UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL MONICA STEFANI THE TRANSLATION OF PATRICK WHITE'S THE SOLID MANDALA INTO BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE: AN ANALYSIS BASED ON SOCIAL, HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS Porto Alegre 2016 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL INSTITUTO DE LETRAS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM LETRAS ÁREA DE CONCENTRAÇÃO: ESTUDOS DE LITERATURA ESPECIALIDADE: LITERATURAS ESTRANGEIRAS MODERNAS LINHA DE PESQUISA: SOCIEDADE, (INTER)TEXTOS LITERÁRIOS E TRADUÇÃO NAS LITERATURAS ESTRANGEIRAS MODERNAS MONICA STEFANI THE TRANSLATION OF PATRICK WHITE'S THE SOLID MANDALA INTO BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE: AN ANALYSIS BASED ON SOCIAL, HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS Tese de doutorado em Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas apresentada como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Doutora em Letras pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Rosalia A. N. Garcia Porto Alegre 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, thanks to my family, for supporting me throughout this enterprise. Thanks to my family in Sydney: Cathy Fazio, Amelia, Liana and Alyssa, and Tony, for welcoming me in your home and showing me how wonderful Australia is. Thanks for being part of my life. I am deeply indebted to my advisor, professor Rosalia A. N. Garcia, for revising the manuscript and the translations. My most grateful thanks to professor Ian Alexander, for presenting Patrick White’s world to me and encouraging this attempt to introduce White’s world to Brazilians via translation. I am no less grateful to professor Déborah Scheidt, the pioneer in Patrick White studies in Brazil, for sharing her knowledge and materials with me, creating a virtual collaborative network on Australian Literature, and to professor Lawrence Flores Pereira, for the inspiration through his creative work in translation. My most grateful thanks to UFRGS, and to my advisor in the scholarship provided by SEAD-UFRGS, professor Maria José Bocorny Finatto, for the invaluable help, and to my colleagues Aline Evers, Bianca F. Pasqualini and Fabiano B. Gonçalves. Thanks to professor Elizamari R. Becker, for the detailed and enlightening comments on my research, and to professors Patrícia R. Reuillard (for all the advice and support) and Cleci Bevilacqua. Thanks to professor and translator Chris Andrews, for his long-distance support and acceptance of my research proposal at the Writing and Society Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney (UWS), and to professor Anthony Uhlmann. Thanks to the UWS staff for continuously trying to make the sandwich scheme to research in Australia possible. Thanks to the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for not making it possible. Thanks to professor Ivor Indyk and J. M. Coetzee, for reigniting my enthusiasm for this project after so many frustrations. Thanks to the ones who helped me in our multimedia lab at UFRGS: Igor C. G. da Veiga, Karoline L. dos Santos, Leandro R. M. Rocha and specially Gabriel Lazzaron, for sharing with me your humor, outlook on life and experiences in your respective fields of study. You will always be in my heart. Thanks to my students and now colleagues for making me see that what I was doing was not pointless: Amanda L. de Oliveira, Bruna T. dos Santos, Carolina S. Meyer, Carolina K. Facchin, Carolina M. de Macedo, Daniela R. Machado, Flávia P. S. Pires, Gabriel R. Borges, Isabel N. V. Ponte, Jacqueline M. S. Viana, Júlia S. Trindade, Kelvin P. Magagnin, Kenya S. Ortiz, Paulo G. Pilotti Duarte, Pedro H. M. Oliveira, Rachel T. Cardoso ( in memoriam ), Ricardo Sabadini, Thaís T. de Oliveira and Vitor Fernandes. I must reacknowledge my debt to my best friends and colleagues, who comprise the Letradas group: Adriana Sühnel dos Santos (and family), Ana Paula Schizzi Paz (and family), Letícia Bauer (and family), Marivone C. Sirtoli, Eliane Lessa Caminha (and family), Luana Diehl Severo, Luciane Sarti and Fausto Silveira (and family) and especially Sue Anne Christello Coimbra (and family), for never letting me give up. Thanks to my friends and colleagues Larissa M. Brangel, Ana Flávia S. Oliveira, Pamela Osborn, Roberta Magano, Freya M. Conway, Marina G. Giongo (and family) and Luciane O. Müller, for the continuous support. I owe a special debt of thanks to all the ones who replied to my emails and helped enrich this research by sharing their impressions on Patrick White’s oeuvre: David Callahan, Georgina Loveridge, James Bennett, Jean Page, Maria Ammazzalorso, Maria Helena de Paiva Correia, María Socorro Suárez Lafuente, Mónica Herrero, Nataša Kampmark, Paulo Henriques Britto, Silvia Pupato and Susan Ballyn. Without your help, almost