© source: Wellcome Library, London MARCH 12 & 13, 2015 BUILDING AMPHIMAX, ROOM 414, UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE G l o B a li z a ti o n o f m e d i c i n e and puBlic health ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PERSPECTIVES (1850-2000) The objective of this conference is to contribute to a better understanding of the driving forces behind the globalization of medicine and public health since the mid - 19th century. In the last twenty years historiography has consistently progressed on the cultural and social dimensions and consequences of Western medicine in colonial Africa, Asia and in Latin America (imperial medicine). The aim of our conference is to consolidate existing critical analyses of the emergence of global medicine and explore new research avenues. To do so we will gather scholars of economic and business history, global history, history of medicine, history of public and international health and study a wide variety of countries and regions. For more information: www.unil.ch/globalisationpublichealth Organizers : Sanjoy Bhattacharya (University of York), Thomas David (University of Lausanne, EPFL) Pierre-Yves Donzé (Kyoto University), Davide Rodogno (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) This event is supported by : Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (SSP) PROGRAM, DAY 1 Globalization of medicine and public health - Economic and social perspectives (1850-2000) THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 9H00-10H45 FIRST PANEL: “BROADER PERSPECTIVES ON GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH” (Chair: Vincent Barras, University of Lausanne, Switzerland) 9H00-9H20 Private Philanthropy and Global Health (A Priori)ties : WHOse big deal? Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada 9H20-9H40 Some Reflection On Smallpox Eradication Programme Erez Manela, Harvard University, U.S.A 9H40-10H00 Pharmaceuticals In A Global Periphery Nitsan Chorev, Brown University, U.S.A. 10H00-10H45 Comments and discussion 11H00-12H45 SECOND PANEL : “GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR : NON-WESTERN VISIONS” (Chair : Jessica Reinisch, University of London, U.K.) 11H00-11H20 The Convoluted Negotiations of International Health in Portuguese India : Portugal and the South East Asia Regional Office Monica Saavedra, Centre for Global Health Histories, University of York, U.K. 11H20-11H40 Between Tropical Medicine and International Health : the African Regional Office of the World Health Organization, c. 1950s Marcos Cueto, Casa De Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Brazil. 11H40-12H00 The WHO in Metropolitan Fantasies : Historical Events or Historiographical Tyranny? Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Centre for Global Health Histories, University of York, UK 12H00-12H45 Comments and discussion 14H00-15H45 THIRD PANEL : “INTERESTS : SCIENTIFIC, PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS” (Chair : Pierre-Yves Donzé, University of Kyoto, Japan.) 14H00-14H20 Pharmaceutical Geographies : Mapping the Limits of the Therapeutic Revolution Jeremy Greene, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, U.S.A. 14H20-14H40 Global Business History of The Vaccine Industry Julia Sallé Yongue, Hosei University, Faculty of Economics, Japan. 14H40-15H00 The Global Botanical Roots of the Soviet Pharmaceutical Industry : The Case of Quinine Johanna Conterio, University of London, U.K. 15H00-15H45 COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION 16H00-18H00 FOURTH PANEL : “ACTORS AND NETWORKS” (Chair : Anne-Emanuelle Birn, University of Toronto, Canada) 16H00-16H20 Fellowships in Public Health During the 20th Century Thomas David, University of Lausanne and Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. Davide Rodogno, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland. 16H20-16H40 Running Rockefeller Men Out of Algeria in 1925 Clifford Rosenberg, City College of New York, Graduate Centre, U.S.A. 16H40-17H00 Globalising Social Medicine in the Cold War Era : The Rockefeller Foundation’s Health Care Experiments Paul Weindling, Oxford Brookes University, U.K. 17H00-17H40 COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION 2/3 PROGRAM, DAY 2 Globalization of medicine and public health - Economic and social perspectives (1850-2000) FRIDAY MARCH 13, 2015 9H00-10H40 FIFTH PANEL : “DIFFUSION AND MODELS” (Chair : Erez Manela, Harvard University, U.S.A.) 9H00-9H20 The World Health Organisation and the Genesis of The Malaria Eradication Program Thomas Zimmer, University of Freiburg, Germany 9H20-9H40 The Business of Hospital Construction in Emerging Countries Pierre-Yves Donzé, University of Kyoto, Japan 9H40-10H00 Making Health Comparable : WHO’s Engagement in Setting Standards for Health Statistics Yi-Tang Lin, University of Lausanne, Switzerland 10H00-10H40 COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION 11H00-12H40 SIXTH PANEL : “ THE WORLD AS A LABORATORY” (Chair : Jeremy Greene, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, U.S.A.) 11H00-11H20 “Just what the doctor ordered” : Marketing the Contraceptive Pill in Europe and the US (1960s-1970s). Agata Ignaciuk, University of Granada, Spain 11H20-11H40 The Globalization of Vaccine Trials : Networks and Rivalries in Live Poliovirus Vaccine Development. Dora Vargha, University of London, U.K. 11H40-12H00 The International, Regional and Colonial Politics of Nutrition in Fiji 1945-1965 Sarah Hartley, Centre for Global Health Histories, University of York, U.K. 12H00-12H40 Comments and discussion 14H15-16H00 ROUND TABLE : PRACTITIONERS FEEDBACKS ON A SCHOLARLY WORKSHOP < Direction Genève/Berne la Mèbre Géopolis University of Lausanne campus IDHEAP Archives Quartier Route de Chavannes Cantonales Ferme de Mouline la Mouline Direction Lausanne-Sud > Les commerces BUD • Au Fin Bec − Alimentation Route de la Chamberonne • Coif'où − Coiffure • Librairie Basta! − Librairie Rou te • Méditerranée − Alimentation de la Gran la ge Ch • Papéterie Ennas − Papeterie am be Grange ronne • STA Travel − Agence de voyage Amphimax, Grange room 414 de Dorigny UNIL-EPFL Ferme L'Anthropole de Dorigny Château Route de la Sorge de Dorigny la Sorge Direction Lausanne/Flon > Bergerie e èqu Quartier Dorigny Bus 2, 30 ith Un L' L 'U n ic e Maison n t Rose Dorigny Serres r e L'Internef 57, 33 TPM 5 Rte de la Sorge Sorge L'Extranef enne ISDC idi ér L'Amphipôle m La Quartier Centre Le Cubotron L'Amphimax Allée de Dorigny Avenue du Chablais Avenue Forel Avenue Le Biophore Accueil UNIL _ 021 692 11 11 Parking horodateurs 57, 33 Quartier Sorge Bus 30 TPM 5 Parking abonnés Parking autorisations spéciales Football Parking Accès plain-pied Le Batochime TAXI Taxis Métro Le Génopode SOS 2 Stade 2 Espace livraisons Bus Vestiaires Info livraisons Banque extérieurs Route Cantonale Villa des Sports Parc du Cafétéria Poste SOS 1 Quartier Lac Beach Tennis Bourget Restaurant Mobility Volley Bus 30 Centre Kiosque Vélos libre service nautique Piste finlandaise Théâtre Bureau du stationnement Bibliothèque Infirmerie Lac Léman Garderie Polychinelle Polykids < Direction Morges/Genève 0 100 m 200 m Bornes Campus Card FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES SOCIALES ET POLITIQUES Université de Lausanne | Bâtiment Géopolis | CH-1015 Lausanne Tél. ++41 (0)21 692 31 20 | Fax. ++41 (0)21 692 31 15 | www.unil.ch/ssp 3/3.
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