VOL. 34 No. 2 17-3-63 THE NEWSPAPER OF THE U. OF Q. UNION MELBOURNE (NUAUS) Taxation concessions for Student Editors personal education ex­ penses are being sought Police Action by the National Union of SYDNEY: Eric Baume firmly believed that the Orienta­ Australian University tion Week Edition of the University of New South Wales' Students. THARUNKA was obscene. In his nightly chat to the A questionnaire at the Sydney Uni­ mums and dads he demanded police action. Students, he versity revealed that Students' most "•[ imaintained, should not be exempt from the laws of land. consistent grievance was that fees Tuning into the wrong wave-length a It is understood that no were not an allowable tax deduction. IAN LINCOLN police-car took this to be a message from further action is to be Mr. Ian Lincoln, local National Union secretary, outlined headquarters and sped in the general six proposals for reform adopted by National Union at its Febru­ taken. direction of Kensington. ary Council Meeting: They sought out the Editors, Alex Popov and The police are doubtless + allowance of personal education expenses as a deduction; Michael Robertson who on their own admission had + allowance to parents of sums spent on the education of de­ more occupied at the Uni­ only become editors as an attempt to seduce fresher- pendents as a deduction; •ettes. versity of Sydney where + removal of the from the general pro- own upkeep but also have After wading through \ There is a strength in the Gas Bone has caused present age limit in viision which limits to meet ever-increasing fifteen pages of messages of fees and book-prices. his most endearing charac-more trouble than The respect of ^deductions the concessional de­ A campaign has been welcome from the S.R.C. for education ex­ duction for depend­ cent oj Robbie Burns, a Gas Lash. launched to have the con­ President, the Vice-Chan­ penses and main­ ents to dependents cessions included in the cellor and the Evangelical flow which is Rabelaisian THARUNKA is printed tenance allowance: resident in Australia. 1964 Budget. Students Union, the policemen's + increase in main­ will not be alone in their while his lucidity is his by the Anglican Press Ltd. In preparing a submis­ demands. Several public eager little minds lighted tenance allowance: sion to the Federal Treas­ prose that is reministeristic. who as printers were also service organisations have upon THE GAS LASH', + exemption of non- urer, Mr. Harold Holt, adopted similar policies. by Martin Sharp. liable to prosecution. bonded scholarships National Union consulted Committees will be set the firm of Greenwood, up at each University to This charmingly simple from income tax; Challoner & Co., Chartered + exemption of de- pressure Federal Politicians tale told of a fresher's Accountants of Sydney. especially during June and night out and how the in­ pendent students Their report points out July. fluence of alcohol and that there is no encourage­ A booklet outlining blood-pressure he came to ment or concession at all National Union's case is for the self-supporting being prepared and will be B. messy end. student. This is unfair, available on March 27th. I^^o, I don't thihk particularly to full-time Students may be able to It was,' in fact, a parable: Princess Eolita students without parental obtain further concessions a moral warning for his would be a nice assistance. under existing legislation. fellow students. In his in­ Not only do these stu­ This will be tested with nocent and self-less desire name for the dents have to provide for this year's tax returns. to save others from the baby path of degradation that he himself had fdlowed he "EDUCATION" was, like many reformers before, the victim of pre­ Queensland's proposals for the judice and official jealousy. NationaPs Unlon^s Education Reform Campaign were accepted as the basis Some have refused to de­ for a Nation-wide drive in 1964. Local fend the story on the Education Officer, Mr. Colin C. Bird, ;grounds that it is not liter­ ature, like Lolita. While it reported this on his return from Mel­ is true that the author's bourne last week. •grammar and expression leave a great deal to be The most import­ ables' which calls for desired he has told his ant feature of the ar\ inquiry Into pri-> :story in his own words. As Queensland plan is mary, secondary and ;8Uch it has a rustic majesty the 'Petition of Not­ technical education. .about it. (Cont'd, p. •3) SEMPER FLOREAT. TUESDAY, MARCH H. 1964 tPAGE 2 where the bee sucks . ... SEMPER Dear Sir, purpose — surely the Union does If- the ultimate ground of the FLOREAT Universe is such as Christians Mr. A. Whytemann Is obviously not pay for useless verbiage) In this little foray Into allegory were: claim. If God has revealed Him­ one of thoHC who. to use his own self supremely In Jeaua Christ, if wordK, "do not cure for Afllim.s". 