every page of this dissertation would have less to offer. “De aquí la enorme dificultad de la traducción: en ella se trata de decir en un idioma precisamente lo que este idioma tiende a silenciar. Pero, a la vez, se entrevé lo que traducir puede tener de magnífica empresa: la revelación de los secretos mutuos que pueblos y épocas se guardan recíprocamente y tanto contribuyen a su dispersión y hostilidad; en suma, una audaz integración de la Humanidad.” J. Ortega y Gasset, Miseria y Esplendor de la Traducción, Obras Completas “Ningún problema tan consustancial con las letras y con su modesto misterio como el que propone una traducción.” Jorge Luís Borges, Las Versiones Homéricas, Discusión, Obras Completas I 1923-1949 “The purpose of a writer is to be read, and the criticism which would destroy the power of pleasing must be blown aside.” Samuel Johnson, Life of Pope ABSTRACT This dissertation presents and analyzes excerpts from my unpublished translation of Patrick White’s The Solid Mandala into Brazilian Portuguese considering its socio-historical and cultural aspects at three levels of reading: as a translator, as a revisor/proofreader of the translation and as a literary critic. Itamar Even-Zohar’s Polysystems Theory is adopted to justify the importance of (re)introducing Patrick White as a representative of Australian Literature into our Brazilian system via translation. Supporting the abilities necessary to perform the task, Amparo Hurtado Albir’s model of competences is presented. In regards to cultural aspects, Javier Franco Aixelá’s culture-specific items theory is used. The translations into French, German, Italian and Spanish are contrasted to mine, so as to identify inconsistencies and/or solutions and call attention to challenges which were not addressed. The version in Brazilian Portuguese is conveyed in this dissertation via selected excerpts, with the three levels being at work during the proofreading process of the translation. By attempting to make Patrick White’s oeuvre be rediscovered not only in Brazil, but also in South America and in other Portuguese-speaking countries, through translation, this dissertation presents an innovative contribution to Translation Studies. Keywords: Australian Literature. Culture. Competences. Polysystems. Reading. Translation. RESUMO Esta tese apresenta e analisa excertos da minha tradução não publicada de The Solid Mandala , de Patrick White, em português brasileiro, considerando seus aspectos sócio- históricos e culturais em três níveis: como tradutor, como revisor da tradução e como crítico literário. A teoria dos polissistemas de Itamar Even-Zohar é adotada para justificar a importância de (re)introduzir Patrick White como representante da Literatura Australiana em nosso sistema literário brasileiro por meio da tradução. Como suporte às capacidades necessárias para realizar a tarefa, o modelo de competências de Amparo Hurtado Albir é apresentado. Quanto aos aspectos culturais, a teoria dos itens específico-culturais de Javier Franco Aixelá é empregada. As traduções publicadas em francês, italiano e espanhol são contrastadas com a minha a fim de identificar inconsistências e/ou soluções, bem como chamar a atenção para desafios que não foram contemplados. A versão em português brasileiro é proposta por meio de excertos selecionados, com os três níveis estando em funcionamento durante o processo de revisão da tradução. Ao buscar fazer a obra de Patrick White ser redescoberta não somente no Brasil, mas também na América Latina e em outros países de língua portuguesa, por meio da tradução, esta tese oferece uma contribuição inédita aos Estudos de Tradução. Palavras-chave: Cultura. Competências. Leitura. Literatura australiana. Polissistemas. Tradução. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 9 1.1 THE FRENCH TRANSLATION: LES MYSTÉRIEUX MANDALA .......................... 28 1.2 THE ITALIAN TRANSLATION: MÀNDALA SOLIDO .......................................... 30 1.3 THE FIRST SPANISH TRANSLATION: LAS ESFERAS DEL MANDALA ............ 31 1.4 THE GERMAN TRANSLATION: DIE UNGLEICHEN BRÜDER .......................... 33 1.5 THE BRAND NEW SPANISH TRANSLATION: LAS ESFERAS DEL MANDALA ............................................................................................................... 35 2 PATRICK WHITE AND TRANSLATION: AN UNDENIABLE CONNECTION ............................................................................................................... 39 2.1 PATRICK WHITE IN FRENCH (1951).................................................................... 41 2.2 PATRICK WHITE IN GERMAN (1957) .................................................................. 45 2.3 PATRICK WHITE IN ITALIAN (1951) ..................................................................
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