis var . acuminata , Vasey . Comox ; Departure B ay . K L . oeleria cristata , ( ) Pers Burnside Road , Victoria ; B ear Lake . ken sis u t . Trisetum N , (Presl . ) Scribn and Merrill . Renfrew district . (Rosendahl) . ae B e u v a . Deschampsia c spitosa , Comox ; Strathcona Park . Deschampsia atropurpurea (Wahl . ) Scheele . Mount B enson ; Strathcona Park . Avena fatua var . glabrat a , Pet er . ' Sooke ; Victoria ; Departure B ay . n r aefo rmis e u c L . B eckman ia , ( ) Host . i Colqu t z River . B eau v . Distichlis Spicat a , Ucluelet . Introduced from east w ith cranberry plants . echin at u s . Cynosurus , L Oak B ay , Victoria ; Nanaimo . t riv lis r i m s a . v a. fil c l i u . Poa L ¢ , Scribn Comox . Poa eminens , Presl . West shore , Vancouver Island . (J . R . Anderson) c Long B ea h below Clayo quot . Festuca subulat a , Bong . B ear Lake ; Nanaimo . Festuca elatior , L . Comox . comm t at u s u d . Bromus , Schra Victoria ; Cowi chan Lake . acificu s Bromus p , S hear . Renfrew district . (Rosendahl) . Bromus sterilis , L . Near Victoria . Bromus rubens , L . Nanaimo . Hordeum boreale , Scribn . Renfrew district . (Rosendahl) l ' . i O . n E ymus glaucus var hirsutus , M Malt e ed . B ear Lake , Cowichan Lake . 4 TH E OTT A w A N A T U A IS T R L . 4 . 3 . Elymus glaucus var robustus , Davy . Victoria ; Ucluelet ; B eacon Hill . 44 . Elymus borealis , Scribn h Renfrew district . (Rosenda l) . Ucluelet . O - N T E . The names of many grasses have been changed i s nce the publication of the Cat alogue of Canadian Plants . The above are all additions . 4 5 . Scirpus riparius , (R B r ) Spreng B a Victoria ; Comox ; Departure y ; Ucluelet . 4 6 . Scirpus validus , Vahl d Wellington ; Si ney ; B eaver Lake near Victoria . i chk r S . 4 7 . Carex scopa a , Ucluelet . Introduced with cranberry plants from the east . 4 D re . 8 . Carex prat ensis , j Victoria ; Mount B enson ; Departure B ay ; Comox . a 4 9 . Carex enea , Fernald . Departure B ay . s h t ellu lat a . ce alant ha 5 0 . Carex var p , B ail t Welling on ; Ucluelet . w e n D e aa . 5 1 . Carex y , Schwein r Renfrew district ; Victo ia . - Dew e an aKu kent h l 5 2 a. Carex pseudo y , Comox . B oo 5 3 t t . Carex globosa , B ear Lake , Cowichan . 4 . S . Carex limosa , Linn N ear Comox . i is 5 5 fl ex l . Carex , Rudge Ucluelet . Introduced from the east with cranberry plants . Carex aurea , Nutt . dbo ro Ca B ay ; Comox . B oo 5 7 t t . Carex vesicari a var major , Near Victoria ; Wellington . h so car a . 5 8 . Carex p y p , Presl K ennedy Lake near Ucluelet . o n l ii K B ad . 5 9 . n Carex p , unth Comax ; Cedar Hill . L 60 . Spirodela polyrhiza ( . ) Schleid . ri Victo a . T HE A T A S T 5 OTTAWA N UR LI . Juncus balticus , Willd . Renfrew district . (Rosendahl) . Ucluelet ; Departure B a f s . Juncus eflfu su var . compactus L and C . Ucluelet . Introduced with cranberry plants from the east . fu scescen s . Juncus alpinus var . , Fernald Strathcona Park . h llu s o rt hO . Juncus p y , Coville h Ko ksala River . n e s f . bru u l . Juncus e fusus , L var Enge m Ucluelet ; Departure B ay . i c s f . ac fl u . Juncus e fusus , L var p , F and W . Victoria ; Nanaimo Ucluelet . efl u su s . Juncus var gracilis , Hooker Sidney . alascen sis Juncus falcatus var . , Coville . K Renfrew district (Rosendahl) . ennedy Lake near Ucluelet ; Strathcona Park . i s m brev cau dat u En le . Juncus , ( g ) Fernald . Ucluelet . Introduced with cranberry plants from the east . M ert en sian u s . Juncus , Bong Ucluelet ; Strathcona Park . Luzula comosa , E . Meyer . ri a . O l L co os . Victo a nly record for typica . m V Vat s ? Erythronium Howellii , r l B ak a . y Sound (Hillier) Cowichan Lake . First collect ed by Anderson . ? Erythronium mont anum , Wats . Grand Central Lake . (Fraser) . ia L e o w rt . Ll d . S y serotina , ( ) Strathcona Park . k Disporum Smithii , (Hoo ) Piper . Go r . i don River (Rosendahl) Cow chan Lake . Streptopus curvipes , Vail . Cowichan River ; Strathcona Park . u niflo ra Clintonia , Menzies . Cowichan Lake ; Strathcona Park .
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