VOLUME 113.?N0. 120. thf <m^cl\\ SUNDAY, MAKCH 30, 1913. from went TELEGRAPHIC Mann. B. C; Br stair Frankmeont, from Norfolk. Helena for Rainier, and there the for Honolulu. down to sea with lumber for California. POINT LOBOS March 28, 10 p. m.?Weatker /Va.. rtmr Steamer Westerner, Captain Kelly, has cleared thick; wind W: velocity 10 miles am hoar. PUNTA ARENAS ?Passed March 23? Br for San Francisco with 520,000 feet of lnmber. WEATHER REPORTS Historian, from Liverpool for San Francisco. TATOOSH, m.?Raining: BEACHY Passed March 28? Br W*p: Laden with lumber for southern California, March 29, 9 a. wlad HEAD? Ipswich. IN ALL steamer Klamatb. sailed from St. Helens this SW; velocity 22 miles an hour. Altalr, from Portland for OF VESSELS Owwbm, MOVEMENTS PARTS WORLD 28? Br ship SIBERIA OFF OF m.?rocgy: March IS POINT 29, 8 a. DUBLIN?ArrITed afternoon. REYES. March Steamer Johin Poolsen Balled for California wind NW; velocity 4 mile* an hour. from Portland. from Oak point today. POINT LOBOS, March 29. 9 a. m.? Thick! GLASGOW ?Sailed Marc* 28? Br *tmr Crown orient and the wind W; velocity 6 miles an hour. of Galicia, for San TrancUco. Laden with lumber for the ? Br Koe- antipodes, the Japanese left FARALLONES, March 29, 8 a. m.? rofgy; LIVERPOOL? March » stmr two xtramera in port mun, for Seattle and Pnget sound porta. down today for tbe sea. Koju Mini, Captain wind NW; velocity 4 axV.ee an hour. stmr FOR THE ORIENT Cowing, sailed at 0 o'clock thle morning from POINT LOBOS, March 29, 12 m.?Talc*; wind TOPOLOBAMPO?SaiIed March 25?N«r Jaeon, for Santa Rosalia. Unnton with 4,000.000 feet of lumber Talued at W; velocity 6 miles an hour. Rowona, $45,000 for Newcastle, rla Honolulu, for bunkers, NORTH HEAD, March 29, 12 nu?Light rain; CARRIZAL?SaiIed Feb. 25? Br ship Mam, Captain Matsushlma, g; velocity for B. C. and Senju left Linn- wind 18 miles an hoar. Victoria. 29? Stmr Tamplco, Has Few Passengers for Far ton at noon for Shanghai with 8,190,781 feet of POINT REYES, March 29, 12 m.?l"ocgy; wiad VICTORIA?Arrived March lumber Talued at $38,105. She ia under charter NW; velocity 9 relies an hour. hence March 20. East, But Will Pick Up to the China Import and Export Lumber com- DOMESTIC PORTS SHANGHAI?Arrived March 2S?Nor star Ar- pany, and Koju is chartered by Daviea & Fehon. MENDOCINO?SaiIed March 29, 4 p. Uniis, from Seattle and Astoria. There will be a fleet of 13 coasters in port to- Noyo, for San Francisco. More at Honolulu morrow from California. FORT BRAGG?Sailed March 29, 4:80 p. m.? Memoranda There are five steamers in today, these being Stmr James S. Hlggins, for Redoodo Beach; stmr BHATTLB. March 29.?Ship Acrno, prrrlowW Coaster, Nehalem, Paralso, Shasta and Carlos, National City, for MendoclnO. reported, mi floated at 1 p. m. today, apparently Steamers Report and steamer Olympic arrired tonight. Those to Arrived March 29?Stmr National City, b>nc« undamaged. Stmr State of Washington raa Into Movements of WIRELESS REPORTS Weather follow will be tanker Oleum. Breakwater, Tamal- March 28. the sound stmr Daring at Oolman dock at noon: Liner Carries a Large Cargo pale, J. B. Stetson, Roanoke, tanker Chanalor RAYMOND?Arrived March 29?fftmr Doris, stove In upper works on port side of Daring. TO ARRIVE FROM SHIPS AT SEA United State* Department of Arrieultare ? and Standard oil barge No. t>;., all due to- hence March 2«. SEATTLE, March 29.?Ship Acme, In tew thi* Weather Burean, March 29, morrow. SOrTH BEND?Arrived March 28, 11:80 a, m. Smiths coy* and Has Shipment of Bul- From I Date San Francisco, 1818. mornlaf in the harbor, drifted on ASTORIA, March 29. ?Steamer Sagloaw sailed Stmr Doris, hence March 26. flats In heavy wind; tags deny reesel Is aground: Portland & Astoria [Northland Mar. MARCONI WIRELESS RAINFALL DATA today for San I'eUro with a cargo of lumber, i SAN PEDKO?Arrived March 29?Btmr Tale, tide receding and will not float until high water: lion Worth $500,000 flamboldt F. A. Kilburn...fMar. Steamers Coaster arrlred , this hence March 28; stmr laqua, hence March 27; no danger; soft bottom. Bktn T. P. Emlgh left These reporta are received directly ri CO 55 w Nehalem and blowing uvnoa via Caleta Buena'Sisak M»r. ft, 9 morning at San Francisco and will load lum- stmr Alcatras, from Greenwood; atmr Katherlne, in tow for Tacoma; forced to return; Seattle Direct President Mar.Ear. from the Pacific coant station* of the ber for return cargoes. from Eureka. hard. roruand & Astoria Roee City Mar. STATIONS British ship Crown of India, with a cargo of Sailed March 29?Stars State of California and The Pacific Mail liner Siberia. Cap- Mar. SlarcOni Wlreleaa companyt is oi «s Yale, for San Diego; Saata Barbara Transport Mendocino & Shel. Cove *ea Foam .. \u25a0 £ ?2. iff grain for tbe United Kingdom, has arrlTed down stmrs Bear. Berrfe* Zeeder, yesterday for Loe Angeles Bear |Mar. Friday, March 28. <» tbe rirer and will sail as the weather and Slsiklyou, for San Francisco. tain A. sailed M«r. ? i r- so soon 7:80 p. m.? The Crook Is in port. far China & Japan Manchuria STEAMEB Honolulu for : : ? 