February 1 1, 1937 5c a copy THE WITNESS SAMUEL PROVOOST Consecrated Bishop of New York, 1787 THE FIRST NUMBER OF LENT Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS BARNWELL, CARLETON, rector of St. Paul’s, Lynchburg, Va., is in Florida on advice of his physicians. tHife G&emml ©ijeolagtcal CLADERA, ESTEBAN, and ALORDA, BAR­ SAINT MARY’S HALL TOLOMÉ, formerly priests of the Roman Protestant Episcopal school for girls. I Catholic Church, were received into our 70th year. Junior and Senior High I ministry on January 20th by Bishop Stevens School. Accredited college preparatory! Three - year undergraduate of Los Angeles. They are working with and comprehensive general courses.! Spanish speaking people under the direction Junior College. Beautiful new build-1 ceurse of prescribed and elective of the City Mission Society. ings, modernly equipped. Gymnasium! study. COX, OLIVER C., has resigned as rector of and outdoor sports. Catalog. St. Paul’s, New Smyria, Florida, to accept Fourth-year course for gradu­ the rectorship of St. John’s, Decatur, Ala­ ates, offering larger opportunity bama. Katharine Caley, A.B., Headmistress I for specialization. HINES, JOHN, formerly rector of Trinity, Box W _______________ Faribault, M in n .! Hannabal, Mo., has accepted the rectorship Provision for more advanced of St. Paul’s, Augusta, Georgia. I work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. KELL, ROBERT C., is no longer on the staff and Th.D. of St. Michael and All Angels, Baltimore, Maryland. SHATTUCK ADDRESS LUND, G. C.. assistant at Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford, Conn., has accepted » » SCHOOL « « THE DEAN the rectorship of St. Mark’s, Adams, Mass. A church school for boys, with high stand­ 1 Chelsea Square New York City MARSHALL, FREDERICK, rector of the Epiphany, Dorchester, Mass., has been ill ing in sound scholarship and development of manly character and Christian citizenship. For Catalogue Address the Dean and under treatment in a hospital but re­ turned for the anniversary service of his College preparatory. Military system. 18 parish on January 31st. buildings. All sports. 75th yr. Catalog. ORVIS, ROBERT W., was ordained priest Address the Rector, Box W January 31 by Bishop Stevens. He is as­ Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. Episcopal Theological School sistant at St. John’s, Los Angeles. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS PORTER, LIVINGSTONE, was ordained Affiliated with Harvard University offers priest by Bishop Stevens on February 2 at unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as St. Mark’s, Pasadena, Calif. Mr. Porter is philosophy, psychology, history, to continue teaching. sociology, etc.. WARMELING, KARL, assistant at Grace Ministers, Prepare for For Catalogue Address the Dean Church, Orange, N. J., is now the rector of Grace Church, Union City, N. J. Advancement! The Protestant Episcopal WEARY, EDWIN, has resigned as vicar of CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, (Estab. 1896) St. John’s, West Los Angeles, because of will enable you to complete your college Theological Seminary in Virginia illness. course by correspondence. Address Central University, Dept. S., Irvington, Indian­ For Catalogue and other information apolis, Indiana. address the Dean REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. SECOND THOUGHTS Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. V y A L T E R MITCHELL, the Bishop o f Ari- ’’ ' zona: Now that the season for diocesan conventions is upon us and deputies to Gen­ KEMPER HALL B erkeley eral Convention are to be elected,' this is a College Preparatory and General Courses good time to raise the question, Who Should Graduates have won entrance scholarships to Divinity School Be Elected to General Convention ? It be­ Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Vassar, Mount Holy­ New Haven, Connecticut comes a pressing one in the ligHi? faf the sup­ port of our missionary work thrp&ghout the oke, Barnard, Mills and Rockford^ colleges. Affiliated with Yale University Music, Art, Dramatics, Domestic Science. All Church. It would seem that any.«'Christian sports. Junior School. Tuition and board $850. Address DEAN W. P.LADD would agree that the extension of 'the King­ 86 Sachem Street dom through the Church is the first and fore­ Address: most business of the Church. If so, then only THE SISTERS OF ST. MARY men, clerical and lay, who have made that TRINITY COLLEGE the chief thing in their own lives, should be Box W.T. Kenosha, Wisconsin Hartford, Conn. selected to express the will of the Church on Offers a general cultural education, with this “ first thing” for the next three years. special emphasis on the Classics, Modern That is not what has been done in the past CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL by any means. Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ New York City osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, The clerical deputy from another domestic Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering. missionary district to the last General Con­ A boarding school for the forty boys of vention told me that he found himself living For information apply, The Dean. the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John the in the same hotel with quite a number of Divine. Careful musical training and daily clerical deputies from dioceses, who frankly singing at the cathedral services. Small said that they were there to see to it that no classes mean individual attention and high amount should be voted for the support of the standards. The School has its own building general work of the Church as would en­ and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $300.00 danger either their own salaries or the finan­ per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice p H N cial integrity of their parishes. He added that test and scholarship examination. Address Fully accredited. Prepares ; for college or he took the trouble to find out that their The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School, business. Able faculty. Small classes. Super­ salaries ran from $5,000 up to $8,000 per Cathedral Heights, New York City. vised study. Lower school fbr small boys year. It is not at all unusual to find clergy, in new separate building.; Housemother. with salaries like that, who, during the de­ R. O. T. C. Fireproof buildings. Inside pression opposed any cuts in their salaries but swimming pool. All athleties. Best health who, at the same time, have cut and cut resort. Catalog 38th year. Dr. J. J. Wicker, their quotas almost to the vanishing point. HOLDERNESS Pres., Box B, Fork Union, Virginia. Not only are such clergy frequently honored by being sent to General Convention and In the ¡White Mountains. College Preparatory Synod; they are also frequently honored by and Geagral Courses. Music and Crafts. For being put on the most important committees boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 Virginia Episcopal School of the diocese. That is not the worst of it. acres of' woods. New fireproof building. In­ dividual attention. Home atmosphere. Lynchburg, Virginia Some years ago it was my privilege to lead a three-day conference of as fine a body of Prepares boys for colleges and university. laymen as this Church affords. No other or­ Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector Splendid environment and excellent corps of dained man was there except the clergyman Box W Plymouth, N. H. teachers. High standard in scholarship and who had organized the conference. We were athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in having a heart to heart discussion, getting the mountains of Virginia. right down to bed rock. Those men were in For catalogue apply to dead earnest about spiritual things, anxious Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector to see the Church measure up to her best. They were not bitter about the kind of leader­ ship their clergy, in many cases, were giving them but they were certainly hurt and grieved Confirmation Instructions about it. “ Why, do you know,” said one man, #iuari Hall “ my rector has told me he does not want me An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old By Bishop Johnson traditions and high stapdards in the beau­ A revised edition of these famous in­ to he interested in anything outside the par­ ish.” I replied, “ Well, I’ll bet there is not tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ structions, with several additional chap­ tory, general courses, and secretarial ters on the history of the Church. another bird like that in the whole Church” and I believed it. I was not at all prepared courses. Two years beyond high school. 50c for single copies to have a dozen or so jump up and say, in Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ $4 for a dozen copies effect, “ My rector has told me that too.’’ ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. We might as well face the fact that one New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ THE WITNESS ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue Chicago of the very greatest obstacles to the extension of the Kingdom through the Church is to be Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. (Continued on page 15) Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuseI and publication. Editor Irving P. Johnson Associate Editors Managing Editor T T 77' T "X 7 T X T TT Q , C! Frank E. W ilson W illiam B. Spofford A r i E j VV A A AM A / u u jamesp. dewolfe Literary Editor Gardiner M. Day A National Paper of the Episcopal Church R obert P. Kreitler Voi. XXI. No. 20. FEBRUARY 11, 1937 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year ; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy.
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