1. To show that the Union does a lot of muddling and gets no­ He was more than mere man, if Any normally HUUC person would He died for the sins of. men and havG noticed thiit tlicrc i.i abso­ where fast. Bttemt 2. To poke an avant-garde finger raised victorious over death — lutely no connection b«*t%vecn Asian perhaps the writer would laugh aludcnts and tlie Aii.itrullan coin­ at thc fact that God may not be above criticism, after all. and say, "But that is a big 'if" The Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, has shown a age syHtctn. However, .Mr. A. —then ijien^ ought to respond to Whytenutmi taolH it ffhw iiim 3. To make some people sit up cavalier attitude towards the educational feqmrements of and ta,5te notice. At least two this God in f&itfr- and obedience. Australia. This can be seen from a reading of the Parliamentary sufficient ground to voice liis dl.s- The very greatness of thc issues .approval of Asian students, groups will be involved, Ivz. those debates. On one occasion, in reply to a question by the leader who accept that Council is Coun­ Involved demands that this re- i WHY? cil, and trying to be Avorthy of cclves proper considoration. Chris- \ of the Opposition, Mr. A. A. CaMl, who had asked for a Yours faitlifiilly, the honour; tians do not despise those who ' Commission of Inquiry into all levels of education in Austraha, A.N'ASIAN and secondly, those who know really seek the truth, nor Ih fact j the Prime Minister replied that he had been asked that that God Is God, and don't like do wc dcsplso your writer oa a j to .sec his name used In some­ person (even if he had come out question twice before and on both occasions he had said no. He what infantile attcmpt.s to com­ into the Ifght with his name). saw no reason for changing his mind. mand attention. Rather we are genuinely disturbed 4. And (I am not sure of this) that he can pass off as non­ squash to make the point that the bard existent and worthy of nothing This sounded very grand and amusing at the time and the holds himself above authority — more thah ridicule wliat la be­ Prime Minister doubtless resumed his seat with a feeling ot Dear Sir, except, po.ssibly. that he is limited yond his patient examination aild quite outside his experience. self-confidence. His confidence was shattered four months later Semper 2/3/6-1 carries an adver­ by the scope of hia own unit. Y'ours sincerely, when Mr. Calwell's election promises forced hjm to make some tisement re Toowons .Squash A couple ot queries: Courts, .Students are Invited to Peter J. Rhickbnrn, haphazard reforms. One of these was a number of Coinmonwealth AVliy i.s a blue ink Mot uscil to President, Evangelical Union. "get thc benefits of health giving represent notlilnp? {or i.s tiiLs, Scholarships to-Secondary Schools Students. It was thought exerclHc". perliap.s, the colour of tiic wit (Mr. Blackburn's letter is typ­ that these would be introduced for students m 1964. They will ical of the conceit of Christians. However, the priccH charged by implied in lines and drawing.s?) not commence till 1965. Squa.sh Courts are completely be­ The author of the 'IJttle Golden Since wlien <]i(l thc IJnlveif^lty Book of God' is a personal friend yond the reach of the Student's exclude Clilnanicn ? budRct, These courts arc largely of mine and I know him to be Everyone .who has road 'Semper' an ardent believer. He Is in fact, Another of the Prime Minister's promises was a grant of deserted during the day. It would will realise that dogs will soon be be advantageous to the Squash a worshipper of the Lord God iSm. for science facilities. This amount seems to have been tolerated, even If not admitted. Dionysus.—Ed.) Courts and the .Students to apply In conclusion. Mr. Editor, may pulled out of a hat for it bears no relation to present needs or to a liberal conce.s.sion rate, .Squash I suggest that the filter with the Commonwealth's ability to pay. Is an excellent game for .itudonta which you select articles for thc who arc rarely able to participate Union newspaper may be a grade bad In organised Bport. too coarse ? Dear Sir, But it is typical of the Government's attitude of leaving It is a pity that we do not "get Yuiir.s faiUifuIly, On first appraisal of (Unionist's things to chance, of patching up here and there when things go tho benefits of health giving ex­ Newmarket) letter, I thought he wrong and, most of all, of not marshalling the nation's resources ercise" because of these exorbit­ I'ctcr de Jersey was joking.
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