2io conditions will permit. ABERDEEN?Arrived March 28, Honolulu and the east. The liner SVatson Mar.ar. WILHELMINA?From I Jahnsen, Schr West, from Valparaiso. March The Logan is in port. Seattle & Tacoma [ax. San Francisco; p. m., 1.275 mile* from light- When steamer Klamath, Captain Edward R. The for Manila, carried a full cargo, including a ship- San Diego & Los Ang..jState of Cal Mar. 8 Eureka 0.09 S3.23 38.16 29.51 sails from St. Helens for Ran Franelseo, it will 29, 2 p. in.?Stmr Fair Oaks, hence March 27. Thomas, from San Frmaefaw Clara Mar. ship; light northeast wind; smooth sea; weather Red Bluff... 0.00 15.54 21.18 12.04 COOS BAY?Sailed March 29?Stmr Break- sailed from Honolulu March 23. ment of gold bullion valued Loe Angeles & Way Pte Janta !>iar. fine and clear; all well. have In tow new steamer Merced, which will The Buford is in port. and silver & Loe Ang.. i'ale Mar.Mar- Sacramento 0.00 e.84 18.78 6.30 to bay city machinery in- water, for Astoria. majority of pas- San Die»ro for Mt. Tamalpals......... be taken the to have m.? The Sheridan Is in port. at $500,000. The the Port AlWn Hyadee Mar. STEAMER BIEHRA?Hence March 25 Hono- 0.02 18.86 19.81 14.16 stalled. Practically all the wood work to the PORT SAN LOS?Arrived March 29, 2 a. Seattle, at H- I^ffgett.. Apr. lulu; 8 p. m. 1,193 miles off San Francisco; San Francisco 0.00 10.71 I\u03b2. 33 10.40 Stmr Lansing, from Juneau; 2 p. m., bktn Fnl- The Dlx. from Manila for arrived sengers were for Honolulu and at Hon- Tacoma £ Apr. * craft was completed at St. Helens yards. By Honolulu March Grays Harbor Norwood Apr. light northeast wind; sea smooth: weather fine San Joee 0.00 B.19 14.48 7.47 the latter part of May Merced is expected to lerton. In tow tug Dauntless, hence March 28. 20. olulu 16 passengers for the orient will Multnomah Apr. and clear; 30.40; temperature 63. ireeno 0.00 4.84 8.17 5.07 2», 6 p. m.?Stmr Lansing, for The Sherman sailed from Manila for Baa rraa- Portland & Astoria barometer be ready to go in regular serrlce between here Sailed March ciaco on March 15. Join the liner. Among those who will Humboldt Oity of Topeka. Apr. STEAMER NOBTHLANIX?From Portland for Independence ....." 0.00 3.83 8.OB 1.42 and San Francisco In the freight and passenger ; to nail 10 p. m. bktn Fullertoo, la tow Ix>e Aogelee ««nta Barbara. Apr. Pan Francisco; H p. m., 15 miles south of Cape San Luis Obltpo!!! o.oo 7.16 17.89 12.79 trade. tug Dauntless, for San Francisco. join the Siberia at Honolulu will be Wilhelmina Apr. Lo» Angelee 0.00 13.82 9.82 TATOOSn?Passed March 29, 12:80 p. ra.? Otl for the Orteirt Honolulu Apr. Blanco. Diego 12.44 Schooner Camlno, with lnmber for Antofagasta. George TV. Wickersham, former at- Plsana Aithtabula San 0.00 5.71 8.76 7.78 will arrive down the rirer this evening, and Stmr Tallac, hence March 26 for Tacoma. March Th* O*raaan tank steamer Beffal* sxlkfsl fM ITrlnculo [Apr.|Apr. STEAMER J. A. CHASTSLOR? From Monterey for m.?Stmr Asuncion, from Vancouver Woeeunf, for orders, resterday, with 5.020,000 torney the United States, Balboa barkentlne Amaranth, with lumber for Val- 28 7:40 p. general of Vanguard |Apr.Apr. Portland; 8 p. m., 216 milM south of Columbia PACIFIC COAST STATIONS Sunday Francisco; 6:40 a. m., stmr Maverick, gallons of refined petroleum, valued at 9181,400, HumboMt Apr. I\u03b2 paraiso, will arrire down rlrer morn- for San and Mrs. Wickersham. 6,464 Loe Angeles direct Harvard Apr. river. the following tables tbe maximum and mini- injr. from Astoria for Seattle; 5:40 p. m., itmr Presi- The Siberia's cargo included Fort Bragg Arctic .... Apr. STEAMER ROMA?From Esqntmalt for Pert Ban nmm temperatures and rainfall are given: Japanese steamers Koju Mara and Benjn Mara dent, from Seattle for San Frandeco. bales of raw cotton, 4,000 sacks of flour Humboldt North Fork ..
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